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Nicole frowned. "I am usually the first in the office and last to leave. And when I am not working, I am on the phone or checking emails. It does not leave lots of time for a personal life much less a romantic one. My sister, Nadine, hosts our family Thanksgiving. Every year she goes on about how I can't find a man. She went to Spellman and married a Morehouse man. For twenty years they are joined at the hip. Just once I want to shut her mouth." She said that with more anger than she intended.

"Describe your ideal companion to me. Is this man white, black or doesn't matter? Tall or short? Educated and professional? A little rough around the edges?' Clair opened a small notebook to take notes. Nicole looked overwhelmed because it never occurred to her she could custom order. She assumed Clair just had a few on retainer. "Let's start with your interests. I imagine you do something else besides selling real estate."

"I love classical music. I am a supporter of the Atlanta Symphony and Ballet. In fact, one of the events I would need an escort for is the opening night of the Nutcracker. A former client, who is on the Board of Trustees, hosts a post-show cocktail party at her home. Usually, I decline the invitation but would love to go. I attend one of Atlanta's many Baptist churches. And he needs to get along with children because I have a niece and nephews."

"I guess I don't have a type. My last serious relationship was with a German businessman. He loved the arts. We ended things before I moved back to Atlanta. I have dated a couple of men since moving back but nothing serious. "

Claire leaned in "When was the last time you had sex?" Nicole coughed on her sip of latte. "That long." Claire glanced Nicole up and down. "Let me ask you a question? How long have you had the schoolmarm look? Did you pull up in a Buick? Real Estate is a vain business, and your look does not say "mover and shaker." It says, 1990s female banker. And your hair is pulled back in a French bun."

Nicole knew she wasn't trendy, but Clair talked like she should be on the worst dress list of Atlanta. Her father believed in a professional dress code for the office. He'd worn a suit either navy or grey to work every day. The dress attire for a woman was conservative with no flashy jewelry. Early on she'd come to work without pantyhose and quickly learned that was a no-no. She's adopted a uniform of pencil skirts or dress pants, blouses, and jackets. They all were either navy, black or grey. The only jewelry she wore was a Timex watch and gold hoop earrings. Nicole's mother believed long hair was a woman's pride and joy. That might be true, but it was impractical. Nicole put it up in a French bun for practical reasons.

"When I started in my Dad's office there was an expectation of how a woman would dress. The more conservative, the better. Those ladies berated me when I came in one July not wearing hoses. I run a more relaxed office, but old habits die hard. And the Buick, it was my Dad's. I need to upgrade."

"If you want to impress your sister, then let me call my shopper. She can put together a few wonderful outfits. And let me text my hair stylist to see when she can fit you end. You need a modern update nothing drastic. You are a successful realtor it's not a crime to spend money on yourself."

"I understand your background. My father was a Baptist minister from rural Alabama and my mother a dignified first lady. She wore a lap cloth when her skirt was mid-calf. Can you imagine their disappointment in me? I ran off to New York to dance in nightclubs and get painted naked by Andy Warhol. I traveled the world modeling, and the came back to Atlanta. Technically, I am a lifestyle consultant. However, my real joy is helping butterflies come out of their cocoon. Good News! My stylist can see you ASAP. I told her it was a hair emergency."


Nicole walked into the office after 5. The reception desk was empty. The office was opened from 9-5 Monday thru Friday and 9-2 on Saturday for walk-ins. During these hours the office was staffed with a receptionist and two on-duty agents. Nicole employed a total of 7 people including herself, Danielle, the receptionist and four brokers and agents. The business could expand As their highest earner, Nicole needed people to handle the smaller sales. Nicole shook her head when did $500,000 become modest sales.

Danielle's desk was still messy a sure sign she was in the building. Nicole wondered who else was here as she walked into her office and flipped on the light. A stack of mail and messages waited for her. She'd sent a Danielle an email explaining she had errands to run this afternoon.

"There you are? I heard about Angela Nelson and thought you headed for the hills. She did call Allison about the townhome this evening, but the Andersons made an offer upon sight. Full price, cash, 15-day close..."

"Have they signed the contracts or does Allison want me to proof it first?" Nicole looked up from the messages. Danielle stood there with her mouth open mid-sentence. "Something wrong?" Nicole knew Danielle was taken back by her appearance. Claire's stylist added warm brown highlights to her black hair then cut it into soft layers that would better frame Nicole's face even pulled back. She then styled it into soft waves that gave her a more elegant and sophisticated look. Finally, Nicole's eyebrows were waxed and plucked into perfection. Some mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick from the Bobbi Brown counter completed the look.

"Stand up I want to take it all in." Nicole stood up and walked around to the front of her desk. She was wearing a teal wrap dress with knee-high boots and most importantly a well-fitting bra. Nicole was off on her sizing which she learned was common. The personal shopper, Candace, showed up with several outfits based on Clair's suggestions.

"What do you think?" Nicole did a slow turn.

"You need to disappear on Friday afternoons more often. It's about time you treated yourself, Nicole. And long overdue. I think everyone wanted to say something to you but didn't know how to broach the subject. What brought this on?"

"I know people think I dress like a schoolmarm and that look was fine when this was Dad's business. This company has changed, and as the business's face, I need to change too. Plus, it doesn't hurt to look good when I see Noreen and Nadine. Nadine always looks like she stepped out of a catalog even her kids are better dressed than me. However, I can't take credit. I visited a personal stylist who suggested I burn my suits. She will be at the house Monday evening with several new outfits and to see what in my closet is salvageable."

"Looking good is the best revenge. Speaking of Nadine, I have not heard from her today which means that you called her back." Nicole let out an audible sigh. "From that response, it went as expected." Nicole walked back around the desk and sat down.

"She was her normal loving, supporting self. And yes, I will be making my required appearance at Thanksgiving dinner." The sarcasm was dripping from Nicole's voice. "It's guaranteed to be another fun-filled Andrews holiday at Nadine's house complete with catered food and tasteful decorations. Though I do love seeing my niece and nephews." Nicole turned her attention to the stack of mail on her desk.

Danielle stood up. "I emailed the possible listings for the Freemans with the schedule for your preview walkthroughs on Monday morning. Max is representing two of the properties and wants to have lunch afterward." Nicole rolled her eyes at the mention of Maxwell Johnson. "I know you said Sunday but..." Danielle's voice trailed off. Danielle thought Nicole worked too much.

Nicole looked up at her assistant. Worry showed in her eyes. "Yes, they are things I can do Sunday besides look at houses: go to church, watch Christmas love stories on Hallmark, eat the ice cream in my freezer, to name a few. Danielle, I know you think I work too much. But it's not exactly like I have a lot competing for my attention. And I do know my limits which is why I spent this afternoon at the hair stylist and not looking over contracts. Please stop worrying about me. " Nicole gave her a warm smile.

"Don't you have needs, Nicole?"

"A need for what?" Nicole knew what she was asking her.

"Companionship; someone to watch Netflix with; a warm body at night or at the very least a big dick to take some stress off!"

Nicole stifled a laugh. "You can't miss what you never had." Danielle raised her eyebrow in shock. "I am not a virgin, a late bloomer but not a virgin. Before I came back to Atlanta, I was in a long-term relationship. And I do miss the companionship, someone to spend a lazy Sunday with and bring you soup when you're sick. But he did not have a big dick! But he used what he had to the best of his abilities! Double-A batteries handle my current needs." She smirked.

Danielle blushed. Nicole was never this frank and open about her personal life. More than her hair and wardrobe changed today. "Stop being a mother hen to me! I have ten years on you." Nicole looked at her watch "It's Friday night, and your boss does not pay overtime. Go out and do whatever it is attractive 30-year-old women do in Atlanta." Danielle took this as a hint to leave. "Danielle, I appreciate your concern. "

"One question before you go...have you ever been to the bar at the St Regis Hotel?"

"The St. Regis? That place is fancy. Why, do you have plans at St Regis? Tonight?" The new hair and dress were starting to make sense.

"I am meeting a potential business associate for a glass of wine." Nicole was not lying. She was meeting a potential business partner. "With the holiday coming up next week, he wanted to meet tonight."

Danielle looked at her with amusement. "You never fail to surprise me, Nicole. Have fun and please do something I would do! Don't worry I will lock up tonight.


Nicole sat at the dark paneled bar of St Regis. The bartender suggested she try the Cucumber Gimlet on their cocktail menu, a surprisingly smooth combination of gin, lime and sugar syrup. Nicole looked at her watch. Clair's email stated that someone would meet her at 8 pm. He was 30 minutes late.

Nicole's main problem was she did not know who would meet her. But being at St Regis was marvelous for her ego. She hadn't lacked for companionship at the bar. Within 10 minutes of sitting down, a man bought her a drink and passed her his business card with a wink. She slipped him hers with a smile. He was a partner in one of Atlanta's most prominent financial firms. It never hurt to make connections.

Currently, the man next to her was telling her about his beach house on Jekyll Island. Nicole turned to smile at him. He was a white man in his early 50s with a slightly receding hairline and a body that saw its prime 20 years ago wearing an expensive suit with a gold tie pin and matching cufflinks. His low country accent confirmed he was from Savannah but in Atlanta on business. Everything about him said "MARRIED" but looking for a good time. He worked into the conversation twice his private suite upstairs.

"What brings you to the St Regis tonight, Nicole?" Nicole gave him a passive look. "I am meeting a friend for drinks. Sadly, they appear to be running late." Nicole reached into her purse and pulled out her iPhone. There were three missed texts. "Excuse me I need to check my messages." He held up her empty glass, and she nodded yes.

Nicole scanned her messages. One from Nadine to both her and Noreen explaining proper attire for Thanksgiving. They dress code did not include jeans, athletic wear or sneakers. She also asked the sisters to avoid "loud colors" for the required family photos. Nicole rolled her eyes. An alert from the alarm company letting her know another code set the office alarm. And lastly a message from Claire offering apologies. The man who was supposed to meet Nicole couldn't come. Personal emergency. He wanted to reschedule for tomorrow.

Nicole took a deep breath and glanced over at Ed? Eugene? Earl? ...she wished she'd paid better attention. Nicole took stock of her options; she could head home to a microwave dinner or see where this ends. What the hell Nicole thought, she'd never seen a suite at St Regis before.


Xander's eyes wandered to the beautiful caramel woman sitting at the bar. He'd debated if her skin tone was more toffee but settled on caramel. The color of rich homemade caramel, not the cheap stuff you find on the grocery aisle.

She'd arrived a few minutes after he did. The teal wrap dress hugged the curves of her 5' 8" frame. She was not stop dead in your tracks beautiful but attractive with a sultry elegance. He watched as she hesitated before choosing a seat at the end of the bar. He could tell from her apprehension and the way she stole glances at her watch she was waiting for someone. A blind date?

That, someone, was not the guy who occupied the seat next to her. Her body language was polite but not flirtatious. She was more flirtatious with a guy to whom she gave her business card. Xander noticed how his eyes glanced down at her cleavage. He felt a pang of jealousy. They were either full Cs or small Ds. Xander preferred God-given assets. She flashed her companion a smile and then chewed her bottom lip. There was something about the way she chewed her bottom lip that drew him in. They were perfect lips not to small and not overly done. Atlanta was full of women with too done lips. The ideal lips to kiss and also look down to see wrapped around your cock.

Xander felt a tingling at the thought. It was not that he lacked for attention in that area. He drew his focus to the redhead across from him. She was beautiful, with an incredible body that was up for anything. At least it was last Saturday night. But the actual sight of her mouth wrapped around his cock didn't compare to the mental image of the mystery woman.

He took a sip of his beer trying to focus on what the redhead was telling him. "Have you been to that new club downtown? I was going to meet my friends there tonight until I got your text." She flashed him a pearly smile. It annoyed Xander they way she dropped everything to meet him. He was attracted to women with their own life sadly the other kind were readily available. "Stop chasing pussy and start chasing a wife." His mother scolded him last they talked.

Xander noticed her get up and leave the bar. He finished his beer, stood up and grabbed his phone and jacket. "I need to make a quick phone call. Go ahead and meet your friends. Text me where you'll be later." He flashed her his perfect and dismissive smile.

She looked disappointed as she stood. "OK, I'll text you later. Hopefully, we can meet and repeat Saturday night." She leaned in for a quick kiss. Xander smiled at her and followed the mystery woman into the lobby.


Nicole didn't see the man in her path until she bumped into him. "I am so...". The words disappeared into her throat as she looked into a pair of chocolate brown eyes. Her skin felt hot where he grabbed her arms to steady her.

"I should apologize. I was trying to get your attention, but you appear lost in thought." He flashed a gorgeous smile at her. Could a smile make you feel weak in the knees? No, it must be the combination of the gimlets and lack of food.

Xander felt his cock twitch as he looked at her. There was a blush on her cheeks from embarrassment. Her perfect coral glossed lips parted to say something but closed. He watched as she chewed her bottom lip unsure what to do next. There was something in him that wanted to kiss her, but he felt it would not be appreciated. She was a woman, not some flirtatious girl.

He let go of her arms. "Please accept my apologies. Your gentleman friend is probably getting antsy with how long you stepped away."

"My gentleman friend?" Nicole raised an eyebrow. He stood about 6'2 with black wavy hair and dark chocolate eyes. He had a Mediterranean complexion and sported a well-trimmed beard and mustache. Nicole felt a stirring. She loved the way a beard felt on her inner thighs. He wore clothes that accented his muscular physique, European jeans that seemed tailored to his body with a crisp button-down.

"I couldn't help but notice you at the bar. That teal dress is very flattering." Nicole felt a shudder as his gaze swept up and down her body. "But I don't want to keep you from your friend. " It was the way he said "friend" that told her he was flirting with her.

She took a step back. "My "friend" is keeping me company since my date stood me up. A personal emergency. But at least he goes after what he wants and doesn't lurk in the background." She gave him a coy smile. Nicole attributed her boldness to the gimlets. Plus there was no way this Romanesque god was interested in her beyond a casual flirtation. She raised her eyebrow at him.

Xander felt flustered. There was something in the rise of her eyebrow that challenged him. More than ever he wanted to taste her, hear his name on her lips and feel her body convulse beneath him. Nicole smiled at him. He couldn't explain it; she was not his type.

Make no mistake Xander did not discriminate based on skin color. His preferred type was accommodating and available. The women he dated were easy-going and free-spirited. Someone who looked for no strings attached. Despite his parents' concern, he had no plans to settle down any time soon. Everything about this woman screamed she was in control, organized and could string him up like a marionette. He like his women to chase him not the other way around.

"You know he's married? I know his type, in town for business and looking for a break from his wife. He frequents hotel bars looking for an easy pickup."

Nicole gave him a naïve look. "Yes, I knew he was married when he mentioned his suite twice. However, thank you for your chivalrous gesture. It restores my faith in men to know chivalry is not dead." Nicole saw a slight smile. If Nicole thought he was gorgeous before the smile amplified that. "Please join me at the bar and save me from my suitor. I am Nicole."

"Xander." He extended his hand. Nicole took it and felt a small shock.

"Is it short for Alexander?"


"Greek. Charika ya ti gnorimia (Nice to meet you.)"

Surprise completely took Xander. "Nice to meet you too. Did you study Greek?"

"I spent some time in Athens where Píra lígo elliniká (I picked up a little)." He raised his hand to her lips and kissed it. Nicole felt a volt of electricity to her sensitive center. You did not get that feeling from battery companions. She shook off the moment and smiled at him. "Aléxandros, As páme. (Alexandros, Let's go.)"

Nicole returned to the bar with Xander. A white woman with a mane of blond hair occupied her seat. Plastered into a pair of jeans one size too small with her considerable assets pushed up to her chin she angled her body to give him a full view of her cleavage. A face full of botox and fillers made her age indeterminable. Nicole knew her type. She was naturally attractive but determine to suck every last drop out of her youth spending hours in the gym and thousands on facials and fillers. Always on the lookout for a man to take care of you.

Ed looked guilty when Nicole returned to the bar. "I thought you'd slipped out. " Nicole looked at the half-drunk Gimlet with bright fuschia lipstick on the rim. Exactly how long did he wait to replace her. She was more upset about the Gimlet than Ed.

Nicole plastered on her best real estate smile. "No problem. I found Xander in the lobby." She could see a flash of jealousy in the other woman's eyes as she openly inspected his body in lust. "Have a good night you two." Nicole smiled and followed Xander's lead to a small table in the back.