Red Pill 2

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John and Cory get closer the day after.
12.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 02/29/2024
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John woke the next morning feeling more well rested and content than he has in a long time. He got up and grimaced, dang he was sore. His legs felt tight. He looked around, and there was no one else in his suite, so he went right to the bathroom to use the water closet and then shave, brush his teeth and shower. Before he finished showering, he could see movement in the suite but the steam prevented him from seeing exactly what was going on. As he opened the shower door, the smell of breakfast, particularly bacon, hit him and his stomach rumbled. He put on his robe, dried his slightly curly hair briefly to stop the drips and took his hunger out into the main room to chase the aroma.

Cory was just finishing setting up breakfast for him. She wore a pair of yoga pants and a fuzzy sweater, ya it looked like cashmere, that was very tight and barely went to the top of her yoga pants. When she made the slightest movements, it revealed her midriff. Right now she was bent over the table arranging breakfast and her entire lower back was bare and John could see her tensed back muscles flexed to hold her up. He was a little disappointed there wasn't a tattoo there. He thought it would be cute. John walked up behind her and stuck a finger in the back of her yoga pants, pulling them out so that he could look down her ass crack. She did not react in the slightest to his inspection and so John looked down onto those smooth, meaty little glutes and saw that Cory was not wearing underwear.

"Good morning," John said down into that ass crack.

Corry gave a little wiggle and shake that sent her glutes quaking, dancing for John. Then she stood up, with an extreme curve to her back so that her butt stuck out and turned her head to the side s that John could kiss her. It was a brief but wet full-lipped kiss that looked perfectly practiced. Sometimes they just work out that way.

"Good morning, handsome," Cory replied. "Start with that protein shake, please. We need to make sure you take in a minimum of 150 grams of protein a day."

John let her yoga pants snap back into position. "Thank you for the breakfast. This looks amazing. I feel like you are too good to me already. You're so beautiful to begin with. I'm just not accustomed to..."

"Shush. We will look out for each other's needs. Right, John? With truthfulness." Her freckles splayed across her nose so playfully, they always made it seem like she was flirting no matter what she said.

"You are the most refreshing thing I have ever had in my life and this is only the third day I have seen you." John slammed the shake in one fast go and then loaded up his plate.

Cory sat down at the small table opposite John and said, "I have a day planned for us. You and I will be spending time in the fitness room after breakfast. Then we will go into the yoga room, which is private where we will stretch you out good. After that we will lounge in the hot tub to let the heat penetrate your sore tissue. Then you will swim a couple laps in the pool before coming back up stairs for clean up. We could go out for some drinks then later or something."

John had slowed on his eating pretty quick, that shake took up some space. He shook his his incredulously, "I don't know, I'm pretty sore. I might have to take a rain check."

"You are going to be sore for several weeks as you become accustomed to exercise." Cory slid out of her chair, like her bones turned to jelly and she just flowed under the table in a blink of an eye. It looked like she was made of water for a moment. A second later, hands parted John's robe and fingers wrapped around his balls and limp cock and began pulling him under the table by his equipment.

"Yaaahhh," John gasped briefly he scooched to the edge of his seat and just as the hands were about to pull in too sensitive a manner, they relaxed and his limp dick was in a warm, wet place. He looked down, under the table and saw his rapidly hardening cock in Cory's mouth.

Cory's mouth was wide open and her tongue was licking the underside of his dick as her lips closed and she pulled back, massaging his growing length with her lips. "God I like seeing your mouth wrapped around me." Her thumb, index and middle fingers of each hand lightly squeezed and rolled around an individual testicle. "Uugh," John grunted out his appreciation.

The sensations on her attention were intense and he felt spoiled. He became rock hard and stopped eating to watch those dimples form and unform as Cory's mouth worked his cock. Her dimples reminded him of a fish's gills closed and then open as her mouth expertly worked him. John groaned his pleasure as his climax sparked just barely and Cory removed her mouth, grabbing his testicles with one hand and pulling down on them with some tension.

John's orgasm immediately went right back down like it fell off a cliff and she looked up in his eyes. She grinned. He wanted to see his cum splattered across those freckles. Her grin read him like a book. She had to know, right?

"Do you still think you want to skip what I have planned for today?" She blinked her eyes at him rapidly as she kissed the head of his throbbing cock, her torture complete.

John's eyes went wide, "Ohh my god, that is some manipulation. He smiled and shook his head side to side. "What if I held out on the exercise longer?"

"I might stick a finger up a lazy ass to get it moving." Cory looked as him all sassy, "Any other smart ideas? I am not accepting a 'no' from you."

""Whoooa then I get to stick something in your ass." John smiled to himself, envisioning the potential for anal sometime in his future. Wouldn't that be interesting.

"I think we could come to a compromise on something in the future." Cory batted her eyes at John and then suddenly swallowed his cock all the way down her throat.

Cory bobbed on him, "Gluuk. Gluuk. Gluuk. Gluuk. Gluuk. Gluuk." a half dozen times.

"Uuhgf. Uuhgf. Uuhgf." John grunted and gasped, completely unprepared for her attack. Her tongue swirled his head and seemed to squeeze and stroke him. It felt like she had a constrictor snake in her mouth and Cory was cheating of course, doing something with her tongue that no human could do.

Before John could possibly gain a modicum of control, his body tensed up with orgasm and Cory stopped, completely leaving him built back up with no off switch thrown. His mouth was wide open in shock as she crawled out from under the table. John watched her ass as she crawled, he could see her yoga pants outlining her pussy fat from behind until she started to stand up. Once she turned around her yoga pants framed the outline of her puffy vulva in an exquisite detail. Hands on her hips she said, "Let this be a lesson to you, John. I win all debates. Yes?"

"I certainly can't say no to you."

"Good. I don't think you and I are ever going to fight, John and it's not just because I believe in weaponizing sex, I enjoy spending time with you." Cory smiled sweetly at him. "Also, we will make sure you get the opportunity to work that tongue in the yoga room before we relax in the spa." Then she took on an almost scolding tone, like a day are teacher, "Now, shorts and a t-shirt mister. They are in the bag over there. I took the liberty of purchasing them since you have no athletic wear."

John dressed in the T-shirt and shorts as instructed and his day went exactly as Cory said it would. Including a free weight press, as Cory stood over the top of his head and he staring directly up at her camel toe while she gave instructions. Just as he was thinking he was positive that she was aware that she was talking to him through her camel toe as she stared down.

"Tell me, and remember our honesty, how do you feel about me manipulating you using sex?" As he met her gaze, framed by her puffy cameltoe he smiled. She never addressed it and he had trouble looking away from it. Instead he tried to memorize every contour, fold and crevice.

"I am all in, Cory."

"We need to approach each other with confidence. I want you to always remember that I don't want a weak man. Even when I am subjecting you to something that might make you uncomfortable, it just means I want to see you endure, conquer, and triumph." She smiled at me sweetly. "Please repeat that for me, John. It is the most important thing."

"Endure, conquer and triumph," John repeated. He couldn't wait until he was stronger. He wanted so badly to fit the description of a man from Cory's vision. He was sure Cory was stronger than he is even though he was a man that builds muscle easier. That didn't matter though, she was fixing him. Like a genie of some sort fulfilling two wishes of his: fixing his physical flaw and embracing his sexual being. This suited him just fine, he had devoted his life to the pursuit of economics and the flow of cash ruled his existence. It was now time for some self improvement. Most of the people he worked with at The Federal Reserve were asshats and he would really like them to feel they couldn't compete with him physically either. Mentally he was far ahead. He could admit that to himself. Fuck those guys.

After an hour and a half of resistance training they went to one of the yoga rooms. The weight training was light since John wasn't very strong. It made him quite tense and a good stretch was exactly what he needed. Cory knew this, of course and she led him in a stretching routine. First, she placed her feet a little wider than shoulder width and then bent over forward with her legs straight and laid her hands flat on the floor.

Cory was facing John and as she showed him the bend, she critiqued his form as he followed along with the stretch. "Keep your knees straight, John. Get a good stretch in those hamstrings. We need to get them trained. They are an important part of your base. We can't have them bunch up and get tight. Now stand up slowly and let them relax. Good. Then slowly go down." John bent all the way down to stretch his thighs. It pulled a little on his butt as well, but all he could focus on was that camel toe in his face. When he bent forward, her pussy was eye level.

"Up, John. Slowly. Go down. Up John. Go down." He kept staring into her pants. "Up." She looked in his eyes and her's had a twinkle on them. A smile played across her lips and as her dimples flashed, she leaned into John and kissed him. Her mouth opened and her tongue slid out and pressed against John's lips. It moved along his bottom lip before moving up to slide between his lips. He opened his mouth when she asked for permission to enter and he sucked in her tongue. She broke the kiss and huskily said, "Now on your back."

John laid down. Cory guided him through a series of stretched for his glutes with ankle on knee and then clutching it to the chest. Then a puppy dog pose with a leg out to the side and chest to the floor. Switching for each side, of course. John was straining through most of them and his flexibility looked pathetic, but he put in the effort. Before long he was flexing his mouth and said, "I need something to drink." He started to get up off the floor.

"It's not break time yet, John. Let's move on to alternating bicycle crunches." She motioned for him to come back to the floor, since he finished standing up.

"No, I am going to get a drink first. Hold on." John took a step towards the door.

"Stop, John. I am in charge here." She pointed at herself, "Personal trainer," then she pointe at John, "You need to wait until I say it is time for a break." then, pointing at the floor, "Get back down here, please." She eyed him with a smirk.

John did a quick check on himself for the rules of engagement. This was making him uncomfortable. That meant that Cory wanted him to triumph. What was triumph? Quenching his thirst, pleasing Cory, and maybe making sure he didn't seem like a pushover. "What is that smirk for? I'll just get a quick drink of water," he said as he made to turn towards the door.

Cory stood up now and hooked her thumbs on either side of her yoga pants. John found himself rooted as she looped her thumbs, sliding them around the front of her waistband and then to the back before letting her hands return to the sides. It was much like a gun slinger lightly touching their holstered weapon in an obvious threat. In this case her weapon was beneath her yoga pants and her thumbs hooked at the waistband made her quick draw ready.

John looked down at her puffy pussy fat framed like a second skin of the yoga pants. He felt the rest of the moisture leave his mouth as his excitement rose.

What was she doing?

Slowly, Cory pulled down her yoga pants until they rode down to her hips, the fabric still wedged between her legs.

John looked up into Cory's eyes and she laughed lightly. "You can't wait to see me again, can you John?" She continued lowering her yoga pants. They went all the way down to her thighs before the fabric, wedged well into her cunt, pulled from her labia and left her pussy bare for John's eyes to stare at. She finished completely removing her pants and then took off her shirt, her pert, firm breasts bouncing with the movement ever so slightly. Her flesh was tight.

Regaining his voice, "Your pussy is so pretty, of course I want to see it."

"This pretty pussy is where your next drink is coming from. No water for you, John."

"What? That's not a thirst quencher. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy giving you head, Cory, but that's not going to satiate my thirst."

Cory took a step closer to John and her grin widened. "You're next drink will come when I do, John. You can either try to take it by force now or you can endure your thirst until I give it to you." She was slowly and only very slightly rocking her hips. Like she was anticipating John's decision.

"I will take it from you now then."

"Are you sure? Every time you challenge me and fail, I will punish you. Your goal in this challenge would be to stick your tongue in me while I resist you." John was nodding his head in dismissal at Cory. "Take off your clothes, John." John took off his shorts and whipped off his shirt. He stood there, skinny and pale before Cory. John's cock was hard wood, saluting proudly.

"I am not into forcing myself on a woman."

"Really, John? Your cock says otherwise. Do you want to wrestle me down, bind me and force your tongue into me, John?" Cory took a step closer and looked into John's eyes. Her eyes widened a little and she nodded. "Yes. I see what you want. You want to wrestle me to the ground and force something else inside me. There's a monster in there John, I can see it lurking far beneath the gentleman exterior."

"There is nothing that I can think of that I want more than to have sex with you."

"Thank you for your honesty. John, you sound like a textbook. You are thinking about holding me down and stabbing me with your cock. That's not sex. Technically it's not rape since I am not unwilling. I'm down for anything John. This is about you and me. What's it going to be?"

"Ohh, I'm up for the challenge. Don't get me wrong, I would enjoy whatever happens if I just submitted to you, but I'm not just going to let you go unchallenged."

"This is going to be fun, John. I like your fire. You shouldn't just let me win. Just so you know, if you fail to beat me, I am going to spank you."

John suddenly laughed. "Spank me? Oh my God. I haven't been spanked since I was a child."

"You haven't been spanked like I am going to spank you...ever." Cory took another step towards John and now she was just an arms length away from him. Both of their chests were rising and falling quickly as each showed signs of arousal from the boasting and the potential repercussions.

John reached out to grab Cory. She latched onto his wrist with her hand and then turned her backside into him as she lowered herself to further drop her center of gravity. She dropped all the way to the floor, rather slowly so she didn't hurt John, as she tucked herself into a ball, she brought his arm with her and he smoothly was carried forward over her body, turning over in the air and landing mostly on his back as Cory threw him easily. He tumbled over her onto the yoga mat clumsily.

John had the wind only partially knocked out of him but the ease with which she just threw him had him completely startled. She swarmed all over him while he was startled, her face next to his as her arm wrapped around his neck and his arm now trapped between their faces. She squeezed his head and arm against her side as her own head laid gently on his chest. John's head started to swim in murkiness immediately. John had seen enough mma to know that he needed to tap so he started slapping her arm right away and Cory loosened her grip. She immediately began kissing him as he regained blood flow to his brain.

"Damn, Cory." He said when she stopped. "You know jiu-jitsu?"

Cory nodded, smiling. "Almost since the day I was created."

"So you completely knew ahead of time that you would win."

"Nothing is a sure thing. Except for your spanking. That is going to happen. Which means you've made me very happy." Her eyes sparkled as she looked down at John below her. He looked unsure of himself and her exuberance. "I have decided you can get your drink, John. You don't have to wait. You just remember when I am spanking you how merciful I am. This isn't just because you made me wet in anticipation of your spanking," Cory obviously lied with her trademark, dimpled smirk.

John made to rise and she held her hand over his head so that his head would bump into it and he stopped. Cory pushed his head back to the floor and then threw her leg over his head, sliding into position over his face, "Now get in there and earn your nourishment, my man. This queen wants to cum."

She placed her hands on his head at his temples. Her fingers combed through his hair,"Oooh, yes. John. Get right in there. Oooh that feels so good." She began petting his head as she started rocking, rubbing her flush pussy against his mouth.

"Swirl up to my clit. Ya just like that. Again. Oohh, baby that's nice. Now pinch it between your lips. Ugghh. I love a good tongue lashing. I am going to make sure you are a pro for me, John." She was stroking his head. Rubbing on him like he was a good puppy.

"Ummpf. Mmnumpf," John mumbled incoherently into his faceful of woman.

"Yes, John. I know you love it down there. You are such a good man, John. I am going to be the best girlfriend for you. This pussy is yours John. All yours and it is the only thing you really need. Keep it going, John. Your reward is cumming."

"Uuhhh. Uhhhh," Cory's feminine noises went high-pitched at the end like a question. "My orgasm is like a distant wave. The water level comes up before it reached the shore. Here it is. Can you taste me? UUgh. Oooh, John, drink that down. It's got the nourishment you need. Here comes the rest of it. Drink it all and you will find that I can quench your thirst. Oohhh. OOoooh." Cory's thigh were shaking now and it sent waves into her ass, rippling the flesh as her orgasm flooded John's mouth.

John was amazed at how wrong he was. There was plenty for him to drink here as she squirted into his mouth. It was all he could do to swallow to keep up with the flow. He'd never known a woman to squirt so the mouthful of delicious fluid over and over was a delight.

Cory had several cartridges loaded into an array that provided fluids for her to use so her options for cum were numerous. She could send fluids to any of her orifices. Every time she would feed John, like right now, she would make sure to trickle some liquid heroin (Devotion cartridge) into her cum cocktail. This time she did include an electrolyte drink (Revitalize cartridge). She planned to prove her pussy was the only thing he needed.

"Yes, John. Drink me down. This is the only thing you really need. Don't you agree?" John nodded, mumbling something into the cunt trying to smother him. He just kept swallowing as Cory dispensed his beverage. She undulated herself against his mouth, making sure the spread her shine around on his face. "You are going to smell like pussy so much. God, that turns me on.".