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Each one had a label with a date, the newest being the year before, the oldest was twenty-five years old. I guessed what the contents of the containers were, then opened a new one and sniffed it, instantly my nose and throat was on fire. This was the old guy's stash of 'moonshine.'

Now better prepared, I took a big sip and swallowed, and it nearly blew my hat off (if I'd been wearing one). I coughed, my throat was burning, my eyes were watering, and I gasped for air, Keiko laughed until she realised that I was struggling to catch my breath. She grabbed a tin mug from a shelf and ran out to the water trough, scooped some water and raced back to me, putting the cup in my hands and yelling "DRINK!"

I sucked the water into my mouth and swallowed, the next mouthful I swirled around before swallowing, by the time I'd swallowed the rest, I was breathing better but couldn't speak. She helped me to walk to the kitchen and gave me some milk to try and neutralize the strength of the alcohol.

When I finally got my voice back, I croaked,

"FUCK! That was like rocket fuel, they obviously made great moonshine with a very high alcohol content, I've never had anything that strong before, but it is really rough. I'll test the alcoholic content and then put each year's batch through the still again, that should take out more of the impurities and make it smoother. If the older ones are viable, I might have to do it twice and maybe dilute it some.

After counting all the bottles and jars and estimating the contents, I guessed that there was maybe twenty gallons of moonshine here. Obviously, the family who cleared out the property, only taking personal or valuable things didn't know this was here and their surviving mother hadn't told them. We left the room as it was and hid the entrance again, planning to discuss it later.

We often walked through the woods, learning the layout and routes the animals used, this was partly for pleasure and partly for security. Although we had moved hundreds of miles across country to get away from Tony, Keiko's former boss, we were not sure that he wouldn't still find a way to come after us, especially after we had killed some of his boys.

I didn't bother with fitting a gate to the entrance off the road. but I did fit pressure plates across the driveway and a tree mounted camera a few yards up the track, both powered by a small solar panel and battery, linked to an app on my new smart phone. If any vehicle drove in, I would get a notification on my phone and a photo, which showed me the vehicle. The was also a spare cache of weapons stored in the barn, in case we were out in the woods and had unwanted visitors.

We settled down to a relatively peaceful life, there was a lot of work to do of course, I taught Keiko to drive the truck and the tractor. I even showed her how to run the still, she didn't like the moonshine but asked if it could be done using fruit. I thought about it, then looked up winemaking on the internet, checking for similarities.

I found that first you have to make the wine, when the fermentation has finished then it can be distilled in the normal way, producing a high alcohol spirit. As Keiko was more interested in this than I was, I explained it to her,

"Maybe you would like to try this as a project on a small scale to start with, we could keep some as wine for drinking and put some through the still to see how it comes out, I have some demijohns in the barn, but we'll have to buy some airlocks to go in them."

"Okay Eddie, when we go shopping, we buy airlocks and fruit, do we need anything else?" she asked eagerly.

"I don't think so, we have bread yeast, which will do and plenty of sugar, we just need a recipe book so that we know how much sugar goes in with each fruit as it may vary" I replied.

We shop about once a month and were getting to know our way around the local town, so the next time we went, we bought what we needed, including about twenty pounds of apples that had gone soft or had some brown patches that were going to be thrown in the trash, by the grocery store that we use.

They were happy to sell them to us cheaply and we were happy too. The next day using a recipe copied from the internet, Keiko started to make the wine, chopping the fruit and boiling it with a measured amount of water. She weighed the sugar and put it in a big plastic bin and strained the liquid (with my help) onto the sugar, stirring it until it was dissolved.

She put the lid on the bin to keep the flies out and let it cool to blood temperature, stirring it and checking with a thermometer every hour until it had cooled sufficiently to stir in the yeast, then left it overnight. Early the next morning Keiko was excited to tell me that there was brown foam in the surface, so she stirred it again.

After all the chores were done, she fetched the demijohns from the barn and thoroughly washed them and the new airlocks. Using a jug and funnel from the kitchen she filled the demijohns to three-quarters full, put some water in the airlocks and pushed them firmly into the gallon glass jars. We put them into one of the animal pens and put some straw around them to help keep an even temperature.

Keiko checked them every morning and evening to make sure they didn't bubble over and swirled them around once a week to keep the fermentation going. I tested the old moonshine and found that it averaged about ninety percent proof, I also took a small sample of each year batch, watered it down until it was drinkable and tasted it for flavour.

There were slight differences but generally it was the same, so I divided it all into five yearly batches and ran it through my still, keeping the tails for a combined final run. By the time I had completed all this I had only lost a gallon or so, I rebottled it while I decided what to do with it.

* * * * *

Over the summer and early fall, we took time to investigate the surrounding area, talked to our neighbouring farmers although they were some distance from us. I checked out the local bars (Keiko would not go inside with me), making conversation and eventually finding one that was interested in my moonshine. Taking a small sample to demonstrate before negotiating a sale.

As we only had a small amount of home grown produce for the winter, we had made regular trips to stores in town and got to know the owners. We stocked up on dry, tinned and bottled goods although the winters here rarely had snow, it was not unknown.

The postal service didn't come as far out of town as our farm, so I had to drive there to collect our post, which had included the new security devices. By now we had covert CCTV set up in the barn and around the farm buildings and I had bought two pairs of military grade night vision goggles. Keiko had laughed at the sight of them on me but was impressed when we went for a walk through the woods on a moonless cloudy night.

"Everything is green" she giggled, "But you are very bright, so are house windows."

She quietly pointed out the small night animals as they ran away from us and was surprised by a big deer with glaring eyes that snorted at us before bounding off. They worked by rechargeable batteries which we kept topped up, in case we needed them.

One night I was woken by a bleeping sound from my phone, it was the app for the pressure plates at our drive entrance. I checked the nearby camera and saw a big SUV, actually a Hummer which had pulled a few yards inside from the road.

My first thoughts were that it was someone looking for a place to have sex in private, but the doors opened and six men wearing dark clothes climbed out holding pistols and two had rifles or something similar. I woke Keiko and showed her...

"TONY!" she cried, pointing to a short stocky man waving his arms as he gave orders.

We had practiced our defence plan quite a few times, so quickly got dressed, including Kevlar vests and the night vision goggles from under the bed. We collected our bows and arrows plus pistols and snuck out of the back door, Keiko heading for the trees and me to the barn.

It was cloudy, but light enough for the men to follow the drive on foot as it wound through the trees to the front yard, but dark enough for them to have to go slowly to keep quiet, it gave us time to get in position. At the treeline three men headed towards me and two the other way, there was a spark and a flame.

"FUCK!" I thought, "Molotov Cocktails... the bastards are trying to burn us out!"

I hoped that Keiko would take out the guy that had lit his, as I drew a bead on the one nearest to me, then concentrated.

"NOW!" came a shout from the driveway.

There was a double twang and the two men fell over, both in the process of throwing, one dropping his bottle which broke as he fell on it, engulfing him in flames. The one on Keiko's side's bottle hit a stone and splashed both of the men, although the thrower didn't feel it as he had an arrow through his neck.

The other one started screaming and was trying to beat out the flames on his legs with his hands, which were now covered in flames too. I saw all this in shades of green from the goggles, while notching another arrow and aiming for my next target who was running for the house.

The arrow hit him squarely in his back and he tumbled forwards but only released the bottle as he hit the ground, and it rolled forwards and stopped short of the veranda. The last man started firing what sounded like a AK47 towards me, spraying bullets in a panicked fan.

I ducked back around the corner and ran into the trees, circling around towards the car as quickly and quietly as I could. Short bursts of machine gun fire were zipping through the trees, then silence as he changed clips. I stepped out from behind cover, I could see the heat glow from the gun barrel and aimed appropriately and fired, there was a short cry and the sound of a body hitting the hard ground.

I heard a high-pitched scream...

"KEIKO!!" I cried and moved quickly and gained the road.

Running towards the entrance, I heard Keiko's raised voice and relaxed a little. Her voice was harsh but icy cold, controlled, she stood a few feet in front and to the side of Tony, a half-pulled arrow aimed at his chest.

I stopped to watch the scene play out, having scanned the driveway back towards the house and spotted the glowing heat-trace of a body lying on the ground, about thirty feet from the front of the Hummer.

He was not moving, I didn't know if she had killed him or a panicked Tony, trying to escape.

"Why you keep coming for us Tony, we no trouble for you?" Keiko hissed.

"I-I only want to take you back to the club Azumi, you're my best hostess... I know I can trust you to keep your mouth shut about what you saw" Tony explained.

"What about my Eddie?"

"You can bring him with you, if he keeps quiet too" her former boss replied, but I didn't like the tone, it was almost a sneer and not to be trusted, "If you come with me he can follow."

"I not as stupid as I was at club Tony, I would be dead few minutes from here and more of your men would meet Eddie and kill him!" she snapped back.

"NO! NO! Please Azumi... NO! DON'...taaahhhh" he screamed as she pulled the string back and fired all in one sudden movement, leaving him no time to move.

The arrow took him in the chest, left of centre and he was dead before he hit the ground. I heard a faint sound and looked towards the house and saw a man coming slowly forward with a gun raised ready to fire at Keiko. It must have been the one whose legs were splashed with flaming gasoline.

He was just behind a large tree and would shoot Keiko before I had a view big enough to hit.

"DOWN!" I screamed and stepped to the side, dropping the bow and pulling my pistol and hit him with three shots as the AK47 went off, sending a burst of bullets towards where Keiko was standing, and would have been hit, had she not dived down and to the side at my shout.

I ran to her, dropped to my knees and hugged her, both crying, me in relief that she had not been killed and her in reaction to all the violence. We quickly recovered and discussed what we would do next.

As neither of us had touched the hummer, we left it where it was and fetched gloves from the house, loaded the bodies and their guns, one at a time in our wheelbarrow and dumped them in the Hummer, having removed our arrows first.

We went back to the house and quickly showered and hid our clothes and arrows in a bag in the 'Moonshine Room'. Then Keiko drove our pickup back to the Hummer, which I backed it out into the road and drove away followed by Keiko. I drove along the backroads for about an hour before gently running the vehicle off the road, got out and between us pushed it into a deep ditch.

We drove home in silence as we had the previous time we had battled Tony's thugs, we had a shot of 'moonshine' each then went to bed. We cuddled for a while then Keiko asked quietly,

"Is it all over now Eddie?"

"I hope so Keiko, in the morning we'll collect all the bullet casings and burn them with those clothes and the arrows, to remove any blood and fingerprints that could connect the Hummer and this farm. When they don't return to the club in a few days, someone else will take over running it and not bother coming after us again.

Hopefully the police, when they find the Hummer will not link this discovery with the other one, where the bodies had the same wounds, so yes, I think this is all finally over" I explained my thoughts.

She cried with relief for a minute or two, then kissed me, I squeezed her gently, and my rapidly growing cock made her laugh in my mouth.

"Sorry... I did not mean to do that Eddie" she giggled.

"Its good to see you smile again after all this..." I didn't get to finish as she kissed me again, passionately.

Sliding on top, Keiko kissed my nose, lips and chin, working her way down my body, while I relaxed as she sucked my nipples. Not too relaxed as she bit them gently and giggled as she went lower to tongue my belly button.

I was expecting her to suck my cock, but she avoided it and went down my left leg and kissed each toe, before moving to the other foot and toes, then came back up again exquisitely teasing me. Keiko sucked my balls, her tongue tickling them one at a time, before getting to the main event.

Her eyes were laughing as her tongue travelled up my shaft, causing it to twitch, pre-cum oozing from the eye. Raising her head she slowly engulfed me, more twitches and a smile from her as I panted. I so wanted to face-fuck her, but this was her show, I just gritted my teeth and thought about running the still or ploughing a field.

Keiko slowly came up and paused before going all the way down, up and down, repeating again and only taking a few breaths after almost a minute, then she started again but quicker. I was trying not to cum but failing and cried out,

"Stop or I'll cum!" but she continued until I grabbed her head and thrust upwards a few times then exploded, blasting cum down her throat.

When I was only twitching, she came halfway up my shaft and looked up at me and I could see the love in her eyes and smiled. Leaving my satisfied dick to recover, she crawled up my body, sliding off to one side and kissing my ear.

"Now it's your turn, you little minx" I said grinning wickedly, "Two can play this game honey."

"I hope so" she giggled in anticipation.

I rolled her over with me now on top, she hugged me close, so I nibbled and blew gently in her ear, before moving down her body, still slim but definitely more muscular, due to the work and the workouts. Her nipples were already hard, and she moaned when I sucked them, tongue-lashing them in turn.

I traced a wet line with my tongue down to her belly button and would have gone the leg/foot route, but I was already hard again, so went straight for the pussy. Keiko moaned and writhed under me and mashed my mouth into her wet and slippery slit with its sparse black hair.

I lifted her legs and she held her knees to give me better access, which helped me catch her by surprise by diving my tongue into her ass.

"AHH EDDIE! You cheat..." She cried.

"You want me to stop?"

"NO-NO, ahh, you not stop!" and she tried to clamp my head with her thighs, but it was all at the wrong angle, so she relaxed and let me have my wicked way with her ass and pussy.

After a while, her hands grabbed my hair and encouraged me to come back up the bed to face her.

"You give me big cock now!" and she wriggled until my little head was pushing at her lips.

Her legs locked behind my ass, then she tensed them, and I slid all the way into her welcoming slippery heat. We both moaned, then she relaxed a little, allowing me to move out and back in, wanting to go fast but going slow and deep to start with.

Knowing Keiko would be cumming soon but I wouldn't, I increased the speed, feeling her internal muscles working on my cock as I pounded her, then she was screaming,

"AHH... cumming Eddie... harder... faster... AHHHHH!!"

She came, her arms and legs almost crushing me as she mashed our groins together. When her passion eased off, she whispered,

"You like to cum in my ass Eddie?"

Never one to refuse her anything, especially when it was something that I had learned to enjoy. I sat up and she spread her legs wider, her love juice was all over her pussy and had run down to her ass. I wetted a finger and eased it inside, probing gently.

She grabbed my hand and used it like a dildo, pushing it deep and out again, in and out again.

"Two fingers please" she said her eyes closed.

Following the same procedure for a minute until she moaned,

"Now big cock."

I was still slippery and hard, so I pressed the tip against her small hole and pushed, slowly it went in, I paused for a moment, then pushed deeper... back... deeper again until my balls pressed against her body.

"Now you fuck me good" she ordered so I did.

After a few minutes, we changed position to 'doggy,' I thrust in while gripping her hips, but she was pushing back too, so we met with a distinct smack. Watching my cock disappear and reappear in her ass was so erotic that I soon felt my orgasm rapidly approaching.

"Cumming soon" I moaned and went faster.

"I want to see you when you cum" she begged, so I pulled out and she rolled over and within seconds I was pounding her ass again.

This time there was a short delay as my passion subsided a little but there was no going back and with a deep cry, I filled her ass tunnel with hot cum. Spurt after spurt blasted into her, she held me tight, passionately kissing me until I had finished and was only twitching, which she could feel, and it made her laugh.

We cleaned ourselves up and fell asleep without any problem, waking refreshed in the morning. While Keiko was cooking breakfast, I burnt the clothes, gloves and boots that we had worn the night before, with the recovered arrows and all the brass casings that I could find.

After we had eaten I scattered the ashes and buried the metal in the woods, I checked if there were any tyre tread marks from the Hummer on the hard packed driveway, but there were none. All the blood patches were dug up and wheeled down to the river and dumped in the water to be washed away and the barrow scrubbed, then painted.

All the electronic evidence was wiped off the cameras, the recorder and the phone app, now we just had to wait to see if there was going to be a visit from the police.

* * * * *


We heard absolutely nothing from anyone at home nor when we went shopping the next time. We kept the monitoring devices working as you can never be completely sure of your safety. I distilled all the old 'moonshine' into five-year batches and rebottled it, selling all but last years and my own that we brought with us.