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With a slightly petulant tone, Kara muttered, "Don't wanna!" She tightened her own arms and turned her head to kiss Christine's fingers.

"I don't either but your sweet little boy is expecting his mommy to meet him. And neither of us wants him to be disappointed, do we?"

Kara made her own sigh. She loved how Christine's body felt against hers. She didn't want to lose that feeling. Even though she was nervous about it, she also wanted to learn how to return the pleasure that she had received. But now wasn't going to be the time. "I guess you are right," she nodded. "Do we have time for a little more kissing and cuddling?"

"Baby, I like the way you think. I am sure we have that much time," Christine said. Both of them moved their heads together and began to kiss. It was different from any of the previous kisses. Unlike the beginning there was nothing tentative about it, but neither was it urgent. There was a passion in the kiss that wasn't in danger of exploding. The kisses were deep and prolonged. Christine's tongue slid into Kara's mouth and was greeted by her tongue. They caressed each other for a few moments before Kara's tongue moved into Christine's. Every once in a while they would come apart and just look into each other's eyes. Then they would come back together. Then Kara saw Christine's eyes flick towards the clock and she knew that their time together was over.

That realization made her wonder what was next. She had never done anything like this. It didn't feel like a onetime thing to her but what was it to Christine? Without even realizing it, she tensed up.

Christine could read Kara's body. Between that and the nervous look in her eyes, it wasn't hard for Christine to figure out what she was thinking.

"I know, baby," Christine softly said as she linked fingers with Kara. "What do you want? It might be hard, but I can walk away if you want to leave it at this. Or we can see where it goes. You tell me, baby."

"No," Kara blurted out. Then realizing she might not be clear, she continued. "Please, don't walk away. I don't want this to end." She hugged Christine tight. With just a touch of wetness in her eyes, Kara said, "You make me feel so very good." Blushing she added, "Not just what we did. It's how you make me feel just being together."

Feeling a lump in her own throat, Christine returned the hug. "I didn't want to, baby. I was just offering you the option." They kissed again. As their lips separated, Christine reached up and brushed the moisture away from the corners of Kara's eyes. "You are a special woman, baby and I am glad that you don't want the option."

As they both dressed, Christine could feel her own nervousness although Kara wasn't aware of it. While she had had affairs with other mothers from the school, they were clearly just that. There had never been one that went beyond an occasional tumble. This felt different and that was a little scary to her. Nevertheless Christine had no second thoughts. She would see where it went.

When Kara was ready to leave, Christine took her into her arms again. Kara pressed her body close against Christine. It still felt like electric shocks to her. As the kiss ended, Christine whispered, "My baby." Just hearing her say that made Kara feel something warm inside her. She replied, "My darling." Reluctantly parting, they walked hand in hand to the door. They agreed to talk in the morning. It was hard to let go of each other's hand but they did just before the door opened. And then Kara was gone.

For now.

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toesucker1toesucker119 days ago

Such real emotion in this story.

vin0770vin0770about 1 month ago

Such a good writer…can’t wait to read the next one. 👍🏻🌷💋

ArkingArking8 months ago

How had I missed this in my exploration of sapphic writers? Genuinely an instant classic. I will read more of your work before placing you on a pedestal, but I will be shouting your praises to all of those who seek a wonderful writer of Lesbian erotica.

The story was believable from the beginning. An older woman teaches a younger lady who is neglected by her spouse. A story as old as time.

Thank you for a brief relief from a boring afternoon.

5 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Two people, one 46 and the other 25, the older, more experienced person should have known to back off and let the situation pull back from the adrenaline driven moment. Let Kara think through the possible ramifications apart from the “feelings.” Then if she wants to move forward she can with the full realization that she is cheating on her husband. All of the physical pleasures they enjoyed won’t change that fact. Kara deserves to make that choice as sober as possible not drunk on sex. She owes it to her son who she seemingly forgot.

kaleonanikaleonanialmost 3 years ago

This story should cause all women to gravitate towards Lesbianism if not permanently at least for exploratory purpose. Furthermore with Kara and Christine's sexual drive and orgasms even a Male wished he was a woman. One of the best stories I read so far, please continue the story. I'm totally surprised that with the intensity and multiple of orgasms that they don't end up in a coma, just joking.

Ella35Ella35about 6 years ago

I love that this character is doing something that makes her feel good and feel alive. Her circumstances hit home and is very real to many people. Her husband is like many others, including my ex, reading their evening exchanges felt like I was reading my diary or something. I never had the balls to take that step but i’m Living vicariously here. Good job!

wassup12wassup12about 6 years ago
very good

yeah ignore the haters i mean really her being selfish the dirtbag husband does not even give a shit about her she is basicly like a throphy wife to her and thats it he did not help her with giving her kid a bath hell he did not even help out in the mourning she is more a parent to her kid then the father goddamn you people are stupid

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I gave my cunt a good rubbing while I read this,well done

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
So good.

The build up was amazing. You really felt their chemistry. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Love the seduction

Not sure that I like the "slut" bit, seems to devalue the sensitivity shown elsewhere, but other than that I loved it.

liz33ndliz33ndabout 7 years ago
very nice

I was so turned on, did everything but cum. well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Enjoyed the story....very much looking forward to reading the next installments. 1 little detail at the end: there was no indication in the story that Christine and Kara live within walking distance of one another. So, Christine needed to 'drive' Kara home. Regardless, I'm hooked. I'll continue onward with great anticipation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Good so far. On to chapter two I go.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

This was so good. I'm ready for chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Good start, but found the repetitive `baby' more than irritating, however I suspect that our author is gay herself. I feel this as there was no rush into the use of the dreaded strap-on, why lesbian stories go this route is beyond my understanding, but hopefully Kara will find more time to explore her lesbian side,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
One of the Best Story

It is One of the Best Story I read on Literotica... Eager to read next part.....

laurasunshinegallaurasunshinegalabout 9 years ago

absolutely amazing to read... i cannot wait to continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

you are definitely my favorite author on this site, the level of detail, the building of suspense and the characters are incredible. You should publish!

tatlockstatlocksalmost 10 years ago
I am only on page 1 but.......

This story is so well written. There is a lightness of touch and its already quite erotic. Yum ! Cant wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Quickly becoming my favorite author on this site

I liked the development of this story. Having only read a couple of your stories, it seems like a favorite device in your stories is for the ingenue to have latent or undiscovered lesbian tendencies. This seems to make it easier for women like Kara to accept their emerging sexuality without the traditional guilt associated with homosexuality. This is what makes your stories so wonderful to read because these women make the difficult choice between happiness and an unfulfilled life. Now for the critiques: The story ended with Kara leaving with Christine presumably standing in the door. How could this be when they arrived there in Christine's car and entered through the garage? Lastly, it seems to me that 'floor' would be more appropriate than 'ground' when describing where articles of clothing are dropped or thrown.

brendacdmibrendacdmiabout 10 years ago
so nice

What a wonderful piece of writing! I especially love the seduction scene, and I appreciate how they take their time and let the emotions build. I look forward to reading more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Best story I've read here.

What an unexpected and delightful surprise to find a story that does more to explore feelings than deliver scripted prose of simply sexual acts! I loved this story! Please write more!

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