Proxy Tales #02


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They kept on like this for longer than they could have imagined; neither one aware of the time, the world, of anything other than the other's body.

"Oh Charles!" she cried. The lifting and plunging had worked their magic, the orgasm began and it was even more intense than the night before.

She could no longer lift herself -- the delight surging through her body made it impossible to do anything more than gyrate her hips back and forth slowly as the tremors shook her legs and her body. Charles was somehow able to hold back but the warm spray from her tits onto his chest trigged his own burst of fluid, deep into her womb. As his cock contracted and began pumping volumes of white fluid into her inner recesses, he clamped his mouth over her right breast and drank deeply.

"That's it, lover," she whispered. "That's all for you. All of it."

His cock kept pumping jizz into her pussy. Her breast kept pumping sweet nectar into his mouth.

As her orgasm subsided, she was struck by a curious image. They were a compact representation of the circular voyage of life. She envisioned his seed pouring into her womb; her body drinking it in hungrily and absorbing it. From there, the life-chain continued and the nourishing ambrosia flowed from her nipples into his mouth, through his body, and returned again to pour into her -- and so on.

She came again and again as he drank -- his cock continued to spasm longer than he could ever remember. When their monumental orgasm subsided, he removed his mouth from her breast and kissed her tenderly, letting her sip some of her own milk which still danced in his mouth.

"Oh, goodbye," she whispered when his cock softened and slipped out of her. "See you soon."

She stood up to get some coffee then looked down and giggled, Charles had drank a lot. Her right breast was visibly a full cup size smaller than the left.

"Now Charles, you need to be more even with your attention in the future. This poor girl over here is feeling neglected."

He surprised her by bending down and clamping his mouth straight onto the 'lonely' breast.

"Still thirsty I see."

"Mm hmm," he said, without even lifting his head.

At the same time, he reached down and inserted two fingers deep into her pussy. She groaned happily as he pulled them out and used his own cum as lubrication on her clit.

She'd read about women having orgasms through nipple play, especially when nursing. She'd certainly never felt the slightest hint of desire when Ian was nursing -- but being freshly fucked and having a lover attending to her, she quickly understood such stories.

"Oh my god," she groaned. "Suck harder."

Charles increased his suction and also his pace on her clit.

"Oh no!" she cried in ecstasy. "Oh fuck, what are you doing?"

She pulled him up to her and clasped her hands around his neck. It was the only way she would be able to remain standing as the climax briskly washed through her. She collapsed onto the couch and he fell on top of her, kissing her softly. She looked down with a grin at feeling a stiff friend pressed against her leg.

"Hello. Already?"

"What can I say," said Charles. "It's been a long time."

"I can tell, come here then."

He slid into her easily, they kissed, and he just started to move when Ian's cry drifted out of the nursery.

"And back to reality," she said, as he climbed off of her.


There were four men in her life, she reasoned to herself. Ian, her son; Adam, her husband; Charles, her father-in-law; and finally - her proxy lover who shared a name and body with her husband's father -- but who she put in a very different compartment in her mind.

Day-to-day, she and Charles were living a very lovely and fruitful life. He was still an immense help around home, and had even arranged to telecommute two days out of the week and work a flex-schedule so she might have more time.

She had joined the local branch of the Laleche League -- an organization formed to promote breastfeeding, with a natural outgrowth of serving as a support organization for mothers. She volunteered there once a week, donated to the local milk bank, and also attended a weekly meeting for new mothers.

Charles did his work, helped with Ian, and around the house they fell into a very traditional pattern. He helped inside, but mostly tended to the outside and the garden. She was very domestic, more so than she would have expected.

Their lovemaking was both casual and intense. Clothing became very optional inside the house. She loved his admiring gaze and he liked being ready, just in case Ian gave them a chance. It wasn't a 24-hour fuck session, there were sometimes stretches of days where they didn't make love due to exhaustion, or scheduling, or Ian -- a very lively baby -- they would have to settle for a quick kiss or a fondle in passing. Yet, there were other times when their lust built up and they could not deny each other. In the shower, in the kitchen, once in on the patio in a warm summer rain, they became expert and tender lovers to each other.

The milk play was perhaps the biggest surprise. Violet had never imagined it could be so much fun, nor how much it might please a man. There were countless variations, but they always returned to the milk-soaked tit-fucking they'd discovered on their first day. She loved lubing him up with her sweet drink and they would most often finish it of with a spirited cowgirl session where his chest soaked at the moment of climax.

She enjoyed it so much; she caught herself having to hold back on more than one occasion when Adam was able to get to a satellite phone.

"It's going to be so fun when you get home!" she said once.

"What is?"

" know -- just, everything. Sex and stuff."

"And stuff?"

"You know what I mean. I just can't wait to have you home, baby."

Adam coming home: That was the biggest concern for her. She was worried about Charles -- though not about his attachment to her. They both had talked about it, and it was clear in their minds and their hearts that this was a temporary arrangement. It was crazy and amazing and mind-blowing, but neither one of them felt more than lust toward each other in terms of a relationship.

That didn't mean she didn't love him. He was a wonderful, caring man. She hated to see him alone. How to resolve that situation? That, she wasn't sure of.

The answer came to her in a weekly meeting. They were going around the circle, sharing stories of breastfeeding difficulties, or exhaustion, or happier experiences. It was going fine until Jonna, a gorgeous woman in her mid-thirties with a 5'11 frame and breasts to match, had an absolute meltdown.

"I'm so stupid," she cried. "I thought I could do it all. I was tired of waiting, so I went out, found a perfect young stud for anonymous sex, and got pregnant. I was sure I could do it by myself."

"I can't!" she wailed. "Ben is ten times more work than I ever imagined. I'm late for work all the time, I haven't had a full night's sleep in ten days, I skip a shower most of the time, and even though I've got boobs bigger than a porn star -- the only man interested in them is two months old and I could be a cow as far as he was concerned!"

She broke down sobbing and was comforted by the other women.

All Violet could do was smile. She had her answer. On the drive home she looked at the calendar and wondered if it was kismet. Two weeks to the day until Adam arrived home.

That Thursday night, she crawled into bed with Charles and gave him the most sensuous kiss she could muster.

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Yes," she whispered. "Make love to me Charles and let's make this one last."

They did make it last. It was the most gentle yet intense interlude of their few months together. Even the milk-play was not lustful, but soft and she placed her nipple reverentially into his mouth, squeezing the milk in as he came inside her. He did not know her plans, but when she crawled out of his bed in the early dawn hours, it was for the last time.

Friday dinner arrived. Violet had insisted they not order in, but they go out. She dressed the part in order to distract him, and acted the part of the innocent when the front door rang.

"Would you get that Charles?" she asked.

"Who could that be?"

"Just get it, handsome."

Charles could only stand their hypnotized by the Amazon beauty waiting in the doorway. Her hair was a bit mussed, there were bags under her eyes, and she was holding her son Ben in a car seat. He noticed none of that. He only saw her soft, brown eyes... and her boobs which pushed up from her casual top (he was a breast man after all.)

Jonna noticed him too. So handsome and confident, with a little bit of gray. Stable. That was the word to describe him. In her life, stable was a very good thing.

"Hi, I'm Jonna," she said. "I'm here for dinner?"

"Oh, but we were going..." Charles started to stammer, but Violet interrupted him.

"Come on in Jonna, we've been waiting."

Charles and Jonna walked into the kitchen, a bit confused at the situation.

"Sit," she commanded. "And give me that gorgeous young man. Hi Benny! How are you?"

She removed Jonna's son from the car seat and placed him on her hip, falling into the instinctive rock and bounce known to all parents.

"Now I'll explain," she said. "Charles thought we were going to go out to dinner tonight. Jonna thought she was coming over here for dinner and conversation. Neither one of you was correct. The fact is; the two of you are going out to dinner. I'm staying here and taking care of the boys."

Both of them started to protest about blind dates, not fair to her to have to watch both kids, and so on. She held up a silencing hand.

"I am going to give you a brief introduction and hopefully make things more clear. Jonna, Charles is a partner in highly successful IT firm. He's also amazingly handy around the house, helps with every aspect of taking care of a baby, and is one of the most wonderful men I have ever known. I should also throw in he's had a vasectomy."

"Hey!" objected Charles, blushing.

"You'll see where I'm going. Now hush. Jonna is a single, exhausted mother -- a breastfeeding mother, I might add (though I'm sure you've noticed). She is struggling to make it all work, and is only interested in having the one child. That's all the information I'm going to give. You two fill in the rest of the blanks yourself. Now go. Go!"

She shooed the two dazed adults out of the house before they even had the chance to voice an argument.

"Oh Jonna?" called Violet as they were getting into the car.

"Yeah Vi?"

"Is it okay if I feed Ben? I'm guessing you didn't pump and trust me, I've got plenty."

"What?" said the still confused Jonna. "Oh, sure, go ahead. It'll give him a different flavor for the night. Try for chocolate."

The car came back at 9:00 pm. Charles and Jonna didn't open the front door until about 9:40. When they did, they were flushed like a couple of school kids who'd been necking in the car -- which is pretty much what they were, minus the school.

Both of the boys were asleep and Violet was sitting in the rocker with a laptop, busily typing emails.

"Did you kids have fun?" she said, teasingly.

Neither one answered.

"Listen, Vi," said Charles haltingly. "Jonna was wondering if I'd like to come back to her place for drinks."

"Or coffee," offered Jonna. "Coffee, or whatever."

"Whatever is always good, that's what I say. You should definitely see her home, young man,"

Jonna gathered up Ben and her things and headed to the car. Charles closed the door and hesitated in the hallway until Violet took his hand.

"Why do I feel like a prize stallion who has just been traded to another farm?" he asked, staring down sheepishly.

"Because that's sort of what you are," she said teasingly. "I'm quite the matchmaker though, right? Isn't she great?"

"She's amazing. She's perfect," said Charles. "Violet, I..."

"Charles, don't say anything. There's nothing to say. We needed each other, so 'thank you' isn't even the right phrase."

"What should I say."

"How about -- goodbye?"

She put he hands around his neck and leaned up to kiss him a final time. They were almost there, but hey both stopped. It already didn't feel right. Life had moved on.

She kissed him softly on the cheek.

"Goodbye Charles."


It was only three months since Adam had arrived back home. The honeymoon phase of his return from the long absence still hadn't worn off and each day he and Violet seemed more in love.

Now it was time for another union. Charles and Jonna had asked if they could use the back yard for their service. The rainy Oregon weather seemed to smile on the union, because the forecast was sunny and warm. Charles and Adam were getting ready in the guest room, tuxedos and all.

"You look good, old man," said Adam, straightening his father's bow tie.

"And you do too, son."

"Dad, can I talk to you about something?"


"Dad, I have a confession to make. When I was sitting out there on the ice shelf, all alone and colder than I've ever been -- I got this crazy idea in my head."

"What's that?"

"I started thinking that you might be sleeping with Violet."

"I uh... what a ridiculous...I..." Charles was sputtering.

"Sorry I shocked you, but let's face it old man, you're not exactly dead. Jonna can certainly attest to that. I just thought, you living in the same house with her - things might happen. Do you know what convinced me I was wrong?"


"The sex. Dad, Violet is absolutely insane -- I mean insane. The way she's been attacking me, the things she's been doing -- I can just tell she'd been saving it up for a year."

"That's a very good point," agreed Charles, breathing an inner sigh of relief.

"But Dad, there's something else I've been meaning to mention. Vi really enjoys...she has a peculiar...she..."

"Milk?" asked Charles, completing the sentence Adam was struggling with.

"How did you know?!" cried Adam, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"Jonna's nursing too and you know how women talk. I wonder if Jonna got the idea from Violet. It's fun, isn't it?" Charles said, trying to downplay the topic at hand.

"Yeah," said Adam. "Really fun."

There was a knock on the door, one of Violet's friends smiled at them.

"They're ready."

"Thank you," said Adam.

"Well," said Charles, "I'm glad we got to have this -- odd little talk on my second wedding day. Trust me Adam, Vi loves you more than you can imagine. I'm honored I was able to help while you were off changing the world."

"Well, we haven't changed it yet, but we might be getting there." "I'm sure you are."

Minutes later, Adam and Charles waited at the end of the path, watching their two beautiful women approach to the chords of Pachelbel's Canon in D.

Later, at the reception, Violet waited for the right moment and caught Charles alone. She carried a clay goblet in her hand.

"I brought this for you" she said, handing him the cup.

"Oh, thanks," said Charles, taking a sip. He stopped, an embarrassed grin on his face.

"This tastes familiar."

Violet could barely contain her laughter.

"I just figured, once more for old time's sake. Now you've gotta tell me, whose do you like more?"

"Now Vi, if I'm not a kiss and tell sort of guy -- you know I'm not going to answer that question."

"Oh, come on Charles, you've gotta give me something."

Charles thought it over.

"You're not just talking about what's in this cup, are you?"

"No," she said with a tender smile.

"How about this," mused Charles. "We all go through different times in our life. Wine Coolers, beer, red wine, white wine. Some are transitional -- getting us from one place to the next. "So you're saying I'm a wine cooler?"

"No," he said softly. "I'd say you were a rare top shelf, reserve tequila. You were quick, intoxicating - but something that's only available once in a lifetime and best not to mess with more than once."

"I'll take that answer," she said, kissing him gently on the cheek. "Congratulations Charles, now you get back to your new wife. She's waiting for you."

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Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 9 years ago
I really like these proxy tales....

Would love to see more of them. :)

amsterdamamsterdamalmost 12 years ago
Beautiful story

Great characters, fabulously structured, eroticism, emotion, compassion & discovery. Top marks.

love2love2almost 12 years ago

I really enjoyed your story. Well written and very intoxicating, just as the milk is!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Wonderful Story!!!

wonderfully crafted story. Passionate and real life like. No unwanted drama. Loved it. One of the best erotic stories read on Literotica. Cheers to the writer!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Beautifully written story. One of the best I've read here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Very well written, really enjoyed reading it - very erotic.

rosegardenerrosegardeneralmost 14 years ago
Nice story

Very well done. Fun story, includes my favorite fetish.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I loved this story - for the patient buildup, the characters, the articulate writing, the realism, the tenderness and the lust, everything! Thanks!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 14 years ago
Well done

I enjoyed reading this story.

Erotic at times, a love story through out.

Happy endings are always good in my way of thinking.

Thanks for the good read.

ohioohioalmost 14 years ago
Two wonderful, loving stories

I enjoyed both of them very much, and I look forward to more of your work.

Thanks, ohio

RyeandGingerAyleRyeandGingerAylealmost 14 years ago
Well done!

Very well written short story, even a happy ending.

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