Red Ribbons in Her Hair Ch. 12

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Part 12 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/22/2015
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Chapter Twelve

Gabe looked over his notes, rereading what the department press release official had deemed newsworthy and mixing it with what he and the Captain had come up with to try and coax their suspect out into the public eye. All it would take would be one person to see his picture and recognize him and they could have him, finally.

But then Kaylee could go home. Gabe wasn't sure if he liked the idea of her not being there for him. He turned and looked over at where she was brushing her hair, something the Captain and the department shrink said she needed to do right before they went out.

Their suspect had a thing for hair, brunette hair. He had a thing for good looking girls of about Kaylee's age and physical attributes. Hell, Gabe thought, the psycho had a thing for Kaylee period.

That thought made him even less happy with the idea of her being involved in all of this. He went up to her, crouching in front of her chair and resting his hand against her thigh. "Are you sure you want to do this, Kaylee? It could get dangerous for you."

"It could get dangerous for you, too, Gabe," she said in all seriousness, wishing she could reach up and touch his face or rest her head against his shoulder.

"Yeah, but that's why they pay me the medium size bucks," he joked. "So I can get my ass shot at." He sighed. "You don't need this, Kaylee. Last night was the first that you didn't have any nightmares."

"Someone didn't let me sleep long enough to have nightmares last night," she laughed, setting the brush on the desk and pulling out some makeup. "I promise, Gabe. I'll be fine. Besides, how hard can it be? You know, sitting ducks just... sit there."

"That's not funny," he growled, the image of her covered in blood or strangled with those horrid black bruised circling her throat popping into his mind.

"But if it works, you'll be off of babysitting duty, that a plus. Right?" She glanced up at him casually as she finished speaking.

"Yeah, it's a plus, but having you out of my bed isn't. Neither is not seeing you anymore." He resisted the urge to stroke his hand over her hair, but just barely. "I don't like the idea of you not being next to me at night. I've gotten used to your grunts."

"Pigs grunt, Mr. Police Officer sir, not delicate little girls like me," she answered him back primly, making him laugh.

"That's Mr. Detective, to you, baby."

She smiled, liking the way that sounded coming from him. "So, what are you saying, here? That if we make it through this, you want me to move in or something?"

"Well," he said, smiling and trying to cover it with his hand. "We could start with dinner and go from there."

Kaylee grinned. "I think I could do that," she said, reaching over and picking a tiny bit of lint off of his lapel. He was dressed in a dark navy suit with a lighter blue shirt that made his eyes shine an incredible shade. His hair was brushed back from his face and, despite the shadows under his eyes, he looked amazing. "Have I ever told you that you look yummy in blue?" she asked him, her eyes sparkling.

"Yummy? I don't think I've ever been described as yummy before," he laughed.

"Oh yes you have," she quipped and then sobered, remembering it was Tina who had described him as such the first time she'd seen him in the restaurant. "Tina called you yummy the day you came in to talk to me, the day we met."

Gabe saw the sadness in the dark brown of her eyes, reaching out and brushing her cheek with his hand, despite where they were. "You'll see her again, Kaylee. I promise."

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, Gabe." She looked down, picking up the brush and playing with it as she did.

"Hey," he said, reaching out and covering her hand with his. "I never make promises I can't keep. I have a good feeling about this. I know we'll find her, and alive. It's just a matter of time."

"I can't help but think what she's going through, and that other girl, the one he took last night. What are they going through? What are they thinking? They must feel so helpless." A tear started in her eye, falling down her cheek and she swiped at it angrily.

"You can't think like that, Kaylee. Besides," he wiped off her cheek with his thumb. "You'll wreck your makeup and you don't want your viewing audience of one to see you with runny mascara do you?"

* * * *

He turned on the television, turning the set so that it angled enough that Tina could see it from where she was tethered. He had cable hookups all over the house, an easy thing when he did all his own wiring work.

"Ready ladies?" he asked, clapping his hands in glee like a small child. Tina shot daggers at his back with her eyes, taking tiny steps along the floor for her thigh muscles were screaming with pain and her ass hurt. He was acting like a child now, not the monster he'd been last night. It was as if, with this news conference, he'd reached a new goal, a new high.

There was a picture on the screen, a high school yearbook shot of Michelle, her name and age under it when the television screen flashed on. It was followed quickly by a picture of Tina, her arms wrapped around a beaming Angie. Tina felt a sob well in her throat, remembering how happy they'd been together when that picture was taken.

Both those pictures disappeared, and a new one was put up. This was an artistic sketch; a drawing of the man they thought was the killer.

"Wow, it's not very good, is it?" he asked Michelle, standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

The artist had captured him as having wild eyes, nothing like the mild mannered though eerily colored eyes that he had. His hair had been wind blown, standing up on his head. His nose was too large and his mouth seemed way too wide. There were some similarities but not enough for him to worry about and he pursed his mouth, a trifle disappointed.

To amuse himself, he reached down, rolling Michelle's nipple between his thumb and finger as he listened to the Mayor give his usual bullshit. But his attention perked when Detective Gabe Hampton was introduced.

Ladies and Gentlemen. I won't take up too much of your time but I wanted to give you the FBI profile that we've had drawn up on our killer. That along with his picture, we hope, will jar a memory out there and have you calling in to our hotline. The subject is in his late twenties to early thirties. He will be a white male, dark hair and blue eyes. He stands about 5'10" to 6' tall. Medium build, he will be well kept, nicely dressed and we think he drives an SUV of some kind...

The words faded as the cameraman zoomed the shot out, showing everyone standing upon the steps of City Hall, and not just the detective. He saw her in an instant, her dark hair gleaming in the sun, picking out dark gold highlights to tease him. "Kaylee?" he breathed, his fingers slipping off of Michelle's nipple, his hands grabbing the back of her chair and holding on tight.

She was beautiful, even more so than he remembered or that showed in any of the pictures he had of her. He could only see a part of her for there was another detective next to her, his badge clearly showing on his belt, his arm coming in front of Kaylee as if he were protecting her. She wore a red blouse today that clung to her curves and was open at the throat, his eyes going to the dark hint of her cleavage. His fingers itched to touch her, to open those tiny white buttons and expose red satin and lace cupping the soft curves of her breasts.

The cameraman panned away from her, zooming in for a moment on the detective who was still talking and he grabbed the chair harder, a moan coming from between his lips. "No!" he yelled at the television. "Bring her back!"

He didn't hear a word that was said, though he didn't care for he was taping it from one of his other televisions. She'd been there, she'd actually been right in front of him. He kept his eyes glued to the television, even as his mind retreated to the day he'd first seen her.

He'd been twelve, visiting his uncle with his parents. His mother's brother hadn't every really seemed 'all there', but his mother loved him anyway and they went to his home in the city every year. This year had been different, though he wasn't quite sure how, until he heard the screaming. Running from his room, he'd gone down the stairs, seeing his father pull his mother away from his uncle who was cowering in a corner, a large bundle at his feet.

It fell over as he watched, a hand, the skin looked almost light blue in color, spilling out, pulling off the blanket that uncovered the face. Her face. Kaylee's face. So perfect with her dark eyes open and staring, her mouth painted the exact red that matched the soft ribbon his uncle had wrapped in her hair. She'd seemed the sublime present, exquisite in death, never leaving, never screaming or hitting or hating, as his mother was.

He closed his eyes, feeling the pull of that memory, unaware of his hands going to Michelle's throat. He didn't hear Tina's shouts or curses, or feel Michelle's hands digging into his skin, tearing at the meat on the back of his hands as her face turned red and then purple, her eyes starting to bulge. All he saw was that perfect face with the red ribbon in her satiny sweep of brunette hair.

His cock throbbed in his pants, pushing desperately against the zipped that held it bound. His hands flexed, almost as if in pain and he released Michelle, not hearing her strangled moans and the heavy sound of her gasping as she tried to draw air in through her tortured throat. He knelt down in front of her, almost as if he were in some kind of trance, reaching out to run his hands over her hair even as she cowered back away from him.

"So pretty," he whispered, lifting a strand and bring it to his nose. "So soft."

He smiled, the sight terrifying to the poor girl held prisoner in the chair by his body. She didn't dare move, didn't dare provoke him further, trying to suck in air and not make a noise. Michelle could hear Tina behind her, yelling curses, trying to coax him away from Michelle and couldn't believe her bravery even though in her terror she wished he'd go.

She flinched as his hands came out again, taking one of hers and putting it on the long hard ridge of flesh that rose under his pants. It throbbed against her palm and she sobbed, knowing that she was about to be raped.

"Rub it, Kaylee," he whispered, his eyes still lost in the past even as his hands moved over her body, pulling her forward in the chair. "Unzip my pants," he urged Michelle, his mouth moving over her ear and down to her mouth, tasting the saltiness of her tears upon his lips. "Pull out my cock, Kaylee. That's it, baby, take it in your hand and stroke it. Ahh, yeah, that's what I like, nice and gentle."

"Do it, Michelle. Do what he says," Tina said softly. "Don't fight him."

His cock felt strange in her hand even though she'd been forced to touch it before. It was soft skinned steel, like buttery soft leather over a metal rod. He made strange noises in his throat as she touched him, stroking him as he ordered.

Grunts, came from his lips, his eerie eyes closing as he lost himself to his memories, fantasies and her touch. He jerked his hips, pushing more of his shaft into her hand. "I want to fuck you, Kaylee. You want me to, don't you, baby? Tell me you want me to fuck you, Kaylee."

Michelle opened her mouth to do what he asked, her voice hoarse and barely recognizable. "I w... want you to f... fuck me."

"David," he urged. "I want you to fuck me, David."

"I want you... to... fuck me David," she almost mimicked, her heart constricting as she thought of what was about to happen.

"Good girl, Kaylee," he said, leaning forward, his lips gently kissing her mouth, his tongue touching her teeth and then her tongue before moving back to his mouth. "Sit up, I want to taste your nipples. Cup your tits, Kaylee. Feed me your nipples."

She started to pull her hand from his cock but his dropped over her, fisting around it tightly, moving her fingers and jerking himself off with her hand, a wet squelching sound coming from beneath their fingers. So she lifted the other one, forcing her back to arch even as a sob burst from her lips, lifting to the small swell of her breast so that he could reach her soft nipple.

"Hmmm, Kaylee," he said as his tongue licked across the soft point. "Your tits are so sweet." His mouth closed around it, suckling gently at first and then harder, his breathing getting rougher as he kept jerking his hand around hers, stroking himself so fast her arm was beginning to ache with the pressure to keep up.

Then he suddenly stopped. He squeezed her fingers around the base of his cock, moaning in an almost animalistic way that scared Michelle more than anything had yet. Her nipple popped from his mouth, the skin around it red, and the tip swollen. She wanted nothing more than to cower back into the chair, but she knew he would notice any move she made.

"So close," he whispered, his voice singsong high and strangely melodious. "So close to coming," he grinned as he looked down at her, his eyes opening and staring into her brown ones. "I'm going to fuck you now," he said, releasing her hand and letting her move her sore fingers away from him. "I'm going to fuck you, Kaylee. Tell me you want it. Tell me you want me more than any man you've ever been with before."

He grabbed her thighs, squeezing the soft, resilient flesh and feeling the strong muscles moving under it, pulling her forward in the chair until just the edge of her ass rested on the seat. He took her ankle, tipping her backwards, resting her calf against his chest, his hand running down it as he crawled forward, the tip of his now red cock pushing between her swollen lips.

She was wet from Tina's play earlier. But David took it to mean that she wanted him. Opening her thighs wider, he grabbed her face, pushing her forward so that she could watch as he pushed himself into her.

Michelle gasped as she felt him enter her, stretching her intimate and delicate flesh slowly and with care, not the brutal and forceful rape she'd expected from him. It was an invasion anyway, for she didn't want him, couldn't want him. He forced her to watch though, as every long inch of him found its way inside of her body until her forehead was resting against the neatly buttoned front of his shirt.

His hands stroked her dark hair, pulling gently upon the ends, twining his fingers through it. He missed the ribbon, but she felt so good around his cock, soft, wet, hot, that he couldn't pull from her to go and get it. He liked the fact that she wanted to watch them fuck and bent his head next to hers.

"That's so fucking hot, Kaylee, the way you feel around my dick. Put your fingers down there, feel how wet you got for me," he ordered hoarsely, moaning when she did and he pushed through her fingers to press them between their bodies. "Oh, yeah, you're so fucking beautiful, so goddamn tight. Tell me you like it, Kaylee. Tell me you want me to fuck you hard."

He dug his hand into her hip, forcing her head back with the other one. He blinked, almost as if coming out of a trance, his eyes clearing, staring down at her swollen, tear soaked face, snot running from her nose, her eyes red rimmed from crying. "What the...?"

His hips jerked and he groaned, his eyes running from the pretty dark hair and over her shoulders to the small tits with their huge nipples. His hands lifted, finding the soft little nubs and rubbing them between his fingers, feeling them respond despite her reluctance.

"You don't have to like me, Michelle," he whispered to her, staying fastidiously away from her face. "You just have to fuck me back. Come on," he urged, his hips moving against her, his cock seesawing in and out of her, his balls slapping against her ass. "Fuck me back, Michelle!" he ordered, watching as she bit her lip, her hands going to the edge of the chair and lifting her up slightly. He felt her uncertain movements and grinned widely, terrifying the poor girl even more.

"Good, I love a trainable whore. Come on, move those hips, fuck me, Michelle." He held himself still, his hand going to her thigh and giving it a sharp slap. "I said, MOVE!"

"Do it, Michelle," Tina urged, her hands fisting, wishing she was close enough to grab the mother fucker's head and slam it into the chair. "Just fuck him and get it over with."

"Jealous," he panted, feeling his come starting to boil in his balls as the innocent girl moved against him. "Don't worry, darlin'," he said, faking a Texas accent. "There's always more where this came from. You might have something to worry about, though Tina. She's not a bad little fucker when she puts her back into it." He laughed, the sound washing over Tina and fueling the rage she was fighting to hide.

"Then you can just fuck us both, can't you, David," she said, stressing his name.

Michelle shrieked when he suddenly grabbed her hips with both hands, slamming himself into her. She could feel him swell inside of her and then start to throb, a wet heat bathing her and making her feel strange. She knew he'd come inside of her and it disgusted her to her very core. But there was nothing she could do but hang in his grip, his hands digging into her hips, his face red and teeth gritted as he grunted through his orgasm.

When he dropped her on the chair, pulling out of her with a plop, she couldn't move, feeling his nasty seed dripping from her, running into a small puddle against her ass and thighs. He stood, pushing his wilting cock back into his pants, and fastening them, straightening his shirt and hair.

He glared down at her. "Go clean up this mess you made," he ordered, pointing her toward the sink where a clean rag sat out. "Then you can give Tina her food and get your own."

He turned back towards the television, seeing that the broadcast was over and it was back to their "regularly scheduled programming." He grinned, for he remembered seeing Kaylee standing behind that detective. "Detective Gabriel Hampton. A good name for a foe, don't you think?" he asked Tina, turning to see her drinking her soda.

"Yes," she said, though her tone was icy.

"Oh, Tina, love. I thought you'd be happy to have a day off from fucking. You whined so much last night when I was in your ass. But if you like," he said, motioning for Michelle to walk over to him. "I can have little sugar tits here get me hard again, and then I can fuck you for a while. You know, the second time always takes me forever to get off."

"No, that's okay. I appreciate your thoughtfulness," Tina said quickly, trying to wipe away any hint of insolence from her tone.

David laughed. "I knew you'd feel that way. But that's okay, You two little ones get to go back to your cage. I have a bigger fish to fry out there." He walked towards Michelle and she scurried in front of him, her sandwich clenched tightly in her hand. He locked the cage door behind her, turning to Tina.

"Come here, cowgirl," he said, faking the accent again. "Give your sugar daddy a kiss and we'll put you up wet for the night," he quirked his brow at her, watching as she walked toward him.

"Kiss me and do it like you mean it, Tina," he ordered her.

Tina felt a shiver of revulsion and managed to hide it, but just barely. She flinched as she got close enough to touch him and he yanked her forward, making her screaming muscles shriek in protest.

"Kiss me," he said, his arm around her waist, holding her slender form tightly to his clothed body.

Closing her eyes, she pressed her lips against his, not moving them, waiting until he pulled away from her.

"That was pathetic," he growled. "But I don't have time to do anything about it right now." He lifted a ring of keys from his pocket, selected the one that fit the lock at her waist and undid the belt, pushing her toward the cage door. He unlocked it, thrusting her inside. "You two play nice," he chuckled. "Make room, I plan to have another playmate for you tonight," he said, thinking of Kaylee's face as she'd looked on the steps.