Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 07


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"Laci, I don't know how you do everything you do. You work, look after your family, look after your extended family, look after me, you're helping Sara and Trent plan their wedding and now you're conducting a unicorn hunt. Are you at all familiar with the word r-e-l-a-x? I think I got off easy. All I have to do is walk Sara down the aisle."

"Thank you for being concerned, Dad, but it's not as hard as it sounds. Victor does quite a bit. Donovan helps him look after Matthew and Jeremy. When Trent is here, he loves playing with the boys. Marian tells us all what to do. I'm not sure how and I'm not sure why but it all seems to work." Laci smiled again. "It was lovely that you agreed to walk Sara down the aisle. We've talked quite a lot and she enjoys being here with all of us. She doesn't have any family so it means the world to her and Trent."

"Well, I missed having my chance with you, so I'm happy to do it for Sara although I think I'll actually be pretending I'm holding your arm. Trent has no family either?"

"Just his Mom. She loves Sara and thinks her son is the luckiest man in the world. She lives in Florida and she'll be here in a few days.

"Has it been a lot of extra work?"

"Not really. It's going to be very small, pretty much a carbon copy of when Donovan and I got married. Trent and Sara both wanted to keep it personal so there wasn't very much to do. Their main concern was keeping the press and photographers away so no one except our family even knows what's happening. They are both deliriously happy. And Marian is happy because her magazine has exclusive rights to Trent's wedding photos. The boys are happy because they get to be ring bearers, even though they think they're the 'ring bears' and get to growl. Victor is happy but he's always happy. Donovan is happy but I'm pretty sure it's because Trent is starting work on a new film and will be heading up to Canada."

"So everyone is happy except you and you won't be happy until you find Virgil."

"I suppose that's true. I hate to suspect Donovan but I can't figure out who else could be responsible for Virgil's disappearance."

Chapter 3 The Disoriented Express

Donovan was sitting at his desk, looking out the window at the garden and feeling both horny and very sorry for himself, when Victor wandered into the room.

"Hey, Daddy-bug."

"Damn it, Victor. You've been calling me that for almost three years and for that entire time I've been telling you I hate it and asking you to stop. When are you going to respect my request?"

"All in favor of me not calling you Daddy-bug, please raise your hand." With a snort of annoyance Donovan raised his hand in the air. "All in favor of upholding the Daddy-bug tradition, please vote now." Victor raised both hands in the air. "Sorry, Donovan. By a vote of two to one, the Daddy-bug name is upheld."

Donovan gave Victor a dirty look. "That's election fraud. Unless you want something I'd appreciate it if you'd take yourself and your crooked voting methods out of here and leave me alone."

"It's nap time for Jeremy, Matthew and Trent so I thought I'd come visit for a while."

Donovan shook his head. "Nap time for Trent? Does he have his security blanket and pacifier? What the hell is wrong with Sara? She seems so normal. What does she see in that moron? Yesterday I saw Matt teaching him how to stick the straw in a juice bag."

"This coming from the man who didn't even know what a juice bag or box was until a couple of years ago. And I have not forgotten how you made the baby powder explode. Still trying to figure out how you managed that. Remember when you taped your tie to Noodle-bug's diaper? And let's not forget the smoke alarm incident. Considering all the mistakes you made, you shouldn't be the first to throw stones at Trent."

"Can I throw them at you?"

"Maybe you should consider being a little nicer since I'm the only friend you have at the moment. People who commit unicorn crimes don't usually have many friends."

"What unicorn crimes? I didn't commit any unicorn crimes. How many times do I have to say it? And I'm not sure I'd consider you a friend since you were the one to tell Laci that I was the last to see Virgil. That was a huge help. Thanks, friend. I don't know where that obnoxious creature is but I know I didn't do anything to him. Go away."

"Was it an accident? Laci would understand. Confess. You'll feel better."

"I didn't do anything. I'm not confessing to something I didn't do. Go away."

"Maybe you blacked out. You're not used to drinking that much," Victor speculated.

"I didn't do anything to the unicorn. Leave me alone."

"Amnesia! Hysterical, traumatic amnesia! You couldn't control yourself because you saw something horrible and it caused hysterical, traumatic amnesia!"

"If seeing something horrible was causing me to forget, I should have forgotten you a long time ago. I don't know what happened to the damned unicorn. I don't care what happened to him. Stupid thing hated me. I'm glad he's gone."

"That's good, Donovan. Focus. It's all coming back to you. Was it a crime of passion? Did you lose control and snap? You can tell me. Confess."

"VICTOR! GO AWAY! I've told the truth. I don't know what happened. I wish I could figure it out. I hate seeing Laci upset. She never gets upset."

"That's a great idea!" Victor exclaimed. "We can analyze the crime. You like playing games. Let's play detective and figure this out. I'll help you remember."

"I hate playing games and there's nothing to remember. Besides, if you plan to help, I'll probably end up facing the gallows. Just go away and leave me alone."

"But if you figure out the mystery and find Virgil, you'll be a hero. I'll bet Laci would give you a reward. Probably a really good reward. Maybe one that involves some tying."

Donovan considered for a long and horny moment. "Fine. What do I have to do?"

"You're the suspect so, I'll be the detective. Okay, Mr. Corbett, since you were the last person to see the unicorn alive, tell me what you did that morning."

"What do you mean 'the last person to see the unicorn alive'? It's a damned stuffed animal. It's not dead. At least I don't think it is. Stop trying to make me feel guilty."

"You haven't answered the question," Detective Victor pointed out.

"This is ridiculous," Donovan growled. "You know exactly what I did that morning. You were there. We were here in the office. We woke up and none of us was feeling especially great. Marian, Laci and Sara were standing in the doorway wanting to know why we were hung over. I recall telling them you made me believe Marian left you and Laci left me." He glared at Victor. "I'd still like to know what your motive was for that, Mr. Detective. Maybe you had more to do with this than you're saying. How do I know you didn't have something to do with this whole unicorn caper? Is it a set up? How do I know you and Virgil aren't working together? He hates me and you live to drive me insane. How much is he paying you? It's all a plot, isn't it? A plot to get rid of me."

"Uh...Donovan? Don't you think you're getting just a little bit paranoid? I mean I know you and Virgil have your issues, but I'd never accept payment for driving you insane. I'd do that just for the fun of it."

"Thank you, Victor," Donovan said sarcastically. "That makes me feel so much better."

"So what'd you do with Virgil?"

Donovan started rubbing his temples to ward off the impending headache he had come to associate with Victor related encounters. "I already told you. I've told all of you. Before Laci left, she asked me to bring Virgil upstairs. You and Trent had started to clean up the office. I grabbed Virgil and took him upstairs. I threw him on his chair. I came back downstairs. That was the last time I saw him. He was alive and sneering when I left the room. Why doesn't anyone believe me?"

"Well, maybe because you've had problems with Virgil right from the very beginning of your relationship with Laci. You always accuse him of watching you."

"He does watch me. He sits on the chair in the bedroom and the little pervert watches everything that happens in there. Don't you think that's strange?"

"Not as strange as you thinking a stuffed unicorn is a pervert."

"Damn it Victor. I thought you were trying to help."

"Playing detective hasn't worked real well, so let's try logic."

"Oh sure. Like that's going to be successful with you leading the logic parade," Donovan stated balefully. "At what time during any of our conversations have you been logical?"

"When I tell you to talk to Laci," Victor retorted smugly.

Donovan glared. "All right. Logic. I logically put the fucking unicorn on the fucking chair in the fucking bedroom which has seen surprisingly little fucking in recent weeks because the fucking unicorn fucking vanished. Is that fucking logical enough?"

"Poor attitude won't help, Donovan."

"Well how do you think I feel knowing that Laci is believing the worst of me and is sure I did something to Virgil? Stupid name. Hate that name. Virgil."

"Let's try the logic approach again."

"Let's try the going away and leaving me alone approach again."

Victor ignored Donovan and continued. "You claim to have brought Virgil upstairs and put him on his chair."

"I'm not claiming. It's a fact. I put him on the chair. I left him there."

"When did Laci realize he was gone?"

"Victor, we've all talked about this. After dinner Laci and I put Matt to bed. We went into our bedroom. I'd been away for almost a month so I was looking forward know."

"Sex, Donovan. You wanted to have sex. You're a Dominant, remember? You're allowed to say the word. You used to say it all the time. Laci knows what it means. I know what it means. Marian taught me."

"I don't want to hear about your encounters with my cousin. Since meeting you, she always talks about sex. I grew up with her. She never talked about sex."

"Course not. Probably afraid you'd accuse her of being a pervert."

"Go away."

"Donovan, I'm trying to help you figure this out. Who do you think took Virgil?"

"Well, as long as you asked...gee...uh...I don't know...someone who likes to stir up just a little trouble...someone like...oh...uh...maybe...YOU! Aggravating me is your hobby. It's on the top of your daily to-do list. Annoy the shit out of Donovan. You probably took the damned thing and have him stashed somewhere. You're waiting for me to look even guiltier then you'll confess and have a huge laugh at my expense."

Victor gave him a strange look. "All those in favor of changing the name Daddy-bug to Paranoid-bug, please raise your hands." Victor put both hands in the air. "Majority rules, Donovan. You've officially gone from being a little crazy to having a one way ticket on the Disoriented Express. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Donovan turned and looked straight at Victor. "Tell me the truth. Did you take the damned unicorn?"

"No. Look, Donovan, it's no secret I like driving you crazy but I know how much Virgil means to Laci. There are about a million ways I can make you nuts without getting her upset. Besides, I know better than to make Miss Wonder Whip unhappy. She'd wrap one of her whips around my neck and give a whole new definition to tying privileges."

Donovan turned away, looking and sounding discouraged. "Damn. I wish I didn't believe you. This is getting us nowhere. Virgil was in the office with us. Laci and Sara took Matt, Jeremy and the dog-moose to the playground. Marian went to her office. It was just you, Trent, me and Virgil. Considering how Trent was acting when he thought Laci was mad at him, there's no way he would risk getting her even madder by taking Virgil. If you didn't do it, that leaves Virgil and me so unless the stupid unicorn really did steal himself, even I'm beginning to think I did it." He turned back to Victor. "Now what?"

"Damned if I know."

"I didn't do anything to Virgil. I don't know where he is but when he gets back, I'm going to wring his neck. You'd think he'd have more consideration for Laci."

"Uh...Donovan. He's a stuffed toy."

"Yeah. A very inconsiderate, perverted stuffed toy with beady eyes," Donovan grumbled. "He's probably been hiding over at your place watching what you and my cousin do in your bedroom."

"All aboard! Now boarding the Disoriented Express!"

"Victor, shut up and go away."

"Donovan, I'm starting to get concerned about you. You're always a little high strung and persnickety but this whole Virgil thing is really getting to you."

"What do you expect? The Amazing Vanishing Virgil has disappeared. My own son grabs his toys and hides them behind his back whenever I walk into the room. The dog-moose has turned into a guard-moose and watches every move I make. My wife doesn't know what to think, the rest of you keep looking at me like I'm a criminal and all because of some stupid stuffed unicorn that has held a grudge for as long as I've known him. Even if he suddenly shows up, everyone is still going to believe I'm responsible."

"Maybe you need a little break from all this. Laci wants to take Noodle-bug and Doodle-bug to the ranch. Why don't you go with them?"

"I hate the ranch. It's dusty and that damned horse of hers hates me too. It's bad enough everybody here is growling at me. I don't need to hear horse growling."

"Bet you wouldn't mind hearing some Laci snuggling or some heavy breathing or a few dirty words. Bet you'd like hearing that a whole lot and Laci's always real happy at the ranch. You know what they say: 'Happy Leads to Horny'. A happy Laci is a horny Laci and a horny Laci is a happy Donovan who's already horny but not so happy."

"What 'they' say? Who is 'they' and how do you know they're saying it? Are 'they' running a 'buy-one-get-one-free' offer on the Disoriented Express because I'm pretty sure you're going to be riding with me?"

"You could always hang out with me and John. We're taking Trent shopping. He wants to find a wedding present for Sara. Then we're going to pick his mom up at the airport. That'll be fun. John promised Trent he'd get him one of those big pretzels. With extra salt. If you behave yourself, I bet he'll get one for you, too."

Donovan glowered and muttered to himself for a few seconds while considering his options. "What time are they leaving for the ranch?"

Chapter 4 A Stormy Surprise

"Mama, does Prince really have a surprise? What kind of surprise?" Matthew cajoled. "Is it a good surprise? Did he tell you the surprise?"

"Prince wouldn't tell us he had a surprise if it was a bad surprise," Jeremy reasoned.

Donovan had to hand it to Jeremy. Not quite three years old and he was already more logical than Victor. Good thing the kid was taking after his mother and not his father.

The two boys were securely fastened into car seats and seated in the back of the rental car Donovan was driving along the almost deserted back roads leading to the ranch. He had managed to win the excited approval of Matthew and Jeremy by offering to rent a helicopter to fly everyone to the location.

Laci had only seemed a bit curious knowing how infrequently and unwillingly Donovan made the journey. He hated wearing the jeans she always insisted he wear. He grumbled about the t-shirts that went with the jeans. He complained about the ranch dust and the ranch smell and the ranch noises. He gave Laci's horse, Prince, one dirty look after another as they growled their mutual dislike and displeasure at each other.

About the only thing at the ranch that met with his approval was her room off the barn and its comfortable bed. He had willingly enjoyed that bed on more than one occasion.

If Victor was even slightly right and happy really did lead to horny, then perhaps a happy at the ranch Laci would become a happy and horny Laci which would make a horny and not so happy Donovan very happy. Damn! Victor was giving him a headache and he wasn't even in the same car.

"Mama, do we have to wait for the surprise?"

Laci smiled at her son. "Well, it is Prince's surprise so I think it's only fair if he shows you, don't you think?"

"I wish we didn't have to wait." Matthew was the mirror image of his father's pout. "Will we like the surprise?"

"I think you and Jeremy will be very surprised with the surprise and like it very much."

Even though she hadn't said anything to him about his sudden decision, Laci had liked her own surprise that morning when Donovan offered to accompany them to the ranch. She glanced to her left and watched him concentrating on the road.

Not only had he offered to go to the ranch but he had worn his jeans without even being asked. She noticed he'd managed to sidestep one of the t-shirts in favor of his usual button-down shirt but he still looked fantastic. Why, she wondered, did he always object to the jeans? They fit to perfection and made him look even sexier than he usually did. A lot sexier if that was even possible.

He really was trying hard to make amends even though he claimed not to have had anything to do with Virgil's disappearance. Laci was certain he was telling the truth and while that didn't account for the whereabouts of the unicorn, she felt a little guilty for allowing him to feel guilty. Then again, maybe he deserved to feel a little guilty.

It had taken several days to realize it wasn't only the missing unicorn that was weighing on her mind. There was something else and if Master Donovan was going through one of his spells and required a little extra submission, it was just fine with Laci. It might not help locate Virgil but she was sure Donovan would be feeling much better by the end of their ranch visit. Prince wasn't the only one who was good at surprises. Sometimes non-submissive wives could manage a surprise or two. With a little creativity non-submissive wives could be very surprising.

Donovan turned into the ranch and drove slowly towards the barn. He pulled the car just a few feet from the door leading to Laci's room. He helped Jeremy from the back seat while Laci helped Matthew.

Taking both boys by the hand, she led them behind the barn toward the paddock where Donovan knew Ogre, also known as Prince, would be corralled. Without a word, and noting the amount of dust already accumulating on his shoes, Donovan followed behind them. This trip might not have been the best plan he'd ever come up with. Laci seemed to be happy but she wasn't looking even the slightest bit horny.

Rounding the corner of the barn, Donovan saw horse-zilla standing in his yard but he wasn't alone. The huge, grey, stomping and snorting stallion was almost always alone unless he was with Laci or terrorizing some poor ranch hand who was trying to refill his food or perform some other chore.

Standing just a few feet from Prince, a black velvet mare was gently nuzzling a small, grey foal.

"Mama, Prince has some friends with him. Prince never plays with the other horses."

"Those aren't his friends, Matthew," Laci told her son. "That's Prince's family. That little horse is Prince's new son. His name is Stormy. He got his name because he was born during a big thunderstorm. That's Prince's surprise. He wants to introduce you to Stormy."

"Who's that other horse?" Jeremy asked.

"That's Butterfly. She came to live on the ranch about a year ago. You met her when she first came here but you might not remember. She's Stormy's mom."

"Is Butterfly Prince's wife?" Matthew asked. "Like you're my dad's wife and he's my dad so I'm his son?"

Donovan was shaking his head, vaguely wondering who it was that took care of who in their family. At the rate they were learning things, Matthew and Jeremy were going to be taking care of Victor before too much longer. That could actually be a good thing.