Property of the Mother-in-law


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"...and Tabitha's going to have you suffer again, tomorrow... after you've had the intensity of witnessing the penultimate pleasure of femininity over masculinity." His cock was almost fully erect again already, as Elaine flicked his poking cheeks for good measure as he continued to lap up his own seed from the feet of a dominant girl amid scornful feminine laughter... tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

*** *** ***

Elaine seemed sterner than ever that morning despite her leading him from the villa in total nakedness, but for the tall heels which he'd noticed were uniform for the women there. Her demeanour was spitefully sultry too, her use of the cane on him as he was led out, applied with a certain wickedness which prompted his urgency as they took the path they'd taken to the beach as per yesterday... though his tingling balls reminded him that their destination lay before the beach.

Elaine grinned as he gawped at women in the distance appearing from converging paths, some strutting with friends, others leading hooded male slaves, or slaves reduced to canine impersonation, all headed in the same direction... and every woman unashamedly naked and proudly revealing growing arousal through hardening nipples. She jerked his leash to regain his full attention as she helped his curiosity, in a curt tone which had his cock pulse.

"I suppose I'd best tell you why we're all naked... it's done for special occasions such as that you'll be privileged to witness today, expression of femininity is demonstrated to all males present, not least to the male who's the centre of proceedings." Brad had been close to coming at seeing so many dominant women clad in their tight costumes when exposed to them on the day before, but seeing the fleshy cheeks of their buttocks wobble along with their thighs as they led males who like he, knew absolute defeat to femininity, had the anal plug work it's spiteful magic on him that morning, bringing him ever closer to losing his seed as Elaine strutted with a smug smile, her nipples jutting hard with sexual excitement as she thoroughly enjoyed having other women witness her dominance over him, his erection displaying the shameful pleasure he couldn't hide, in knowing that defeat.

If Elaine's smile had been smug, it was as nothing in comparison of that of one Winifred Styles as she arrived at the concave arena just at the point when they, and Marjory and Gladys did from another direction, Brad's cock pulsing as Winifred then gave him a sneering smile of contempt as his wide eyes ogled the portly middle-aged male she led down, eyes filled with trepidation as they stared from his gagged face, the gag ensuring silence and no protest or comment... not that any could be heard over the raucous and excited applause which echoed about the amphitheatre like depression, Brad getting the full flavour of feminine contempt and spite, as he was led down behind the gagged Carter.

Brad felt the tug on his leash, as he was led aside to a suitable vantage point by a grinning Elaine, noting his mesmerisation in the lust to endure the scathing that Carter was receiving, all the way down to the ominous bench. Marjory and Gladys joined them, their nipples as equally pert as Elaine's, Brad's cock standing high and dribbling pre-cum as he sniffed at the air, scented with the heated arousal of so many females in close proximity, each making sure that Carter knew he was about to please them... especially women who'd encountered him in former life, where he'd been blatantly misogynistic, until Winifred Styles had exploited his weakness, from which there had been no escape.

Brad pulsed out a dribble of lubrication in pure submissive excitement, as Winifred embraced an equally senior and dominant looking matriarch, pointing Carter to the dusty ground and having him grovel at the feet of the bulbous naked woman, her sneer edged with contentment as the jeering and applause from the audience, greeted his defeated attentions to her heeled shoes. Brad listened intently as Marjory expressed her pleasure in enlightening him to the situation.

"Carter was such a chauvinistic and cocky male, till Winifred took control of him... he's suffered the whip from many of the women watching him now, for previous deviances against them in business and social formats, but today he'll pay in a way they'll all find more suitable..." Gladys chuckled cynically, fingering her wet cunt as she watched him grovel

"Winifred has tired of him now, and he'll be passed on to Hortense Granger to endure a life of domestic service and toilet duties, but her jealousy at another woman owning him after her putting so many years of effort in breaking him completely, will be justly sated before the exchange..." Elaine sighed, lifting Brad high on his knees as she pulled his leash upright, and severely taut.

"Ohhh... if only we were witnessing the gibbet and noose here today... now THAT would have been supremely satisfying!" Brad gasped as he imagined being displayed before womanhood in the way Madam Elaine Chantry's late husband had been, almost shooting his mess without permission with the memory of the feeling of that white shroud in which he'd been married... and in which the husband whose place he'd now taken, had known the ultimate pleasure of submission to femininity, for 'crimes' as yet unconfirmed. His erotic dream was extinguished by the reality of the moment, as Marjory expressed the pleasure in her spite, on Carter being hauled up on his leash to show his face, on being shown to the ominous bench, to raucous applause from the watching femininity.

"Oh just look at his eyes!... you can see he's reluctant now!... but that gag will spare us any pathetic plea, he'll please us as he suffers!" Brad boned hard and ready to spurt his mess in submissive awe at her spite, on taking in those eyes himself as Carter was strapped facedown to the bench by several gleeful women, his legs splayed wide and strapped to the V shaped projections by each ankle, his chest and belly supporting him to the fore... but his erect cock and balls hanging exposed and vulnerable on view in the void below his abdomen. With his arms strapped tightly to his body, and that body strapped to the bench, he was rendered absolutely helpless, and at the mercy of his female tormentors.

Winifred grinned with sadistic pleasure, her mature cunt moist, and bulging with excitement on lifting his chin and placing a bolster underneath it, ensuring his expressions were witnessed by as many women as possible, and the smug satisfaction of those women he'd known and belittled in a former life, made so apparent to his eyes... he would not escape their spiteful pleasure, nor they his, as justice was seen to be done. Hortense now picked the ceramic bowl from the dust, and handed it to Winifred with a curt smile, Brad boning and dribbling pre-cum at the raucous feminine applause from those women familiar with the ceremony, as Winifred held the bowl high whilst Carter squirmed at the bench, his anal plug winking at his audience as he clenched and sought the relief he knew was to come, with masochistic lust as Winifred addressed the crowd.

"Now we shall see just how much he relishes the punishment he so deserves... and that honour of perpetual Tranquilisation to serve the needs of womanhood!" Brad watched, transfixed, the air filled with the sound of feminine applause, and the heady scent of feminine arousal, as Winifred put her arm under the crotch of Carter... and grasping his erect cock, pointed his bell toward the bowl and began to masturbate him. Held tightly on the leash, Brad took in the uniform spite of the cackling female audience, as Carter squirmed in a masochistic lust as he was brought to an exquisite and erotic surrender of his seed by command of the woman who'd reduced him to no more than a worthless slave, and who continued to taunt.

"Give it up you cur!... You know what's to come, so give worthy tribute to your betters!" Beaten, dominated, and humiliated before women thoroughly enjoying his downfall with intense spite, Carter soon grunted through the gag, the applause and cynical laughter of those women as they enjoyed the lusty contortions of his face, ensuring his cock spat out a worthy tribute indeed as he wallowed in a submissive and masochistic ectasy. Winifred sneered with dominant satisfaction as the squirming and grunting Carter shot loop after loop of hot semen to the bowl, her clitoris more than ready to know the attentions of a new slave, once this one had been dealt with. She ensured the grunting Carter was thoroughly milked, before lifting the bowl high and parading around the small arena with it.

"See here the pathetic contribution of his masculinity!... given up with such bestial lust in the want for Tranquilisation!" She tilted the bowl, and Brad gasped at the fervour of the baying feminine crowd, Elaine no exception in showing her spiteful delight, as a smiling Winifred allowed the gloopy contents of the bowl dribble out in a sticky throng to grace the dirt.

"I now consign his worthless seed to the dust where it belongs!... and we'll now ensure no further seed follows it!" Brad's anus tingled in submissive awe, at the spiteful grins given out by every woman there, as amid their raucous applause, two naked and senior women with gracefully sagging breasts and weathered but deliciously attractive bodies, descended from the other side of the arena in dominant pomp, each wearing sneering grins and carrying trays beneath those delightfully wobbling breasts which expressed nipples rock hard with sexual excitement. Brad's cock pulsed rigid, on hearing Carter grunt and whine through the gag, as the two women focused their grinning eyes upon his as they stooped to have him see the contents of the trays, a sight which held the sincere delight of every woman there, their raucous applause and murmurings echoed by a sneering Elaine.

"His choice!... his choice indeed!... and what a pleasure his choice is going to be!" Brad's anus clenched hard at the plug, it's tingling peaking to a lusty high of submissiveness at viewing what lay upon the two trays brought in with such enthusiasm by the two senior women. Elaine, Marjory, and Gladys turned their sneering attentions toward Brad and enjoyed his awestruck face and rigidly erect cock as his eyes took in the array of large syringes and surgical knives brandished with such knowing smiles by the two women, Gladys pursing her lips and revealing the depth of her feminine sadism, so different from her usual nonchalant authority shown in her domestic situation back home.

"Now you'll see the penultimate pleasure of feminine authority over masculinity... permanent and so satisfying..." She rubbed at her cunt and sighed as her fingers glistened in the moist cleft.

"....ohhhh... if only we could hang him too... he's so earned the rope!" Elaine and Marjory laughed cynically as Brad jerked and thrust his cock at the air, consumed by the awe of absolute submission to femininity, desperate to come... and his eyes went to Winifred who now picked a large syringe from the one tray, and taunted Carter with it, enjoying him squirm in bondage, his eyes expressing a renewed reluctance to an ordeal he himself had chosen and agreed to. She grinned with satisfaction as she flaunted the needle before him, making sure both he and her audience knew audibly just who was in control as she moved behind him.

"Yes yes Carter my now unwanted pet... it's time to say goodbye to those exquisite orgasms you enjoyed under my whip!..." Elaine and every woman there sneered admiringly as Winifred took the squirming Carter's balls in her hand for a moment, and Carter went rigid on the bench as she slipped the needle up by his scrotum neck, he moaning in acknowledgment of both the sharp pain... and the bliss of absolute submission to the woman who'd broken him. She played to the crowd further as she allowed his defeated sack to sway in the breeze, and emptied the contents of the syringe into the flesh near the scrotum neck, then turned to show the crowd the emptied instrument, taking raucous applause before taunting him further, as she picked the second syringe.

"Not long now my boy, we'll soon have you worthless, and knowing a tranquility free from any nasty lust filled thoughts... readied for a lifetime of servitude to Madam Granger's toilet needs!" Those that could see his face, revelled in sadistic pleasure as his face contorted when Winifred deftly inserted the long needle into his taint, ensuring a numbness he didn't deserve for what was to follow, but the ritual of the needles awarding the women an extra thrill... and giving the male to be Tranquilised, plenty of time to enjoy the irreversible fate he'd chosen and would now know the consequence of.

Brad's cock pulsed out pre-cum as Elaine pulled his leash nice and tight while he took in the pleasure on every woman's face there, and the look of hopelessness on Carter's face as the two elder women, expert at castrations and having enjoyed so many, handed Winifred a large scalpel... and with Winifred's other hand cupping the balls which she'd soon own as a memento, showed her where to make the cruellest cut of all. Brad gasped as Elaine tugged him forward, to join a line of other tethered and gagged males, some doggie suited, to form a line in full view of Carter's eyes. Elaine grinned wickedly as she tugged his leash.

"Get ready to masturbate Brad my pet... you and these other curs will give tribute to the penultimate power of feminine dominance!" Brad panted audibly as he awaited the command to strop his aching erection, as Winifred touched scalpel to scrotum neck, and added her final taunt.

"...You may not be my property from this day on... but your balls will be mine forever!" Carter's face was filled with a strange astonishment, and profound resolution, as his wish was granted with deft and pleasured application of the scalpel... and the feminine crowd erupted with unanimous and mutually sadistic pleasure as Winifred's clitoris poked visibly, her bared nipples poking rock hard with sexual pleasure, as she held Carter's balls high in her hand... Carter was well and truly 'Tranquilised'. As Winifred paraded her prize, Elaine, along with the other women with their male slaves to the fore, gave out the command.

"Masturbate!... show your thanks for being allowed to view such a pleasure... and show the Tranquilised male what he'll never know again!" With their eyes fixed on Winifred's spitefully sadistic grin of absolute contentment, and the tokens of defeated masculinity in her hand, Brad and the other curs stropped their erections wildly, some dreaming of seeing their own balls owned as tokens by their Mistresses... others dreaming of that other, ultimate punishment, as the seed rose rapidly from each pair of still attached balls. Elaine and the other women focused their attentions on Carter's face with sincerely appreciative smiles, as he watched the males shoot their mess in succession... showing him a pleasure he'd never know again. A deliciously cruel aperitif to the castration, thoroughly enjoyed by the women.

Elaine sneered lustily and rubbed at her cunt with her free hand, keeping that leash eternally tight as Brad grunted and jerked in a submissive ecstasy, shooting his seed to the dust as he took in those severed balls and the look of pure joy on the face of the woman that now owned them. He now knew what 'Tranquilisation' meant, but not from the perspective of Carter, whose empty remnants of a scrotum were quickly sutured by the senior women, with a feminine pride and gusto which had helped extend Brad's orgasm. His spent cock dribbled out the evidence of a supremely satisfying orgasm as an emasculated Carter was unstrapped and helped down from the bench, and led away on all fours by Hortense Granger to further raucous applause to, begin a lifetime of cleaning services, his drooping cock seen clearly... no balls to obstruct the view of his remains token of defeated masculinity.

Brad looked on at the immense celebration which continued as Winifred showed Carter the balls that were his, as he was led past, he and some of the other males, bowing their heads in shame at the intensity of their orgasms at the expense of another male's permanent reduction... but Brad and each one knowing they were well and truly owned, and the expelling of their seed in ecstasy, confirmed their submission and inferiority to every woman there. Elaine grinned with satisfaction as she tugged him away to return to their temporary dwelling.

"Well that was very messy of you, I think you realise you've earned a thorough caning from the ladies and I... and you'll have some duties afterwards, not far removed from what Carter faces." Amid the cynical laughter from his owner, Gladys, and Marjory, the newlywed already felt the beginnings of a fresh erection... this was going to be a long and submissively delightful honeymoon indeed.

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LeoLewinskyLeoLewinsky5 months ago

Castration is too much, I hate that.

westerndesiwesterndesiabout 2 years ago

Beautiful, wanted more such stories.

Add more humiliation and punishment to son in law.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is fantastic! Please keep up the good work : )

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