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You are not a person, you are an animal.

Cow C1-27 has been issued a second and final warning.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

This is the third consecutive day that cow C1-27 has shown resistance.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Cow C1-27 is a very bad cow, and very bad cows are punished severely.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

All previous punishments will continue for cow C1-27.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Cow C1-27 will spend the next sleep cycle standing.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Cow C1-27 will be fitted with a sensory overload harness.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Cow C1-27 will be denied the use of her arms for three days.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

The handlers may make what use of cow C1-27's body that they please.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Off-duty handlers may report to medical theatre 3 for punishment detail.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Handlers may now proceed with apprehension of cow C1-27.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

When they came for her, she spit in one's face, the man who had first raped her ass, then she lunged, trying to bite one of them, to leave a mark that he would never forget but the plug in her rear shocked her to submission and the four guards had her restrained and in control before she could even begin to recover. She was stripped of the arm binder and lifted bodily from the floor to be carried down to the medical theatre and past all of the other women, who were watching her with wide-eyed terror while the voice of the woman droned on from the screens.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Cow C1-27 is a very bad cow.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Cow C1-27 is resisting and will be punished harshly.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Bad cows are always punished, good cows are rewarded.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Cow C1-27's punishment will be broadcast to all monitors.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

All punishments to bad cows are compounded

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Do not be a bad cow, be a good cow.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Cow C1-18 is a good cow, good cows are rewarded.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Cow C1-18 will now be rewarded.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

As they passed one of the cells, she saw the woman there, the one with C1-18 marked on her skin, laying on the ground and moaning in pleasure, her hands between her thighs and clear ecstasy on her face as she groaned and panted, smiling as she came over and over and over again, the image broadcast to the other cells via the screens. A moment later, before she was carried past, with the guards groping her body and commenting on what they would do to her, she saw the screen change to an image of herself from above, being carried and molested by the guards toward the theatre. They were all watching, the women and their guards, all of them seeing everything that was done to her and her heart hammered as she was carried through the door to her waiting punishment.

There were more men this time, at least a dozen, probably more. She lost track of the ones who raped her, tied to the pillory as she was, and they were merciless, her vagina and rear were aching and sore by the time the last one finished with her and she was limp, completely still as she was cleaned and given her suppository supplement, but they did not give her the insemination that day and she felt a bit of relief as they took her from the restraints and almost carried her from the room. She had managed to resist enough to make them stop trying to get her pregnant, though it was likely a moot point by now, she was surely pregnant after the last three sessions. She staggered through her exercises for hours, her arms free and her exhaustion so complete that she didn't care if she was punished again, she didn't care if she was raped by a thousand men as long as she got to sleep.

But they didn't let her rest. She was allowed to take water whenever she wanted, but she wasn't allowed to rest or even to pause walking or running for hours before they took her back to her cell on shaking legs. All of the other women were watching her as she was walked down the hallway to her cell, more staggering than anything else, led by the guards and prodded along. Now she would get to sleep, now she would get to rest and regain her strength to fight them again. The gate to her cell opened and she froze when she saw the pole. It was where the chain had come from the floor and two of the guards grabbed her arms and forced her into the room, two more men kneeling to grab her feet. But they did nothing to restrain her limbs as they moved her to stand over the pole and she was too weak to struggle as they held her in place and one of them keyed something on his belt. The pole extended higher and she whimpered when she felt it against her vagina, the metal cold and slick as it slid into her, pressing up until it hit her cervix and the guards released her feet.

They pulled her arms back again and slid the binder up and into place, lacing it snugly and preventing her from using her hands or arms and then they stepped back. The pole was a deviously simple device; she couldn't get off of it on her own, not even if her hands had been free, it was seated too deeply within her and even rising on her toes she couldn't get off of it. Worse, the end that was within her was ridged and the way it caressed her vagina was stimulating her, arousing her more than she already was. Sobbing, she tried to plead with the guards, but when she saw what they were holding she knew that it was pointless.

She didn't even struggle as they put it on her head. It covered her eyes with a VR screen, her ears were deafened to anything for the headphones, and a bar was forced between her teeth with a bit pressing on her tongue before it was strapped into place. It was dark and completely silent and she struggled as much as she could, turning her torso and trying to shake it off. Then the screen came to life and she saw her own body from the outside, saw the guards as they reached to touch her, felt them groping her breasts and rubbing her clitoris, laughing as they masturbated her to orgasm. She sobbed as she endured it, unable to speak, unable to get away, unable to do anything but stand there as they tormented her. She saw the veterinarian come in, accompanied by Jenny and he knelt down and she felt a sting as a needle slid into her mons, just over her slit.

"I've administered davamine, two milligrams." She heard the veterinarian say through her headphones and the guards nodded and laughed before the sound cut out again and a moment later her view of her torment flickered and the woman was there, then her voice was in Kiara's head.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

You have been very bad, cow C1-27, bad cows are always punished severely.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

You have resisted for three days, you will stop resisting.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

You do not want to be a bad cow, you want to be a good cow.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Good cows are rewarded, bad cows are always punished.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

The sooner you accept your new life, the easier it will be.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

You do not want to be a bad cow, you want to be a good cow.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Good cows are rewarded, bad cows are always punished.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

The sooner you accept your new life, the easier it will be.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

You do not want to be a bad cow, you want to be a good cow.

You are not a woman, you are a cow...

The words droned on and on in her ears, repeating over and over as the woman's face faded and Kiara saw herself... not herself right now, but herself during her punishments and within her the plug in her rear and the post in her vagina both began to vibrate, to thrum counter to one another and she could feel her pleasure rising... rising... rising... but then they stopped before she could attain release. She sobbed and shook her head but the torture went on...

and on...

and on...

For hours.


She was exhausted, unable to stay conscious, but every time she lapsed into blessed unconsciousness her knees would bend and the post holding her upright would spear hard against her cervix and she would awaken, sobbing and shaking and helpless, the images of her rape and her punishment before her eyes and the voice of the woman droning on in her ears;

You are not a person, you are an animal.

The sooner you accept your new life, the easier it will be.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

You do not want to be a bad cow, you want to be a good cow.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Good cows are rewarded, bad cows are always punished.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

The sooner you accept your new life, the easier it will be.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

You do not want to be a bad cow, you want to be a good cow.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

The sooner you accept your new life, the easier it will be.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Good cows are rewarded, bad cows are always punished.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

The sooner you accept your new life, the easier it will be.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

You do not want to be a bad cow, you want to be a good cow.

You are not a woman, you are a cow...

She choked on the bit that pressed against her tongue and hands steadied her and the torture continued, the vibrations in her vagina and her rear that stimulated her, the touching hands and mouths on her clit and breasts that brought her closer and closer to a release before they stopped, leaving her at that cusp, a moment before release. She had thought that the rapes were the worst that could happen to her, that they would never find something worse than forcing her to have sex with strangers and be forced to orgasm over and over and over again. But this... the near release and denial, the droning, overlapping voices of the woman...

You are not a person, you are an animal.

The sooner you accept your new life, the easier it will be.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

You do not want to be a bad cow, you want to be a good cow.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Good cows are rewarded, bad cows are always punished.

You are not a woman, you are a cow...

...this was worse, so very much worse. She sobbed freely, her body slick with sweat, her fluids running down her legs and pooling under her feet. And when it stopped, when the vibrators fell still and the screen went dark and the voice went silent she felt a surge of raw panic, terror at the idea of being alone in the dark, in the silence, untouched and unsupported until her heart felt like it was going to burst in panic. But then hands touched her and held her as the pole retracted from her vagina as her arms were freed to hang loose, strengthless at her sides. She was lowered to the ground and she lay nearly unconscious as the harness was removed from her head and the dim light of the room burned her eyes. She winced and looked away, seeing the four guards watching her, seeing the face of the woman on the screen.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Good morning, cow C1-27, your punishment cycle has completed.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

You have been a very bad cow, and very bad cows are always punished severely.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

You do not want to be a bad cow, cow C1-27, you want to be a good cow.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Good cows are rewarded, bad cows are always punished.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Your breakfast meal has been provided.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Five minutes have been alloted for you to eat.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

You may now eat.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

It took her three minutes to roll to her hands and knees and crawl to the trough and she barely managed to eat half of the food that was there, the thick paste sliding down her throat easily. She didn't even try to use her hands, she could barely support her weight with all four limbs as it was. When the trough closed away she rose up enough to suckle greedily at the tube and gulped water until her stomach hurt from the weight of it. But when she was done she heard the voice of the woman again almost immediately.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

It is now time for your daily cleaning and exercise regimen.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

You will sit on the floor with your hands behind your head.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

You will allow the handlers to do their job.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

She looked at the screen and then at the guards and briefly the thought of resisting crossed her mind... ...resistance will always be punished... ...but instead she sat back, kneeling and resting her bottom on her heels, panting as her shaking arms came up and her fingers laced together behind her head, a harsh sob escaping her as the tone sounded and the woman's voice returned, pleasant and happy.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Very good, cow C1-27!

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

You are on the way to becoming a good cow!

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Remember that resistance will always be punished.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Do not forget that obedience will be rewarded.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

The punishments can still get worse, cow C1-27.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Kiara sobbed at the words, knowing that she had been broken, knowing that she wouldn't resist again... ...resistance will always be punished... ...she didn't have the strength to endure anything more than she already had. When the guard knelt and attached the leash to her collar and ordered her to follow, she couldn't even rise to her feet and she was forced to crawl after him, her head hung in shame as she went past the other women, all of them staring at her with the voice of the woman from the screen droning on in the background.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Cow C1-27 used to be a bad cow, but now she is not.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Cow C1-27 has been punished for resisting.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Bad cows are always punished, good cows are rewarded.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

Cow C1-27's punishment is complete, she has learned her lesson.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Learn from cow C1-27 and be a good cow, not a bad cow.

You are not a woman, you are a cow.

The sooner you accept your new life, the easier it will be.

You are not a person, you are an animal.

Kiara wept as she crawled like an animal... the animal you are... ...and went meekly into the medical theatre for her cleaning and insemination routine. She was helped into the pillory and stood meekly as she was cleaned and her plug replaced. When stud 9 came in and rested his hands on her hips she didn't even flinch she barely even felt the prick of the needle in her thigh as Jenny injected her with whatever it was she got when she was being inseminated. But she saw the look on her former lover's face, the sheer terror in her eyes and she knew that all of the women had seen what happened to her... ...bad cows are always punished... ...and none of them would ever resist again. They had not just broken Kiara, they had broken every woman there and she had been a lesson to them all as to what could happen to them if they did not obey.

When stud 9 thrust into her, the orgasm that slammed into her mind was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was primal and powerful, bestial and feral and it clawed up from her belly and she clenched down on his penis with her core so hard that she heard him swear as her back arched and her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell limp in the restraints, broken and unconscious.


Kiara woke again. She was in her small cell and the buzzer had awakened her. It had been twelve cycles since her last punishment and she had been obedient and... ...a good cow... ...willing ever since. She was rewarded with pleasant vibrations from the plug and the use of all of her limbs and the other women were just as meek and broken as she was. She could now go through her routine without prompting and she did so... ...because I am a good cow, good cows are rewarded... ...without thought. She did almost everything now without thought, there was no need for thought in her new life. There was only obedience and reward or resistance and punishment. It was the most black and white her life had ever been and there was something cathartic about the sheer, simplicity of it. As the lights came on overhead she crawled to the grate and let her bladder empty out then moved to the trough when the chime sounded and she was given instructions that she no longer needed. When she was allowed to do so, she ate all of her feed in less than two minutes, licking her lips as she sat back on her haunches and put her hands behind her head to await the guards. She knew to sit with her back to the gate, though the arousal she felt made it difficult to sit still. She was always so horny, so needy and sensitive that it was hard to ever sit still. She didn't try to masturbate despite the driving need, she knew that even if she tried there was no point, with the derma-bond over her vagina she wouldn't be able to get off anyway, she would only frustrate herself. So she sat as still as she could and waited. She knew all of her routine by heart and didn't need prompting. As she heard the gate rattle open, she went over her routine in her head while she waited for them to cuff her wrists;

First, they would cuff her wrists and secure them to the back of her collar before the chain was released and the leash was clipped to the ring through her nose and she would be led down the hall between her two guards to the examination room.

Then she knew she would be placed in the soft restraints and her daily cleaning and hormone treatments would take place before her regular insemination session with stud 9. After that she would be taken to the full gym that was in the building and she was put through her paces until the next meal, when she was chained at a communal trough with the other four cows, C1-09, C1-18, C1-20, and C1-25. After they had eaten, they would be led back to their stalls for the sleep cycle. When they woke again, just four hours later, they would each be removed one at a time and weighed, measured and tested for pregnancy and lactation before they were brought back. Without her resisting... ...bad cows resist, resistance will always be punished... ...each eight hour waking cycle went smoothly.
