Pledging Alpha Kappa Betta Sorority

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2 femboys pledge a sorority of futas guess what happens next.
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All characters are over the age of 18. This is purely science fiction. It has a bit of a supernatural twist. I hope you enjoy.

Finally finished moving into my dorm room! I'm so excited to finally start over and leave high school behind as well as all the people that bullied me. My best friend Casey is one of my roommates, we got paired with two other random people. I hope they're not jerks.

Anyways, Casey and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. He's already finished packing and we're about to go explore the university once he gets out of the shower. I'm so excited, I can hardly wait!

I hear him finally finish up in the bathroom and he comes out in nothing but a towel, showing off his slim, tan figure. His blonde hair soaking wet clings to his beautiful face. His bright blue eyes sparkle vibrantly, just like mine. He walks over to our bunk beds we're going to be sharing and gives me a look. "Do ya mind?"

"Oh right, sorry," I mutter turning away. I'm not gay, I swear... Okay maybe just a little bi, but Casey and I have always been on the more feminine side. Not by choice, that's just the way our bodies have developed. We're both shorter than average, slim and some might say we have bubble butts. At least that's what we've been told. I consider myself masculine, but a lot of people have confused me for a girl. It's irritating, but I've managed to deal with it. I take a quick glance over at Casey as he drops his towel. Yep, definite bubble butt. His smooth tan cheeks glisten as beads of water slide down off his tush to his gorgeous legs. God, I wish I was as tan as him. Even though my skin is smooth as silk, I'm fairly pale. In fact, some people think I only come out at night as if I was some kind of vampire.

He notices me staring. "Really, Ash?"

"Sorry Case, I'm just jealous... You're so tan!" I admit.

"Ha, this is just my skin color," he tells me as he puts on a pair of boxers covering up that cute butt of his. I look away as he finishes putting on his clothes. I head over to the bathroom to freshen up. I straighten up my silky fiery red hair a bit. My steely, greyish blue eyes glisten as my porcelain smooth skin has a faint glow to it. I have on a pair of jean shorts that hug my firm butt. Casey and I do share a somewhat bubble butt, I notice as I stare at it in the mirror. No wonder everyone mistakes us for a couple of chicks. Finally, he comes out with a pair of khaki shorts and a t-shirt with the school letters on it.

"Are you ready to check out the campus?" I ask.

"Yeah... I guess so, hopefully, we can see if they're any parties going on tonight. Maybe get lucky with some girls for once?" I can't help but laugh, we've never been lucky in the girl department. In high school, it was like we were just simply invisible to girls.

We head out to scope out the scene. It's a gorgeous day outside, a typical California weather. Lots of other students out, plenty of girls. And of course, they're all wearing booty shorts and yoga pants. We stroll down the sidewalk, passing a building known as the Multicultural Center. The entrance has giant pillars that come out and it's five pillars wide. We pass a few more buildings, one being the massive Library, which is six stories high.

I got caught staring at the library that I didn't even notice there was a girl in front of me and I ran right into her. She barely flinched, but I almost fell, tripping over her, but she grabbed me just in time. "Watch where your goi... Oh hi there." As soon as she saw me, her face lit up. "You are just the person we're looking for."

She might have been one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in my entire life. Dark brunette hair that came down below her shoulders. Bright green eyes that seem to hypnotize you. She had on a tank top that clung to her visibly hard abs along with a pair of short cutoffs that revealed a long pair of toned legs. I think my stomach just did a backflip.

"Keep it in your pants, Cass." A dark raven, haired girl with dark caramel skin came over. She had on a tight white shirt that showed off her tight abs as well. Along with a pair of sleek baggy, dark green pants. She looked over at me and then at Casey and her eyes went wide. "On second thought, you two should definitely come to a party we're throwing tonight," she said as she walked closer to Casey, licking her lips.

"I was just about to say that," Cass states, as she looks down my body, with my arm still in her rather strong grip, which sends tingles through my body. "We are a fairly new co-ed Sorority and tonight we're having a rush party. Both of you should really come. You would be perfect for our sorority."

"Thanks! We'd love to come! Where exactly is the sorority?" I ask.

"It's over on Cordoba rd., the second block down from campus. It's just across the street from the Boardwalk," she says with a smile. "It used to be a fraternity, but they got kicked off campus for some stupid reason. Anyways, I look forward to seeing you there!"

"Yeah, you would make the perfect sib," Cass's friend says to Casey, eyeing him possessively. "See you both there."

"Definitely," Case and I say at the same time.

As we walk away I hear Cass tell her friend that she's got dibs on the redhead and her friend tells her she wants the blonde. My stomach does a somersault as a shock goes down my spine. Do they actually want us? I've never felt this way before. Never have I ever actually been desired by a woman before. It feels so erotic.

We eat at one of the cafeterias and continue touring the campus until late in the afternoon. We finally head back to the dorms. As we walk in our other two roommates are unpacking. Both are completely ripped, obviously, they are jocks. They spot us immediately as we walk in. "Oh great, we've got a couple of nerds for roommates," the bigger one says.

"Oh great, a couple of jocks for roommates, " I mumble.

They both look at me as if I'm crazy. "The ginger's got loudmouth," says the bigger one.

"Looks like this is going to be a long semester, by the way, I'm Ash," I tell them.

"Ha, that must be short for Ashley, looks like we got a girl for a roommate," says the bigger one. "Although the blonde one looks just as girly."

"Hey! I have a name! It's Casey," he says.

"Let's chill a bit before things boil over," says the smaller one, which surprises me. Normally jocks aren't so reasonable. "I'm Logan and this is Devin."

I have to admit Logan is somewhat cute. He's got jet black hair and creamy dark caramel skin and he's super ripped, but it's his butt that catches my eye. He's got a thick ass that stretches out his gym shorts. His legs are muscular and it seems that he's naturally hairless. He's not that tall, we're about the same size. Which isn't saying much since last time I checked, I'm only 5 foot 5 inches. The girls we met earlier were both taller than Casey and I.

"Well it's nice to meet you guys," I say.

"Well, we just finished unpacking and now we're going to check out the campus and try to find some parties tonight," Logan says.

"We just got invited to a sorority party on Cordoba road," I say.

"No fucking way did you two get invited to a sorority, must be a bunch of fat chicks," Devin says.

"Chill Devon," Logan says. "We'll check it out later. Let's go Dev and check things out."

"Dude, what the fuck is with you?" Devin asks as they head out. "You're acting weird."

"Why do you always have to be a dick all the time," I hear Logan say as they make their way down the hall and out of sight.

"Well, this sucks," Casey says. "We've got a couple of douchebags for roommates..."

"Logan doesn't seem that bad," I say. He doesn't seem that bad at all.

"What time should we go to that party?" Casey asks.

"We don't want to be too early," I reply. "Maybe like 9ish? Is that fashionably late?"

"I suppose that sounds good," he says. "I can't believe that girl with the black hair said she wants me."

"Right? It feels so weird to actually be on the receiving end of a girl's affection," I admit. "Do you really think they want to be our girlfriends?"

"I hope so! Maybe we're finally going to get laid!" Casey says excitedly. I look at my watch and it's almost 7.

"Should we grab something to eat?" I ask.

"Yeah, we probably should," Case agrees.

We head back down to the cafeteria and grab something to eat. Casey and I both have the full package when it comes to meal plans, but I don't really want to gorge myself before a party. So I eat lightly.

"I know it's not 9, but should we head over to the party?" Casey asks.

"Yeah, I suppose..." I sigh.

We head over to the sorority. As we arrive, the house is huge and it's packed! People, mostly girls, are out on the lawn conversing. Loud music is going off. I recognize the song, it's Back to Dust by The Blades, one of my favorite bands. I've never seen so many beautiful women in one spot. There are a few other males who are surprisingly not the type of guys I expected at a party like this. They're all nerds like us. I was imagining a bunch of jocks at a party like this.

As we make our way into the house, several of the girls eye us up like we're cows to the slaughter. I feel like we just walked into a lion den and we're the gazelle. I look nervously at Casey and he seems to be just as anxious.

A strong muscular girl with short hair walks up to us. "Look what we have here! If you two are looking for a good time, you came to the right place." She licks her lips as if we're the kind of delicious treat she's been waiting for.

"Ahhh... thanks... I... We're... a..." I stutter trying to come up with some way out of this conversation. She scares me down to my core.

"Back off Tammy, these two are mine and Alyson's," A familiar voice says behind me. I look back and see Cass looking as beautiful as ever in a sultry plaid mini skirt and a white button up blouse tied off showing her 8 pack. She's got on white thigh highs. She looks like a sexy school girl. "Aly look who came!" she shouts across the room.

"Awesome!" Alyson screams she's got on a mini, tight, black, revealing dress that shows off her caramel lean legs. Before Casey and I know what's happening, Cass and Alyson grab us. Cass pulls me aside as Alyson takes Casey.

"I'm so glad you came," she whispers in my ear as she tugs me over to a keg, fills up a cup and hands it to me. "Time to have a little fun." She winks at me as I take a sip. I almost spit it out, it's so bitter. She laughs as she watches my face.

"Have you never drank before?" she asks. I shyly nod my head no. "Oh my god! We've got ourselves a first timer. You're in for a long night, hun."

She holds her cup up. "Cheers!" she says as she taps it against mine and takes a long swig. I try to do the same, but I spill a bit all over my shirt. "By the way, what's your name, cutie?"

"Ash," I mutter as I try to clean myself off.

"Ahhh, you're too cute," she giggles as she grabs my hand and once again I find myself being dragged behind her. "Alyson! Beer Pong! Let's pop these little virgin's party cherry the right way."

Both Casey and I get dragged outside where there are several tables set up with people playing all sorts of drinking games. Casey and I ushered to the end of the table while Alyson and Cass set up beer pong. After everything is set up, they go to the other end of the table. The cups are stacked in a pyramid on each side, starting with four cups at the end of the table, then three, then two and finally one cup at the top of the pyramid. Each cup is filled halfway with beer. I look at Casey and he gives me the same look of confusion.

"Have either of you played beer pong before?" Alyson asks. We both shake our heads no. Alyson and Cass exchange smirks. "Okay, the goal is to shoot the pong in the other teams' cup. Each player gets a turn to shoot. If you make a cup, the other team has to drink it and that cup is taken out of the game. If a player makes two shots in a row, she's heating up. If a player makes three shots in a row, she's on fire and can shoot until they miss. If both players make it on their turn, they get to keep shooting until they miss. The goal is to make the other team drink all of their cups. If a team loses without scoring, it's called getting skunked and they have to strip naked and run a lap around the house."

"Oh you can bounce it as well, which is two cups, but the other team can deflect a bounce," Cass adds. "Also if a ball rolls around the rim, you can blow it out."

"Understand the rules?" Cass asks. We both nod. "Good, now to decide which team goes first, a player from each team looks the other player in the eyes and they shoot at the same time until one player makes it. Now since I'm going first, Ash why don't you go against me."

Casey and I look at each other with that nervous, let's try not to embarrass ourselves, look. Alyson tosses one of the balls over to me and I fumble it, dropping to the ground. I clumsy bend down to pick it up. I notice Cass's eyes are fixed on my behind. Finally, I get over to the table and get ready to shoot. I look into Cass's eyes as her stare catches me off guard. Her gaze is so intimidating.

"Ready?" she asks. I nervously nod. "On the count of three, shoot. 1... 2... 3!"

We both shoot and my ball doesn't even hit a cup while Cass sinks it in the first cup. I go to grab the cup and drink it when Cass interrupts. "Oh, hun. you don't need to drink on that shot. That was just to determine which team goes first." Both her and Alyson giggle.

I embarrassingly put the cup back and toss them the ball back. Cass takes another shot and it lands in the exact same cup. "Now you drink," she smirks.

I hesitantly take the cup and start to drink it down. It takes me a few gulps to get it down. Alyson takes a shot and sinks her ball in the back corner and Casey downs the cup.

"Since we made both shots, we get to shoot again," Cass says.

We toss them the balls back and Cass lines her shot up. A smirk appears on her face as she sinks her ball in another cup. "Heating up!" she shouts.

I grab the ball out and jug the cup down. Then Alyson makes her second shot as well. "Heating up as well," she grins. Casey jugs the next cup and we toss them back their balls. They made it in both the front cups. We only have 6 cups left and they still have all their cups left.

Cass stares me in the eyes as she takes her shot and sinks it in the cup in the middle of the three cups in the front. "Ha! I'm on fire!" she smirks. I down the cup and give her the ball back.

She lets Alyson shoot next and she also sinks the ball into one of the front cups. "Look at that! I'm on fire too!"

Casey drinks his cup and gives her back the ball. With only four cups left, Casey and I look at each other nervously. Before we even register what's going on, Cass bounces the ball into the closest cup. "Ha two for one!" she grins. "Both of you drink up!"

Casey and I grab a cup and as we start to drink, Alyson goes to bounce her ball in, but I, of sheer luck, smack it away. "Ahh shoot! I was going for the win..."

Cass goes for her next shot since she's still on fire. As she tosses it in the air, it lands on the rim of one of the cups and starts to roll in, but Casey blows it out just in time. "Nice, Case!" I shout, giving him a high five. Now it's finally our turn to shoot.

I let Casey go first. "Come on Case, if we can make just one shot, we don't have to run around the house naked."

He lines up and takes his shot, it lands against the rim and bounces out.

The pressure is on as I line up my shot. I practice my form and finally toss the ball. It flies through the air and bounces on the rim of the cup and starts to roll in, but just as I feel relief, Cass blows it out. "Crap!"

She gives me a sadistic grin as she dribbles the ball off the table. "Hmm, there goes your only chance to save face."

Without out even looking she tosses and sinks it in the cup and Alyson immediately makes hers right after. "Drink up and strip down, bitches!" Cass grins widely.

Casey and I exchange looks of dread. We drink the last two cups and both hesitantly start to take our clothes off. We strip down to our underwear. I have on a pair of whitey tighties and Casey has a tight pair of briefs. "Take everything off!" Alyson commands us.

"Do we have to?" I ask. There's no way I can do this. It's way too humiliating.

"You got skunked fair and square, now it's time to pay up," Alyson says.

"Naked Lap! Naked Lap!" Cass and Alyson start shouting and everyone else at the party joins in as they stop what they're doing and watch us.

Embarrassingly, we both reluctantly drop our underwear and are now left in the complete nude. It's the most humiliating thing either of us have ever done. Well, there were several times in high school that may have been equally humiliating, but this definitely takes the cake. Being completely naked in front of some of the hottest girls either of us have ever seen is far beyond anything that happened in high school.

"Come on now, get on with it. Run a lap around the house," Alyson says.

I look at Casey as he looks at me. "The sooner do this, the sooner we get this over with," Casey says and I nod. We start to run over to the side of the house, our naked, skinny bodies completely exposed to the public. Our tiny little peckers sway side to side as we run around the corner to the front of the house. The front yard is still packed with people and there are even more people at the other houses. Everyone erupts with laughter as they watch us run by. The house itself is huge and takes us forever to get to the other side.

A girl smacks my ass as I run by. We finally make our way to the back of the house. As we get back to the beer pong table, we both frantically look for our clothes. "Looking for these?" Cass asks as she and Alyson hold up our clothes.

Fear rushes through me like a water through a rapid river. "Please, can we have our clothes back?" I ask her.

"Why don't you beg for them?" Alyson smirks.

Casey and I exchange looks. Is this why they invited us to their party, to humiliate us? I knew it was too good to be true, that girls as beautiful as they would never take an interest in boys like us.

I drop to my knees and cross my hands together as if I'm about to pray, Casey follows suit. "Please give us our clothes back. I'll do anything, please, just give us our clothes back."

"Hmm, since you begged nicely. We'll give you your clothes back, but you have to open your mouths up wide," Cass grins.

We both do as she says. "Shinny's bring us the beer bong."

Two girls in blue school girl skirts on rush over with a beer bong with two hoses. Alyson grabs the bong as Cass grabs the hoses. She puts her thumbs inside the end as Alyson fills it up with beer. Cass then pushes the hose in our mouths and a flood of beer rushes down. I try to swallow as much as possible, but some of it drips down my mouth.

Finally, we finish the beer bong, by now I feel pretty drunk. "One last thing before you can have your clothes back," Cass says.

"Whatss thhaat?" I ask.

"Just a few shots is all," Alyson smirks. They bring us over to a bar on the back porch of the house where there is a line of shots.

"If you two can down those shots without puking, you can have your clothes back," Cass says.

Casey and I exchange looks. There's just no way. I already feel drunk and full on the beer we drank. We hesitantly pick up a shot. I nod at Casey and we down it. As soon as the liquid hits my lips it burns and I have this overwhelming urge to hurl, but I manage to hold it down. Casey has the same reaction as me.

All of a sudden the world starts to spin as I fall over. It's too much, I close my eyes...