Pride Pt. 04 - The Road

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Aleron travels with a girl.
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The Road


A warm breeze passed over the pair of travelers at their makeshift camp site, a roaring fire illuminating the whimsical night around them. They sat by the fire, eating and talking of the day's events until it was time for an early sleep. Natalie had argued against it, of course; as a citizen of Heurbon, one sleeps late in the night and wakes late in response. Aleron explained to her that you sleep when the sun does when you're out on the road, and they'd be departing at first light.

"First light?!" Natalie exclaimed with a hand on her hip. "You cannot be serious, Aleron. You're teasing me."

"I'm afraid not, dear. You'll get used to it, I promise."

Their tent had already been pitched, and Aleron had attempted to show Natalie the proper way to set it up in the soft dirt. The lesson had not gone as well as he'd planned, but figured there'd be plenty more opportunities to teach that particular lesson.

Aleron's tent was designed to give one person ample room to move, but would be a tight fit for two. This was on purpose, of course; he typically traveled alone, and did not see the need to purchase a large tent he'd only use a couple of times for the road to Santaria.

"Sure looks cozy in there," Natalie said with a frown through the flap of the tent.

"Don't need room to sleep, huh?" Aleron replied warmly, already in his under-clothes atop his bedroll. Natalie let out a short laugh as she slipped her fingers into her travel pants, pushing them down her legs.

"Uh, can you do that anywhere else besides right in front of me?"

"Oh hush, Aleron. It's not like you haven't seen it already," Natalie replied playfully. She made her way into the tent, carefully stepping over Aleron's legs before getting comfy in her own sleeping bag of furs.

"Speaking of. What do we do about that? How do we deal with the fact that we..." Natalie trailed off as she turned herself to face him, resting her head on her hands.

"We forget it happened. Pretty much all you can do, huh?"

She noticed Aleron's member stirring under his clothes without his consent, and giggled. "Going to be hard to forget that," she answered huskily as she glanced at his crotch.

Aleron pushed her shoulder playfully. "Don't be gross, Natalie."

"I'm just kidding, Aleron. Good night," Natalie sighed, rolling onto her back and willed herself to sleep after the short day's journey.


The pair traveled nearly twenty miles the next day, exhausting for Natalie on horseback -- especially after her first training session with the sword in the morning -- but a slow pace for Aleron. He explained that if he were traveling on his own he could make almost twice that distance when mounted on a horse.

Natalie apologized of weighing him down before Aleron realized his mistake, elucidating that he wasn't blaming her or disappointed with their rate of travel.

Aleron had hunted a deer for their meal that night, Natalie feeling sorry for the animal as he skinned it.

Their time by the fire that night was passing just as it had previously until a stranger arrived at their camp on horseback, traveling in the opposite direction. Aleron was surprised that the man was still traveling at night, but offered him a meal regardless.

"Greetings. Got plenty of fresh venison, if you're interested," Aleron offered warmly.

The stranger stepped closer to the fire. Aleron noticed that he was carrying an oddly-shaped block of wood on his back, was equipped with several daggers, and had a curious style of facial hair with just a tuft of hair growing from his chin. The man's dark brown hair was long and greasy, swept haphazardly behind himself.

"Gladly," the stranger replied, bowing lowly before accepting a seat by the fire next to the man. Natalie looked a bit nervous, but continued eating silently as she kept one eye on their new guest. "Emmanuel, at your service."

"Aleron. And this here is my daughter, Natalie."

"A pleasure, sir," she greeted shyly.

"The pleasure is all mine, my lady," Emmanuel replied courteously as he grabbed the skewer of meat offered to him by Aleron.

The trio ate quietly for several minutes before Aleron broke the silence.

"Where did you come from, Emmanuel?"

Emmanuel looked up at Aleron, smiling. "Ah. I was in Santaria for a time, carousing with the women and drinking the wine," he sang.

Aleron raised an eyebrow, smirking. The bard continued.

"I'd tell the traveler to try both if Santaria were his goal, as otherwise he may find his visit just a tad dull."

"I'll take the advice," Aleron replied sarcastically, getting a huff from Natalie from across the fire. "Do you, er, always speak like that?" he asked the bard.

"It's called a rhyme, the dear traveler should know. But to answer his question, I would tell him..."

Emmanuel paused. Dramatically. "No."

"Hah!" Aleron laughed. Natalie couldn't help but giggle as well. "Tell me, bard, were there any murders in the city while you were there? Of some knight?"

The bard nodded. "Indeed. A lordling had been slain just inside the palace, not a few days before I left the city, alas." Aleron rolled his eyes, realizing the bard was not done with his unbearable tune.

"The nobility seemed quite worried, but for good reason I would say. The Ducal guard had been hurried, having no clues but hearsay."

Aleron nodded. This was good news, no matter how obnoxious he'd learned of it. It meant that he hadn't missed his chance at the bounty.

"A few days before, huh? Was it you?" Aleron asked sternly of the bard. Emmanuel held his hands up to imply his innocence before Aleron chuckled two moments later, the trio soon sharing in the laughter.

"You had me there, good sir. Fortunately you do not see a assassin before you, but merely a lowly musician."

"Glad to see I frightened you out of song, at least," Aleron smirked.

Natalie spoke up next, warming up to the man. "What's that thing on your back?" Emmanuel removed the strap from his shoulder, bringing the wooden box before him and unfolding it at the center, then unfolding the legs of the machine.

"This, my sweet maid, is what the elves call a dulcimer. It makes all manner of beautiful sound just by hammering its strings with," he paused, leaning over to fetch two rounded metallic objects from his satchel, "these things, he-re."

"It's strange looking. I've never seen one," Natalie replied, studying the instrument.

"Nor would you, as they're rarely seen outside the elven lands. I may be the only human who has one in his hands."

"You any good?" Aleron asked, looking to coax him into playing.

"Never thought you'd ask, my good sir. A song for a meal, I'd call that a steal. Shall I play?" Aleron nodded with a smirk.

"Excellent. Sit by your child over there," Emmanuel replied, pointing opposite him, "better acoustics."

Aleron scooched over on the ground towards Natalie, bumping into her as they waited with anticipation. Natalie's smile was as wide as could be.

"This ballad goes by many names, the latest being 'Struggles of the Divine'," he explained enthusiastically.

"Oh, I love this one," Natalie whispered. Emmanuel nodded towards her with a smile, then breathed in deeply with eyes shut before bringing his hammers towards the strings.

The bards eyes never lifted from the makeshift table before him, his hands moving swiftly to bring the hammers down on the strings. The rhythm began slowly, harmonic but sweet notes emanating from the lower strings played at a perfect tempo. As the song continued, the hammers moved up the table, to the sides, adding other rich notes to the melody of angelic tones. The tempo increased further still, a deeper pitch occasionally included from one of the higher strings as the ballad continued.

Aleron listened intently, not realizing he had been completely entranced by the beautiful song until Emmanuel had stopped playing.

"Wow!" Natalie exclaimed. The bard bowed, Aleron and Natalie giving him a soft applause.

"Most impressive."

"Thank you, my fair audience. With that, I'm afraid I must set off. An appointment with a sorceress, you see! A woman's scorn always keeps one busy!" Emmanuel packed up his instrument and strapped it over his shoulder, waving towards the two by the fire. Aleron waved back.

"Good luck with her," Aleron said.

"I'll need it, farewell, and thank-you for the supper," the bard sang before disappearing down the road and into the night with his horse and much fanfare.

Natalie sighed, leaning on Aleron. "Well that was... interesting," she said quizzically after a half minute or so.

"A strange fellow. But I bet he'd be an excellent drinking partner."

Natalie nodded, and spoke after a minute of silence. Aleron was pleased it wasn't in rhyme, the man worried briefly that the world may have gone mad. "Why did you invite him in the first place? Do you always do such things?"

Aleron nodded, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Usually, yes. A campfire shared amongst wanderers on the road is a sacred thing, Natalie. A hot meal even more so. It helps us see that we're all in it together. Regardless of what that 'it' is."

"Sounds so romantic," she cooed, noticing the look of perplexion on Aleron's face.

"Er, not that kind of romantic. Poetic, I suppose? That no matter who you are or what you've done, we're all equals next to a remote fire aside the road."

He thought on it a moment. "I suppose that's one way to put it."

"In just two days I've learned so much, Aleron. I'm happy you're in my life now, but I wonder who I'd be if I had met you sooner."

Aleron chuckled. "I'd likely be a different person as well. There's always a give and take when talking of 'what-if's. Besides, seems unlikely we'd ever learn of our bond if we met under different circumstances, huh?"

Natalie leaned on him further, sighing contentedly. He was right, of course. Their discovery had been completely by accident, and if they hadn't made love, or hadn't been attracted to one another... it would never have come up. She almost dozed off on his shoulder before he told her it was time for sleep.


Aleron and Natalie set off the following morning in high spirits after an hour of sword training for the young lady. Natalie felt more confident with the weapon, and asked her father when they would finally spar together. Aleron noted that she had a lot of practice before he'd feel comfortable with the thought, but perhaps they could pick up some practice swords in Santaria.

They reached a fork in the road by midday, a path to the east showing it was the road to Tellaro, while the westerly, lightly-traveled path was laid in the direction of Santaria but was unmarked. Aleron decided on the less-used path, musing to his daughter that he always found the road with less travelers to be more interesting.

The path was as pleasant as any. With none to stop them, the pair laughed and talked of everything yet nothing at all, beneath the autumnal canopy of yellow leaves and birds chirping their happy songs to one another. The road soon began to climb sharply into the mountains above, which had stifled conversation as Aleron's effort was instead put into keeping a proper footing.

Two hours up the winding path, Aleron and Natalie came to a bridge over a river, guarded by three suspicious looking individuals. Aleron immediately identified them as highwaymen by their tattered clothing and let go of the reins of the horse, putting a palm up behind him ordering Natalie to wait. He stepped closer, crossing his arms.

"Greetin's, a fine days to yous trav'ler," the biggest of the bandits roared out to Aleron in a mocking imitation of someone actually educated.

"Greetings. I suppose you're taking a toll for this bridge crossing?" Aleron asked sternly with a raised voice.

"Ah ha ha ha. Tha's right, we are! An' the toll today is... all yer coin!" the big man bellowed, his two compatriots laughing with him. Aleron noticed one of the outlaws was merely a child, and stored the note away for now.

"I'm afraid I find that toll too steep, gentlemen. Best I can do is the boatman's toll," Aleron replied to three confused faces. "Four coppers, two for myself and my companion."

"Four fookin' coppas?!" the taller bandit roared in outrage. "Mate 'es fookin' wit' us!"

"Look, trav'ler, look. If you ain't willin' to pay, we'll let yous pass if you give us some time wit' your sweet girlie back dere," the fat man roared again, pointing behind Aleron.

Aleron still had his arms crossed. "No deal."

"Den we'll do it the 'ard way. Fine wit' me."

The biggest bandit raised his axe above his head, the tall man behind him raising a sword as they both charged at him. Both of their weapons seemed of pitiful quality, but Aleron didn't care to see them up close.

Aleron waited patiently until the roaring outlaws were within ten yards, at which point he lifted his crossbow with his left hand while placing his right hand on his forearm, squeezing the trigger gently so the bolt sang true straight into the fat outlaw's neck. Still holding the crossbow, Aleron flung a wrist dagger with his right hand, the blade cutting into the tall man's shoulder. Aleron was amused for a second as that maneuver of his rarely worked in actuality.

The tall man was soon writhing on the floor, seeing all manner of shapes and colors as the deathcap mushroom worked it's way through his system. The child bandit, seeing his compatriots dispatched in the span of two seconds, charged wildly at Aleron, swinging his blade haphazardly with rage. Aleron crossed his arms once more, waited until the child was within striking range and drew his sword, slashing downward to knock the boy's blade from his hand. Aleron grabbed the boy by the neck with his right hand.

"Kid, I'm not fucking around here. You make your way back to town," pointing behind him with his sword, "and turn yourself into the constable. You're young, they'll go easy on you, huh? After your sentence, live a good life and help people rather than rob them. This," Aleron pointed at the two bodies before him with his sword, "is the outcome of all thievery. It's only a matter of when."

Natalie trotted the horse closer to him, seeing that the worst was over. Aleron put the boy down, kicking his toy sword away. "Go!" he commanded, startling the boy as he began running hastily down the road with arms outstretched.

Aleron exhaled deeply as he watched the boy leave, wondering if his actions would do him any good. But he had been too young to execute. He could be redeemed. Unlike most.

"Are you okay, Aleron?" Natalie asked from behind him. Aleron nodded quickly, taking the reins of the horse once more. He led her towards the tall bandit, the man in rags blabbering like the idiot he likely was as he rolled in the dirt.

"Natalie, get off the horse." She quickly obeyed, not wanting to anger the man that dispatched two bandits in just as many seconds.

Aleron glowered at her now, grabbing her hand and placing it on her breast. "Heart. Always a kill. Draw your sword."

"W-what? I can't..." Natalie whimpered, looking towards the mentally-destroyed outlaw on the ground.

"He's a thief and a rapist, Natalie. If you do not end him now, he'll continue raping and stealing until someone comes around that has the heart to end him."

Natalie frowned, unsheathing her sword as she gripped it with two hands. She stepped atop the useless man's body, shutting her eyes as she lifted her sword.

"Look at him while you do it."

Natalie froze for a moment before opening her eyes, and staring at the man she was just about to kill. She decided to get it over with quickly, and thrust into the man's chest just where Aleron had showed her. Blood spurted weakly from the wound several times before the man's eyes rolled back into his head.

Natalie was shaking, disbelieving in her own actions. She didn't realize Aleron was directly behind her until he placed a hand on her shoulder half an eternity later. Back in the present day, she looked over at her dad, the man who had forced her to do it, holding a piece of dirty cloth. She took it with one hand, wiping her sword before she returning her blade to its sheath. Aleron bent over to retrieve his wrist knife from the bandit's corpse.

"Let's get going."


The pair sat around the fire quietly that night, thinking of the events earlier in the day. Natalie was in shock from her first kill, disbelieving still that she was capable of the act.

"Does it ever get easier...?" she asked her father weakly after half an hour of silence. Aleron shook his head, his sight never once leaving the dancing flames.

"Wish I could say it did. In all honestly... you just get numb to it, after a while."

She turned her gaze back to the fire, sullen. She understood why he had made her do it, but wished he had at a better time. If there ever was a good time to take a life.

"You did good, though. I don't think I mentioned it back there," Aleron spoke quietly after a minute.

"I remember my first time. I was just a teenager, following a shitty dream to be a mercenary. I killed some peasant who had no right being on the battlefield that day, probably drafted straight from a farm and had a spear placed in his hand. I had hesitated right before, and... I realized he was just as scared as I was. I eventually found the courage to end him before he did the same to me."

Aleron finally shifted his gaze towards his daughter, who had been staring at him as he spoke. "I made you do that, Natalie, so you don't have to hesitate when it matters most." Natalie nodded in understanding.


They called it early that night, retiring to the tent not an hour past sunset. They were cuddled closely together -- as the small linen tent had forced them to do -- in separate sleeping bags when Natalie spoke up.

"You know, back on our date? When you said you killed a dozen bandits to save the countess?"


"I didn't believe you until today. I figured you were just trying to impress me," she chuckled softly, her hand flicking a stray lock of hair from her eyes.

Aleron, too, chuckled. "I was trying to impress you. Honestly? I only killed six that day."

Natalie rolled towards him, giggling. "Do you always lie to girls to get them in bed with you?"

Aleron paused a moment. He smirked, pleased of his retort before he'd given it. "Of course not. I've been truthful all day and you're in bed with me now."

"Aleron, you're such a bastard," Natalie giggled, rolling on top of him and play wrestling with him under the tent.

Aleron soon got the upper hand, pinning her down between two sleeping bags before realizing the awkwardness of the position. He leaned down to kiss her on the forehead, Natalie's face tilting instinctively upwards as he did.

With a quick peck of her forehead, he rolled off of her back to his side of the tent. Natalie only gave him a second before she leaned over and pecked him on the cheek in retaliation.

"Night, Aleron," she whispered.

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