Possessions Ch. 03


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It was Trivalm's turn to laugh as a fork bounced off of the back of Drimelk's head. He looked around, confusion evident on his face, having never been on the receiving end of Sarantha's flawless aim.

Sarantha glared down at him. "I do not sound like that." With that she turned on her heel and stalked away, a golden woman trailing after her.

As Trivalm walked by, he kicked Drimelk in his thigh, hard enough that the other man grunted. Instantly, almost as if he'd been expecting the slave to misbehave, Ebon slapped Trivalm in the same manner he had on their walk to the Great Hall.

He stalked out of the hall with laughter at his back. Whether it was directed at him or not, for the first time, he didn't care, fairly certain it was good natured.

The walk to the same bathing chamber he had been to the day before was short and silent except for Ivory's happy humming. She scampered around with the same airy, almost childish joy that she had displayed every moment since Trivalm had met her. It seemed that several of the other slaves and servants recognized her as well. Several times those passing her would greet her, calling her "sweetheart", "pretty girl", "dearie", "sweet darling" and other kinds of endearments. They rarely used her name, and none of them touched her. Trivalm wondered if that was due to Ebon's foreboding presence, or some prior promise of retribution from Sarantha.

When they reached the bathing chamber it became apparent that the two slaves had a bathing ritual that he would be expected to follow. Ivory immediately stopped her excited dashing and came to stand directly in front of Ebon, completely still for the first time. Her hands hung at her sides and her feet didn't shuffle as she looked up at Ebon, who was obviously pleased as he looked down at her with pure adoration in his gaze.

Slowly, gently, Ebon began to disrobe the girl. As each bit of flesh was bared to him, Ebon would stroke her skin, many times leaning down to press his lips gently to a few choice spots. It was almost as if he were savoring the moments that he was able to touch her freely, however he wanted, without the threat of his Mistress calling a halt to his actions. Ivory remained still through it her disrobing, though it was obvious it was a struggle for her. When she was completely naked, instead of moving her to the bath, Ebon continued to stroke her skin, his fingers skimming her shoulder and breasts before sliding down to feather over her flat belly. The lower his fingers traveled, the harder Ivory seemed to have to try to control her movements. Finally, when Ebon dipped his head to press a kiss to her collarbone, Ivory gave in and threw her arms around his neck, cradling his head against her. Immediately, as if he had been anticipating her loss of self-control, Ebon wrapped his arms around the much smaller woman, holding her tight against him as he continued to rain kisses on her face, neck and chest.

Just as he had been the night before, Trivalm was amazed at the differences between the two. Whereas Ivory was pale to the point of being albino, her hair much more white than blond, her eyes opaque and colorless, Ebon could have been easily confused with a piece of burnt coal, his skin dark as shadow, and his eyes black as night. The only contrast on the man were the whites of his eyes. Ivory was tiny. It wouldn't surprise Trivalm if many mistook her for a child, or young teenager. Ebon was huge. Even the top of Trivalm's head only reached the man's eyes. Ivory was bubbly and free, excitable and easy to read. Ebon was mostly stoic, his face betraying little except when his gaze landed on either Ivory or Sarantha. Each by themselves would have been a spectacle to see, standing next to each other as they were, it was an almost unbelievable sight.

Finally, Ebon lifted his head, ignoring Ivory's whine of protest. He guided her to the basin and sat her on the edge. The young girl happily kicked her feet in the water, uncaring that she was splashing water on the tiled floor and Ebon's pants.

The large man took a deep breath, then turned toward Trivalm. He began to strip as he spoke, his voice a deep rumble that matched his looks uncannily well. It was the first time Trivalm had heard his voice. "Ivory is our priority. If anything happens to her, a stubbed toe, a scraped knee, we pay the price. Her rules are absolute. She knows them. But like a child, she will try to find ways around them. She cannot be trusted alone."

"Is it she that can't be trusted, or the servants around her can't be?" Trivalm couldn't help but voice his thoughts as he remembered the way the girl had been pushed to the floor that morning.

"That woman has been dealt with." Ebon snarled the words, his rage rising to the surface and coming off of him in waves. After a moment, he took a deep breath, eyes closed, and held it for a moment. When he managed to calm himself, he continued. "The healer and her students have an inflated sense of worth. They believe themselves untouchable as long as they act under General Ehrik's directive. I'm not sure how he'd react if he ever saw how they treated her when he wasn't present. But she never tells him. As much as she complains about her restrictions, she never tells him why she despises it so." He seemed speculative for a moment. "I am a slave. I have no right to speak to the Keeper. However, this evening I spoke to Captain Kriel's wife. She has agreed to pass on a message to her husband for me. Hopefully, he will pass it onto Ehrik. If she does not I will speak to Triya, Alaliya's slave, and she will pass the message. Not because she feels any loyalty, but because she is a sadistic bitch and watching the healer's punishment will amuse her." His face fell into a snarl. "The healer will be gone one way or another."

Trivalm's eyebrow shot up. "You say that as though you harmed the woman, like you would harm the healer. Do you know the consequences of a slave harming a free citizen?"

Ebon had the audacity to smirk at the threat. "You think I care? You do not understand the responsibly Sarantha feels for our wellbeing. She will admit her shame at allowing such treatment to herself if she believes it sees us from harm. But she will not risk retaliation to one of us if she makes the complaint." He smirked. "Plus, they can't do anything if they can't find the bitch's body. Keep that in mind."

Trivalm didn't pretend to misunderstand the threat.

Ivory dipped her hand in the bath, then flung the water at the men, bringing their attention to her unhappy face. She slapped the water, turning so they could see the pout on her pretty face.

Trivalm couldn't help but give a wry smile as Ebon chuckled, but obeyed the silent command, sliding into the water. Ivory jumped into his arms. She turned toward Trivalm, her head cocked slightly to the side, as if asking why he wasn't getting into the bath with them. It seemed the small creature didn't hold a grudge and had forgiven him his earlier shortness.

Without ceremony, he disrobed and stepped into the bath. Ivory gave a squeal of delight as she threw herself across the basin into Trivalm's arms. Ebon retrieved a cloth and scented oil before moving behind her and beginning to cleanse her skin.

Ebon continued speaking as if there had been no interruption. "No other servant has ever been a problem. The new slaves and servants learn very quickly. They view her more as a pet than a slave. They are free to speak to her, but they are not to touch her, or she them. She is not allowed any sexual contact outside of our Mistresses sight unless she is allowed to play." He pressed a kiss to Ivory's forehead. "When we are told Ivory is allowed to play, it means she is allowed to do practically whatever she likes, as long as it doesn't break her rules. You will learn them; most of them are common sense if you think of her like a child-pet instead of a woman." He began to run his fingers through her hair. "She is a gentle creature. Nothing she does is malicious. But," He leant down and rubbed his nose against hers, a smile coming to his face as she giggled. "She is naughty at times."

As if to prove his point, Ivory darted away from her caretaker. Seemingly bored with her bath, Ivory started splashing at the men. For the first time in weeks, Trivalm felt his spirits lift as he watched her childlike exuberance. With a straight face, he looked down at the little woman, slowly advancing on her. She shrunk back against Ebon, an uncertain look on her face. Trivalm waited for the perfect moment, when the two were in the perfect positions, to cup his hand under the water and send it flying through the air to splatter at the oddly matched couple.

Ivory gaped at him as the water dripped off of her face. Her face held the most endearing mixture of disbelief, anger and humor. She looked up at Ebon, to see his reaction, find out what to do. When he only smirked down at her, she huffed. Without warning she lunged at Trivalm, splashing water at him.

The three laughed and giggled as they moved around the tub, flinging water, bubbles and washcloths at each other. Ebon and Trivalm flung water at each other until they realized that Ivory moved to join whichever one seemed to be winning at the moment. They turned on her, drenching her, before Trivalm pinned her against his chest to hold her still for Ebon to tickle. She squealed and wriggled against him, trying futilely to protect her obviously sensitive ribs. Finally, when Ebon relented, she straightened to stand on her own feet, but didn't move away from Trivalm's embrace. Instead she rolled her hips back against his groin.

He froze, unsure how he was meant to respond, even as his cock became engorged of its own accord. When she continued to grind her hips back, Trivalm couldn't help but moan. Oddly, Ebon didn't seem to mind. He stepped against Ivory's front, trapping the small woman between the two much larger men.

Hoping his interpretation of Ebon's move wasn't wrong, Trivalm lowered his head to kiss along Ivory's shoulder. Ebon mirrored the move on the other side. Both men chuckled when Ivory hummed happily at the attention. Trivalm moved his hands to slide around the front of her hips. For the first time he noticed the hair at the apex of her thighs had been removed. He slid his fingers between her plump lower lips, enjoying the way she arched against him as he found the pert little bud his fingers searched for. Ebon took the opportunity to slide his mouth down to her perky breasts.

"Such an attention needy little slut." Ebon moved them backward until Trivalm's back hit the edge of the basin. "Lay down." He didn't even lift his head away from Ivory's flesh as he gave the order, only his eyes flicking up toward Trivalm.

For the first time in his life, Trivalm didn't think twice about obeying the command of another man, sliding out the basin and laying on his back, his head closest to the water. Ebon lifted Ivory out of the water, ignoring her whimper of protest at being removed from the warmth. Ebon placed her on the ledge, one knee on each side of Trivalms head. Immediately, understanding the other man's intent, Trivalm reached up to grasp the round globes of Ivory's ass and pull her hips down to his waiting mouth. She screeched out her approval as his tongue delved into her already slick folds, at the same time as Ebon dipped his head to jab his tongue at her other, puckered little hole. One large finger slid into that tight little hole, pumped back and forth. Ebon ignored the little whimpers escaping the small creature's throat. He was obviously aware of them though, because as soon as those whimpers stopped, he added a second finger.

Even as she moaned her discomfort and pleasure, Ivory dipped her head to suck Trivalm's already hard cock between those talented lips, her tongue already massaging with those magical strokes. He groaned as he sucked her engorged little clit between his own lips, making her hips buck against Ebon's probing tongue and fingers, her whimper vibrating down his sensative shaft.

With no warning, before Trivalm could find his release, Ebon pulled Ivory off of him. "Don't want you too stretched, precious." He turned Ivory in his arms, whispered the words against her ear before directing Trivalm. "Sit on the ledge of the tub."

Trivalm did, vaguely wondering what Ebon was planning, but overall not caring. He watched as the larger man lifted the pale creature high against his chest, then step forward, pinning her between them, the two men dwarfing her. Trivalm jumped as the dark skinned man reached around Ivory and grasped his cock. His eyes widened, having never been touched intimately by another man. He nearly lost his nerve, seconds away from slapping the man's hand away and ending the otherwise enjoyable interlude. As if sensing his uneasiness, Ebon smirked, then aligned the cock in his hand with the small girl's ass instead of her woman's channel. Trivalm threw his head back as Ebon lowered Ivory, the tight squeeze of her ass around his cock exquisite. With that same smirk still on his face, Ebon grasped the small girl hips, and easily began lifting and lowering her on the unyielding rod impaling her tight body. Trivalm thought he was going to lose his mind, positive Ebon chose the slow, steady rhythm just to torture him.

When Ivory's soft whimpers stopped, signaling the end of her discomfort, Ebon stepped between her thighs, aligning his cock with her unfilled channel. Ivory's eyes widened. She began shaking her head frantically, fear evident in her eyes. Slowly, but persistently, Ebon began to sink his cock into her dripping channel, holding her eyes as he did so.

Trivalm gasped his shock. It didn't seem possible for both of the large men to fit in such a small space in her tiny body, but Ebon seemed intent on making it happen.

When her head fell back against Trivalm's chest, Ebon gripped her hair and forced her head back up, forced her to continue looking into his eyes as he invaded her body. Finally, Ebon seated himself fully inside of her, both men's hips pinning the pale woman's body between them. "I love you, precious."

And then he started to thrust. Hard. Fast. Deep. Trivalm wasn't prepared for the savagery of Ebon's assault. He threw his head back and screamed out his pleasure as his cock was forced deeper into the tight recesses of the heaven it was buried in.

Ebon grabbed Trivalm's wrist, brought his hand around to the apex of Ivory's thighs. He pressed the other man's fingers to the engorged bud there. He stroked the small piece of flesh that brought the little pet so much pleasure. The quick, tight circles made her hips buck and indiscernible sounds escape her throat.

The men took turns kissing her neck, biting at her shoulders, pinching her nipples. It wasn't long before the small woman sandwiched between them began to tremble as she clung to Ebon, a moment before she threw her head back and screamed out her pleasure, her body spasming around the thick rods buried inside of her.

Trivalm couldn't control himself, as her body milked his cock, he spilled his seed deep in her ass. Ebon though, it seemed, could control himself. He continued thrusting, uncaring that the two people beneath him were screaming out their orgasms, their bodies overloaded with pleasure. When Ivory started crying, tears streaming down her pretty face as the extended orgasm began to overwhelm her oversensitive body, Ebon finally buried himself to the hilt inside of the clenching channel, staring into Ivory's opaque eyes as he spilled himself inside of her.

After several minutes of all three members gasping for breath, Ebon crawled out of the water, pulling Ivory off of Trivalm and cradling her in his arms. Trivalm wrapped his body around her back, effectively sandwiching her between the larger, warm bodies of the two men.

After what seemed like hours, comfortable in each other's embrace, Ebon directed them back into the basin to cleanse themselves.

When the tranquility of the moment wore off, Trivalm began to think about what had just happened. He had never found pleasure with another man involved. With two women, yes. Once even with three women. But never with a man in any way involved. While he knew of men who preferred the touch of other men, he had never been one of them. Men such as those had never bothered him, as long as they never laid hands on him. He had simply never been attracted to another man, had never thought of doing such a thing. But he couldn't deny it had felt amazing to share a woman with another Ebon.

As they walked toward Sarantha's rooms, Ivory was less bubbly than she had been earlier. Even though she still bounced a bit, she walked next to Ebon, didn't dart forward, or spin or twirl. Trivalm began to wonder if she was in pain from what they had done to her. He had been so lost in his own pleasure, he hadn't realized how they could have hurt the tiny creature with their own bodies being over twice the size hers. Neither of them was a small man, in any capacity. He hadn't paid attention to how hard Ebon had thrusted, driving into her tight, overfilled body over and over, forcing two thick rods inside of a space that wasn't meant to hold such large things.

"Ivory, are you in pain?"

She looked at him, her head cocked to the side as if the question confused her.

Suddenly he was slammed against the wall again. Ebon's furious face was the only thing he could see. "I would never harm Ivory. Never!"

It seemed that Ebon had a bit of a temper under his cool exterior. At least where Ivory was concerned.

Trivalm raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I simply asked if she was in pain. Even if we were gentle with her, we are both large men. I only meant to look after her wellbeing. Isn't that what you said we were expected to do?"

Ebon narrowed his eyes at him, but released him, immediately turning to pull the small woman watching them with such confusion into his arms. She looked almost as if the men's skirmishes hurt her somehow. He nuzzled her neck a moment before saying, "She is well." He took her hand and continued down the hallway. After a few steps, the large man glanced over his shoulder. "She doesn't speak." He continued walking as if nothing had happened.

They walked in silence until they reached their destination. Trivalm took a deep, silently assuring himself that he could deal with whatever Sarantha had planned for the night. That didn't mean he wanted to though. Perhaps with the golden painted woman, she would be distracted enough that she wouldn't notice him slip off to his own bed.

He smiled as Ivory reached up on her tiptoes to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. Maybe he wouldn't try to slip away, he thought, looking at her rounded ass as she sashayed away from him enter the room.

The thought fled his mind as Ebon pushed opened the door and he stepped thought to see Drimelk and Raikol, chained and kneeling on the floor, their faces going from suspicion to ire when they noticed the smile on Travalm's face.

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TheDragonsMaidenTheDragonsMaidenabout 8 years agoAuthor
Thank you all for your support!

Just so everyone knows, my Facebook page is up!

There I have sneak peeks of Chapters not yet published, family trees, and maps. :) I am also quicker to respond to questions and messages there!

Please, hop on over and give me a Like!


TheDragonsMaidenTheDragonsMaidenabout 8 years agoAuthor

Chapter 4 is already underway! It will be submitted next week!

As for Trivalm's "acceptance", stay tuned! It is definitely NOT that simple! ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Like this story a lot

Please update soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
An editor

You really need one.

MajesticJMajesticJabout 8 years ago
Keep it coming

I enjoyed this last chapter though he seems to be accepting his new life as a slave rather easily for my taste. Though maybe in this world slavery is so common that the generals are more accepting of their fate. It appears he still has to navigate the pitfalls of his new position which should provide some good conflict and drama. Looking forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Beta reading

Hi i would love to beta for you, but I only use purple highlighting for my corrections is that ok? I find red harsh and it gives me a rash to look at it. And I do ask for a 10% profit share on any sales however, it's only fair right? Especially if you want a 3 day turnaround what if I've got shit on and stuff. If you're interested please PM me thanks i would love to help make your story even better! Kisses

TheDragonsMaidenTheDragonsMaidenabout 8 years agoAuthor
Hi Everyone!

Thank you all for the support! I love getting comments and messages! Keep them coming! Just so everyone knows though, if you do not fill in your email address, it sends it as from "Anonymous" and I cannot send you a response!

If you are interested in some behind the scenes type stuff, like maps, character charts and family trees, feel free to check out my Facebook! You can search "The Dragon's Maiden" or use the URL https://www.facebook.com/TheDragonsMaiden/

I am also looking for a Beta Reader for Possessions. If you are interested, send me a message!

As always, I love you all!!!

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