Quaranteam - Team Tim Ch. 07


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"You said something about your dad not being your father."

"Yeah. I were the only kid in our 'ouse, my mum not bein' able to 'ave any more kids after me. But there were three kids in each of the other 'ouses, ten of us in all. We spread across four school years. When I started in Year 9, the youngest 'ad just started Secondary School. There were only one Secondary School in our area. One day, one of the lads from Year 10 called us all into an empty classroom at lunchtime. 'E said that our dad's may not be our father, somethin' that were obvious for some of them, like. He suggested that, because of the card game, our fathers could be one of the other card players. So's they went through us all and worked out who our blood father were likely to be.

"Maggie Doyle's oldest were a boy and the spit of 'er brother what with 'is dirty blonde 'air, the middle kid were also a boy but were smaller and darker skinned with black 'air, while the youngest were a girl with brown 'air an' eyes like my dad. Pari Mistry's oldest lad 'ad brown 'air and lighter skin an' it were agreed that my dad were 'is father, the second kid were my bestie Lakshmi, a girl, again with lighter skin an', although she has black 'air, she's definitely not my dad's so she were probably Micky's while the youngest, a lad, looked just like Mr. Mistry. Gloria's three kids took after none of the card players, her oldest, a lad, 'ad very dark skin with black curly 'air, her second, also a boy, 'ad red 'air an' her girl looked 'alf Chinese. With my blonde 'air, it were decided that my father were Micky Doyle. I were pleased as my bestie were also probably my sister, well 'alf sister. We di'nt find any kid from Rick, so's 'e prob'ly shot blanks.

"Most of them are dead now. I know Lakshmi is alive as I were chattin' with 'er just the other day. She's well scared by everythin'. 'Er mum may be alive, too, but she were back in India to see relatives before the pandemic. I think Maggie Doyle could also be alive, but I'm not sure."

Tim gave Ashley a big hug. "Well, you're here now and we'll keep you safe. Were you made to have sex with all four of the card players, both your dad and your biological father?"

"Yeah. Dad got me fitted with an implant, like, claimin' I were sexually active with boys but it were only 'im at the time. Later, it were all o' them, the card players I mean. I just lay there an' let 'em get on with it. I remember Mr. Mistry claimin' 'e'd missed out on gettin' my mum pregnant, so 'e should 'ave been given a chance to get me with a kid, but my dad said no, so's 'e di'nt. I'm glad I'm 'ere, the only thing I miss is my bestie."

Tim gave Ashley another big hug, telling her that nothing like that would ever happen to her again. After they broke apart, Ashley turned back to the screen and started to fast forward through the adverts.

Tim was at a loss what to say to Ashley, in the light of her revelations. In the end, he just said, "See you tomorrow, Ashley," and left as she started watching the next segment of the soap.

Tim made his way back to the Reading Room, his mind going over the Ashley's revelations, where he found Siobhan and Jenny still talking. After sitting for a while, Tim made his excuses and went up to the Master Bedroom, exhausted after what had been an exceptionally busy day.

Tim quickly passed through the ensuite bathroom and, after checking on Rana, slipped into the bed. His mind was ablur with all that had happened that day, but he was tired and was soon drowsy. Tim was aware of Siobhan joining him in the bed and cuddling up to him, but only peripherally, and he was soon asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Replying to JohnSimms from 23 days ago and others. The character of Tim, there are a few people in other countries such as the United Kingdom (and set in England) who don't like or want to do Anal sex, male or female. In the country you are from, Anal is very common and so are blow jobs (in some stories all the women giving Bj's have orgasm's without being touched?!!) but doesn't necessarily mean that other countries, other people are into the same as you or have the same views. As for folding up his clothes before sex is quite true, some men and women do that in other cultures. This is realistic for the character and the story and unlike some countries, some people have a more reserved nature and don't go overboard on emotions like most of Lit stories, or have very little plot and repetitive sex which to be frank gets tedious and boring (she gives him a blow job, he has a large thick penis. He is handsome, tall and buff. He might do oral on her and she has big breasts, small waist and large hips and petite or is athletic. She has a pretty/cute pussy (genitals) They have sex in multiple positions, multiple times and places and end up having anal, have many orgasm's to everything. Rinse and repeat...) I have read some truly awful stories on Lit, always set in the same country and just sex and no plot to speak of, or an Author writes about another culture/country and it's historical. Apart from never visiting that culture/country or knowing about their history. I thought 1 story by the way the main character spoke (in writing) was set in the deep south in the 1900's, Turned out it was set in Scotland in the 1600's!! Nobody in Scotland spoke like that, the historical information completely wrong as in eating cheese, grapes, strawberries and drinking wine? Wearing plaid and having a huge castle? No mention of Clan's?!! I laughed through the story, like they would know about the g spot and Clitoris!! And I am Scottish and live there!! (No mention of having battles with the English!!) So a story by an English author who captures some of the English so well, is refreshing and honest. If you don't like it, Nobody is forcing you to read it. So go back to the stories you like, stop whinging about these stories that Some of us like, appreciate and prefer!! Eile.(Scotland)

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

@Mehtalituly: I agree 100%.

The characters feel like they are reading their lines. Dull, flat, monotonous

And the excruciating detail about cars, china, school locations etc etc. Verbiage is garbiage. Too much filler. Too little story

MehntalityMehntality10 months ago

While a bit better than your first submission, I still felt like the emotive part of the story is falling flat. You just keep losing me in your dialogue, like everyone is just reciting their lines in a monotone voice, devoid of any discernable emotion.

For example, when Tim was listening to the horrendous ordeal that Ashley was forced to endure growing up, he just sat there like a robot, like she was talking about the weather instead of pedophilia and rape. There should have been mention of his reactions as she revealed her past... compassion, shock, eyes growing moist with tears at what she had to go through... Instead, he listens passively then hugs her and, while he tells her she's now safe, there is again no emotion evident....from him or her. Now, she may just be traumatized and has locked up her emotions as a defense mechanism to cope, but Tim should have had some reaction in the moment to convey that he is human and not some emotionless automaton.

At the end of the day though, its your story and I'm just one of many readers, so take my feedback as you will. But I think this may be one QT series I pass on.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I really enjoyed your writing and the unique perspective you bring to the QT universe. Anxiously awaiting the next installment !

JohnSimmsJohnSimms10 months ago

As an aging Yank, I have no problem with the dual heights as a courtesy but it really does not impact reading the story either way. Tim not interested in anal is probably due to the worry that the stick up his ass will get dislodged. You are about to have sex with your horny woman and you fold your clothes? You might consider a character page that is available to refresh memory as the series progresses and expands. I too would appreciate a bit more emotion and description with potential and actual team members. Will Lakshmi or Helen be requested? Siobhan's sister or the maid in Portugal? Will Maria develop desires and undergo healing? This storyline incorporates pregnancy planning more than others. I am enjoying this slice of the QT planet and look forward to many more entries!

pohmiipohmii10 months ago

I like the setup but also agree with others that some more emotions and details would be appreciated. Maybe instead of just writing that Tim looked into her eye, you could go deeper and describe how her face looked, how it changed as he thrust into her, how she reacted to him following her instructions and pleadings, etc. As this will be a long series I am hoping you will keep going and offer more details for your readers to connect deeply with the characters as Devin McTaggert does in his episodes

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I like the setting and the context, but there just isn't a lot of emotion... At this point it feels like mostly info-dump, as if I'm reading a well-written Wiki article. There are lots of Little moments that could be zoomed in on to get a better feel for character ... Ie, I'd like more reaction/context/introspection from the first introduction of the pairing requirements to Tim and Siobhan. Or even more of their original quarantine romance.

Ashley's revelations left Tim "at a loss".... Was he said? Angry? Horrified? Why didn't he tell Siobhan and commiserate?

Irregardless of my critique, I appreciate you adding to the Quaranteam universe, and I'm excited about your story.

Thank you!

DiagonalmanDiagonalman10 months ago

This is developing well. I like the character development a lot with so many new characters.

NursesNurses10 months ago

Definitely 5 star. But I agree with Frethnor. Don't need the metric conversions. But I did learn I should be expressing my height as 2.02 meters and not 202 cm. 80½ inches in imperial. Or English as I was taught. I was also starting to worry you would be a one hit wonder as we call someone who vanishes after one song or story. Glad you are in it for the long haul.

I still wear my mask. I hope you do too. It's a minor precaution.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Just binged these two sections of your tale. Fits in well with the Quaranteam Universe with enough difference in the details to make it intellectually intriguing and to not clash with the logic of the original.

Feels believable and the improvisations feel very British. The political introduction also feels spot on.


Let's see how this team develops!

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot10 months ago

This is very well written. I've been reading SciFi since the mid 1950s, and this compares very favorably with the classics like "Stranger in a Strange Land" (Heinlein), or any of the "I, Robot" series (Azimov). I am eagerly looking forward to reading more....

FrethnorFrethnor10 months ago

Just my two quatloos, but stop with the "metric (imperial conversion)" thing. The story takes place in England (and I'm guessing you're English as well), so just use metric. Those of us "uncivilized barbarians" that still slog along with imperial can look up the conversation ourselves if we feel the need. While I'm sure you're just trying to be helpful, it almost feels a bit condescending. Either way, I'm enjoying the story and look forward to more of it.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story with a different approach to the Quaranteam universe. Really enjoy all the authors taking a different view in their stories.

Please continue as I really enjoying it.

Carnes8004Carnes800410 months ago

Great! Sorry, was worried that the 6 was it. Glad it wasn't. Stay safe, COVID is still around. Sounds as if you are from North of Greater London. I'm retired US Army, and was stationed in Cheshire for 4 years. Best duty station of my life.

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