Political Sexy Dirty Tricks


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When Michelle hit the campaign trail again, beautiful without makeup and with a sleeker body, confident and glib, she collected supporters like honey collects bees. Some of her more extreme views had moderated -- I like to think that it was a result of her conversations with me -- so that she was more main stream. In the shocker of the century, she won the Republican nomination at the Convention. I laughed; I was proud of her yet sad that The Man's plan had backfired since he had always been good to me and gave me a six figure severance.

Three or four days after the Convention I was preparing some resumes after dinner when I saw a number of black SUVs pull up to my garden apartment building. This was an "Oh Shit" moment for me. I was willing to face the music for kidnapping Michelle, but I didn't have to like it. I had long ago determined that there was no way I was betraying The Man, or telling anyone about the nature of my relationship with Michelle.

I opened the door to the knock of two Secret Service Agents.

"Mr. Van Dyke?"

"Yes -- that's me."

"Mrs. Bachman would like to meet with you about her campaign."

One of the agents motioned to another agent who opened the door of a limo, and out came Michelle. She looked better than ever as she emerged from the dim glow of the surrounding street lights and walked into my apartment.

Turning to the agents at the door Michelle said "I'll be having discussions with Mr. Van Dyke for a couple of hours. Would you make sure I'm not disturbed."

"Yes Mrs. Bachman."

With no words, only a smile, Michelle grabbed my hand and led me to my bedroom. I remember thinking "I'm sure glad all of the drapes are tightly drawn and there is good sound insulation in my building" as we entered the bedroom and Michelle closed the door behind me.

"I've really missed you Brian; and I've missed your penis even more."

"Should I be insulted?" I asked with a sly grin.

"Why don't you just nail me and we'll talk about that later. But be careful taking my clothes off; I don't want to have that 'just screwed' look when I leave."

"Maybe we shouldn't have sex, then?" I said with a devilish smile.

"You're bad," Michelle said as she pulled my face toward hers and planted a sloppy kiss on my lips.

I gently removed her clothes, but there was nothing gentle about the sex once I got her in doggy position and licked her slit for a few minutes. I buried myself balls deep in one thrust and proceeded to fuck her brains out, blasting weeks of built-up cum into her as she wiggled, twitched and groaned. After we both climaxed I stayed in her, gentling stroking until we both needed to be in each other's arms."

"I've really missed you Michelle," I purred into her ear while stroking her nipples.

"After mad sex with you, I'm not sure I can continue without 'refreshers' at least a couple of times a week. I want to put you on my personal security team and be my bag carrier. We'll need to be careful, but I must have sex with you more than anything else."

I think she figured out my answer was 'yes' when I pinched her pussy lips and then fucked her again.

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FluidswallowerFluidswallower7 months ago

Thanks for a well-written and fun read! Great job!

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
Fantasy Fun in the extreme

LOL like she would be that easy to fix ROFL

Really well done IMHO

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
Good Read!!!!

You had fun writing this and I had fun reading it!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
surprisingly fun

Surprisingly unique but a pretty straight narrative. The crossover (from no sex to sex) is always somewhat unbelievable, and this was no exception. But like other comments, I think it's conservative women who know how to really be women! Great fantasy.

MarvinSMarvinSover 12 years ago

I read this because it had a higher rating than my most recent story on Literotica. I suspect soon it will have a lower rating.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 12 years ago

Spelling EITHER one of Michele Bachmann's names correctly might make the story more convincing...nawwww!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

about boys--girls-----and witty. TK U MLJ LV NV

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 12 years ago
Disgusting, terrible,

awful, horrible....How dare you?????

I LOVED IT. An absolutely wonderful tale.

(Not that it matters, but, although I have disliked Michelle's politics and disagreed with just about every political stance she had ever taken, I will forevermore be unable to think of her except in a kindly way.)

zed0zed0over 12 years ago
Great Story

I love it when a bible thumping power pussy gets in touch with her inner slut. Personally I've always wanted to fuck Sara Palins tits, then make her watch while I butt fuck Bristol. But Hey! That's just my fantasy.

judge1179judge1179over 12 years ago
Liked the story...

I liked even though I'm a Democrat. Although, as some have already said, this should be in another category, Celebrities comes to mind right off. Good story though. I wish the authors now would put more of the guttural moaning and oh's and ah's in their stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
It was not a bad story

but I had to give it a low rating as it did not belong in the loveing wives section. It could have been in a number of catagorys, but it did not fit the loving wives section.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Loved it!

(sorry I had to submit this as anonymous...Literotica seemes to be having issues and won't respond to the click on "Log in").

I too have thought she was babe-in-hiding. My father thought I was nuts! He preferred that "thing" from Alaska! (no accounting for bad taste...) Cute story, although I don't know how he took pictures of her in some competing candidates home before he released her....oh well, it was just a fantasy, right?

cueball961cueball961over 12 years ago

I'm neither a Repuplican or a Democrat (I'm a Libertarian) so I didn't carry any political baggage into the story. Frankly, I enjoyed it. Sure it was somewhat heavy handed and was such a fantasy that it would be unrealistic, but the author warned us of that now didn't he? I suppose that Bachman's actions in the story being so out of character with her actual persona is what made this story so fun to begin with. I just suspended my disbelief and went along for an amusing and fun ride.

It is interesting to note what another commentor touched on. Whether or not you agree with their politics, it's hard to argue with the fact that conservative women seem to be much more sexually attractive. Let's look at what the libs offer up, Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Debbi Wasserman-Shultz. Now compare those ladies to Sara Palin and Michelle Bachman. Let's get real here Gentlemen, the libs don't fare well in that matchup. Another source of great fantasy material, here again discounting whether or not you agree with their politics, is the women of the Fox News Channel. I must admit to allowing myself the guilty pleasure of a mental threesome with Dana Perrino and Kimberly Guilfoyle on more than a few occasions. After some analysis, I reached the conclusion that part of the fantasy is the "forbidden fruit" aspect, as conservative women are not likely to give in to such hedonistic acts of lust.

I'm quite sure that, despite the author's warning, some grouches will, in fact, get their collective drawers in a twist over this harmless fantasy. The rest of us will see it for what it is, a fun and entertaining story that was quite well written and not by any means to be taken seriously. Who knows, even Michelle might get a kick out of it! Author, I salute you!

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