Princess Jern and the Three Goblins


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There was something that felt a little off about the salacious scenario however, barring the obvious obscenity, that Jern could not quite place her finger on at first, though eventually came to comprehend shortly after her initial disgust had worn off that she was even able to make such coherent musings in the first place because she had been left unmolested long enough to do so. In spite of the goblins each sporting a full erection starting to leak a little with translucent precum for quite a while now, none of them had yet taken so much as a single step closer to her from where they first started tugging their green sausages. Their masturbation was going on for far longer than what was just simple preparation, and it was not until she witnessed each of the non-humans starting to convulse in place close to the same time did it become clear none of them were intending to attempt proper penetration anywhere on her person at all. Although relieved by this revelation, Jern was nonetheless baffled by this constraint in their behaviour after they had taken things so far already, and merely watched on as Nik titled his head back and let out a soft sigh from his smiling mouth that accompanied the first spurts of ejaculation from his trembling cock, with his two companions similarly joining him in cumming shortly after he had already begun. An impressive output of spunk, far greater than what the average human man was able to yield in a single orgasm, was discharged from each of the goblin males' olive tips with potent impetus, shooting through the air a fair distance only for each white wad to splatter futilely onto the floor just short of reaching the princess' toes.

"Phwoah! I needed that!" Nik would declare following the conclusion of his cumming at the same time the other two goblins shewed similar satisfaction before stuffing their respective softening cocks still dribbling with residue semen back into his slacks. "Right, kip time now, Nak, Nok! We gots a busy night a' stealin' ahead a' us, an' a drowsy burglar makes for a nicked burglar."

"H-hey! What about me?" Jern then interposed as she saw them all seeming to about to turn in for the day. "Don't tell me you're going to leave me like this!"

"In case ya haven' noticed, hun, we ain't exactly runnin' a five star bed n' breakfast here." The lead goblin would respond to the query. "Though, thanks for remindin' me that we can't have ya mouthin' off when we're tryin' t' snooze. Nok, go an' fetch somethin' t' gag her with will ya?" With these instructions, the tallest of the goblinoids, presumably Nok, grumbled a complaint that Jern could not quite hear though still went over to where her clothing lay regardless and tore a strip of cloth from off the hem of her shirt, as if the trio had not already done enough to irritate the princess as is.

Just as Jern saw Nok wheel back around and tauten the shred of material between his hands, a bucket of water was thrown over the brazier, putting the flames out with a hiss and instantly plunging the chamber into total darkness. Here, Jern was put at an even greater disadvantage, as goblins had the natural ability to see through the densest of shadows as clearly as cats, and she was not even able to detect the stealthy padding of Nok's feet approach her until he was already upon her attempting to bind the band around her mouth, to which the warrior-princess reflexively responded with frantically flailing her head while gnashing her teeth with the ferocity of a caged beast, even able to nip at his nimble little fingers a couple of times to make him yelp from pain, but was only able to postpone the inevitable as she soon found herself securely muzzled and limited to making muffled expletives at best.

Although she was unable to see, Jern presumed the goblins turned in for bed immediately following this as she could hear them each start to snore at distinctly different pitches and patterns not long afterwards, their somnial sounds loud enough to reverberate around the chamber and down the tunnel beyond, making her ponder how such blaring sleepers could have remained undetected for as long as they have. The saw-like snorting combined with the uncomfortable position she was stuck sat in, the creeping chill of the cavern air and thoughts both apprehensive and furious swirling in her mind prevented Jern from sleeping in the slightest herself during this time despite being exhausted from distress alone, and the cramping she started to feel from having her arms held aloft and stationary for so long did not help matters either. Although she had utterly lost all track of time within that lightless subterranean hollow, Jern must have stayed awake for several maddening hours, for the ceaseless snoring would eventually stop and she would hear the goblins starting to stir once more, yawning and scratching themselves back to consciousness before the brazier was relit, the radiance of the flames almost dazzling to the princess' sight after she spent so long in the gloom.

The groggy goblins rubbed their eyes before Nik cast a lazy aside glance towards where Jern was still restrained just as they had left her, albeit now appearing far more weary than previous, then looked down below at himself and his cronies to see their own erect members pressing hard against the fabric of his bottoms with waking wood.

"Reckon we better rub a quick one out 'fore headin' out, lads. Can't be footpaddin' about with stiffies in our slacks now." Nak and Nok, still half-dozing, both nodded in agreement, and again the three non-humans positioned themselves in a row before Jern, dropping their trousers down to their ankles and taking their hardened rods in hand to begin pumping away at the lengths, a lot more sluggish compared to the prior stroking, though it still did not take too long before they each came in turn once more, again each shooting a substantial quantity of jizz just as generous as their preceding loads without a single drop coming into contact with the princess, but nevertheless seeming to content the green-skinned crooks all the same. Jern, in her half-lucid state, was unable to muster up the effort to display any sort of strong reaction towards that which she had already seen before, but a smouldering spleen was present in the glint of her resenting stare that either went unnoticed or ignored by her detainers. "Ah~ Ain't nothin' like a nuttin' t' clear th' cobwebs out yer brain~" Nik remarked with a chirpy timbre.

Afterwards, the three goblins sat themselves down at the table to finish off the last of their bread for breakfast before putting the fire out once again to save fuel. "Ta-ta, love! Mind the place while we're out, yeah?" The imprisoned princess could hear Nik's voice say to her before he and his brothers cackled at his own joke, and continued to listen to their mirth as it dwindled into a faint echo down the tunnel as they set out to take part in their illicit activities in the presumed night. After the goblins were out of earshot, the cavern fell dead silent, and Jern, granted with solitary quiet for the first time since her capture, could not help but to at long last passed out into as peaceful of a deep slumber as was possible given the situation. An indeterminate while later but seeming all too soon, the red-haired girl was roused from her dreams by obnoxious reverberations of boisterous bragging by the three individuals she had grew to thoroughly disdain in such a short space of time.

Once again, the brazier was relit, allowing Jern to see her captors' return with the spoils of their exploits in hand, gathering around the table to count what each of them were able to amass from the victims in Ósterklig in the time they were away from their den. Upon completion of this task, the goblins celebrated with stolen liquour and tobacco, both of which they must have had no small stockpile of considering the length of time they spent inanely chattering all while drinking and smoking. The non-human trio would then go on to play several rounds of what seemed like every possible card game variant known to the princess and then some, wagering whatever share of loose coinage they had respectively laid claim to, with the pot going back and forth more times than the human could keep track of until each of them were left with winnings that seemed not much more than what they had started with. Following this, several hunks of beef likely pilfered from the village's butcher were brought from robbers' store and slowly cooked over the burning brazier, the delectable smell of which wafted through the air and reached Jern's nostrils, reminding the princess that she had not a single bite to eat since yesterday lunchtime. An involuntary gurgling sounding from the redhead's toned stomach then caught the attention of the goblins, and brought amused looks onto each of their faces.

"Feelin' a mite peckish over there, are ya?" The smallest of the three mockingly asked her, an amused look across his countenance.

"Best ya go give her some scraps, Nak. I think she's startin' t' look a li'l cross with us." Nik chimed in, half-chuckling.

Doing as he was told, the goblin named Nak shaved a slice of broiled meat off the bone with a pocket knife before bringing it over to their captive. Jern was greatly tempted to boot the burglar as soon as he came close enough, but decided it was in her better interest to hold back her retaliation until she first obtained what was being offered to her, not knowing when the next opportunity for something to eat could come about. Nak pulled the gag away from Jern's mouth, withdrawing his hand quickly to avoid having his fingers bitten as had happened to Nok earlier, but only stood staring at the human female for a few seconds in silence while her focus was on the the food he held in his mitt and out of her reach until he finally asked: "Well?"

"...well what?" Jern responded, her attentiveness switching to the goblin with impatience present in her question.

"Aren' ya gonna say th' magic word?" Nak clarified.

"Are you bloody serious right now?" Jern further queried rhetorically, letting out a peeved sigh, but her hunger won out her pride. "Fine then...please..." She added with a mumble.

"Speak up! I can barely hear you!" The goblin sharply rebuked.

"Please may I have something to eat?" The princess spoke louder, enough for all three goblins to clearly hear, but no genuine gratitude was present in her tonality.

"Good girl~! We might learn ya some manners yet!" Nok jeered, but nonetheless proffered out the morsel of meat close to Jern's face, which she did not hesitate to catch in her teeth and quickly wolf down as if it was about to be taken away from her again, uncaring as to how she may have appeared doing so.

Nok retreated back to his fellows whilst the princess was occupied with her mouthful shortly before the goblins returned to their own meal, all but ignoring their prisoner in the meanwhile as they made merry. In truth, Jern found the whole affair to be more tedious than it was traumatic, her arms since having gone numb from the discomfort, feeling more like she was a decoration than a detainee, and half the time since the goblins' return, she forgot she was even clothesless, though she would be soon reminded of the fact with what was to come next.

"Welp! I'm bored. Think I'll squeeze out another quick one an' go for a jaunt 'round th' rockies." Nik said after he had finished polishing off his plate, wiping his greasy fingers onto his vest before he got up from his stool and made his way over to his regular station in front of Jern, where he pulled his trousers down from his pelvis, letting his flaccid cock - still quite sizeable even in its softened state - flop out into the open where he then proceeded to pleasure himself, using the sight of the princess' bare body as stimulant for his self-servicing as he had done before.

"Again already?" Jern thought to herself while she watched Nik's dick swiftly solidify in his massaging hold before her eyes. "Gods...these goblins ain't short of stamina, I'll give them that much..." This time, however, Jern observed the goblin's masturbation with greater earnest than she had done so prior, not even being aware herself that she was doing so at first. For an entire minute did the princess stare at the non-human's meaty manhood being hastily jerked just a few feet from where she was slouched, almost hypnotised by the manner in which its foreskin repeatedly retracted from the glans with every wrist movement made in reverse while she studied the tantalising measurements of the shaft and the volumes of the accompanying balls swinging below, the inside of her mouth starting to subconsciously salivate as some primitive part of her id had been triggered. It was when Jern had started to speculate how such an appendage may have felt inside her that she caught herself considering such concepts, scarcely believing that she would even entertain the notions after what these villains were putting her through, thinking she was going half-mad.

Then again, it had been a fair while since the princess had last seen any action, and I don't mean the kind with swords and shields, and she had not been in a comfortable enough position to finger away her cumulated frustrations for a few days since before she even stepped foot in Ósterklig village. Combined with having to spend several dull hours, possibly an entire day, incarcerated where the most noteworthy things to so far occur was viewing the young goblins who held her bodily gratify themselves to her person on three separate occasions now, admittedly finding a curious physical cuteness about their faces for as odious as their dispositions were, and it was a small wonder that the princess' mind did not turn to such thoughts sooner. She was only glad that she had kept her legs closed, for she feared her captors may have otherwise espied a subtle glistening in her genital slit if the warmth she was feeling down below was any indication of such, and simultaneously irked that she would have been unable to take care of it herself the next time she would have been permitted some privacy for having both hands hindered. Just then, however, a flash of inspiration crossed Jern's mind on how she may free herself from her confinement and appease her sudden lust at once.

"Sooo...are you guys really content with just using me for wanking material?" The princess spoke up, having yet to be remuzzled after being fed, catching each of the goblins off-guard with how sudden the question came, not the least of which being the one currently in the midst of masturbating, who temporarily halted in his efforts. "No plans to actually go any further with this or...?"

"Ha! So ya want summa this nice, big meatpole up yer cunt after all, ya human slag?" Nik would say after a second's pause with extra bluster in his voice. "W-well...yer not gonna get what ya want so easily!"

"Psh! Don't flatter yourself!" Jern was quick to retort. "You'd probably won't have the faintest clue on where to even start. I'd bet you anything than none of you have ever shagged a girl - human, goblin, or otherwise - in your entire lives!" She further accused them.

"Wh-what?! N-no, 'course we have! We've fucked before! Loads a' times! Wh-what makes ya say that!" The leader of the thieves claimed, though the overly-adamant protest and wavering in his voice led Jern to believe that she had hit the nail squarely on the head.

"Yeah? Prove it then! Show me what you can do!" Jern said, doing her best to goad the goblin on. "Cut me a little loose as well, and I'll show you what I can do in turn~" She hastily added in the sultriest tone she could pull off in an attempt to further incite the males into doing as she asked.

"Wh-what?! So ya can do a runner as soon as we undo the padlocks? I don' think so!" Nik stammered out an argument, all while a flushed tinge started appearing on his cheeks. "'S-sides, who'd wanna stick it in some butch bird with a cuttin' board for a chest?! Yer jus' barely passable enough t' spank to, she-bear!"

At this remark regarding her build, Jern nearly snapped as soon as it passed her ears. While it was true that, for as strapping of a young woman as she was, Jern's bosom was one area of her anatomy that was not quite so developed as the rest of her, in fact possessing a cup size that was below average for a human female her age by a considerably wide margin, it was a characteristic that never bothered the red-haired princess too terribly by itself, however she suffered no small amount of chagrin whenever anybody felt the need to point out the fact in whilst in her presence, especially when taking an offending tone as the goblin had just done. Nevertheless, she contained her ire for the time being, not wishing to squander what might be her only chance at freedom with an explosive outburst, although she could almost feel the veins popping on her forehead as her choler simmered just beneath the surface of her skin.

"Aw, what's the matter? Are the widdle gobbies afraid one big, scary human is too much for all three of them to handle?" She requited with a taunt of her own through grinding teeth behind a false smile but with furrowed eyebrows betraying how she truly felt in the moment, venting at least a little of her pique, just enough to deliver a direct blow to the goblins' masculine pride, assuming the cowardly creatures even had any to spare. Seemingly affected by the jibe though, Nik appeared as though he was about to further contend with the princess several times more, yet was unable to find the right words with which to speak each time he went to open his mouth. In silence, he turned to his cohorts as if seeking counsel, but both only shewed equal, if not slightly greater, fluster from the human's mockery. With an audible 'tch!' and visible umbrage on his face, Nik reached into the pocket of his removed trews and pulled out a small key before he tentatively approached the bonded woman, his maintained boner bobbing in time to his steps. Jern proverbially held her breath while she watched the goblin's trembling hand steadily reach towards the first of her shackles, not daring to risk moving even a single muscle fearing that any sudden flinches on her part would cause the tense goblin to immediately flee and change his mind on setting her free.

In a few short moments that felt longer than they actually were in the princess' suspense, both clasps were unceremoniously unfastened in turn and each of Jern's arms fell limply to her side as she let out a much relieved exhale at their release. A second later, she picked herself up from the floor with a slight wobble in her stance, standing so tall that the top of her head nearly brushed against the cavern ceiling as she proceeded to stretch her back and tilt her head from side-to-side to crack her stiff neck. Each of the goblins gawked in awe towards the statuesque woman whose waist they just barely came up to with their own heights, and were apparently frozen in their places with intimidation over guessing the amazonian redhead's next act, and having some second thoughts too late about freeing her so readily.

"Phew! Now then..." Jern said, surprisingly not attempting escape them and there, but instead putting one hand to Nik's shoulder before shoving the goblin with enough force to easily make the little man topple flat onto his back with a yelp. Before he could lift himself back up, the human then squatted over his short legs and seized his solid shaft into her firm hold to start stroking it off without hesitation and with all the strength and speed she could muster in the same breath, instantly making the criminal moan and writhe from having his manhood handled with far greater power than he could achieve on his own. "Best start with getting some feeling back in my biceps, eh~?" Jern remarked, taking sadistic glee in being so rough with her wrenching of the criminal's member, the muscles in her arm visibly bulging while she worked at it. With little else they could possibly do, the remaining goblins watched the harsh handjob in progress with timid fascination, having difficulty in telling whether their leader was in pain or in pleasure by the efforts of the princess from the contortions in his countenance and the tonality of his constant groans, and it seemed even Nik was not quite so sure himself either.