Politics Ch. 04


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But she couldn't. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

"It takes me onto another plane," he answered with an embarrassed shrug of his shoulders.

"So... what specifically...?" Damn, the words were out of her mouth again. Stop doing that. Stop asking these questions.

He hesitated before offering his answer. "Have you ever done something you knew was wrong? Something that if... your parents, say, found out, you'd probably be disowned?" She thought of Eduardo yesterday. Or the Tico on her prom night. Swallowing slowly, she nodded, feeling her face grow flush. "Everyone has had that experience at least once..." He paused, watching her. Waiting for her to confess something, perhaps?

"Go on," was all she offered. It took every ounce of willpower not to look between his legs. To look at his cock. Her mouth was practically watering.

"Well, every time Erika brings someone knew into out bedroom... it's like that feeling anew. Watching two women together. Fucking one of them. Then the other. It provides a surge of adrenalin... excitement... the equal to anything politics can offer. It's so wrong, that if I get caught, not only will my parents be ashamed..." He chuckled a little at that. "But I'd be ruined. And yet, I can't stop fucking them."

He could have said making love. But he didn't. He saidfucking. And his rolling voice emphasised the word, as if he wanted toinvolveher somehow in his sexual machinations. As if he was deliberately attempting to unsettle her. He was. Two women together? Katie had often wondered what it would be like with another woman.

In her minds eye she saw Angela Thompson. The big-breasted woman had worked at the practice for two years. She wasn't especially attractive, and was a few pounds overweight. Yet there was something about her. Something about the way she looked at Katie.

"Are you okay?"

Katie jerked her eyes open. A bead of sweat had formed on her forehead and she wiped it away. For a second, the two of them silently stared at one another. Both were on exactly the same page. He knew what she was thinking, knew the effect his words and his problem were having on her.

This wasn't an explanation of his problems. Not any more. Itwasa mind wank and she was colluding with him in mental masturbation.

"Alistair, we've overrun," she stuttered, needing to give herself time to think. Much more of this and she'd be sexually attacking him, adding to his problems rather than helping him resolve them.

"I can see you again?" he asked.

No, there's no point. I can't help you. It would only lead to something that neither of us can control. Don't do it. Don't agree!

"Yes," she heard herself say as she stood and shook his hand. "Maybe one more session. Let's see where that takes us..."


Erika lightly towelled her hair, leaving it damp. She liked the wet look. Sexy. Thomas would like it too, she thought. Surely it wouldn't be that much longer before he knocked at her door? The shower had refreshed her and she was looking forward to her latest conquest.

Not that he knew it yet.

"How do you feel now?" she asked, switching the mobile phone from one ear to the other as she threw the towel onto the chair. It hit the back, slowly sliding to the carpet as if pulled by an invisible string.

"Confused," answered the soft Brazilian voice.

"I understand, honey," Erika sympathised.

Rebecca hadn't answered either of her earlier calls, but she had taken this one. After their brief conversation, the Swedish woman now understood her reluctance. Becky had spilled her story reluctantly at first, but then with all the relief of someone who needed a close friend to talk to.

So, the Brazilian minx hadn't been able to go through with it! Not yet anyway. That was okay, she just needed a little push.

"Does Thomas know what happened?" she fearfully asked. That would spoil everything.

"Good God, no, Erika. He called once but I didn't answer. His message said he was tied up for the rest of the evening."

"Press functions. He's a busy boy."

"He said he'll call again when he gets back to the hotel tonight," Rebecca explained, her voice trembling a little. "I can't tell him, Erika. He'll go berserk with Guus. And I haven't covered myself in glory, either."

"Don't worry, honey," the blonde calmly responded. "I'll get a message to him. You've got a migraine. Okay?"

"Y... yes... thanks." The relief was almost palpable over the line. Then the Brazilian's voice changed again. "But I'll still need to face him when he gets home tomorrow."

"Then sort it by then."

"Sort it out?"

"Of course," she said, her tone matter of fact. "Frankly, Becky, I don't know what all the fuss is about."


"Listen to me," the manipulative Scandinavian woman persuasively responded. "Sex is a weapon that all women have. Don't tell me you haven't used it before?"

"Yes, but..."

"No buts. It's what's got me where I am today, honey. Men are there to be manipulated, Becky. Fucking them is just one way of doing that."

"But, Erika... I'm with Thomas... I love him."

The blonde's shrill laugh echoed down the line. "Listen to you, Becky. Do you hear what you're saying? Look, let's say you were single. Unattached."

"Y... yes..."

"Would you have fucked Guus? To get your dream?"

"Yes," came the reluctant reply after a long pause. "Yes, I would."

"Of course you would," Erika agreed. "So that tells you one thing, Becky. Thomas is standing in the way of what you want."

"No. I mean... That's not..."

"Of course he is, honey. If it weren't for him, you'd have secured that finance by now. And probably enjoyed yourself doing it."

The Brazilian felt herself blushing, recalling her feelings as his hands manipulated her breasts.

"Well, he isn't exactly George Clooney, I'll give you that," Erika laughed. "But fucking a man to get what you want, any man, is a hell of a turn on, Becky. And don't tell me you've never done that. All women have."

The sound of Rebecca's heavy breathing told the Swedish temptress her words were having an effect.

"Of course you love, Thomas. But that's the point," Erika continued, running her hand through her long, damp locks. "That's exactly why you should take my advice, honey. Give Guus what he wants. Get your money. Open your aerobics studio. Then get on with loving Thomas the way you do. It's the best of all worlds."


Erika smiled to herself at the lacklustre objection. She sensed victory. "Here's my suggestion. See Guus again tomorrow. See how it goes. Do what feels right. But don't let the dream fade without a fight."

Rebecca's reply was immediate. "I can't, Erika. How could I face him?"

"Easy," Erika's no nonsense voice told her. "This is what you want, Becky. Everything you've ever wanted. And what you deserve. You told me you'd do anything to get it, didn't you? You didn't mean that?"

"Yes, of course. But..."

"Becky!" Erika's was sharp, like a smack across the cheek. "Tell me truthfully. Anything?"

Only the sound of their breathing split the silence. The pause must have lasted a good thirty seconds.

"Anything?" Erika asked again, increasing the pressure. She almost had the Brazilian beauty where she wanted. One final push. "Don't let your dream go, Becky. You'll never forgive yourself, or Thomas, if you do. It'll kill your relationship with him. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand," she hesitantly replied. "But I'm not going to fuck him, Erika. I won't. I just can't."

"Yes, I understand," she hesitantly replied. "But I'm not going to fuck him, Erika. I won't. I just can't."

The words were spoken quietly, as if the raven-haired young beauty was finally admitting to herself just how far she was prepared to go. What her limits were. Despite Erika's well-intended entreaties, she just couldn't betray Thomas like that.

"I understand," came the Swedish accent down the line. "But there are different ways of convincing a man..."

"What do you mean?" Rebecca's voice was eager, desperate to hear a solution to her problem.

"You said it yourself," Erika told her. "You almost gave him a blowjob today. Hell, I'd give a blowjob to get tickets for a George Michael concert."

The two women laughed, but even so, the point behind Erika's remark hit home.

"Yes. Yes, I nearly did." The words were spoken quietly, as if the raven-haired young beauty was finally admitting to herself just how far she was prepared to go.

"So... you'll do it? For your dream?" It wasn't quite as far as Erika had wanted the young beauty to go, but it was a start. Sometimes, the best things came in bite-sized chunks.

This time, the word came out more emphatically. The bridge had been crossed. "Yes," Rebecca confirmed.

"Good girl, this is what I suggest..."


The note stuck under his room door had taken Thomas by surprise. Why the fuck did Erika need to see him as soon as he returned to the hotel?

There could only be one reason. She'd found out about Mary O'Leary.

Damn, how had that leaked out? The journey to her suite wasn't an easy one. He'd better make sure he had a good reason for keeping it to himself. Better keep Sally out of this, too.

The Scandinavian beauty raised a finger to her lips when she opened the door, indicating she was in the middle of a phone conversation. His eyes widened at the sight of her breasts pushing against the thin black silk dressing gown. She looked like she'd just emerged from the shower, her long blonde hair hanging wetly down her long neck. It looked darker, slicked back like that.

She turned her back to him and returned to the middle of the room. His gaze dropped to her ass. The short garment was almost transparent. Her body looked every bit as voluptuous as Becky's.

Had she not been expecting him? Yet her note was quite clear.

"Listen to what I tell you," she said into the phone, turning to look into Thomas's embarrassed eyes. "If that's what it takes, fuck him like he's the last man on earth. It's only sex. And it's the key to your future."

Thomas's eyes widened at her words. He tried to control himself, but the cock that had risen to half erection at the sight of her in the silk gown completed its journey on hearing her words.

"Sorry," she murmured, ending the call and dropping the phone onto the table. "Some words of advice for a friend."

The fair-haired man grunted, hoping his arousal didn't show. What with Sally flirting with him all night and the sight of the near naked blonde, he knew what he'd be doing when he returned to his room. He'd call Becky again as soon as he was finished there. She'd be so high after her successful day.

Maybe she'd get him off over the phone?

The good news was that the look in Erika's eyes told him she wasn't upset or annoyed. So much for his theory—her demeanour would have been completely different if she'd heard about the Mary O'Leary accusation.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked, trying to keep his eyes on her face.

"Yes," she said, sexily cocking her head to one side as she spoke. "I spoke to Becky earlier. She has a migraine and I told her I'd let you know, so that you didn't disturb her."

Migraine? Becky didn't get migraines! Damn! It hadn't gone well today!

"Didn't she get her finance?" he asked, his mind suddenly diverting from the sexy sight in front of him as it filled with concern for his Brazilian girlfriend.

Erika slowly raised her hands to her damp, blonde locks, pulling them onto the top of her head and allowing them to fall. The movement outlined her breasts and nipples against the diaphanous material.

"On the contrary," she lied, "I believe it mostly went to plan. Just a few loose ends to tie up tomorrow."

"Fantastic," he said, trying to pull his eyes away from those perfect tits. "I'll... I'll... call her in the morning."

The Swedish beauty beamed back at him, picking up the bottle of champagne on the table beside her and pouring two glasses. "To celebrate," she told him, handing him one.

"Thanks, Erika," he muttered, as he hesitantly took it from her. "But... it's one o'clock in the morning. It's been a very long day and I need to get to bed."

"My sentiments exactly," she purred, taking a sip of her bubbly while releasing the tie on her robe. With a soft shimmy, it floated from her body.

He'd been right, she was naked beneath.

She tossed her head back, almost like a mare presenting herself to her stallion. His eyes gratifyingly traversed the full contours of her body. The freckles that covered her beautiful face ran down to cover her cleavage and there were no visible bikini lines to interfere with her deep tan.

Thomas felt a lump form in his throat. Her tits were every bit as full as Becky's, but their shape was different, hanging from her slender frame like ripe fruit. Atop each sloped breast was a dark nipple that pointed skyward. His cock ached.

"You like?" her sultry voice asked, as his eyes completed their downward journey to rest on her smooth mound and very wet labial lips.

He choked back another gasp, and tried to gulp down the lump in his throat. Becky, he told himself. Think of Becky!

Erika almost floated towards him and her manicured fingers curled around his neck. She pulled him against her curvy body as her mouth closed on his for a long, deep kiss.

"No..." he gasped when he felt her tongue run around the inside of his mouth, somehow finding the will to pull away. Oh God...

Her hand pulled him back, only this time her mouth stopped just short of his lips. "Don't you like what you see?"

"No... yes... of course... I just can't, Erika..."

He pulled away again, hurrying to the door. His hand was on the handle when her voice stopped him. "But Becky will never forgive you."

Becky? Forgive him?

"What do you mean?" he asked, half turning. His puzzled eyes flicked across her naked body again before he could stop them.

"She has her dream," the Scandinavian woman told him, one long step swinging across the other as she closed on him—a model's gait. Her movements were slow, as if not to frighten away her prey. "You remember I set up the finance? We wouldn't want that withdrawn, would we?"

Her naked body pushed against him as her mouth found his again, forcing a longer kiss.

"You wouldn't," he whispered, panting into her mouth when she broke the lip-lock.

"Oh, I think you know I would, Thomas," she answered. The steely look in her intense blue eyes reinforced the threat. "And we don't want to ruin the dream, do we?"

The blonde beauty lowered her lips to his neck, planting little butterfly kisses at the same time as her hand found his confined erection. When she heard his involuntary moan, she knew she'd won.

Her practiced hands freed Thomas's hard cock. Then her body was sliding downwards, her triumphant gaze staring upwards into his. He watched her until her mouth descended over his shaft and then he closed his eyes. His body pushed back into the doorframe as he moaned.

The feeling of her mouth on him was completely different to Becky's, but every bit as sexy. She sucked him like the expert she was, bringing him to a boil, allowing him to simmer, devouring his pre cum and then taking him back down to less dangerous levels. Then her body was sliding back upwards again.

"Remember I told you that if I made it happen for Becky, you owed me a favour?" she whispered into his mouth as she jammed her lips against his again. "Time to pay your debt!"


Rebecca de Santos tossed and turned. Sleep wouldn't come easily. She desperately wanted to call her boyfriend, hear his voice, and ask him what to do. Ask him? How stupid. She couldn't ever divulge a thing about what had happened. Or what was going to happen.

But she desperately needed the comfort of his arms around her.

Her thoughts returned to Erika and the conversation she'd just had with her spiritual guide and mentor. In the short time she'd known her, the Swedish woman was turning into such a good friend.

Her help with the business plan! Her setting up of a financier! And now her words of wisdom. How could she ever repay her?

Should she give Guus Kessen a blowjob tomorrow? A thirty thousand pound blowjob? For that money, she'd better make it good. She gave an almost hysterical laugh, burying her head into the pillow to drown out the noise. He should be so lucky!! It would be the best head the millionaire had ever had.

The thought horrified her! But somehow... in some way... it aroused her, too. Being manipulated by someone like Guus Kessen, coerced into going down on him for money... helpless... sent a wave of lust flooding through her.

The image of his hard cock came into her mind again. Her mouth descended on his thickness. Oh, God... get rid of that image...

Think rationally! Was Erika right? Would she resent Thomas for the rest of her life? Would she hate herself? This was her life's dream, after all. Could she throw it away as easily as this? All she had to do was blow the Dutchman. Once. Then she could get on with opening her business, loving Thomas for helping her get this, and enjoying the rest of her life.

It made sense. Didn't it? How many times had she given head to men back in Brazil, after all?

Erika's words rang out in her ear.If that's what it takes, that's what it takes. It's only a blowjob after all. And it's the key to your future.

Her hand snaked down between her thighs, feeling her wetness. Somewhere in her psyche, she was already starting to look forward to tomorrow.


Erika settled her thighs over Thomas, her triumphant eyes staring down into his. He closed his eyes, thinking of Becky, imaging his girlfriend's body over him. The stinging slap across his face brought him back to the present.

"Look at me," the sexy Scandinavian accent ordered, her palm now slapping across his left cheek.

"What the fuck?" he grunted, but even as the pain rose to the surface of both cheeks, he felt his cock surge another couple of inches at her rough treatment. "Erika..." he began to protest.

Her kiss cut off his words. Her hands grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the headboard behind him. The pain in his cheeks was forgotten, replaced by the slick sensation of her smooth pussy sinking down on him.

"Ngh!" he groaned. Like her cocksucking, it felt so very different to that of his girlfriend. And like her technique giving head, it felt so incredibly good.

Her jutting breasts brushed across his chest as she held his arms down, keeping her prisoner under control as she slowly undulated on him. Fitting nipple to nipple, all four were hard and caught up by the moment.

He moaned again.

"Good," Erika said as she twisted to bring her right swell to his gasping mouth. It was a statement rather than a question.

He took it immediately, sucking in the hard, dark bud.

"Yes..." she hummed, as his mouth suckled and pleasured. With a roll of her body, she switched tits on him, allowing him to give the same attention to her left breast. He covered her nipple in saliva as he rotated it around his mouth.

"Such a good boy," she murmured, slowly raising her ass and then delicately sheathing him again. "So obedient! Want me to fuck you now, make you forget all about your Brazilian bitch?"

The words stung him. How dare she? But even as he attempted to wrestle his hands away free, she tightened her grip on his wrists and plunged down on his captive body.

"Oh fuck!" he whined, feeling himself bottom out.

"Exactly," she murmured, repeating the motion, the down thrust of her hips creating sensations entirely different to when he and Becky fucked.

Was it the different woman, or the different situation? He didn't know, and was beginning not to care. She'd abandoned any pretence at softness and was beginning to fuck him hard, a sexual goddess claiming her mate for the night.