Reformation Ch. 14


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"Yes, Mistress Red, more than anything," Veronica said with a slightly hurt tone of voice.

"What are you?" Taryn asked in a firm tone of voice as she looked down at the bowed head of Veronica.

"A faithful Slave of Master," Veronica replied in a humble and submissive tone of voice.

"Then why do you kneel before me? Why do you serve me?" Taryn asked in a firm, yet husky tone of voice, as she rubbed her thighs together.

"Because Master has placed you in authority over me. He has made you his Mistress, to have power over all his Slaves. It is therefore my duty to serve you, and while I happily obey any commands Master gives me, I also serve you because I want to . . . I need to serve you Mistress," Veronica replied with her head bowed yet her tone of voice conveyed her conviction.

"Why do you need to serve me?" Taryn replied in a husky tone of voice that she strained to keep firm and commanding as she tried to pleasure her pussy by squeezing her thighs together.

Veronica lifted her head and looked right into Taryn's eyes as she spoke with love and conviction. "I need to serve you, Mistress because I have learned so much from you. You have taught me how to be both a good and faithful Slave, and how to be a good Mistress. Without you, I don't know how I would have been able to resolve the conflict between my Submissive and Dominant sides. I need to serve you, Mistress because I love you!"

"Then put that tongue of yours to good use and worship your Mistress!" Taryn said as she threw her legs apart and scooted her rump forward, putting her pussy lewdly on display.

"Gladly, Mistress!" Veronica replied as she lunged forward and buried her face between Taryn's legs.

Veronica licked at Taryn's already drenching pussy and giggled to herself at the evidence, literally on her tongue, that Taryn wanted her as much as she wanted Taryn. Taryn looked down and saw Veronica lapping at her pussy with her eyes closed, and still doing an expert job of licking pussy. Taryn marvelled at how intimately the young woman knew the most intimate region of a woman's body. In the few short seconds of Veronica's pussy-licking Taryn's whole body ached for the young woman and her body started to twitch from the intense pleasure stirred up.

As the Minivan turned off the main road and onto the private road all four women seemed to notice the considerable change in speed and looked up from their respective places in the minivan. Heads popped up from opposite ends of both bench seats. The flush, pussy-juice smeared faces of all four women made evident that they had all been sixty-nineing.

"Are we there already?" Rosina asked as she looked out of the nearest window.

"We've just turned onto the driveway. You might want to make yourselves presentable," Owen laughed as he looked at a pair of nuns leisurely walking down a path near the side of the driveway.

"Are you saying you don't like the way we look?" Veronica teased in a laughing manner as she thrust her chest out and held an obviously fake pout.

"I like you just the way you are!" Taryn replied with a laugh as she leaned in and started to suck on Veronica's tits.

"The nuns might not agree with you," Owen replied with a laugh as he smiled at another passing pair of nuns.

"Yeah, true," Taryn replied in a slightly melancholy manner. "Let's get cleaned up," Taryn said over her shoulder to the other women in the minivan. "And you might want to put your pants on, Master," she added to Owen with a smirk on her face.

By the time Owen pulled into a visitor's parking space in front of the main entrance to "St Majella's Home For Troubled Women," everyone was presentable. All four women were dressed in their dresses yet they reluctantly replaced their Slave-Collars with the short gold chain necklaces they wore in their place. The women had grown so accustomed to having something snugly fastened around their necks that they always wore either their Slave Collars or the matching gold chain necklaces.

As they passed through the doors of the cold stone institution, they walked in their usual order: Owen at front, Taryn and Karen behind him and Rosina and Veronica behind them. Upon immediately entering the main entrance the group walked up a wide, half-flight of stairs to what seemed to be an elevated main floor. Once up on this level there was a large, oak, reception desk and seated at this desk was a nun who was very old and looked long past retirement age.

"Hello, I'm here to visit a friend of mine, Rebecca Moore," Owen said in a pleasant and polite tone of voice to the old nun seated at the desk who seemed to ignore Owen's presence.

"That's nice. Who are you, dear?" the old nun replied as she continued to slowly tap away at the ancient computer before her.

"Owen," Owen replied calmly, wearing a smile on his face that tried to hide his frustration.

"Who did you wish to see, Opie?" the old nun said as she finally turned her attention to look at Owen.

"Rebecca Moore, and my name is Owen," Owen replied with a strained calm that was only betrayed the slight twitching of his left eye.

"Sister Clarice, do you have a moment, dear," the old nun said over her shoulder to a group of nuns working in an office behind her.

"Yes, Sister Greta," a young, thin looking nun said as she approached the old nun.

The nun approaching the front desk looked to be too young to be a nun, yet she did have the pure and innocent look that one would expect from a nun. It was impossible to tell from the nun's habit she wore, but she looked to be quite thin and small, appearing to only come up to Owen's shoulder. Her smile and angelic face was her most charming and disarming qualities. "Oscar, here wants to visit your friend in room two forty-three," Sister Greta, the old nun, said to the young, Sister Clarice.

"Oh, how lovely! She doesn't usually get visitors, I'm sure you will make her day!" Sister Greta said with a bright smile as she turned to walk out from behind the desk. "Follow me," she added as she walked towards a nearby large set of stars which lead to the second floor, and there was a noticeable sway to her hips as she walked.

"Thank you," Taryn said to Sister Greta before she turned to follow after Sister Clarice and Owen. "After you, Opie!" Taryn said with a giggle in Owen's ear and Owen only scowled in reply.

"So how do you know Rebecca, Opie?" Sister Clarice asked as she opened the door to the hallway on the second floor.

"I am a friend of hers, and my name is Owen," Owen said in a thinly disguised, frustrated tone of voice.

"I'll tell you a secret, Owen, I heard your name right the first time, and so did Sister Greta. She just likes to have a bit of harmless fun now and again." Sister Clarice said with a light chuckle, as she turned back to Owen and put her delicate hand on his arm.

"I see," Owen said with a laugh and shake of his head.

Owen and the rest of the family walked down the hallway, following Sister Clarice, watching the doors, counting up until reaching the right one.

"Rebecca, you have a visitor," Sister Clarice said as she turned and walked into room two forty-three.

For Rebecca time slowed to a crawl and almost stopped altogether as Owen walked into her room. Rebecca was sure that her mind had finally snapped and she was now hallucinating during the day rather than just dreaming of her Sir at night. All the sleepless nights and nightmares had worn away at her shattered psyche until her mind couldn't take any more; Rebecca was sure of it. Rebecca looked at Owen and screamed out the terror that had filled her heart in the few short seconds that Owen had filled her vision. Rebecca was startled at the crowd of people who rushed to her side and screamed again as Sister Clarice, Owen and the rest of the family rushed to calm the now hysterical Rebecca. Everyone tried to calm Rebecca down but since they all talked at once, all Rebecca heard was a wall of noise and all she saw was a jumble of faces. One word and one face cut through the din and confusion, however.

"Mouse, it's me!" Owen said as he held Rebecca's face and made her look at him.

"Sir?" Rebecca, said in confusion as she stared, dumbfounded into Owen's eyes.

"Yes, it's me. I came as soon as I heard," Owen said with a calming tone of voice as he smiled at Rebecca.

"H . . . How did you find me?" Rebecca stammered, her mind still a jumble of conflicting feelings and emotions. "I . . . I never told you . . ." she added but felt silent, pausing to relax into Owen's embrace.

"Harold told me," Owen said with a smirk on his face as Rebecca just looked at Owen with a shocked and confused expression.

"It seems you gave her quite a start, but she's better now," Sister Clarice said with a nervous tone that she attempted to lighten. "I'll leave you, but try not to excite her, any more," she added as she stood up, glancing back and forth between Owen and Rebecca with a knowing look in her eye.

"I am sorry about that, but it was quite a shock, to see him," Rebecca said to Sister Clarice in an embarrassed tone of voice.

"I understand," Sister Clarice said with a calming smile before briskly leaving the room.

"What are you doing here?" Rebecca asked Owen as the door closed behind Sister Clarice.

"I could ask you the same question," Owen said as he put his hand on Rebecca's pregnant gut.

"I . . . I . . ." Rebecca stammered, not knowing how to answer the question.

"Harold told us about the divorce, and about your pregnancy, but I want to hear what happened . . . from you," Owen said in a calming tone of voice as he continued to embrace Rebecca.

Taryn, Karen, Rosina and Veronica all found places to sit around the room and looked at Rebecca expectantly. Rebecca was about to talk but looked around the seemingly full room for so intimate a conversation. She just looked at Karen and Veronica and then to Owen with a puzzled and disapproving look on her face.

"They're family," Owen assured as he squeezed Rebecca in a calming manner.

"All of them?" Rebecca asked as she looked at Karen and Veronica.

"Yes," Owen replied with a confident smile.

"I can understand how uncomfortable you are, given that you don't know all of us. Why don't we go first and tell you how things have changed in our lives since we have seen you last. Then perhaps you will feel comfortable enough to tell us about what has happened to you." Taryn said with a warm and understanding tone of voice, and in response, Rebecca only nodded.

What followed was a brief description of how Veronica and Karen joined Taryn and Rosina in being Slaves to Owen, as well as how the new family formed. Rebecca said nothing while everyone talked, and just listened intently. When the talk was over Rebecca had a shocked and disturbed expression on her face as she looked slowly around the room and then up into Owen's face and shook her head.

"You haven't changed at all!" Rebecca said with a shocked tone of voice as she moved away from Owen. "In fact you've gotten worse! Not only have you twisted your own family with your sickness, now you've gone and infected others and dragged them down into your pit of perversion!" Rebecca said as she struggled to get up and briskly walk across the room but needed Owen's help to get all the way up.

"You didn't have a problem with it when we were together! You called me for help, remember? I came as soon as I heard! I am here to help you, so why don't you tell me what you're doing in this place," Owen said as he stood up to square off against Rebecca.

Rebecca opened her mouth to scream at Owen to get out but those words died on her tongue when she looked into Owen's eyes. As hard as she wanted push Owen out of her room and out of her life, she couldn't muster the strength to do so. She was still disturbed with Owen's incestuous relationship with his mother and sister and now that he had caused a mother and her daughter to join them in a larger incestuous relationship. The pull Rebecca felt towards Owen was still strong and now that she was all alone in the world, without a husband or any family to cling to, that pull was stronger than ever. Owen's powerful presence and strong arms looked oh so good to a submissive woman who faced the cold hard world on her own.

Owen's question reminded her of just why Rebecca was in this cold, institution, she was here to get help to rid herself of the dark urges which had brought them together in the first place. Rebecca still wanted to be a good, upstanding, Christian woman and finally close the chapter on this nightmarish part of her life which had only brought her pain. Yet even as this thought entered her brain she knew that her submissive side had not only brought her pain. She remembered fondly her time serving her Sir and the child growing in her belly could not be blamed for how it was created. Part of her wanted to kneel at his feet and give herself to him completely; let him decide what was best for her. Yet the religious part of her knew that she had to push such thoughts out of her mind, for the sake of her child, she swore to be a good and wholesome mother.

"I am here because I need help, I need to be a good person again, I need to get rid of these sinful urges, so I can make a good life for me and my child," Rebecca replied in a hurt tone of voice which wavered with shame.

"Whose child is it, anyways?" Owen asked in a confident tone of voice as he leaned in.

"H . . . Harold's" Rebecca lied with an obviously uncomfortable air about her, her gaze darted to the other side of the room.

"Harold told us that the child wasn't his; so let's try again, whose child is it?" Owen asked again in a firmer tone of voice.

"Yours," Rebecca said as she buried her head in her hands and started to cry as she sank down into the nearest chair. Veronica happened to be sitting in that chair at the moment and had to vacate it quickly to get out of the way of the descending, distraught, pregnant woman.

"Mouse, let me take care of you, both of you, like I should, like I want to," Owen said in a loving tone of voice as he kneeled down beside Rebecca and wrapped his arm around her.

"NO!" Rebecca said as she shoved Owen hard to get him away from her. "Will you please leave me alone! If not for me, then for the sake of our child! Stay away from me and let me raise this child right! This child is all I have left in the world. Please keep your sickness far away from us!" Rebecca said in amongst sobbing before she broke down into tears.

Owen felt as if he had been kicked in the gut and sat back and stared blankly at Rebecca, who cried and barely noticed the comforting embrace of Veronica. Rosina and Karen hugged Owen as a show of support while Taryn moved over to kneel in front of Rebecca and embrace her. When their eyes met, neither woman knew what Rebecca was going to do, but after a moment, the sincere, empathetic expression won the sobbing woman over. Rebecca threw her arms around Taryn and sobbed harder into the woman's embrace.

"Give us a moment, please, Master," Taryn said to Owen with a soft tone of voice.

"Sure, I'll just go for a bit of a walk," Owen said as he got up and walked calmly out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Rebecca cried on Taryn's shoulder and all of the tension, frustration, fear, anger and confusion that had built up in her over the past few months came flooding out of her. Rebecca was so consumed by her own pain and tears that she didn't notice that, at that moment four women surrounded her and hugged her. For a woman who felt all alone in the world she failed to grasp that four women were, at that very moment, giving her what she had missed and desperately needed: love and understanding. It was a short while later that Rebecca started to slowly calm down and come back to her senses.

"Now that you've had a good cry, do you feel better? I know I always do," Taryn said in an understanding tone of voice as she wiped the tears from Rebecca's cheeks.

"Yes, actually," Rebecca replied with a chuckle.

"Good, why don't you tell us what happened with Harold?" Taryn asked calmly as she still smiled warmly into Rebecca's eyes.

"When I first found out that I was pregnant, I knew it was Sir's child. Harold had a Vasectomy after our last child was born, but I was able to convince him that it was a miracle, that God had blessed us with another child. For a while this child brought us closer together and everything was fine," Rebecca said with a calm tone of voice but bowed her head and fell silent.

"You did what you had to do, you were trying to save your marriage, quite understandable," Taryn said with a reassuring tone of voice.

"After Harold had his annual physical, our doctor told him that he still could not father children . . . he came home and exploded. I told him everything, about the dark urges, going to Heather's, Sir, the child . . . everything. I had hoped that he would understand and forgive me . . ." Rebecca's words trailed off and she sobbed a few sobs as the same of the moment came back to her.

"There, there, you did the right thing," Karen said as she squeezed Rebecca, in a show of support.

"It didn't do me any good. His reaction went from bad to worse. He threatened to divorce me right then and there. I begged him not to give up on me, that I was a different woman that I had changed. For a week we tried to make things work but he told me that he couldn't look at me, carrying another man's child, which only reminded him of my sin and betrayal. He made me come here, to rid myself of my dark urges, have the child and put it up for adoption. He told me that after I did all that, then he would take me back. A month after coming here, Harold told me he couldn't stand to be with me, and he put some divorce papers in front of me and he told me to sign them . . . I did," Rebecca said in a morose tone of voice.

"What did he leave you with? What about the kids, when do you see them next?" Taryn asked with a concerned tone of voice.

"He took everything, he even took full custody of the kids," Rebecca said solemnly, looking glum and depressed.

"That's not right! He took advantage of your emotional state, we can get them back!" Karen urged with an insistent tone of voice.

"No, Its for the best," Rebecca replied glumly. "They're better off without me, I'm sick and diseased," Rebecca said and hung her head in shame and sobbed a few sobs.

"No, you're not!" Taryn said firmly, looking directly into Rebecca's eyes as she spoke.

"You don't understand. I still have the urges! I still miss him! I still need him!" Rebecca cried in shame and buried her head on Taryn's shoulder as she cried out her tears and frustration.

"It's natural to still love an ex-husband. Even after Tony left me, I still missed him for quite some time. It will pass in time, there's nothing wrong with you, it's natural," Karen reassured Rebecca as she rubbed the woman's back in a soothing manner.

"No! Not him . . . I . . . I miss . . . Sir," Rebecca said in a low, meek and utterly embarrassed tone of voice.

"He misses you too," Taryn replied in a comforting tone of voice after a moment of pause.

"I can't be with him! I can't give in to those urges! It isn't right, it isn't normal!" Rebecca strenuously protested as she glared defiantly at Taryn.

"You're right . . . it isn't 'Normal.' Our family isn't 'Normal.' The four of us are Slaves to the same loving, caring, wonderful Master. We serve, love, and take care of him and he guides, loves and takes care of us. We all love each other and look out for each other. It may not be 'Normal,' and it may not be for everyone, but I have never felt so loved in all my life, I wouldn't change anything for the world," Karen said with a confident, considered and loving tone of voice as she looked into Rebecca's troubled eyes. "What difference does 'Normal' make, if you can be loved for who you are?" she added and paused to let her words sink in.