Pony Trust


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Eric was enjoying the arm massage and was content to let Emily do whatever she wanted to his body as long as she massaged it every once in a while. Taking his hand, she angled them behind him and taking the armbinder that didn't go over his shoulder, she worked it over the mitted hands and up to his triceps just below his armpits where it stopped. Eric had figured she'd use the over the shoulder one again as he could wear that for must longer periods of time but like her, he enjoyed the look of the shorter armbinder better. She strapped it around him and then taking the laces she pulled it tight, much tighter than it had been before, and he felt the strain on his shoulders. As in the morning, she tucked the laces back inside the sleeve and then stood back to admire her work. "Damn, I love the look of that." She said and then untied him from the tree branch.

Back on the road Emily was once again walking next to him. The sun and the walking had heated Eric up by this point and he felt hot in all the tack he was wearing. He was very thankful that they hadn't gone with a catsuit for him, he would have overheated for sure. The armbinder gave him a new ache to think about. He was pretty sure that he'd never worn it this tight before and his arms were quickly letting him know this. Still, he pushed on, he hoped Emily would be keeping an eye on his arms or he'd have to start stomping to let her know. He hoped it wouldn't come to that.

They were going uphill once more, and he was feeling parched. The bit in his mouth felt like it was cutting the corners and his tongue had long since devoured any trace of Emily's juices on it. Now, the bit just felt like an intruder that was letting all the moisture out of his mouth and depositing it on the inside of the snout that was attached to him. It felt humid in there yet, his mouth somehow felt dry. The two of them had slowed down, he was not moving anywhere near the speed he had been earlier in the day.

Eric wasn't positive but it felt as if they crested a hill, and the pulling became less difficult. Emily stopped them for a moment in the middle of the road and said, "Phew, these riding boots were definitely made for riding and not walking. I think I've got a few blisters forming." Eric heard this and it sounded ridiculous to him. Why wouldn't she just ride, she didn't need to walk. "Come on pony, just a little further." She took a step, but he didn't move. The reins went taut, and she stopped and looked at him. "What's wrong?"

Eric pulled his head and motioned towards the cart. "What? Come on, we're nearly at a stopping point." Eric stomped his hoof twice and again nodded his head towards the cart over his shoulder. Realization dawned on Emily. "Oh, pony! I'm fine. You don't need to pull me. I know your feet are aching. I didn't mean for you to be concerned." Eric stomped twice again, insistent that she get in. His shoulders burned but he ignored the pain, determined to take care of her.

Emily walked up to him and softly said, "Pony, I appreciate you wanting to take care of me. We've only got a little bit further before we can take another break. If I can't go on from there, I will ride but right now I'm going to walk. Thank you for caring pony." She caressed his chest. "Come along." She moved forward again and this time when the reins pulled on Eric, he moved forward with her. They moved for what he estimated was another couple hundred meters when they went off into the grass once more and up to what he assumed was another hitching post.

After tying him off once more, Emily said "OK, wait right here. I'm going to go check my map on my phone once more and make sure we took the correct turn back there. I'll be right back pony." She caressed him one final time and then walked away. Eric was shocked, she hadn't taken the armbinder off and all the feeling was going out of his arms already. He wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to tolerate it. She also hadn't given him any water before walking off and his mouth was incredibly parched by this point. He tried sucking on the bit to build up some saliva, but his mouth was too dry to do so.

Eric shifted his weight from one hoof to another frequently. His ankles ached now from the angle they had been at all day. He had no idea what time it was, and at this point he told himself he wouldn't have been surprised if it was dark out. He could feel the sun on his body still, so he knew that was ridiculous and that he was just complaining to himself. Eric told himself that he would stomp his foot five times when Emily came back so that she would take the armbinder off. He then began a debate in his head that she wouldn't knowingly hurt him by leaving it on and he could just trust her to take it off in time. The argument went back and forth in his head when he finally heard her footsteps come back up to him.

He didn't stomp his foot. His trust in her won out, but he wasn't sure for how long. "I've got some good news and some bad news pony. Good news is that I know where we're at. Bad news is that we missed a turn and we have to back track a little ways now before we can go back." Eric's heart sunk. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this up. He felt dehydrated and mentally and physically drained. She continued, "I told you I was going to take care of you, and I intend to keep doing just that. Now, I need you to trust me, more than ever on this. Are you willing to trust me that I'll get us back?" Eric's right leg began to tremble with fatigue and the thought of putting more miles in. Emily was caressing him. Why wasn't she taking the armbinder off he screamed in his thoughts. "Trust me." She whispered.

Eric decided that he did trust her. He knew that through everything, she would take the greatest care of him, and that she would push him, but not to the point of breaking. Emily watched as Eric's body straightened and he stood up as straight as possible. With sure footing, Eric stomped his foot once, letting her know that he would continue to trust her. The act of it nearly overwhelmed her, but she knew she couldn't stop now to soak in the feelings. She had said she would take care of him, and she meant to do just that.

Eric's nerves were through the roof. He wasn't sure how he was going to manage it, but he told himself that he would pull her on the cart until the wheels fell off it. He also knew that she was serious in how she handled this, and she wouldn't stop until she knew he was taken care of. The strain on his shoulders began to loosen all of the sudden as Emily undid the lacing on the armbinder. She continued with the straps until it was completely untied and then slid it off.

Feeling came rushing back into Erics arms in the form of a thousand tiny needles. Emily took each arm and massaged it up and down thoroughly. Eric was waiting for the clip of the carabiner to his mitted hands when he felt the cart being detached at his sides. Confusion swept over Eric, why would she take this off here when she needed to ride it to protect her blistered feet? Eric stomped twice and pawed at her hands as she undid cart.

"It's OK, pony. You don't have to pull me any more today." She said. Eric wasn't sure whether to be relived or upset that she didn't think he couldn't or wouldn't pull her all over creation. He stomped twice again as she undid the last section and backed the cart away from him. "It's OK." She repeated and came up and hugged him from behind wrapping her arms around him. "You've done so good today. I'm so proud of you." She said. His mitted hands rested on hers, but he was confused. Was she stopping him from going on? Part of him wanted to stop, but the desire to show her that he would continue and trust her wanted it more.

Eric felt Emily's hands reaching up to his face and undoing his snout. He wanted to stop her so he put his mitted hands up to push hers away. "It's OK pony, really it is. You're all done. We're back." Eric didn't know what she meant and lowered his hands, allowing her to remove the snout. She detached the reins from the bit and undid the straps holding the bit in as well and pulled it out of his mouth. Eric didn't speak right away, instead working his mouth up and down. "OK pony, I'm going to take your blindfold off. It's going to be very bright so close your eyes."

Eric kept them closed as she undid the buckles the blindfold was attached to and as she pulled it away, he felt the light through his eyelids and how sensitive his eyes were. Slowly he opened them and allowed them to focus. In front of him was the cabin. They had been here when she had told him they'd made a wrong turn. She had pushed him to see how far he was willing to trust her. The sight of the cabin was overwhelming, and his legs started shaking uncontrollably, knowing he was done. Emily jumped in to keep him steady, holding him by the torso. "Oh Eric, I'm so proud of you." She reached up and gave him a kiss which he returned with his sore lips.

"We were back the whole time?" he asked her, smiling at her.

She blushed. "Yes. I never left you alone. I was sitting about twenty feet away watching you, making sure you were OK. We were never lost babe; I took us straight back to the cabin." Eric was astounded, trying to process everything.

"Wow, I totally thought we had so much further to go. I wasn't sure how I was going to do it but I wasn't about to quit." He said, pride mounting in his voice.

"You were incredible." She said to him. "I couldn't believe the transformation I watched take place in your mind right in front of me. Simply amazing." She was now undoing the mitts and freeing his hands. Eric's hands were covered in sweat, and he enjoyed flexing the fingers and the ability to grab things once more. Emily continued freeing him from his tack and removed the bridle.

"Would you like me to remove your tail again?" She asked him.

Eric bent over and rested his weight on the hitching post, "Go ahead, I trust you." He winked at her and smiled. She felt a warm glow in her and happily undid the harness in the back and worked his tail out of him. Eric gave a moan when it came out, "Ooh, that's going to be tender for a while. I don't think I've ever had something lodged in there for that long before."

"Well, if it helps you have a very cute ass for a tail. And your asshole gave quite the sigh when I pulled it out." They laughed together and finished removing the harness from Eric. Emily knelt down and untied his hoof boots and took them off one by one. Eric felt like he got off a step ladder once they were gone as he was now several inches shorter. Next Emily undid the bustier and the halter of the body stocking. Eric peeled them off and aside from his chastity cage he was completely nude. "I suppose you'll be wanting out of that now?" She played.

"That depends, is there anything else I'm needed to stay focused for?" He teased back. Emily pulled her necklace off over her head which had the key on it. Inserting the key she undid the lock and slid the cage off of him. Eric felt drained like he'd never felt before. Muscles were sore that he never realized he had. Emily took his hand and walked him onto the deck of the cabin. The hot tub was purring and awaiting company. Emily guided Eric into the hot tub and he relaxed with a big sigh.

"I'll be right back; I'm going to get us some drinks." Emily said and walked off. Moments later she showed back up with a couple of waters. "I figured we should probably start with these. You haven't had any water in a while and you're all sweaty for some reason." She smiled at the last part.

"Yeah, I can't remember why though. I seem to recall dreaming I was walking all day without knowing where I was going." Emily was stripping her clothes off outside the hot tub.

"Mmm, was it a pleasant dream?" She asked.

"Very. Though it started off with me being nervous about not know where I was going. But, it ended with me not caring as long as I was with you." He added.

Emily, now fully nude, slipped into the hot tub with her water and straddled Eric. "I like the sound of that." She said and was slowly grinding on his lap. The two of them kissed long and deeply. "I hope I didn't wear you out too much for some other riding." She whispered to him between kisses.

"Hardly." He whispered back and kissed her again. "I've got to ask though; did you have this whole thing planned out the entire time?" He took a sip from his water, and she did the same.

"Mostly. I ran the plan by several different people on the ponyplay forums I was researching on. I knew that you wanted to put your trust in me, but I also knew I'd have to take away a lot of your ability to control things in order to allow it. So, I had to drop hints here and there to make you think we were possibly lost, or that I had taken a different route to try and throw you off."

Eric's mine reeled. "Wow, you really put some thought into this. I can't believe how much preparation you did for this. I'm really impressed babe. Was any of it real, like the part about you wanting to wear the gear as well and the blisters on your feet?"

"The blisters were absolutely real. Riding boots as it turns out, are not great hiking boots. And for the other part, after watching you strut your stuff all day in that sexy outfit. Hell yeah, I would love to try it out." She told him with a deep smile.

Eric smiled back at her. "Good. Because, thinking of you as a ponygirl helped get me through part of today. One thing though."

She stopped smiling for a second. "What's that?"

Eric paused like he was deep in thought and then with a devilish grin said, "I'm going to need you to trust me."

Emily's smile returned and she leaned in for a deep kiss. "Always, pony."

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AssLover88AssLover887 months ago

Sweet story. I enjoyed it, 5 stars. I kept waiting for it to take a dark turn and have someone stumble upon them and rape them, but that would have been a very different story. :)

fun2wearfun2wearalmost 2 years agoAuthor

The next installment has posted! The follow on story is called, "How the Stables Have Turned"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well, that had to be the best story on this site! If I could give it 10 stars, it would have been too little to show just how much I enjoyed the story. Brilliantly written and thought out. Trust is such a big thing between people, especially between a sub and Dom. Oh, she was not really a Dom but she sure did push his buttons. While reading the story I was hoping that she was just leading him along about the ride and would bring him back to the cabin safe and sound. There are only a few "pet" or "pony" stories that are both loving and limit pushing. This one story is the tops. Clearly I found a favorite author. Please I do hope that you soon publish her as a pony and having her limits really pushed. Gosh, what a fantastic story. Thank you so much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

fun2wear we are so ready for the next chapter, really !! please keep write on this story..... thank..

fun2wearfun2wearover 2 years agoAuthor

Good news everyone, I'm about halfway through the follow-up story! It's a slow grind but I'm slowly getting there.

Emily is about to find her own limits!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

please give us another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

when can we expect the next chapter, real good so far

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

can't wait for next chapter..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

great fantasy story, please keep going.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good start of a story, Bags for another chapter 2..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

more please..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hope “fun2wear” follows though with part 2. Be such a shame to end a very good start of a story like this..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

oh please give us a couple more chapters! maybe the next day she takes him for a nice run without the blandfold the nrxt day, maybe during one of their rest she temporarily removes the chastity cage and let him fuck her while he's still standing harnessed to the cart, then put the cage back on him to finish the run. couple weeks later have her be the ponygirl..

fun2wearfun2wearover 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks all for the comments! I've been slowly working on a second installment to this story and am still fleshing out the details of the story line. I appreciate any and all suggestions!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

come on you can't finish this great story without one more chapter, please one more chapter

AviciaAviciaover 2 years ago

Good job. The follow-up I'd love is, her devilish sister comes to stay and takes them both out as ponies on a two-horse cart. That cart design is actually a 'Trap' but I don't know why people don't call them that in pony play forums

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

very good read. be nice to continue with maybe one more day or ever eric giving Emily her wish of her day being a ponygirl..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

loved loved the story. i would like to read more see more growth in the trust building between the two people. i would love to learn more about the love story between them. more stories please about them taking part ponyplay festivals. i think a girlpony outfit is in order. we need illustration or photo of the ponyboy and foxgirl and ponygirl outfits please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hey super fun story ..

Do u have any girl version of it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

another great pony play story. now that the first day is over with great trust building. the next day should be a fun day with no blindfold and a lot of fast pony running of her pony..

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