Pizza Boy at the Door Ch. 03

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Josh gets a special visitor and a special surprise
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Part 3 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 12/04/2013
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8===> Josh gets a special visitor and a special surprise

I was only scheduled for a short shift during the Friday night rush and thanks to not having any spare cash, decided to just veg in my dorm room for the night. Ryan had gone home for the weekend and by 10PM, everybody else on the floor was either on dates, at a party somewhere on campus, or out clubbing and the place was like a tomb. Didn't bother me though and I stripped down to my boxers, cranked up the stereo, and started sorting thru the porn mags that Cody had loaned me. Figured a little private time between me and my right hand could be enjoyed without concern for somebody banging on the door wanting help with homework or to borrow notes from a class and interrupting me. I decided on an issue of 'Freshman' and tossed the others to the floor.

After spending several minutes checking out the hot centerfold and another photo spread, I flipped over to the feature story of the month and by the time I was halfway thru reading about a guy's first time while camping out with his best friend from high school, my boxers were being stretched to the max. My right hand automatically slipped down inside them to squeeze the hardness as I used the left hand to turn the page. I rubbed my thumb across my knob and then brought the pre on it it to my lips, fantasizing that I was in the story. I had just wiggled out of the restraining underwear and was taking the first good strokes when my mind was snapped back to reality with a loud knock at the door! A strangely familiar voice called from behind it: "Josh! You home dude?"

'Bad fucking timing asshole,' was my first thought; but I didn't say it. Then the similarity of the voice made me think of my best bud all thru high school...but he was nearly 200 miles across state going to community college near our home town. His brother was a senior and lived at one of the frats here, but I rarely saw Tom after he helped get me in the door at the pizza shop. Rob and I had only talked once since I came to college and it was sad to admit, between the new friends I was making and the new life I had discovered and was slowly letting come out, I hadn't thought much about him lately. The rapid fire memories I was suddenly having were pierced once again by the voice.

"Come on Josh. I know you aint got no pussy in there so answer the damn door!"

I grabbed the boxers from the floor and kicked the magazines under the bed as I pulled them on. Stumbling to the door while trying to get them up around my hard dick, I wondered if there was any possibility that it could be Rob? My cock was only half soft in my shorts as I opened the door an couple inches to see my old friend standing there with a giant grin on his face. "Took ya long enough buttwipe. Have to hide the bong...or the smut and cum towel?"

A set of pearly white teeth grinned at me as I yanked the door the rest of the way open and yelled, "ROB! What the hell are you doing on my doorstep?" as we did the buddy hug. For obvious reasons, I made sure I kept my still semi-bulged box from smacking him in the crotch.

"I was tired of hanging in Dullsville all the time and told Mom & Dad I was coming over to spend the weekend with Tom and check on transferring next fall. He's got some piece of ass moved in for the weekend and I figured you were my next stop before I have to sleep in my car." He raised his hand and continued, "I can offer this 12 pack as payment for a chunk of floor space."

"Well hell yeah! Welcome to Josh's Motel," I teased and laughingly added, "We take gas, grass, beer, or ass for payment." It zapped thru my mind how much I would like to be paid in the last one more than anything else. We had hung together all thru high school; double dated; done the long hikes and camp out thing; and lied to each other constantly about our non-existent sex lives. Other than skinny dipping together in our farm pond, nothing even remotely sexual had ever happened between much as I thought about it when pounding my pud later when we were apart.

Rob shoved my lap top to the side and dropped the beer on my study desk. He planted his fine ass in the chair beside it. Ripping open the light cardboard wrapping, he pulled two out, flipped the tab on each, and said "Cheers dude," as he handed one to me.

After repeating the toast back, I pressed the cold brew to my lips and looked over the rim of it to realize how good my long time buddy looked. My wilted cock began to twitch again and I shifted it in my boxers as I said "Make yourself at home, Rob, while I dig out some smoke to go along with the beer."

"Cool dude," was his only response as he kicked off his shoes and yanked his shirt over his head, but leaving his well packed jeans on. I stayed in my boxers but had to fight my cock constantly as I admired him. The toned chest and six pack of the upper torso Rob revealed, was even better than I remembered. It didn't help any either, that his tight jeans showed off a nice butt and the thick thighs of his long legs. Those high school years of running track and cross country had paid off for him.

Over the next couple of hours, we played catch up while working our way thru better than half of the 12 pack he had brought and the two joints I had left. By 1AM we were both laughing our asses off at every little story and feeling no pain. It was just like we had picked up where we left off more than three months earlier when I left for school. I had always felt comfortable when I was with Rob, and even more so tonight. He had moved to the floor earlier and I was stretched out on my bed while we talked. We managed to pull one more hit each out of the last roach, and my cock sprang to attention again when Rob sat up and leaned into my face to fire me a shotgun. His lips stayed pressed to mine just long enough for my altered state of mind to imagine all sorts of things.

Rob suddenly popped to his feet and said, "I gotta hit the john and drain all that beer," and stumbled out the door to the shared toilet at the end of the hall.

My mind was racing while he was gone at the feelings from having his face against mine...our lips touching for as long as they did...even though it had been nothing more than sharing weed. "Da~damn does he make me horny!" I uttered to the ceiling.

Rob was back quickly and I rolled off the bed and announced "Thanks buddy. You put the thought in my mind and now I have to go piss too." I somehow navigated my way out the door trying to walk while being totally fucked up. Standing alone in the bathroom with my cock in my hand let the thoughts of my well built friend back in the room take over. I closed my eyes and visualized his half naked body and started stroking myself after I squeezed the last drop of piss into the bowl. As much as I wanted to get off right then, I also didn't want to waste the fantasy I was having on a quickie. Even so, I still took the time to reach down and play with my heavy balls and take a few more enjoyable strokes before pulling my boxers back up and trying to will down my once again present hard on. It was still tenting them when I pushed open my room door, but it wilted immediately when I saw Rob sitting on the floor backed up against the bed...with one of the porn magazines in his to the centerfold!

"Interesting smut, dude," was all he said before closing it and tossing it to the side. I was frozen in my tracks; blushing and unable to find any words that seemed as a way to explain the stash he obviously discovered. Rob looked up from the floor and saved me with, "It's all cool man...everybody goes thru an experiment stage. Hell that's half of what college is all about, isn't it? Chill out's not like you are gonna tell me you are doing drag on weekends or anything...right?"

Wanting to hide my embarrassment, I said "Hell no. Nothing that weird." Deciding that darkness would help mask my red face and also shift the conversation, I flipped off the light and the room was bathed with the soft flickering glow of the scented candle we had lit to mask the pot. I totally ignored his comment otherwise; flopped onto the bed again; and tried to change the subject with, "We are so wasted dude. You ready to crash?"

"Big time buddy," was his short reply. I tried not to stare as he stood up and peeled off his tight jeans and tossed them to the desk chair, but had to stifle a gasp as I noticed the two round globes of a perfect ass in his white briefs. He turned and said "I guess I get treated like the family dog tonight and have to sleep on the floor..." and then very nonchalantly added, "...unless two of us can fit in that bed." It was more of a question than a joke.

I purposely kept my eyes well above his waist as I answered, "Wherever you want. Never tried two in this bed, but think you might fit." I moved myself as close to the back edge as I could...hoping that would help him make his choice.

"Well, I would rather chance you having a wet dream on my back than ending up with a sore back from that hard floor." He teased me with an exaggerated butt wiggle as he sat down, and then flipped his long legs up beside mine. Just as he positioned his hard body only a an inch or two away from me, he added one other tease of "Be gentle...I'm still a virgin." If my mind wasn't already rushing, Rob caused some serious fantasy flashbacks with one more also. "This isn't any worse than all those nights we shared a bed during sleepovers in high school."

'Yeah...all those nights when I had the chance to whack off in the shower before getting into a bed with you,' was the unsaid reply that went thru my mind. As my dick began to grow, I was wishing that I had finished up the quickie I had started in the bathroom a few minutes earlier.

"Just be sure to not get any on me if you beat off, buddy," was his final laughing comment as he rolled to his side and said goodnight.

I stayed motionless, but my mind was unable to shut down even though the body was telling it to. I listened as Rob's breathing seemed to get shallow. I wished I could find the sleep he evidently had. I was so used to getting off before trying to sleep and the multiple erections I had popped that night had my balls begging for relief before that sleep would come. My hand went to the lump in my boxers, even though I knew I shouldn't give the tool inside any more temptation or incentive. I had just slipped my right hand inside them and was fondling myself when Rob shifted positions and was suddenly on his back. I snapped my eyes shut, but let myself peek thru the slits at his face. His were shut and the shallow breathing continued, so I allowed mine to open fully again and travel up and down his fine body. I propped my head up on my left palm as my right one cupped the now raging bone in my shorts and drank in the ability to completely check out my best friend.

Rob's shoulder length brown hair was spread across the pillow his head rested on and surrounded his chiseled face like a picture frame. His full lips were slightly parted showing the tips of his snow white teeth. His cheeks and the dent in his chin showed a slight shadow of a full day's beard growth. A small but prominent Adam's Apple poked from his long neck. His broad shoulders tapered to the strong guns and forearms on each side of his well toned chest...more the result of many summers of helping put in hay on his family farm than any gym workout program. Two pink nipples sprouted up teasingly from the tanned, hairless chest and I fought the temptation to lean over and lick one. His abs weren't quite what you would call 'washboard' but they were definitely well defined. A small tuft of brown hair circled his belly button and connected his happy trail to what was hidden behind the briefs.

I inhaled deeply as my eyes drifted on down to his crotch. The flickering candle was almost like a black light on his tighty-whities. They not only seemed to glow, but were also showing a rather large hump that I didn't think had been quite as big a few minutes earlier. I leaned up a little more and focused best I could in the shadowy light. There was no mistake about it...Rob had a woody...and it was far bigger than I ever thought it could be!

My eyes zipped back to his face again to be sure he was still asleep. Once reassured, I returned my gaze to the giant lump that snaked all the way across his pubic area and was stretching the material on his right hip as if it was trying to find its way out of the waist band. I gently moved myself lower in the bed to be able to get a closer look at the monster my bedmate was hiding. In all the years we had been best friends; and all the times we had seen each other naked; I had never seen him hard and had no idea the average looking cock he showed between his legs when flaccid, would grow to such proportions. I became completely mesmerized...and braver...the closer my face got to it.

Another quick check of his still closed eyes, and I knew I couldn't stop at this point...I wanted to see it...I needed to see it! I allowed myself the risk of running a finger along its length thru the fabric and paused only shortly as it twitched slightly from the touch...obviously unable to move much due to being constricted inside its cotton prison. Finding even more bravado, I used three fingers to pet its length like a kitten and it jumped when my thumb brushed across the head. I let my hand rest lightly on it as I looked back up to Rob's face one more time before leaning over and planting a kiss on it while inhaling the sweetness of his musky smell. I let my hand slide to the inside of his lightly furry thigh and rest it there as I flicked my tongue across the wet spot that was suddenly appearing at the edge of the elastic. A sweetness like none other I had tasted from a man's liquid crossing my lips settled on my tongue...almost like finding the center of a Tootsie Pop. It was a drug I couldn't stop myself from enjoying more of.

Throwing caution completely to the wind, I poked a finger under the binding waistband and gently pulled up and then down enough to let Rob's giant knob free. Covered in pre, it's one eye looked straight at me and begged for another lick. I closed my eyes and swirled it into my mouth best I could; savoring the unbelievably sugary sweet juice it offered me. A muffled moan and slight movement from Rob caused me to pull back rapidly. I leaned on my left arm as I intently watched his face for a sign he was still in deep slumber. The slight fluttering of his eye lids suggested he was in REM mode, and I turned my head back just in time to see his right hand move to cover the place my face had been seconds earlier. My disappointment was short lived however; as his hand began to move ever so slowly down the length of his bulge and then up to his fuzzy tummy area. My hand was still laying on the inside of his thigh and I stroked the fur he had there as I replanted my face next to the prize I wanted so badly.

Before I could decide how far to go, fingers were entwining themselves in my hair and pushing my head down. I had no idea if Rob was totally faking it and wide awake; or if he was enjoying what he thought was a dream; but I didn't resist and allowed him to guide my face back to his pulsing rod. Nuzzling the hardness with my cheeks and lips, I worked my fingers inside the waistband and gently peeled his tight underwear down a few inches. What had to be at least 8" of pure manhood popped free and smacked me square on the lips. A second hand had joined the first in my hair as my friend continued pushing my head lower. I moved my hand from his thigh to the base of his tool and held it up above me...admiring both its length and thickness for a long 10 seconds...and just before slipping it between my open lips. Rob's hands held tight as his hips moved upward; forcing a good four inches of his giant cock inside me. I wasn't sure if the moan I heard had come from within me, or from Rob, but it made me greedily take another couple inches until I felt the head bump my tonsils. The hands were still holding me tight as I began to bob on his cock...determined I was going to get all eight inches in me one way or the other. Finally, my gag reflex relaxed and the last two inches slid in as my nose was suddenly against his balls and my chin buried in thick brown pubes. The deep moan that came with that motion was definitely from Rob and his hands gripped tighter as I let my throat muscles do the work on what was filling it.

Suddenly the hands pulled me up and off the throbbing cock and to my friend's face. As one wrapped around my neck and pulled me tight to him, I felt the pursed lips part and a tongue force its way between mine. Our arms interwove as I collapsed onto his warm body and traded spit with him...our tongues battling like swordsmen in a pirate movie. After several minutes of making out like two teenagers in the back seat of a car on a deserted road, our eyes both opened and we stared longingly at each other. Without a word, Rob grabbed my shoulders and rolled me to my back while spinning himself to where his furry thighs were wrapped around my head and his face was buried in my boxers.

I inhaled his massive tool once again as I felt his hands yanking my boxers down. A warm hand cupped my balls and squeezed as I felt the telltale moistness of a mouth taking my cock. I moaned as deeply as possible with an oversized rod humping my mouth. Rob had a lip lock on me and was sucking like he was trying to get a golf ball thru a garden hose. I began humping my hips up into his pistoning jaws...trying to match the furor of the face fucking he was giving me as we sixty-nined. Even with all the times I had whacked off in high school...usually to a very similar scene in my mind...this was still far hotter than anything my back-then-virgin-mind had come up with.

Just as I felt my balls tighten, Rob began pumping into me even faster and harder making it impossible to tell him how close I was to cumming. I hoped my own hips pushing upward gave him a clue and my lips latched tightly to him as he continued to bury his rod in my throat with every thrust. I quickly used the slobber that was covering my lips and chin to soak a middle finger and rubbed it against his boy flower. I gently pushed the tip inside and heard a muffled moan come from him as he roughly rubbed my loaded balls and refused to let my dick from between his lips...sucking with even more passion than before.

Just as I felt a full day's buildup of boy juice start up my shaft, I pushed my finger all the way inside my friend. He cried out but still managed to keep a vise-like grip on my tool while driving his flesh stick deeper in me than it had been yet. My whole body tightened as I felt the first giant wad soak my throat and my own cock exploding inside Rob's mouth. He took my first shot fully and then pulled back; replacing his lips with his hand and pumping me quickly as his next one splattered my tonsils. I exploded at least four more times in his hand as he dumped what seemed like a quart of his sweet milk across my tongue in three quick bursts. I felt him pull one more time on me...coaxing that last bit out, as his final rope dribbled across my face.

In one rapid motion, Rob spun around again and plastered himself on top of cum covering his stomach and chest and now squishing between us. I looked up at him, not at all sure of exactly how he may take what just happened. He stared back deep into my questioning eyes and ran his cum dripping hand into my hair before pasting his lips to mine and kissing me more passionately than any other man ever had. We stayed like that for several our own juices with each other yet again...before he rolled to his side and smiled.

I smiled back and quietly asked while stroking his chest "How long have you been holding that back, Rob?"