Prismatic High Pt. 01


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"Muppets?" Darryl asked, unable to stop himself from laughing.

"They're modern inventions too!" Xia said, nodding sagely.

Darryl sighed. "Thanks, Xia."

Xia smiled. "You're welcome." She leaned forward and bumped her nose against his. His mouth opened in shock and then her head tilted to the side. Her muzzle and his meshed together and it was wonderful. Her tongue plunged into his mouth and his tongue met hers. Xia slid from the stool and, with a clattering of golden coins, moved to press against Darryl's body. Her hands grabbed his shoulders and she moaned as her tongue and his continued to play together. Darryl's body reacted like any eighteen year old - human or dragon - would react. His cock surged to full life and slapped against his belly with a meaty thump.

Then he pushed her back, gasping. "X-Xia!"

"What?" she asked, grinning. "You're not horny as fuck?" She giggled, then leaned her head forward. The short, stubby horns that came from her head, forming a sort of 'hair' for her bumped against his nose gently.

"I, what? Yes!" Darryl gasped. "But I have a human girlfriend! A girlfriend, I mean. Regular. Old. That is. She's..." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, as if Sasha was right behind him.

Xia arched an eyebrow ridge. "Is she here right now?"

"...nooo?" Darryl said.

Xia grinned, her eyes glowing wickedly. "Then she doesn't need to know does she?"

"I-, uh..." Darryl whispered. He couldn't think straight as Xia's finger caressed his chest, rubbing along the muscles of his scales. "W-What are you doing?"

Xia blinked. "Isn't this how humans do polyamory?" she asked.

"What?" Darryl asked.

"I did lots of studying," Xia said, nodding. "When humans wish to love many partners, they make a game out of keeping secrets. The first human who finds out which human slept with another first wins the prize!"

"...what?" Darryl was beginning to think he had completely run out of ways to use that word.

Xia nodded. "Yes, one gets to take all the money and any children, and the other goes off to start the game with new humans."

"That's not a thing!" Darryl exploded.

Xia blinked slowly. "So, you're telling me that humans in committed relationships will sometimes just...cheat on the other person without it being an agreed on game!?" She asked, her nose flaring, smoke trailing out of her nostrils. Her tail twitched from side to side as she gaped at Darryl. Darryl, his own tail lashing from side to side, sat up and nodded slightly. "Really!?" Darryl nodded again. "Really?"

Darryl nodded a third time.

The silver dragon sitting on his lap blinked slowly. Then, quietly, she purred. "Oh my fucking god that is hot." And she leaned in and kissed him deep and hard, her tongue plunging into his muzzle. Her hands grabbed his shoulders and Darryl, being eighteen, quite forgot his girlfriend who had no idea he was a dragon, or that he was kissing another dragon. The feeling of Xia's silver-scaled thighs rasping against his was almost as intense as the hot, moist wetness of her sex slipping along his big, thick dick. Her mouth drew back and she panted softly. "Mm, yesss, I feel so chromatic doing this..."

Darryl whispered. "What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Talking about?" He snarled, his voice quiet as he bucked his hips, grinding against her. Each move - each tiny, squirming motion made Xia whimper softly.

"I'm sliver, Darryl. Metallic. Metallic dragons, we're good. You're blue. Blue is chromatic. Chromatic is bad. And I wanna be a bad girl..." She purred, softly, rubbing her nose against his.

Darryl blinked. "I-I'm not bad!"

"Then why are you grinding against some other girl's cunt behind your girlfriend's tail?" Xia asked, her voice coy. Darryl put his hands on her shoulders, shoved her back, and snarled.

"Firstly," he growled. "You are in my room in my gold pile, being the one grinding against my dick." He said, his tail lashing, sending coins scattering on the ground. "Secondly, my girlfriend doesn't have a tail, she's hu-"

Xia blinked, then her wings drooped. "Aww, then this barely fucking counts!" Darryl blinked as Xia stood, sighing and brushing some coins that had stuck to her legs off and onto the pile. "Well, talk about a mood killer," she muttered.

"What?" Darryl asked, feeling his balls turn as figuratively blue as they were literally.

"Well, she's human, she's gonna be dead in like, a century," Xia said, rolling her eyes. "That's barely a fling, Darryl."

She started for the door to the room, leaving Darryl laying back on the bed, completely fucking thrown. But as she started to open the door, something triggered deep inside Darryl's brain. It was the same instinct that had made him blast Geotaxis with a lightning bolt from his mouth. It was the same urge that made him want to keep fighting that big black dragon, even if he knew that there was nothing to fight over. It was the same feeling that made him feel comforted by touching a vast pile of coin. But where as before, he could recognize and try to grapple with the

Now he was on his feet before he realized it. his clawed hand grabbed the base of her silvery tail, lifting Xia back and up. She fell forward, her palms slapping the wall opposite the door leading into his room. She gasped - then cried out, a single, pure, joyful note as Darryl stepped forward and smoothly slammed his cock into her. He hilted himself - her sex was tight, but it accepted the massive length and width of his cock as if she had been born to do it. His scaled balls slapped her clit as she threw her head back, hissing happily as her wings fanned out wide.

Darryl panted, his body trembling.

He had just taken a girl who had actually been starting to go. She hadn't asked or this. And he was doing it behind his girlfriend's back.

And it felt...



Was he bad? Was he really an evil chromatic dragon at heart? Was-

"Start thrusting, you idiot!" Xia hissed.

Darryl's eyes widened and his hips bucked of their own accord. His balls slapped her clit again and again and again, her body shifting form ever so subtly, so that his every motion brought new pleasure from her - her mouth opening wide as she cried out, heedless of anything. Darryl felt his instincts taking over, ducking his head forward as he fucked into Xia. His focus narrowed only onto the silver sliver of her body that was visible in the darkness of the corridor. He grunted quietly as he moved faster and faster, his thrusting bringing sharp yips from her mouth as Xia let herself go, her sex clenching as her sex dripped along his cock and dripped from his balls, puddling along the floor as he fucked her.

Xia's claws dug into the wall as she came again - her sex clenching on his member tightly. Darryl, though, felt like he could go for days without stopping, and didn't slow. Then he heard a quiet, polite cough to his left. He blinked, pausing in his thrusting, his hand still gripping Xia's writhing tail. Standing off to the left was one of those french-style maids that seemed to fill the manor house. She was holding a tray with a pair of glasses and she curtsied.

"Do you two wish refreshment?" she asked.

Xia panted. "No thanks," she said, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Her eyes fluttered closed and she quivered. "Mmm, keep fucking me, Darryl."

Darryl, though, couldn't help himself. He reached out, taking the glass that the woman offered, then downed it. He found he was getting better at drinking from cups with a muzzle - his tongue naturally forming up against the glass, his flexible lips slurping and sucking down the liquid. It tasted like fine wine, but it buzzed through his body, adding even more energy to him. The maid curtsied again, then politely stepped past him as he resumed fucking Xia. Darryl let himself slip into the instinctive movement of a dragon fucking again.

It didn't take long for his scaled balls to boil over and for him to plant himself deep inside the silver dragon who was panting and begging for his cum. His cock twitched and he spurted into her. Deep. Filling. Cum spurted around the tight seal of her sex around his dick, splashing along his balls, dripping to the floor. Something brushed against Darryl's thighs. He looked down and saw the maid hadn't left. She had been standing behind him - and was attentively wiping the cum spillage off the ground. Then, quietly, she kissed the base of his balls, her tongue darting out. She licked up the juices dripping from him - both his and Xia's.

"Mmmm that was good," Xia purred, the sound coming from deep in her throat.

It had been good.

It had also been very bad.

Darryl slipped out of her, staggered over the maid - his legs spreading wide to walk over her without knocking into her - and then stepped back against the wall. The maid, doing her duty, leaned forward and started to lick deep inside of Xia's sex, scooping cum out of her. Darryl panted, once, twice, then fled into his room.


Breakfast was a haze of guilt and deliciousness. Darryl had no idea if dragons ate steak every morning, but from the way everyone tucked into their meals without question or cries of delight, it was pretty clear no one else there was shocked. So, he chewed on huge chunks of well marbled, deliciously rare meat and marveled at the way that the fat melted on his long, sinuous tongue. But deep in his gut, he felt that gnawing, chewing sensation of guilt.

I've fucked around behind my girlfriend's back, Darryl thought. He looked across the table at Xia, who was sitting with two other metallic girls - a gold and a copper - and tried to read what she was thinking. Since she was busy holding up her hand and then counting out on her fingers, he had no idea what it could be. Then all three girls laughed and looked at him. Each one looked faintly predatory.

"Ah shit," Geotaxis said, his voice rumbling from Darryl's side. Darryl looked at him, his brows drawing forward in confusion. The big black dragon was holding half a steak in one hand and was starting to tear it in half. "You just had to get your dick in metal, didn't you?"

"What!?" Darryl asked.

"Dude, you fucked her in the hallway," Geo said, casually. "Listen, metallic girls? They're high maintenance."

"Like how?"

"Always expecting you to do shit," Geo said, shrugging one shoulder. "Did you know a gold ran for President once? But my dad did always say that Dunky was the weird one in his class." He shook his head. "If you want some tail without needing to save the world, why don't you do Rubrexianta? She's fine." He jerked his thumb at a ruby red girl who was sprawling against the lap of Mr. Lung - who, despite being the only teacher that Darryl had seen in the school so far, didn't seem to mind the fact one of his students was all but giving him a scaly tit-job at the breakfast table.

"Dude!" Darryl said, flushing. "I have a girlfriend!"

"A human girlfriend," Geo said, grinning. "Dude, have you called her and confessed?"

"What!? No!" Darryl exclaimed - then flushed, his scales turning red. The guilt grew even more intense. Then Geo, as if he was a soldier in a medieval siege, poured the boiling oil over him.

"You totally should, dude," Geo said, popping the steak chunk he had torn off his main piece into his mouth. Darryl writhed inwardly and outwardly. Here was an evil chromatic dragon telling him, someone raised as a dragon hunter and a Christian, what to do. He should confess. He should. He nodded, then reached down for his cell phone. But then he remembered.

He wasn't wearing pants.

No one here was wearing pants.

As if she had read his mind, one of the maids stepped over. "Your cell phone, oh glorious one?" she asked, holding up a platter with his old clunker of a cellphone on it. Darryl coughed, took the phone and stammered a thanks. He tried, very hard, to not glance down and remember that he and Geo were both swinging their dicks around as if they were in a locker room. He found dialing with a claw was a bit easier than with a finger - the buttons on his phone depressed with a faint cheep as the dial tone was replaced with the sound of the phone ringing.

"Your phone's older than my dad," Geo said, sounding tolerantly amused. Darryl flipped him off and then put the phone to his ear.

"Hey!" Sasha said, her voice cheery. "Enjoying your time in Princeton?"

"Uh, yeah," Darryl said - already evading, he could hear it in his own voice.

What happened next shocked him. Sasha gasped quietly and then she stammered something that sounded a little bit like 'Jesus Christ.' Which was surreal to hear coming from Sasha. If anyone had been more punctilious about taking the Lord's name in vain than his Dad and his pastor, it was Sasha. Over the sound of clicking utensils and low conversation, Darryl could hear the clunk of a door swinging shut and a loud crunch. Sasha had just closed and locked a door. Since it was still early in the morning, it was probably her door. Darryl opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but Sasha cut him off.

"I miss you, baby," she said, her voice a soft, seductive purr.

"You do? I saw you, like, yesterday," Darryl said, confused.

"Mmm," Sasha murmured. Then she gasped quietly. Darryl heard a soft, slick sound coming through the phone's speaker. His brow furrowed even further as Sasha spoke - her voice pitched as if she was worried about being overheard. "That's too long. A-Are you in your room, or...?"

"I was calling for..." Darryl cut himself off, standing and stepping away from the table. "Uh, no."

"Don't let anyone hear this then," Sasha purred. "Just...nnh...I...fuck..."

Darryl's eyes widened. He had once seen Sasha smash her thumb with a hammer. And what had she said? Not fuck. Not hell. Not even damn. She had said...ow. But then what she said sent him even further for a loop as she started to pant. "I'm so fucking wet, holy shit, Darryl, I never told you this, but you always got me all revved up, but, uh, mmm, right now, just hearing your voice is driving me crazy. I'm fingering myself right now. Does that turn you on? I'm fingering my hot wet little pussy..." She panted, her voice soft.

Darryl realized that the sounds of conversation behind him had quieted. He turned and saw every dragon looking at him intently. Darryl looked down and saw that his cock had gone from soft to fully erect in that single rambling sentence. He flushed, his wings rustling as he tried to clasp them over his chest.

"Aww," Xia whispered.

"I think you didn't count a few inches," her brass friend whispered to her.

"Oh Darryl, say something!" Sasha moaned audibly.

"B-Babe, I, uh, wow," he stammered.

It turned out, Sasha squeaked when she orgasmed.

Who knew?

"Uh, Babe, I, uh," Darryl gulped. "I was calling to tell you, to, uh, confess, I...I cheated on you."

Sasha panted heavily. "Oh god tell me all about it, tell me every fucking detail. No, wait, better idea, I'll head to Princeton and you can fuck her while I watch. Then you can fuck my brains out and we'll be, uh, even. T-That sounds good, right?" She asked.

Mr. Lung, who had stood from his place at the table and leaving a very annoyed Ruby behind, took the phone from Darryl's hand. He smiled tolerantly, then put the phone to his ear. "Miss, ah, Sasha, is it?"

Darryl pricked his ears, trying to hear what she said - but Mr. Lung held him back one handed.

"Yes, I see," Mr. Lung said. "I have a full harem, so, no." He chuckled. "Well, your dedication is admirable. If you want to be paid to be a live in..." he paused. "Ah, I see. Well, I can have that arranged. Yes, of course. Thank you." He hung up, flipping the phone shut, then tossing it to one of the maids. He turned to face Darryl. "Congratulations, you have your first harem member."

"What!?" Darryl squeaked, his tail lashing hard enough to put a hole in the wall behind him. Mr. Lung arched a single eyebrow ridge.

"Oh, I assumed you knew the effects of an unfiltered dragon's presence on a human," Mr. Lung said. "That is why you contacted your girlfriend to tell her the truth about what is going on here." His voice was utterly dry.

"I wasn't going too-" Darryl started.

"Further, that's why I presume you've been looking as if you're five seconds away from running away every few minutes," Mr. Lung added.

Darryl looked down at his feet. His cock softened slightly and he sighed. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Is there a way to fix, uh, what happened to Sasha?"

Mr. Lung snorted. "Only someone raised by a dragon hunter could think having mind blowing orgasms and sexual fulfillment is something that needs to be fixed. Darryl, a dragon's unfiltered presence reveals the truth in someone. In warriors, it can reveal cowardice or bravery. In a man or woman, it can reveal purity or having an actual fucking personality." That made Darryl snort with laughter. "Your girlfriend is quite the perverted slut, and your unfiltered presence revealed that to you and her."

Darryl opened his mouth, then closed it. "S-So, why do you hide?"

Mr. Lung laughed, quietly - the rest of the students had gone back to eating food, since it seemed the dramatic part of the conversation had wrapped up.

"Unfiltered honesty has its downsides," Mr. Lung said. "Finding the balance between our primal selves and the modern world is why Prismatic High is here." He grinned. "So, are you going to reconsider running away?"

Darryl nodded, then whispered. "I wasn't actually going to run."

Mr. Lung nodded slightly. "I thought as much, but...better to be safe than sorry."

He gestured back to Darryl's unfinished steak and Darryl walked over, licking his muzzle slightly. He was feeling more comfortable - more eager. But as he sat down, he looked up at Mr. Lung.

"So, uh, a-all that stuff about her being my harem member and showing up, that was like an illusion to shock me, right?" he asked, curiously. Mr. Lung laughed, slapping his shoulder with one hand.

"Of course not, Darryl," he said, grinning wickedly. "You are a dragon after all. Now dig in! Our first class on princess kidnapping is starting in just a few minutes!"

And with that, he walked off, leaving Darryl completely nonplussed.

But that just seemed appropriate for Prismatic High.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

stopped reading when i realized it was subpar horny dragon whore mom sht

KJay15KJay15about 3 years ago

Not my type, raised as a dragon killer, you'd think his dragon obsessed mother wouldn't like that, the MC also didn't have anything to say to his mother after finding out she's a cheating piece of shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Like most of your work, this story is well written. Plot wise it seems more like a story you did for fun rather than something taken seriously though, there are some plot holes and things that need to be looked over to really enjoy it.

Once I put myself in the mindset of, this story is just for the lols and is fun, it was a lot more enjoyable

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Stupid premise

He is not quite 18 his mother is in her 40s, which means she deliberately chose to raise her son with an abusive asshole cult member who would have killed her son had he know the truth

What kind of fucking monster does that to a child?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Pacing wad awful. Scenes felt like they came from a super cheesy anime. Can't take anything happening seriously. Don't think I'll be reading more

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

One. I saw one typographical error in this entire work.

Your conspicuous lack of grammatical problems, deformed sentence structures, misused homophones, and obviously-autocorrected nonsense made this story a delightful breath of fresh air on this site! In fact, I was so pleased by this that my appreciation for your wonderful writing style and gorgeous imagery was diminished. You can blame the other authors here for that.

Thank you for proofreading before submitting! Wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Amazingly Good So Far!

I came for the sex and stayed for the story. With a few modifications, these stories could have all explicit elements removed and be compiled into mainstream novels, of the urban fantasy/fish out of water genres!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
utterly fantstic

Loved it. Great start. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good start

It will need a few twists!


DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 6 years agoAuthor
Well, the story isn't over yet

I don't want to spoil anything, but I have SOME twists and turns planned for my story, Hobomonarchy.

HobomonarchyHobomonarchyover 6 years ago
Your writing remains high caliber

But 'just met' fucking and no consequence cheating just isn't my cup of tea.

masterhobbesmasterhobbesover 6 years ago

I love dragon stories and this one tickled that itch beautifully.

I'd love to see more of this in the future. Gonna sign up for your patreon right now.

PineyCreekPineyCreekover 6 years ago

Aside from a single typo (sliver instead of silver) this was an awesome start! Can't wait to read more.

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks for reading! <3

This story is brought to you by the following harem members (and patreon supporters)

Jeter Latenight, Joe Johnson, Dasm, and special thanks for B.C. McGuire for the editing help.

If you enjoyed my work, check out my Purgatory War novellas, available on Amazon right now.


Get in on the ground floor of the upcoming Worldshard trilogy by checking out the first book, Cadet!


And if you want to see more stories, please consider my Patreon! If you subscribe, you get to vote on upcoming stories and can get free access to my self published works.


Thanks for Reading!

AngryBovineAngryBovineover 6 years ago

It's a trip. Keep it going.

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