Quincunx Ch. 30


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"I know, but I do," she said squeezing my hand.

"Well, it should only be for a couple of days; I expect they've got most of it planned," I answered as we stopped at the cart and I helped her up.

She cuddled up to me on the ride back to the Inn, but we travelled silently, with me already reviewing my thoughts on how to move forward after the magical wall had been unravelled.

We ate dinner then relaxed in the bar over the remains of bottle of wine we'd ordered with the food. I took her home as the sun was setting and then rode back, leaving the horse and cart at the stables to walk back to the Inn in the gathering darkness.

Up in my room, I finally had time to devote to the book Swapswisle had sent. Jakes was a wizard to one of the nobles back in the age of kings; he was a tinkerer with magical charms and wards and developed a method of sharing his power through crystals.

Nothing was known of his methods or spells and the knowledge was thoughts lost, I discovered half way through the second chapter. I kept on reading anyway till I thought it was late enough to bring Xen over again.


In the morning, Xen went home and after a filling breakfast I made my way over to Gulic's house. Instead of his room, I was shown through to the lounge, where he was sat relaxing with a cup of cofftea.

"Ah you're here," he said as I walked in, "Would you like a cup?" he asked, raising his own cup.

"No thanks, I've just had breakfast," I replied.

"Did you read the book?" he asked, motioning me to the seat opposite him

"Yes, though there's nothing in it of real use. Is that all that's known?" I asked as I sat.

"Yes, I'm afraid it is. Whoever it is using it now must have rediscovered its secret," he replied.

"All that seems to be is sharing power, but surely the combined power, if well co-ordinated, even in individual hands, could defeat a combination."

"With your help, yes," he answered. "If you can block the power holder's spells, we stand a good chance."

"I should be able to do that; their power doesn't seem to make a difference, though I haven't tested that. I know I can deal with Runic spells as well."

"Hmm, Runes are a bit of a touchy topic, might be best not to mention that unless you're asked."

"If you want, okay."

"Good, now I'm told you're set to marry Xen and live on our little island," he continued.

"Yes," I answered, starting us on a conversation about life on the island.

The opening of the void brought our conversation to an end.

"Margotta," he greeted the woman looking through from the other side as he stood.

"Gulic," she responded before switching her gaze to me. "And you must be Davor."

"Yes," I answered, joining Gulic as he walked towards it.

On the other side, we found ourselves in an anti-chamber with Heen'll waiting there, presumably for me.

"Davor," she called.

"Professor," I answered.

"I thought you'd be back," she said as I walked over to her.

"This situation calls for a man of my talents," I half-joked.

She gave me an odd look.

"I have heard that the cruciform is some sort of multiplier, it allows the chosen one the strength of four. But then I imagine a strong spell is as easy to unravel as a weak one," I replied, trying to explain.

"That is what we suppose; the physical description likens it to a candelabra with the arms, curling animal horns supporting little cups that the crystals sit in," she answered, leading the way out.

"We're putting you up in Rash's old room," she said as we walked down the corridor. "There'll be someone to see you after dinner, which you'll have in the Masters hall. Oh, there's a robe for you to wear to blend in."

We got to a junction and suddenly I knew where we were: the main passageway on the first floor.

"I see you know your way from here," she observed.

"Yes, though I never expected to see here again."

"We'll meet later," she stated before turning back.

I walked down the stairs, heading for my new accommodation, thinking that when Xen came over tonight she'd be sharing the bed with the ghost of Rash. I'd made love to her there first.

The robe was a rich purple, not a colour I'd seen before. I undressed and changed, putting my old clothes in one of the drawers. I was a bit annoyed that I'd not been immediately involved but there was no way for me to hurry them.

With time on my hands till dinner, I picked up the book Swapswisle had sent and set off to return it in person. There were only novices and brothers around but most never noticed me as I made my way to his office.

As he wasn't there, I left the book and had a wander through the stacks seeing if he was there. Unfortunately he wasn't there either and there was no one to ask of his whereabouts.

I decided on a slow stroll to dinner, even if I was early. The door was open and there were a few seated but the shutters were down still. I picked out a seat at one of the long tables and waited.

After dinner, I returned to my rooms and sat on the sofa to await my summons. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long; a young novice came for me and led me back up to the administrative level.

I was surprised to see a single occupant, sitting at a table side on to me, with an empty chair on the other side waiting for me to fill it. "Come," he said as I surveyed the scene.

I walked over and sat opposite him. "I'm Gredlic," he announced. "I'm here to take you through your part. We will arrive through three voids; your first task will be to take down the magical wall, as this will be within seconds of our arrival it will be their first notice of our attack."

He paused, his eyes on mine. I nodded.

"You will have two wizards by your side and we're hoping that they go to the main hall where the device is kept as we rush through to there too," he continued.

"You're sure it's there?"

"Yes, it's the centre of the circle," he replied dryly.

"Next up is countering the lead wizard, defeating his spells as he tries to cast them. While I'm doing that, the rest will be tackling the other three and trying to gain control of the cruciform," I speculated.

"Just so, we're actually hoping that the three others panic and withdraw their powers, which will make things easier. The attack will take place first thing tomorrow, so an early night is in order; someone with be around before dawn to wake you."

"That's it?" I asked, "Heen'll could have told me that walking up the corridor."

"Oh there's more. The Council wants to test you, see if you can defend yourself from our best," he said.

"I'm willing. It might prove useful practice," I said a little excited at the prospect showing off my talent.

"Good. You'll be facing Kridmo, a four. He'll start easy and build up till he defeats you or the council calls halt. Okay?"

"Yeah, he can throw what he likes at me, or try as his words turn to mush."

"Good," he said rising, "if you'll follow me."

I was full of confidence as I rose and followed him out. It was only my defences that were being tested. Things were going to be boring with me just standing there while poor Kridmo's spells were still born.

Gredlic led me to the council chamber, the half circle of chairs filled with the occupant's eyes on me.

"He accepts," Gredlic said stopping at the desk before them.

"If you will step to that side of the room," one of the councillors directed.

As I walked over, councillor continued. "Tell Kridmo we're ready."

I turned as I got to the wall and waited, my eyes now vigilant as I scanned the scene. Kridmo entered and walked a little way in before trying his first spell. The power ball never formed. He tried again and again, but I smothered his words as the spell failed.

It took near three minutes before they brought it to a stop. Kridmo looked annoyed and exhausted and I felt sorry for him.

"You are indeed an anti-magician," a voice from the council proclaimed.

"And capable of taking on any form of magic. I am confident that I can nullify any spells they cast irrespective of the power behind them. That power never gets chance to form," I stated.

"Thank you for reassuring us, your powers are new and strange to some of us," the female council member said.

"As they are to myself. I never thought I'd be called on so soon."

"You are free to go," said the chief wizard in the centre.

"Thank you," I replied, walking back toward the desk as I retraced my steps out.

Gredlic was waiting for me outside. "So, we're all set for tomorrow," he stated rhetorically as I joined him.

"Mm, by dawn's early light. An early restful night is indeed called for."

He gave me the briefest of smiles and turned to lead me back to the main corridor.

"Good luck tomorrow. And a word of warning, don't rely on the plan. Play it as you see it," he said before turning and making his way back.

My first thoughts were how to let Xen know. I could send an eye, see if I could catch her alone. That was assuming she was in her parents' house; she might be anywhere making arrangements for our new house.

My first stop was the privacy of my rooms. I would send an eye on the chance she was home, after all I had nothing else to do. She was there but sitting with her mother. I made myself comfortable on the bed and let my thoughts run as I watched the silent picture.

The wait dragged for an endless half hour before Xen got up and made her way to the door. As soon as she closed the door behind her I created a little void and stepped up close. Her surprise was momentary.

"Davor," she said softly.

"I've got to cancel tonight. The battle is going to be first thing tomorrow and I'm going to need an early night if I'm up before dawn," I explained hurriedly.

"So soon?" she exclaimed.

"Shh. Yes, with luck I'll be back tomorrow and it will be on with the rest of our lives."

"Xentha!" I heard her mother call and immediately closed the void.

I let the eye fade and wondered what else I could do to while away the afternoon. After a moment's thought, a visit to the market popped into my mind and I settled on that.

Rolling off the bed, I straightened my robe and set off. I crossed over to pass Rash's house, only crossing back again when I got to the turn for the market. I made my way to the tococaleth stand and ordered a cup.

I sat sipping it, watching the people flow past, busy with their own lives. Mine was on pause till tomorrow, then it would be back to the quiet life with Xen. Once we had the house sorted out, I could start looking for something to fill my time.

After my drink, I idly wandered browsing the stalls till I tired of it. I took the long way back, walking down to the river then along it. I dallied a while at the last bridge, watching the boats go by before finally heading back to my rooms.

By the sun's reckoning, there was about an hour to the tea time bell as I arrived at the gates. I pondered trying Swapswisle, but there seemed little I needed to say. Instead, I strolled back to my rooms and plonked myself in one of the chairs to wait.

The hour passed slowly and my thoughts flipped from Xen to the battle tomorrow, and onto the puzzle of keeping myself occupied. What I didn't want was to end up practicing my farm management skills for my new in-laws.

I got bored of the waiting and decided to take a slow stroll to the dining hall and hope that the bell went on the way there. I had a wait, but not much of one, and was soon tucking into a nice meat stew with dumplings.

I ate with a relish which quickly emptied my bowl and left before most others had arrived. I made my way back to my rooms; early as it was, I would put myself to bed and rest till I slipped into the land of dreams.


A shake on my shoulder woke me; a shadowed novice holding a candle aloft greeted my opening eyes. "It's time," he announced. "Breakfast is being served and you're to report there."

"Thank you," I acknowledged.

As he turned to go, I stopped him. "If you will, light my candle before you go," I asked.

"Yes sir," he replied, turning to complete the task as I sat up in bed.

As he walked out, I waited a moment till my light grew then slipped out of the bed and put my robe on. I had to carry the candle till I reached the main hall, there I left it on my stairs and made my way to the dining hall.

There were about twelve already there and another half dozen or so joined us as I ate. Two of the council were there, Jetsun and Jampel, sitting chatting to two other wizards I didn't know.

By the time I finished eating, they started clearing the tables from the top corner of the room and others started gathering there. After dropping my bowl, I walked up to join the crowd.

"Davor," a voice called.

Looking in the direction, I saw Jampel with the two from earlier, and one had his hand raised. I made my way over.

"These are the two that will accompany you. You will be first through the centre void with these coming through the other two." He said.

"Grenvic," one introduced himself.

"Digleur," stated the other.

"I guess I need no introduction," I replied, nodding acknowledgment to both.

"You know what we're doing?" asked Digleur, a touch of concern in his voice.

"Yes, I've been briefed. After we eliminate the wall, we press on to capture the Cruciform of Jakes," I answered.

"Put simply, but succinctly," Jamphel put in, then, turning his head to the cleared space, added, "We will be ready in a few minutes."

I followed his gaze; I could see at least four eyes in use as the three wizards prepared to create the voids.

"Come," Jamphel continued, "let's get you in place."

He led us forward, stopping just behind the central wizard.

"Let it begin," he commanded.

Three spells were cast and three voids appeared. The wizards on either side of me stepped forward around their wizards and I stepped around mine, seeing the dawn's early light on the other side while my magical sight saw the interweave of spells that held the barrier in place.

I waited till I was through to start nullifying the spells and saw it dissolve as I unravelled the third one. Running forward, there was the keep door; the two wizards by my side blasted it open as more wizards came running after us.

I slowed to a trot once inside, looking around for defensive spells, but kept heading toward where I sensed the power of the Cruciform. I had to remove powerful spells on the last two sets of doors and I was fully prepared when we found the four wizards and the Cruciform behind the last set.

Even as the splinters settled, he threw a bolt which I barely fielded. I caught his second even as it formed, his face becoming a picture of consternation as it faded. My two companions were both throwing bolts at the three clustered by the cruciform as behind me more wizards rushed in.

My target tried again as I walked toward him, his words fading even as he spoke them. His confusion turned to panic as he saw something behind me and then he was flat on his back as a bolt hit him.

I walked past him, the magically bright cruciform drawing me on. This close in, I could see the thread joining him to the ball. When I put my hand into the flow, I felt the tingle of the residual power.

I lifted the crystal ball from its bowl and the power faded; holding it in the crook of my arm, I gathered the others then took stock of what was happening around me. All four were captured, two were unconscious and being magically floated over to the other two, who were sat against the wall under guard.

The fight was over so quickly it was almost a disappointment. With the four balls tucked in my arm, I walked out with the others who were returning, leaving more than enough to guard the prisoners.

The balls I intended to destroy physically, smashing them seemed favourite, a cobbled yard or stone wall, or even, as I walked into it, the flagged floor of the entrance hall from the stairs.

I climbed to the first corner and, making sure it was clear below, dropped the crystals one by one, watching each shatter into hundreds of fragments. By the time I was done, they were bringing the prisoners through, each one floating suspended as if drifting on the air.

I followed on and was one of the last through the void and back into the excited atmosphere of the dining hall. While the others milled around and the prisoners were taken off, I went and found a chair.

Though it was an easy victory worth celebrating, all I wanted to do now was get home and live happily ever after with Xen. As soon as things quietened down a bit, I'd see if I could find Jamphel and get my return arranged.

Jetsun came in offering effusive thanks and I got up and strolled over to catch his attention. Grenvic intercepted me.

"That went well," he commented.

"Yes, they never knew what hit them," I agreed.

"It was over so quick the stragglers never saw any action," he stated.

"Yes," I answered, seeing Jetsum eyeing me as he walked over.

"Ah Davor, well done," he exclaimed.

"I hate to say it was easy," I said jokingly. "But it was."

"Never the less, the easy victory was due to your skills," he continued. "The offer of a position here at the University is still open if you're interested."

"No, I'm looking forward to getting back to my new life with Xen. Speaking of which, could I ask you for return passage back to Gulic's?" I replied.

"When, now?" he asked a little astonished.

"If that's possible," I answered.

"Dorroick links to Gulic," Grenvic put in.

"Dorroick?" Jetsun queried.

"Yes, the one who created my void," he replied.

Jetsun looked back at me, I nodded.

"Go find him," Jetsun ordered, then looking back at me. "What happened to the crystals?"

"I destroyed them...,"

"No!" he exclaimed

"...they were of no use to me and too dangerous to put into anyone else's hands," I continued calmly.

"But they...," he started.

"No," I cut in, "someone some time would be tempted."

"Seeing as they've been destroyed the argument is pointless," he replied, a trace of annoyance shading his voice.

We stood quietly for the short while it took Grenvic to return with Dorroick.

"Someone's pining to go home, I hear," Dorroick said as he joined us.

"That would be Davor," Jetsun said.

"Gulic's home on Ormskirk," I chipped in.

"Is he, I mean, it's early there yet, I don't want to disturb his privacy," Dorroick replied.

"I think the announcement of victory will sweeten his arrival. Open a void for him," Jetsun ordered.

"Yes councilman," he acquiesced. "Let's find more space."

He led us nearer the wall then created the void against it.

Thanks," I said walking forward.

I felt a sense of relief as I crossed through into Gulic's room and the void disappeared behind me. All I was left with now was the more mundane tasks of finding a job and raising a family.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Well written

I've only just found your tale and am sad that it ends here. Thanks for the entertainment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Why does he have to give up Cal? He is a great wizard after all. Both Cal and Can were willing to share him!

glyphistglyphistover 6 years ago
book 2?

I enoyed this alot; echoing other comments its does feel as if it is 'end of book 1' as there are many storylines left hanging.

GoesGruntGoesGruntalmost 7 years ago
Epilogue, Epilogue, Epilogue

Even fairy tales have "and they lived happily ever after."

While there's certainly room for more story it has reached a sort of conclusion. It just doesn't feel finished.

hardheadd1hardheadd1almost 9 years ago

Looking forward to the next installment.

SynapsisSynapsisabout 9 years ago
Solid 4 star story with some feedback

The reason it's not a five star story is because it lacks any real tension or drama. For instance, there was no consequence from him robbing the banker blind. Is the wizard council not worried that thousands of gold mysteriously went missing without a trace? Then, no one questions why the second son of a very minor land owner has enough gold to purchase a house, stables, horses, servants, and new furnishings? Between the inconsequential nature of the gold, the really boring/easy wizard battle, and the lack of family or love drama, this story completely lacks a very crucial part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Love the story

I hope you post another chapter soon. Thank you!

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