Raising the Dead... Ch. 07

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Broadening the repertoire of criminal offenses.
2.2k words

Part 7 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/08/2018
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Raising the Dead, in Spite of the Natural Order: A Cautionary Tale

Chapter 7

"So. Eve. Have any, um, interests?" Iga asks, sitting on the other side of our monster, "Besides Eli, I mean."

She doesn't respond immediately, just furrows her brow, "I enjoy sex with the male."

"Yes, that would fall under what I meant by 'Eli'," Iga reiterates, "Anything else?"

"Iga, what are you doing?" I whisper. Which is admittedly stupid, since Eve is sitting between us in the van, so it's not like she won't hear me.

"I'm just trying to get a feel for who our Eve really is," Iga responds, acting like Eve is just some new friend.

"Why, exactly?" I hiss.

"What happened to all the scientist in you?" she points a finger at me, "We should know more about her. Who she is, what she likes. Maybe develop some of her interests. Especially if those interests maybe involve something other than taking advantage of our man," her eyes widen at me.

"Ohh," I get it, now. For all her deficiencies, like lack of genius or being short, Iga really is a good friend that looks out for-

"Wait," I narrow my eyes, "What do you mean 'our'?"

"I want... to be better," Eve jumps in, looking down at her hands. I try not to take offense to my brilliant creation thinking she's not good enough.

"See, that's a start!" Iga pats her on the back, receiving a cold stare in response, "Self-improvement is a great pursuit. How do you want to be better?"

"Once we get the tighter vagina, you will install larger breasts," Eve states, like it's fact.

"Um, I think you're pretty good, physically, Eve," I interject, "Maybe we should work more on your emotional-"

She turns and looms over me, even though we're both sitting.

"...Or we could tweak your body. You're right. That's an option," I retreat on the issue, at least while we're in the tight confines of the van.

"You will augment my rear after that. You will make me superior to all other women," it's hard to tell if Eve understands the conflict of interest here, "To make me irresistible to males."

"Okay, I can work with this. We'll make you better, so you can get your own man," I try to steer things in a productive direction.

"No," she shoots me down, "I only require Eli to satisfy me." No use arguing on this one right now. At least she used his name that time.

"Any... other interests beyond that?" Iga probes further.

"No," she says, after an uncomfortably long silence.

"I suppose being something of a blank slate isn't that unusual, given that you haven't been alive very long," I pause and bite my lip, "Say, Eve, you don't remember anything more about your previous life, do you?"

She just shakes her head. Maybe for the best. Still, what kind of weird pervert did we put in this creature?

"Any idea why you feel driven to be this perfect woman?" I press, still trying to get to the bottom of this.

"Is that not what you made me to be?" she asks.

"Touche," I concede. She's got me there, I'm pretty sure that was exactly how I put it. It also raises questions about how secure all my notes are, since I don't know that I've used those words to her directly. Also, also, that would mean that she can read. Which wouldn't be that surprising, considering she can talk just fine, and seems to understand a lot of things about the world around her, even if she doesn't remember why.

"So, how will you know if it's good enough? I mean when we install your shiny new pussy," breaking another uncomfortable silence.

"I will judge by his reactions," Eve flatly says.

"We appreciate that you've chosen to just use Eli's cock like a carnival ride instead of going all crush, kill, destroy," Iga continues, again with this 'we' crap, "But things in our house tend to go too far. It's happened on this very subject, actually. Turns out there is such a thing as 'too tight', what with the robo-vag project."

"I'll thank you not to call the autonomous pelvic simulator a 'robo-vag'," I scold Iga, "Also, I'll thank you not to give her ideas."

"Call it whatever you want. A sex robot that is only the lower half of a body is a robotic vag on legs. That's the entire concept," Iga shoots back.

"A concept that is still sound, even if the execution didn't pan out," I say.

"Most things that don't 'pan out' don't involve you chasing it down with an axe," Iga brings in unnecessary details.

"You say that like it wasn't the only option. That thing was becoming self aware, it had to be destroyed," I remind her.

"I actually kind of want to add my support to this 'not going to far' thing," Eli pipes up, raising his hand, without taking his eyes on the road, "That thing gave me a blister and would follow me around the house." Kind of forgot he was listening in with him sitting up front.

"Eli, I said I was sorry," I sigh, "The lubrication system was flawed and the whole thing got caught in a loop."

"Yes, and I understand," he says, "Let's still not have any repeats of lessons we've already learned. Also, fewer experiments that involve my cock, if it's at all possible."

"We will only use natural body parts," Eve finally rejoins the conversation. At least that's a relief. I did not want to be coerced into building a cyborg pussy. Though actually, now that I think of it, that's an interesting idea for future projects.

"I also want extra arms," Eve says, her voice partly muffled by the sound of the parking break engaging, as Eli brings the van to a stop.


"Say again, Eve?" I ask.

"We're here," Eli says, he and Iga unbuckling their seat belts. They heard that too, right?

Did I mention that Eve refused to wear proper clothes? Well she did. I got her to put on one of my lab coats, which isn't big enough in the chest or long enough for her, but it's better than nothing. I also tried to use some concealer to cover up her stitch lines, but she wouldn't sit still long enough for me to really do it right. This leaves the three of us, with proper disguises as hospital staff, escorting a tall, frightening, barefoot woman, with obvious stitchings on her face, whose naked body is barely concealed by a tight fitting lab coat. Through the basement of a hospital in Chinatown. In the middle of the night. And my high school guidance counselor insisted that science was never going to be as exciting as I expected it to be.

Though, I say escorting, it's more like we're following her and trying to keep her from causing any unnecessary trouble. Miraculously, she actually hasn't drawn much attention. There were a few glances when we were coming in, but the lower levels are mostly deserted. No run-ins with security, thankfully.

Eve boldly walks forward and throws open the doors to the morgue without giving any of us a chance to recon the situation. We can do nothing but follow her inside. And thus, we're caught immediately.

By her.

"You!" the coroner and I say, almost in unison, pointing at one another. It's that same, boyfriend molesting bitch from the other hospitals.

"What are you doing here?!" I demand.

"I work here! I got fired from my other job over the missing bodies, I'll have you know!" she exclaims, "No deal this time. No matter how much you try to bribe me with your boyfriend's cock!"

"Bribe you?!" the nerve to imply that, "You extortionist bitch! How dare you-" I approach, but a strong hand from Eve reaches out and holds me back.

There's a silence as the coroner examines Eve, "Who is... that? She looks familiar..."

"She's just got one of those faces," Iga waves her hand dismissively.

"Her?" the coroner asks.

Iga nods in confirmation.

"-She's- got 'one of those faces'?" the woman crosses her arms, "How stupid do you think I am?"

"Like... medium?" Iga shrugs.

Wherever this amazing battle of wits was going is cut short abruptly as Eve steps forward, getting between them. It sure shuts up the boyfriend molester, to have the larger boyfriend molester staring down at her.

"We require your body with the tightest vagina," she says in the most nonchalant way that you can say something like that.

"I... don't really check for that when I'm tagging them, or anything..." the woman steps back, "But, you can't have any of them anyways. You need to go. All of you. I'll call security if you don't leave now."

That was a mistake. That much becomes immediately clear. Eve takes threats about as well as I'd expect her to. She grabs the coroner by the throat and lifts her up off her feet with one hand, then slams her back against the wall. I panic a little, thinking Eve is going to kill this woman. I don't know what the charge for accessory to zombie murder is, but I don't really want it added to the rest of the mostly non-violent stuff I'd be charged with.

I'm relieved when, instead of snapping her neck or choking her out, Eve tears open the woman's pants with her free hand and promptly shoves her fingers up inside of her. Still not a great thing to be a party to, but accomplice to sexual assault is better than accomplice to murder. And there's a bit of schadenfreude to it, too. Going to be hard to get your claws into Eli again when your being zombie violated, isn't it?

I think Eve getting in the way of me being with Eli is getting to me, because my first thought is that I can't decide if this is terrifying or hot. Absurd. Obviously it's terrifying to watch someone get assault like this by a corpse monster. Even if she's a pretty corpse monster. Well, at least, it's more terrifying than it is hot. Like a 70 to 30 ratio of terrifying to hot.

Hard to tell if she's into it. The coroner I mean, not Eve. Obviously Eve's into it. At least, I assume, since she's doing it. She's still a bit of a wall, honestly. Common sense would tell me that the one being molested doesn't want to participate, but this is also someone who let me steal corpses in exchange for selling her my boyfriend. Which sounds a lot more degenerate when you say it all at once.

It's not a quick penetration to make some point about her physical power over the woman. Eve keeps going, shoving her fingers into her with enough force that her hips bounce on Eve's hand. The rest of us just kind of stand around awkwardly. There's an unspoken understanding that trying to stop her would be neither effective nor wise.

The uncomfortable display comes to a conclusion as the coroner's body shakes and a raspy moan barely escapes her lips, Eve tightening her grip to muffle the sound. Just when I think she's going to go too far and choke the woman to unconsciousness, Eve pulls her fingers free and releases her, allowing her body to crumple to the floor in a pile of gasps and shakes.

"We will take every female body that is in acceptable shape," Eve informs us.

"Wait. I thought you just wanted one with a tighter pussy. Now you want to take them all?" I try in vain to talk some sense into her.

"The parts may be useful for future improvements, this will save us repeat trips," she says.

"How exactly are we going to get them all out? A parade of corpse thieves is going to attract attention," Eli astutely points out, "I'd rather not jump forward to the 'peasants and torches' phase of all this crap before we need to."

"She has a security badge," Eve points to the coroner without looking at her, "We will use it to access the loading docks and bring them out that way."

"What... um, what are we going to do about her, by the way?" Iga asks, "We've been talking about all this right in front of her. Also the fingering thing is probably going to be an issue."

"Not as much as you might think," the coroner stands up, trying to fasten her torn pants back into place, "But I do have some questions about the rest."

"We are taking her with us," Eve says, like that's not a big deal.

I kind of expected her to say that, "So we're adding kidna-"

"Yes," Eve cuts me off, "Get something to tie her up with."

The coroner tries to slip away as the conversation turns to her own abduction, but is abruptly clotheslined by Eve before she can reach a full run. I admit, I have to stifle a giggle at that one.

"Behave yourself and don't make noise, and you'll be fine," Eve informs her, "I will not be using you for parts, they are too inferior to be of use."

I don't quite stifle the giggle that time. Seeing my creation abuse that awful woman is cathartic. Eve and I are almost bonding over this, even if she doesn't realize it.

"Bring the van around to the loading dock, Eli," Eve commands him, "Please hurry. I wish to get you home so that I can use you for sex, again."

Maybe 'bonding' wasn't the right word.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is all pretty good, and I am enjoying the story and characters so much that I would honestly still read this even without the lewd parts. Really hope you can get back to this one day since this may be and if my favorite stories on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This isn,t necrofelia, she is undead if not resurrected.

Love this story, especially how her creation is dominating her, and the humor elements. Saw all the negatives so very long time reader first time comment leaver. Keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Well Done

Keep up the good work! I genuinely enjoy the characters and general atmosphere of your story! Would very much be interested in a possible prequel/spin off involving more misadventures of Victoria Stein and her crew! Can't wait for ch 8!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Different strokes for different folks.

Ignore the chastising comments here. You're doing pretty good work. Undead, zombie, frankenstein-ish type characters in erotica is nothing new. It just requires a 'certain' taste to truly be appreciated. Your description of Eve is well-thought out and not too overboard. If she had rotting tumors or gross puss seeping out of her head, then yeah, it'd be gross. Keep going, I wanna see how this plays out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Well I love the story and can’t wait for more chapters!

Human_PrimacyHuman_Primacyalmost 6 years agoAuthor
Wrong Category

Not sure why you would start reading a story at chapter 7, or how one gets disturbed by the sex in a chapter with hardly any sexual content. But thanks for reading, all the same.

The category thing was an error on my part, and a change has been submitted.

Masterskitten26Masterskitten26almost 6 years ago
Necrophilia much?

Wrong category.

This is about the weirdest thing I've read in Lit. and totally grosses me out.

Where I understand the Frankenstein concept; sex with the dead is just beyond words. Vomited a little in my mouth when i read that.

This is the first and last chapter I have read. Please put future chapters back in the Sci-Fi category. Not sure there is a proper category for this though. Makes me ill.

Masterskitten26Masterskitten26almost 6 years ago
Necrophilia much?

Wrong category.

This is not a Non-Human.

It's disgusting.

Flat out no stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
This isn't Non Human, it's a dead human brought back

very weird, makes me wonder what else goes through your head

very creepy

sex with dead humans is illegal

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