Problems of Parenthood Ch. 01


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"I think you just reminded me why I married you."

Jim crawled onto the bed to hold his bleary eyed wife as she slowly continued coming back from cloud nine.

Sue sunk deeply into his embrace, felt his hardness, and whispered, "Your soldier is going to have to wait before reporting for duty, I am just too exhausted from that."

Chuckling, "That's quite alright, I think you've earned a nap."

"We both have, let cover up and see what happens when I wake you again."

Jim pulled the covers over them as they lay sideways in the bed, "I can't wait for the nap to be over."

They both closed their eyes as sleep took them into another world. Sue dreaming of riding a roller coaster into a splashing river, and Jim dreaming of Sue. All of a sudden, Jim's dream turned into an earthquake.

"Jim, wake up! We have to go to the hospital." Sue was shaking Jim.

Groggily, jim surveyed the room; noting Sue was dressed and had a suitcase near the bedroom door. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"My water broke while we were napping and we have to go to the hospital. I'm about to have this baby!"

Like a prize horse out of the gate, Jim shot up from the bed. Grabbing the suitcases and carseat like they had practiced. Everything they would need for the stay at the hospital and the trip home. Pushing his wife towards the door to get going. Grabbing their cell phones, reading books, camera, and any other essentials and throwing them in his day bag. He took all the bags and the car seat out to the car. Came bag into the house to find Sue laughing hysterically. "What on earth is so funny and why aren't you getting into the car?" Jim asked in confused frustration.

"Jim, you're still naked."

Jim looked down and then it dawned on him he was running around outside to load the car completely bare. Joining in the laughter, he couldn't even think of anything to say as he went to the bedroom to get dressed. Returning to the living room, Sue was still laughing at a red-faced Jim.

Jim shushed her, "Laugh all you want now, you're about to push a baby through your hoo-haa."

Still laughing, Sue replied, "Whatever, let's hope the neighbors caught your little side show so we have something to talk about at the next block party."

Going outside, they waved goodbye to a confused, but amused Jack and Diane across the street. Sue yelled, "Water broke! Baby is on the way!"

Diane smiled and yelled back, "YAY! Good luck! We can't wait to meet the little one. Jim, did you bring enough cloths for the hospital stay?"

Jack, Diane, and Sue broke down in laughter as Jim turned redder than a lobster fresh out of the pot. Simply helping Sue into the car and waving at his neighbors as he got into his side of the vehicle was the best reply he could manage. Driving to the hospital, they went from laughing and smiling, to worrying and being nervous. Neither could really say much as they contemplated just how much their lives were about to change. Sure, they had made their plans and gone over the scenarios, but who is ever really prepared for bringing a baby into this world.

Three days later, a tired Jim and Sue arrived home with little Mary. A week later, several of their neighbors surprised them with baby gifts and casseroles. Jack and Diane even brought the parents small gifts as well. Sue got a baby carrier that doubled as a cover for breast feeding in public. Jim got a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt with a note, "In case you need to run out to the car. -J & D"

Plenty of hugs and handshakes went around as everyone congratulated the new parents and praised the cuteness of the new baby. Offers to babysit and plans for future playdates with other children in the neighborhood. Tommy and Gina even stating they were now expecting a baby in about 5-6 months.

Weeks were going by as Jim returned to work and both adjusting to their new roles as parents. So much of their time and energy was focused on Mary, they didn't realized they stopped being a married couple and were simply new parents. Sue almost constantly slept in the nursery in order to let Jim sleep so he could go to work. Jim let Sue nap when he was home so he could focus on the housework to give her a break. Meals consisted of what was quick and easy, exercise consisted of cleaning up the house and power napping.

This change was brought to light as they were bringing in the groceries one Saturday afternoon and saw Jack and Diane doing yard work. Jack called from across the street, "Jim and Sue, how goes it." Jack and Diane came walking across the street.

Sue replied as she got Mary's car-seat out of the backseat. "It's going pretty well. Kind of tired, but you know how it is with a new baby."

"Have you two had a chance to go out on your own yet? A date without Mary?" Diane asked.

Jim answered, "No, haven't had the time or energy. Plus, not really sure who to trust with a newborn that isn't busy themselves."

Jack and Diane glanced at each other and Jack responded, "We wouldn't mind. Our little Joni is three now and seems really interested in babies; she would love to have Mary over for some playtime."

Sue thought about it, "I don't know. She's only seven weeks old and still eats frequently. I would need to be close by to make sure she can feed often enough."

"Have you tried pumping your milk and storing it?" Diane asked.

"No, I haven't gotten a breast pump yet. I know I can get one through our insurance, but it's such a hassle to go all the way downtown and fill out that paperwork."

"If you don't mind, you can borrow mine. I still have the one I used when Joni was born, and it's still working. I can clean it up and bring it by later."

Sue thought about it, "Are you sure? We wouldn't want to inconvenience the two of you at all."

Jack laughed, "It wouldn't be an inconvenience at all. I remember how hard it was on the marriage when we first had Joni. We never spent any time with each other and almost became like strangers. Wouldn't want to see that happen to our two favorite neighbors."

Chuckling, Jim said, "Thank you for the offer, we'll think about it and let you know."

Diane gave them both hugs saying, "It's no problem at all. That's what friends are for. If either of you need anything, and I mean anything, just let Jack or I know."

"Absolutely," Jack said, "just let us know what you need a hand with. It'll be our pleasure. Now get those groceries in before your food melts."

Saying their goodbyes, Jim carried in the groceries as Sue brought in Mary and the diaper bag. "What do you think?" Sue asked as they got inside the house.

Jim though about it as he started putting away the groceries. "I don't know. It would be nice to reconnect with you, but it'll also be weird not having Mary with us. What do you think about the breast pump thing?"

"I don't know, Mary is the only one or thing that has done it, so I don't know how it would work."

"Well, uh, we could give it a shot and see if it works for you."

"I guess. I'll talk to Diane this week while you're working. I think she's still working from home so she should be available."

"Sounds good. Now we just have to figure out what we're going to do and when this is happening."


Jim was confused, "Huh? What so you mean nope?"

Sue smiled as she pulled Mary from her carseat to go change her. "WE don't have to figure anything. YOU have to plan this date. You plan, I please."

He smiled as she walked away. "Does this mean I'm getting laid?" Jim called after her as she kept walking down the hall.

There was no verbal reply, just a certain saunter in Sue's step as she walked down the hall. Jim started feeling happier than he had in a while. It dawned on him that he had just seen a sparkle in Sue's eyes that he hadn't seen since Mary was born. Sure they were both beyond happy that Mary was healthy and a part of their life, but Jim never realized just how much he missed the intimate connection with Sue. Not just the sex (although he missed that plenty), but the holding of hands and going out on dates like they used to. Jim was honestly giddy at the thought of being able to go on a date night with his wife.

The next day at work, Jim started researching possible date ideas; even going so far as to ask coworkers for suggestions. Immediately trashing the ideas of going to a strip club from some of the guys, he finally heard the perfect idea from his boss's secretary. She showed him a flyer for a musical that was touring different theaters across the country and would be playing in a theater about one hour from where they lived. The dates of the performances were Friday and Saturday only in about two weeks. All he had to do was clear it with Jack and Diane, and he would be set.

Arriving home, Jim noticed Jack just pulling into his own driveway. Jim quickly walked over to greet his neighbor. "Hey Jack, Got a minute?"

"Sure Jim, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you were serious about that offer for you and Diane to watch Mary one night."

"Sure thing, we would love to. When were you thinking?"

"Well, in two weeks, a musical Mary has been wanting to see is going to be performed at a theater a couple towns over. Tickets are still available for both nights and I was wondering if it would be easier for a Friday or a Saturday night."

Jack pulled out his smart phone, "Let me check my calendar, but I think either one would work. Tell you what, let me run it by Diane and I'll text you later."

"That would be awesome. Thank you so much. I don't know what we would do without such good friends."

As they shook hands, Jack said, "Hey, we've been there and know how hard it can be. If you two need anything, do not hesitate to ask. I know Diane would bend over backwards to help you two out."

Laughing, Jim said, "I don't know if that is necessary, but thanks for the consideration."

Jacks only response was a mischievous half smile, "You never know. I talk to Diane and let you know later. But right now I have to get dinner started."

Confused by Jack's remark, Jim just walked back across the street to his own home, now wondering what was for dinner. As he approached the front door, Diane was just walking out. "Oh, hey Jim. How's it going?"

"Hey Diane, didn't expect to see you here. I was just chatting with Jack."

"I just brought over that breast pump like we talked about the other day and was showing Sue how to use it."

"Oh, awesome! I was actually just talking to Jack about a possible date night in a couple weeks. He was going to talk it over with you and get back to me."

"I'm sure it'll be okay, but we'll definitely get back to you. I bet you're really looking forward to some alone time with Sue, I know I would."

Once again, Jim found himself slightly taken off guard, "Definitely. It has been a while since we've gone out on a date."

"Going out or staying in, it's just important to enjoy each other and remember you're still a married couple, and not just parents to that beautiful little girl."

Jim blushed, "Thank you. It's just great to know we have friends we can count on."

"Anytime you need anything, feel free to hop right on over and just ask." Diane reached in and gave Jim a big hug, "Anything would be my pleasure. Now I'm going to go see if I can help Jack with dinner."


Jim walked into his house and saw Sue washing some things in the sink he had never seen before. "Looks like the components of a really complicated bong."

Sue laughed as she turned towards Jim, "Kind of does, doesn't it. No, these are the parts to the breast pump Diane brought over, she just left."

"I know, I saw her as she was leaving. She seems a lot more, uh, friendly and outgoing than I ever noticed at the block parties and holiday parties."

Sue chuckled lightly, "That's because you always hang out with the guys and chat about your jobs and other boring things. Us women-folk get to know each other like proper human beings."

"Ha ha ha. I'm just glad we have such good friends around. Never would have considered needing this much help as an adult."

"Well being an adult sucks, and I'm also glad we have them. Now go put your work stuff away like a good boy and wash up; dinner is almost ready."

"Yes ma'am. What's for dinner?"

"Baked chicken breast over salad with light dressing. Starting today, we're going back to eating semi-healthy. And exercising more too. I'm tired of looking frumpy."

Imitating a sulking child, Jim pouted, "I don't want to eat salad; salad is yucky." But he kind of agreed on his own part. While he didn't think Sue was looking frumpy, he had noticed himself getting a bit pudgy around the middle. He was never buff, by any means; but at least he fit into all his cloths properly. Lately he had contemplated getting a bigger size, but Sue's idea of him trying to get smaller to fit into his cloths would probably be smarter, healthier, and cheaper.

As they sat down to dinner, Jim brought up his plans to Sue. "So, I have a plan for a date. It's the weekend after next and would either be Friday or Saturday night. Depending on what works out best for Jack and Diane."

"Really? That's great!" What's your idea?"

Jim mocked authority, "You don't get to ask me no questions. You just be ready when I tell you to and enjoy the night like a good girl."

Laughing, sue replied, "Right, cause I've been such a compliant good girl."

Jim shrugged, "Can't blame a man for trying. But seriously, I want this to be a surprise, so don't try investigating this like you did with our anniversary plans a couple years ago."

"Fine. Just let me know the details and I'll be there."

"All you need to know is you need to dress fancy and look hot. Since you already do one of those all the time, you just need to find something fancy to wear."

Now it was Sue's turn to blush as they hear Jim's cell phone start ringing. Sue looked at him puzzled, "Who could be calling you at this time?"

"First off, it's not that late. Second off, I'm an important person and plenty of people want to talk to me. Third off, it's probably Jack. He said he would call about the plans and which night would be good for babysitting Mary." Answering, his cell phone, "Hey Jack. . . . Friday is better? . . . . Oh, I hadn't thought of that. Let me ask Sue. Hun, they want to know if we would like to keep Mary overnight so we can have the entire evening to ourselves."

"Oh, I don't want to inconvenience them like that. Plus I don't know how I would do without Mary for so long."

Jim listened on the phone before replying, "Jack says he feels we can probably use the chance to recharge and Diane says she's more than willing to watch Mary through the night."

Sue contemplated this for a bit and said, "I guess. I'll just need to prepare a bit before then. Are they sure they don't mind? She still isn't sleeping through the night completely."

Jim listened some more to Jack, then said, "Diane says she's still very familiar with middle of the night interruptions and insists on giving us this evening. She'll even come over a couple times this week and next to make sure you're comfortable with the breast pump and to get to know Mary's routine a bit."

Sue was genuine touched by this gesture, "Well, I don't think we can tell them no, can we?"

"Alright," Jim proclaimed, "Friday after next it is. We'll get together soon to talk about the details. Absolutely . . . Yeah, we're just eating dinner then about to start Mary's bedtime routine. . . Sounds good. I'll let her know. Thanks . . . Bye."

Hanging up the phone, Jim turned to Sue, "Looks like we are on for a date night and possibly the first full night's sleep either of us have had in a couple months. Is it bad that I'm kind of nervous?"

"Well, I think we'll feel better once Diane has gotten more familiar with Mary's routine and spent a little more time with her. Plus, I'll feel a bit better once I get to know how to use that vacuum contraption. I can't help but feel like a dairy cow ready to be milked."

Sitting back down at the table, Jim smirks, "I got something you can milk."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Sue replied dryly, "If you don't watch out, I'll just make you milk it yourself."

They finished their dinner asking about each other's day and the normal dinner talk. Sue continued to try and find out from Jim what his plans for them were, but he wouldn't budge; swearing he would keep it a secret. They also talked about doing yoga at home and dusting off the various workout supplies they used to use regularly to keep in shape before becoming parents.

They would take turns working out and caring for Mary when she was awake: both motivating the other. They also continued eating healthy, rarely ordering take-out. Sue was cooking every day, and Jim was helping by prepping veggies and marinating the meat several days prior to actually needing it. Jim also did the dishes since Sue was doing all the cooking.

While there wasn't much of a physical difference since they went back to a healthier lifestyle, they both felt 100 times better. And with their date quick approaching, they were both looking forward to it with more anticipation than previously perceived. Diane had been coming over every other day to spend time with Sue and Mary. Sue was now more familiar with the Breast pump and already had about two days' worth of milk supply saved up for when she was away from Mary. This was beneficial because Thursday before the date, the pump stopped working while Diane was over with Sue.

"I don't know what's wrong with this thing. It just stopped working halfway through pumping the first side." Sue complained.

Looking over the pump, Diane was just as baffled, "One minute it's sucking away, the next it just stopped. Did it come unplugged?"

"No, and it isn't a bad outlet because the lamp is plugged into the same one and that is still working."

Diane apologized, "I'm sorry Sue, maybe it's just too old and the motor stopped."

"No need for you to be sorry, I feel bad that I broke your pump somehow."

"Oh don't you worry a bit. This thing is almost four years old and gotten plenty of use. They don't make things as sturdy as they used to."

"I guess. Do you think you have enough milk for Mary for tomorrow night? We can always pick her up after our date so she doesn't run out."

"Sue, don't you dare. I can tell you two need this time. It'll also do Mary some good to be socialized a bit with people other than her parents. I think there is plenty for one night and into the next morning."

Cleaning up herself after the machine stopped working, Sue got up and gave Diane a hug. "Thank you for everything Diane. You're more than a friend to me. I just don't know how to repay you."

"There is no need for repaying. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. I'm sure I'll need something scratched eventually."

Diane collected the broken pump and finals plans were verified for when Mary was to be dropped off and list of phone numbers and all the normal things first time parents worry about. Friday evening approached and so far, Jim had successfully kept Sue in the dark about what they were doing. He came home from work early, showered and got dressed. Sue had already taken Mary and just about the entire contents of the nursery over to Jack and Diane's. Verified everything was in order and been told to go and have fun by Diane. She showered, shaved her legs, did her hair and make-up, and got dressed in the spare bathroom so as to surprise Jim Sue was wearing a black dress that was unfamiliar to Jim with her stunning black high heels that shaped her legs perfectly.

"I had to get a new dress because none of my other ones fit me right now. I hope it looks alright."

Jim was stunned. Sue had changed since the pregnancy, but he saw it all as for the better. Rounder hips and bigger tits, yet her body was still proportioned perfectly. "You are absolutely phenomenal. If this is what your outfit looks like on you, I can't wait to see what it looks like on the floor."