Reformation Ch. 07


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"I only did so, because I was afraid of being punished!" Veronica retorted defensively.

"So you admit that you CHOSE to submit to Veronica last night! You admit that you became her Slave last night!" Taryn said in a challenging tone of voice as she pointed emphatically at Karen.

"Well . . . I . . . I mean . . . I suppose so," Karen stammered and her eyes started to tear up, afraid of where this was all going.

"You enjoyed it, didn't you? You liked having someone to serve again, didn't you? You submitted to your own daughter, had sex with her repeatedly and you LOVED IT, right?" Taryn said in an insistent tone of voice and kept peppering and pestering Karen until she finally answered.

YES! FINE! IT WAS THE MOST INCREDIBLE NIGHT OF MY LIFE! ARE YOU HAPPY?" Karen screamed out vehemently as she leaned in towards Taryn with eyes of fire before she slumped over as far as her restraints would allow.

Karen hung her head there and cried, looking at the floor. After a brief moment of Karen's crying, Veronica once again rushed over to Karen and embraced her. Veronica looked over her shoulder at Owen and gave him a pleading look. Owen nodded his head and got up and untied Karen. Karen was still crying when she threw her arms around Veronica and hugged her tightly. It was Karen who moved forward and leaned into the embrace with Veronica, returning to the comfortable place, snuggling against Veronica's pillowy chest. Veronica stroked Karen's hair in a slow and soothing manner as Karen continued to cry while holding her daughter in a tight and clearly intimate embrace.

"There, there, everything is alright now, your Mistress is here to take care of you, you have nothing to fear, my Precious Slave," Veronica said in a loving and tender embrace as she continued to stroke Karen's hair.

"NO!" Karen asserted as she pushed against Veronica and held Veronica by the torso, just below her breasts. "What happened last night should never have happened, but it did. We may have enjoyed it, but that doesn't make it right! That can never happen again! Do you here me, NEVER AGAIN!" Karen said in a firm and definite tone of voice.

"Please, give us a chance! I know that we would be so happy together! You said it yourself we both loved making love last night! What we shared was only a small fraction of the love and joy that can be ours if we just let it in. This is something we can explore together! I haven't dominated anyone else and you haven't submitted to anyone else, not in years anyway. This can be something special we can share, please give us a chance!" Veronica said as she grasped Karen by the sides of the head and spoke a few inches from her mother in the most loving and pleading tone she could muster, tears were in here eyes.

"WE CAN'T!" Karen forcefully asserted with a pained tone to her voice. "It will screw you up horribly!" Karen added in a most worried and fearful tone of voice.

"Actually, I disagree," Taryn interjected calmly. "I was afraid of that too when Owen, Rosina and I first started to get together, but I have seen that they are good, decent, well adjusted people. They haven't suffered as a result of our reformed family," Taryn said in a calm and certain tone of voice.

"See, Mom, it can work! It has worked for them, they are happy, they are normal. Why can't we try it? Why can't we be happy just like them?" Veronica pleaded eagerly.

"I just can't! I can't get involved with my own daughter. It may work for them, I'll grant you that, but please understand that I just can't get involved with you, you are my daughter! That may not concern you, but it is a great concern to me," Karen asserted with a regrettable tone to her voice.

"Are you saying that you never ever, want to make love with me again? Can you honestly say that you believe that you will share an experience as wonderful and as special as what we shared last night with anyone else? Can you look me in the eye and tell me that you will never wonder what might have been if we just gave us a try? Be honest!" Veronica said with a convincing tone of voice.

"I just don't know," Karen said with a sad tone of voice as she sighed heavily.

"I have wanted this for so very long. You don't know how much this means to me. Please, for me, if you love me you will at least consider this. Please just promise me you will give some thought to giving us a try," Veronica asked with a pleading look and looked intently into Karen's eyes while Karen pondered how to answer.

"Okay, I will give it some serious thought," Karen said with a defeated tone of voice and a deep sigh as she looked down momentarily before looking back up into Veronica's eyes. "But you have to do something for me," Karen said with a serious tone of voice.

"Anything!" Veronica replied eagerly.

"You need to give me space. I will give you my answer when I am ready, but until then, I want no mention of any of this! I want everyone to pretend like it never happened, okay? If you all want me to even think about this, I need this house to go back to the way things were before," Karen said as she looked around at the people gathered around her. "You must behave like the daughter I've always known, loving and supportive, but not intimate!" Karen said as she looked into Veronica's eyes and waited for her daughter to nod her understanding. "And you lot will continue to act like the close-knit, but platonic family I have always known," she said as she looked at Owen, Taryn and Rosina.

"You have my word, Karen, we will respect your wishes. We are here for you to talk to, should you wish to do so, but whatever you decide, we will support you. However, it will not change who we are, sooner or later you will have to accept us for who and what we are, just as we accept you for who and what you are," Owen said in a firm and supportive tone of voice.

"I understand all that, but for now, it is all too much for me. I need some peace and calm if I am to make a proper decision. I don't need any pressure or undue influence as I think this over. I promise you, Ronnie, I will seriously consider this but in the end you must respect my final decision, understood?" Karen said confidently as she looked at each person in the room, finishing up with Veronica.

"Yes, Mom, I understand." Veronica said with an equally serious manner.

* * *

After that discussion, everyone in the household did indeed respect Karen's wishes. Veronica kept her distance, and didn't let on that anything was different; she even scaled down the goodnight kiss to a brief peck on the cheek. Owen, Taryn and Rosina continued to behave as they had always done, switching into "Happy Family Mode" was now second nature for them when outsiders were around. They had to consciously remind themselves now and again that while Karen knew about them, she was not comfortable being exposed to it. The group of roommates continued their nightly ritual of sharing a cup of tea before bed and life in the house continued like it had always done.

While the space was something that Karen had asked for and indeed needed, it did not really help solve her dilemma. She could not in anyway accept having a romantic relationship with her own child, a child who desperately wanted to start one. The mother in Karen wanted to do anything for Veronica, even sacrificing and enduring hurt and pain to do so, but this was over the line, this was something she just could not do. It was clear, even to Karen, that this was something that Veronica had wanted for some time and was obsessed with.

Karen knew that she could just say "No" to Veronica, while pretending to think it over and leave it at that. In the past, when Veronica had really and truly wanted something that Karen had originally said no to, she would ask Karen to please think it over. In those instances Karen would truly reconsider the matter and once she had come to her decision she would sit Veronica down and inform her not only of her final decision but why and how she had come to that decision. The silent pact was that whatever Karen had decided, as long as she explained her decision to Veronica, Veronica would accept it. What was preventing Karen from doing just, that was the fact that she had promised Veronica she would seriously think it over. She had always kept her promises to Veronica, even one as bizarre as this. Karen knew that she needed to honestly come to a decision with new reasons why not, in order to prove that she had thought it over. Once she had done that, she could put this whole incident behind her, and Karen was eager to do that.

While Karen knew that she wanted to come back with a "NO!" she also needed to come back with a decision that felt right within her. What was complicating the whole process was that there was the small part of Karen that wanted to explore these newly surfaced urges for the female flesh and desires to submit. An even darker part of Karen liked the extra thrill of breaking the taboo of submitting to her own child. That part of Karen continually whispered at her to give herself to Veronica once again. All Karen had to go on was her own point of view, and she was left with the same unsolvable problem. Karen went around in circles in her mind and after a week, came to the conclusion that she needed another opinion, in order to arrive at a final decision.

"Taryn?" Karen said with a voice of trepidation as she emerged from the back of the Spa.

"Yes?" Taryn asked as she turned on the spot and leaned up against the counter while looking at the approaching Karen.

"I was hoping we could talk," Karen asked with a nervous manner as she glanced down and away.

"Of course, always," Taryn said in a reassuring tone of voice as she patted Karen's shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"I've been thinking about this whole thing with Ronnie, and I could use a second opinion. I was thinking that because . . ." Karen started to explain in the shaky voice heavily polluted with nervousness, yet words failed her in the end.

"Because I am romantically involved with my own children, I might be able to shed some light on what you're going through?" Taryn said in a warm and comforting manner as she gave Karen a look of unconditional acceptance.

"Something like that," Karen admitted in a nervous and uncomfortable manner as she looked down.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Taryn asked warmly as Karen looked up and smiled a slightly relieved smile.

"Well, for one, what is it . . ." Karen started to ask but the chime of the front door stopped Karen in mid sentence.

Both women looked at the front door as a woman in her late twenties walked into the spa. Immediately both women switched into "Customer Service Mode" and took care of this customer. While Karen wanted to pick up on her conversation with Taryn, there never seemed to be a chance to do so that day. Business was a steady trickle of customers that day and while it was good for the bank account, it was detrimental to the conversation that Karen had hoped to have. Eventually the workday was over and Karen was locking the front door of the Spa as Taryn was turning the "Open" sign off.

"Hey, Karen, do you want to go for a drink tonight?" Taryn asked casually as they both walked away from the front of the Spa.

"Actually, right now, I'd rather have dinner," Karen replied with a regrettable tone of voice.

"I mean after dinner. We never did get a chance to finish that conversation today. I figure if we step out for a drink or two it will give us a chance to take as long as we need to finish that conversation," Taryn said sincerely as she smiled at Karen.

"That sounds good," Karen replied with a smile as she opened the door, leading to the basement.

That night, right before dinner, Taryn pulled Owen aside and told him of her intentions to talk to Karen and asked his permission. As she expected, Owen agreed and encouraged her to do whatever she needed to help Karen. After dinner the two women walked down the street to a not to distant pub that was known to be quiet place with dark and secluded booths. Soon enough both women had a pint of beer in hand and a tense quiet had settled over the table. Rather than prod Karen to talk, Taryn gave the troubled woman the time she needed to gather her thoughts together. After a few minutes, Karen looked up from her beer and finally spoke.

"I'm just so confused," Karen said with a heavy sigh as she looked into Taryn's eyes with a pained expression.

"I'll bet," Taryn said in an understanding tone.

"I know what I should say . . . what I want to say . . . but part of me is . . . but I don't understand any of it. I'm afraid of what it would be like if I did . . . if I did," Karen said in a very nervous and broken up voice before sighing and looking down.

"I understand," Taryn said as she reached across the table and held Karen's hand gently. Taryn waited until Karen looked up into her eyes before she continued. "I am one of the few people who would understand what you're going through," Taryn said in a comforting tone of voice as she smiled warmly at Karen.

"Yeah, that's why I came to you. I just don't understand any of this, my feelings, Ronnie's feelings, and what would happen to us if I did give in to Ronnie," Karen said in a worried tone of voice while, the fear evident in her eyes. "What was it like for you and why did you . . . how did it . . . how did things . . . and why did you let things continue?" Karen stammered out in a very uncomfortable manner, not at all comfortable talking about this subject, even to Taryn.

Taryn chuckled and began to tell Karen everything about Owen, Rosina and her. Taryn started at the beginning and told Karen the story of how and why her family reformed and how it changed their lives. Taryn made sure to explain to Karen how troubled and embarrassed she was over not only having sex with her child but submitting to him and becoming his Slave. She further explained how worried she was that her family would be horribly scared and blown apart by them getting involved with one another. Taryn went on to explain how those fears were unfounded and instead of it being a negative experience, it ended up being the best thing that has ever happened to any of them. As well, Taryn told Karen the truth about Richard and how it had affected him, ensuring to say that it was because he didn't tell anyone his feelings had changed and it ate away at him. Taryn said it was a warning that if she did go through with it and she found that she couldn't do it anymore, that she had a right to say she had changed her mind. Once Taryn had finished telling Karen the whole tale of her family's reformation she quietly sipped her beer and let Karen digest all that she had heard.

"Looking back on it now, was it all worth it? Would you do it all again? If you could go back and change things, would you prevent this from ever happening, if you could?" Karen asked curiously as she looked at Taryn with a discerning look.

"I wouldn't change a thing. Perhaps I would have divorced Richard, long before he killed himself. I can't imagine living my life any other way, I feel so happy and fulfilled as a Slave to Master. He is the most amazing man I have ever known, he takes wonderful care of Cat and I, and we never feel unloved, oppressed or abused at all," Taryn replied with loving yet confident tone of voice as her face glowed with a warm smile.

"What about the fact that your Master is your child?" Karen asked with a concerned look as she gazed intently into Taryn's eyes.

"I honestly don't think I could serve anyone else," Taryn said with a confident tone while she smiled warmly.

"Really?" Karen asked with a shocked tone of voice.

"I've been so spoiled serving Master, that nobody else would do," Taryn replied with a loving smile.

"Spoiled?" Karen asked confused with an expression that demanded a better explanation.

"Because Owen is my son, my child, I love him unconditionally and trust him implicitly. I know deep in my heart that he could never hurt me or betray me, even before we got involved he never has, and I know that he never will. I have always wanted to take care of him, and as his mother, I always have, but there were limits to what I would do for him. Now that I am his Slave, I still take care of him, but there are no limits to what I would do for him, and as for my love, there are no limits to how deeply I love him," Taryn said with a voice and manner that was so full of love that she glowed.

"I agree that as a mother, I want to take care of Veronica, and I do. Like you I love her and trust her implicitly. Like you, I take care of my child and would do anything for her, within limits. Unlike you, I understand that there are certain limits to a parent's love, there are certain lines that parents and children should never cross!" Karen stressed as she leaned in and looked at Taryn with a furrowed brow of a concerned expression.

"Is it really that different? Is it really that hard to accept? As mothers we take care of our children, as Slaves we can also take care of our children. As mothers we are rewarded with appreciation and love, but as Slaves we are rewarded with fulfilment and love beyond anything you can imagine!" Taryn said with fervent conviction as she looked deeply into Karen's eyes.

"But it's still not right! Parents are supposed to lead and children are supposed to follow. What you are advocating is against the natural order of things!" Karen argued with a determined and firm tone of voice, in her eyes lived fear, fear of understanding and accepting what Taryn was saying.

"I'm not saying it's for everyone! I'm not saying that all or even most parents should become Slaves to their children! What you need to understand is that some people, like Owen and Veronica, need to dominate, and other people, like you, me and Rosie, need to submit. All of us have a burning desire, a deep seeded need within us that pulls us towards one role or the other. Dominants and submissives need each other to satisfy that desire that is anchored deeply within them. Most people find those outside of their own family to fulfil that need. Sometimes dominants and submissives within the same family can find each other, for them the dominant/submissive relationship is taken to another level that nobody else can find," Taryn explained as calmly and confidently as she could.

"Alright, I will admit that I may look for someone to submit to, but I could never submit to my own daughter! I don't think I could live being controlled by my child all the time," Karen argued with a worried and fearful tone of voice.

"That is your choice and as your friend, I will support whatever decision you make. I just hope that I have been some help to you," Taryn said in a friendly tone of voice.

"You have. I now have a greater understanding of what it might be like to be involved with Ronnie. I still don't think I could ever actually do it, but I understand it a little more at least, thank you," Karen said in an appreciative tone of voice as she smiled warmly at Taryn.

"I'm glad I could help. I guess you have some more thinking to do," Taryn said warmly as she squeezed Karen's hand.

"I guess I do," Karen replied with an uncomfortable smirk.

* * *

It took another week of wrestling with her thoughts before Karen came to the conclusion that no matter how great it might be, she simply couldn't do it. No matter how you sliced it, Karen was not comfortable with the thought of giving up control to her own daughter. As well, the thought of becoming intimate with her own child disturbed her on many levels even though on one level it excited her. With her mind made up, Karen decided that the time had come to inform Veronica of her final decision.

"Ronnie, can I come in?" Karen asked as she knocked on Veronica's door after the house had gone to bed.