Recession Blues Ch. 04: Blue Balls


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"Ahhh!" a stroke before she began to cum she felt Billy cut loose inside of her. She leaned back, pressed fully against his shaft as they came together, one turn before Jacen was signaling to pull into the lot.

"Oh my God," Ann gasped, half falling into the other foot well in her effort to disengage from Billy's cock, she pressed a hand against her crotch, "I'm going to be leaking all over the stage."

"Shit," Billy laughed, "If it isn't leaking it'll still be so wide every dude in the place will know you've been taking it in the ass." Ann's eyes went wide at the thought.

"Here," Hillary rummaged in her bag for a moment, "Use this butt plug." She handed back a rubber cone that was thicker than the men's cock at its base above a sort of stem, Ann noticed. Ann looked at it dubiously, then at the other stripper. Hillary rolled her eyes, "We're almost late," she warned, "If we have to dance..." She shrugged, "Look at the bottom." Ann turned the plug over, the bottom of the stem was a prism. "They'll notice you've got a toy, but won't ever consider you were taking big black cock in the parking lot," the red head taunted. Biting her lip, Ann managed to seat the plug with a momentary discomfort. She had to hurry because the others were opening the car doors and getting out. Checking the halter top and pulling the miniskirt down, Ann hurried to keep up, trying to ignore the persistent pressure inside of her as she moved. Hillary paused, giggling as the uncomfortable wife reached the door, "Hon, you walk like that, they'll think you still have a black cock in your ass."

"I do, you bitch," Ann answered, which made Hillary laugh. Ann smiled, glad that her friend had been ready to help, "Now let's get to the meeting so we aren't last."

Hillary looped her arm through Ann's and the women strutted through the back hallways to the conference room. Ann's shoulders sagged seeing Les was talking at the front of the room and Darcy sneered at the women from her seat facing the door.

"That bitch," Ann growled, and took Hillary's snort as agreement. A step before they were at the conference room though, Hillary paused, looking back.

"Was that Jacen?" she asked Ann. Without thinking about it, Ann stopped, turning to look back down the hall. And laughing quietly, Hillary stepped into the conference room.

"Well, I'm glad you two decided to join us finally," Les deadpanned, "Ann?" he ignored the housewife's anger at having been duped, "Would you care to join us?" She nodded jerkily, frustrated anew to realize Hillary had taken the last seat. Ann was forced to lean against the wall closer to the front of the room than she wanted. She mouthed 'bitch' at Hillary, who laughed and stuck her tongue out, then pointed toward Les.

The warning was well considered; more than once Ann had seen the club owner call out a dancer who was not paying attention. More than once the last girl into the meeting was spared the first dance by another dancer who was not paying attention. Ann stifled a yawn, trying to decide what she would wear and what songs she would dance to for her extra set, all while feigning attention.

"... Are you trying to earn two sets in a row to start the night, Ann?" Les' pointed question caught Ann off guard.

"No?" she managed, hating how meek she sounded.

"Well," he offered a cold smile, "I guess I'll give you some slack, considering you clearly are suffering the effects of a walk of shame tonight..." Ann gasped, looking around as the other women paid more attention to her. She blushed, shocked at being called out, and never considering that the clothes she was wearing were not really the same in which she had left the club the night before. She tried to ignore the giggles and whispered comments, pointedly listening as Les mentioned the VIP's he was expecting and giving a run down of the bachelor and that night bachelorette parties that were going to be on hand.

Too soon, Ann found herself behind the heavy velvet curtain. She had rushed out of the meeting to get into a costume, scribbling her name where Les indicated on a form he had insisted he had for each of the girls, launching into an explanation he pointedly had warned them was 'optional.' Her stomach growled, and she tried to remember if she had eaten since having the doughnut before noon. To make matters worse, her body was complaining, aches and pains at how vigorously she had been fucked had not been fully masked by three Advil. And because she was worried that everyone would know for sure what had happened if they got a glimpse of her gaping ass, the butt plug remained in place; the hapless wife never considered that she was no longer walking as if the probe was filling her ass, having gotten used to the sensation.

She had handed her CD to Deon using the pass through in the curtain, and willed herself to stay focused and ignore the aches and pains, just to get through the set. The music ran down and there was weak applause as Deon's voice announced the first set of the night, 'everyone's favorite housewife, Ann!'

Ann did not remember the DJ ever making a big deal about that... she had never pretended she was single, and wore her ring on stage, but having her marriage called out like that felt like a gimmick. Her music began and Ann strutted through the curtains. There were only a handful of men at the rail, guys who were inevitably pushed farther back by better tipping customers early in the night, even if they were 'regulars.' She was pleased when a few more patrons moved up to sit at the stage's edge, then stopped worrying about them and focused on her routine.

When there were only a few bills offered by the last verse of the first song, Ann stopped between the poles, offered a scolding finger wag around the stage, and resumed dancing without removing her top. Les always emphasized that his customers were supposed to enjoy themselves, but he had more than once added that if they were being cheap 'his girls' could tease more and please less.

The tactic worked, and Ann relented, removing her top early in the second song. She tried to tap into the arousal she had felt the night before, looking through the club, but Jacen was no where to be found. And by the end of the second song, she was angry that there was no energy from the handful of men actually watching her. She opted not to remove her panties, even through the majority of the third song, to the obvious and increasing displeasure of Les' guests. When she let her gaze turn to the owner, though, he was lounging, obviously watching her, but without any hint he was angry.

"C'mon, men," Deon did his part, "If you want to see the goods, you have to earn them, right girls?" The dancers circulating in the room shouted in agreement wherever they were, raising a fist in solidarity that would have amused any Black Panthers in attendance. "Of course..." he paused, the change in tone catching Ann's attention as she finished twirling on the back pole, prepared to collect the meager cash lining the stage, "If our girls get too proud..." He pressed a button and the music changed, a heavy hip hop beat and a growling voice. Ann stopped, staring at Deon in puzzlement.

She squealed at the touch of a crop on her bare shoulder. She looked at where the stinging leather had landed, seeing a mark. Spinning, eyes ablaze in her anger, she was shocked to see Darcy decked out in some gothic or demon outfit, leather hip boots, a leather bustier with pointed studs over the low cups, latex gloves that reached above her elbows, and an airman style two point cap positioned appropriately askew.

Ann gasped as the last licked out again, smacking her left breast just above the areola.

"On your knees, slut!" Darcy's voice echoed over the music... She was wearing a mic? "Your insolence has earned a punishment." Ann stomped her foot in answer, but when the crop landed at the edge of her right areola and no one seemed interested in intervening, she quickly obeyed. "That's better," Darcy cackled, twirling the crop as the men at the stage cheered, "Now crawl around this hallowed stage, and thank the men who were kind enough to watch you dance." Ann stared up at Darcy, and shivered at the anger in the other woman's eyes. She was enjoying humiliating Ann. Telling herself she was going to have to go around anyway to collect her tips, Ann began, smiling at the men along the rail as she passed, seeing that their eyes were fixed on her free swaying breasts. Men were such pigs, she thought sourly, the thought interrupted by another stinging blow of the crop on her ass.

"Thank them, slut," she gritted her teeth and paused, then offered a saccharine smile to each man as she passed, thanking them for being there. 'Halfway,' she thought as she hit the end of the stage, 'you can make it.' The crop touched her shoulder—not a strike... a stroke—and Ann froze. "What a good slut," Darcy chortled, "Shall we show them why you're out here? What a stripper walk of shame is like?" Before Ann could respond, the other stripped caught hold of her panties. It took more effort than when Jacen ruined her bra, but the bottoms were designed to be easily lost, and came away baring Ann's ass... and the gaudy end of the butt plug for the men along the side of the stage she had just traversed. Her face burned as Ann heard the conversation in the club quiet, more and more people seeing that she had something in her ass.

She glared back at Darcy, who looked honestly surprised, and then almost embarrassed but only for an instant before she landed a blow on the end of the plug, making Ann gasp as she resumed her crawl. She hated that everyone in the club was going to get a look by the time she made it back to the curtain. The fact that new bills had landed on the stage where she had just been did not matter. She moved faster and faster as the curtain approached, and then she was through, ignoring the applause and the calls for an 'encore' from the suddenly interested crowd. Ann sat naked on the cold concrete, touching the still sore spots where Darcy had hit her, tears streaking her face at the humiliation she had just experienced. She barely noticed it was not Darcy's turn... the busty red head had come out for some reason as part of her set.

"I'm sorry, Ann," she was beside the married stripper, then, "It was supposed to be a gag... I didn't... I mean, wow... That actually got a rise out of the guys on the first set." She tried to help Ann up.

"Get away from me, you bitch!" Ann growled, then added, "Who suggested that?" If Hillary had put her up to it...

"Les asked if I wanted to get you for edging me out last night," she kept trying to get Ann up, "I'm serious, Ann, I am so sorry..." She gave up then, "I... I'll let you do it to me the next time I'm late, deal?" Ann shrugged. She had not really considered playing at being a dominatrix, but Darcy was not the sort, either. Ann had the impression the girl had flunked out of school and was trying to convince herself this was just a temporary job while she saved enough to go back to community college.

Darcy gave up or more likely had to go get ready for her own set. Ann stayed in the dark corridor until she thought her tears had dried. If Les said a word she would quit then and there. She looked for Hillary, meaning to thank the other red headed stripper, because sitting off stage, she had realized that if Darcy had ripped her bottoms off and Hillary's plug had not been in place she would still have attracted some attention.

Any consideration of removing the big plug was dashed by the time Ann had wasted feeling sorry for herself. She dressed to work the floor and went out, not really conscious of the fact that she was looking for Jacen, wondering what the big bouncer thought about how she had been treated. She was surprised to see him sitting beside Les, talking and laughing. He saw her looking and waved, not a 'come hither' but a recognition of her attention that he in turn called to Les' attention as well. Suddenly embarrassed at her behavior, Ann began to thread her way through the tables away from the owner and bouncer.

Of course, her little show meant she was popular, and that during each lap dance she had to caution her 'guest' at least once not to touch. When they would ask what that was, she would smile, wink, and answer that it had gotten their attention, so it had done its job.

She paused at the bar, asking for a spiked coffee, and went on working, trying hard not to feel like she should apologize to Darcy as well as she was doing in the wake of the red head's little game. She did not consider that it left her almost no time to rest, and that she was scrambling to get ready for her first scheduled set, and had no time to remove the sex toy and clean up.

The men along the edge of the stage obviously had at least heard that she had a 'surprise' for them, and their 'encouragement' was better than average, if not as much as she had enjoyed the night before. Ann rewarded those who were paying for it with close up views of the plastic gem calling attention to her ass. She found herself considering removing it as the finale, but aware of what it would reveal, she settled for a deep straight legged bow in each direction, assuring that even those at the back of the room caught a glimpse before she sauntered off the stage, swinging her hips suggestively.

She went straight to the bathroom, removing the heavy plug with some difficulty, and then spent several minutes trying to clean up before she returned to the dressing room, being careful not to call attention to herself. She chose boy shorts rather than the bikinis and thongs she favored, downed her second spiked coffee, and went back out to the floor.

A glance at Les' table, and Ann stopped, surprised that Jacen was still there, and that Billy was with him. She shuddered, wondering if the men were telling Les how they had spent the night before. It was a horrible thought, even as the sight of the men triggered a warmth that could have easily become arousal if she had not forced her attention to the busier crowd watching the stripper working the stage and considering enjoying something more up close and personal.

She did five lap dances without pause, then was called into the privates to entertain for thirty minutes. When the balding skinny older man who had paid for her time opened his pants, she smiled, thanking him for the 'offer' but explained that she did not do that, and asked if he wanted her to see if there was someone who might be more interested in 'partying' with him. The man shrugged, tucked his meager erection away, and told her 'it never hurt to try.' Walking back to get ready for her next set after the private, Ann wondered at the man's words. Considering what she had 'tried' in the week before... and again the night prior, she was not sure she could agree.

The end of her shift was a grind, and Ann lost count of the dances she did or how she performed on stage. She did watch Hillary, and was amazed at how energetic the other stripper was; they had both spent the last night and day fucking like bunnies, after all. She choked down a third spiked coffee, determined to follow the other stripper's advantage.

At the cashier's cage after close, Tom winked at Sharon, giving her the totals.

"Not your best night, but not bad. And your extra dance was the top earner for Les' bad girls in, I think, forever." Ann chose to be pleased at that, regardless of what had precipitated it. Somehow it had been a twelve hundred dollar night, even though she had been on autopilot for much of it. She took half, hoping the windfall would help to convince Tom she should keep dancing. She hoped to find Jacen to get her to her car safely, considering how much money she was carrying, and maybe because as tired as she was, she knew the big bouncer would be able to pleasure her a final time before she went home, but he was nowhere to be found.

She passed Les, who had left his customary place on the floor. The owner smiled, eyeing her up and down as he did all of the dancers, and complimented her on how much she was getting the crowd into her sets.

"Are you sure you won't keep working?" he asked in the end. Ann shrugged.

"I have to convince Tom," she paused, "But I think I'll be able to keep dancing." Les smiled broadly, and squeezed her shoulder

"I knew if you just had time to think about it, you'd stay." Ann shrugged, unsure what to say. Les made it easy, waving at another of the girls and moving toward the dressing room, leaving Ann looking in vain for the big bouncer.

She pulled up short approaching her car, because Tom was leaning against the right front fender.

"Damn you're sexy," he shook his head, eyeing her up and down like he was one of the men in the club.

"You saw?" Ann was embarrassed to ask the question. He had come now and then, and she teased him that it was just to see what the other girls looked like. He would smile and shrug, then point out that he did not need to, that the hottest stripper in Les' 'stable' was his. But he had not been since starting the new job. "I'm sorry, baby," she usually put on a special show for him, "I didn't see you. You should've been up on the rail." Tom snorted.

"Naw, you had enough admirers throwing money at you." He pushed off of the RAV, "But no one's had what it takes to buy you away from me..."

"Cut it out," Ann said angrily, in part because she wondered if he somehow knew how accurate he was. "This is fun, it pays well—I made twelve hundred dollars tonight—but I love you." Tom beamed.

"I know. But I missed you last night, so I decided to come watch." Ann made a mental note to have the staff warn her if Tom was there. "What was that little toy you had tonight?" Ann forced a laugh.

"Hillary told me it would get me more tips, and she was right," she hoped she could find what she was about to describe to him, "It's a piece of tubing with a plastic bauble on it to mimic a butt plug." She winced, "Hillary actually suggested dancing with a butt plug," she shuddered theatrically, "I cannot imagine having anything like that in my ass." Ann bit her lip, because of the unbidden memory of Billy and Jacen hammering into her bottom. Arousal threatened to prove the lie in her words. "I'm beat, though," she leaned close, pecking Tom on the lips, "If you want to have your way with me we had better get home." He nodded, hugging her close for a moment. Ann glanced around, "Where is your car?"

"I had Aaron drop me off," Ann thought Aaron was one of Tom's co-workers. She felt a vague unease about that. "Did you tell him why?"

"Yep," Tom paused long enough to let Ann start to get upset, "I told him you had been helping a friend last night and I wanted to see some bare tits." She hit him in the shoulder.

"You knew what I meant." Ann rolled her eyes, hit him again, "That was mean."

"OK," Tom held up his hands in surrender, "I give up. Tell you what," he added, "How about I drive?" Ann handed him the keys, never thinking about it as he released the locks. She climbed in as he went around the back of the little SUV, sniffing at the memory of what had happened in the car just a few hours before. She could not detect anything. Tom climbed in, though, and laughed.

"Shit, is Hillary a Bigfoot?" Ann's eyes went wide as she realized why Tom was asking. Jacen had readjusted the seat. She leaned across, hitting the button on the door that was Tom's setting, relieved that the side mirrors automatically adjusted.

"No, silly," she rolled her eyes, "But I was hung over, so when I got here I adjusted the seat to take a nap." She giggled, "And then I had overslept, so I changed in the front seat trying to avoid being the first set."

"Did you make it?" Tom knew about Les' rule, but had obviously missed Ann's first dance. She wondered when he had arrived.