Respect Ch. 01


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Just as I got to the bank of elevators, one of their doors opened, and a couple got out. I stepped on and pushed the button for the main floor and the rooftop. I had no idea which direction the elevator was traveling. As it turned out, it was heading up. The last sight I had as the doors closed was Cassie standing there as pale as could be.

I had an overwhelming desire to get drunk, but I realized I couldn't. I still had to finish the work for Fox.

When the elevator door slid open, I found the rooftop bar was to the right. But before I entered the "Barra de Fantasia," I looked out over the rest of the roof. It had been finished off as a recreation area. In addition to the bar, there was a good-sized pool situated at the edge of the roof. There were railings so you couldn't accidentally fall off, but the view, while swimming, must have been spectacular. Between the bar and the pool was a miniature golf course. Of course, the obstacles were removed at night in case there were high winds. There were two enclosed basketball areas. They were only big enough to accommodate one on one or two on two games. The large snack bar to the left was closed, and there was a lot that I couldn't see in the dark. Even with what little I did see, it was really quite impressive. But I didn't have time to appreciate it. I had work to do. And I had to do it while my heart was totally broken.

I settled down at one of the tables deep in a dark corner and pulled out my laptop. I saw Cassie when she came into the bar area looking for me. But she couldn't see me where I was sitting. After a few minutes of searching, Cassie left.

I looked at my computer for several minutes, but I couldn't get started. I eyed the bar and thought maybe a drink or two would help take the edge off. But as I sipped on the second one, my mind wandered to all the things I would have to get done when I got home. I'd have to open new bank accounts, get Cassie off my 401-K, find an apartment or small house to rent, figure out what I was going to take from that monstrosity of a house. Then I decided that I'd finish this assignment and head back to the United States. I know the kids would be disappointed, but Cassie had made her choice. It would be better to break clean and start my new life. I'd fly out after I was sure that Maria had everything that she needed from me.

When I finished the rewrites, I emailed them to Maria. To my surprise, the bar area was deserted. A look at my watch told me it was four in the morning. I didn't want to go back to the room, so I figured I'd stretch out on one of the lounges by the pool. However, before I did that, I picked up the house phone and called the front desk. I asked them to rearrange my tickets. I don't know if that's something the front desk normally does, but it was one of the services offered by the Fantasia Hotel. I asked them to book me on the earliest flight, preferably directly to Austin. If they couldn't arrange that, then I was willing to go through Houston. With that done, I laid down, not thinking I'd be able to sleep but, it finally washed over me. I awoke to the tone of my phone, signaling a text. It was from Maria. It just said, "Big news. My room 7am."

I looked at the time on my phone; it was only six. Even though I had time to go to the room and change, I opted to use the men's room and cleaned up as best I could. The rooftop restaurant was open for breakfast, so I got a table and had a cup of coffee.

When I arrived at Maria's room at six forty-five, everyone was already there. After slipping into a seat next to Pete, I asked, "what's going on?"

He shook his head, "no idea."

Maria appeared, and she was beaming. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I have great news. We've been granted an interview with the President of Mexico."

An explosion of conversation and questions followed, which Maria silenced by raising her hands. "As you already know, the International Association of Police Chiefs is holding a conference in this hotel. That's why we chose to stay here. Our intention was to interview a large number of chiefs. Mostly we wanted to talk to the ones most engaged in the drug war. Well, I was notified that the Mexican President intends to meet with the governing body this morning. I've been trying to get an interview with him for weeks. This morning, they finally agreed."

"How much time is the President giving us?" Sandra Kaufman, the show's producer, asked.

"Only twenty minutes, so we need to make sure that every question counts."

I wasn't sure why I had been called to this meeting. While this was great news for the show, it had nothing to do with me. I stood up and made my way to Maria. I stood and waited until she was finished talking to Sandra. I just wanted to wish her well and then get the hell out of Mexico City. I desperately needed some alone time to finally come to grips with my failed marriage.

"Andy, thank you for coming," Maria said with a bright smile. "Your rewrites were excellent. Judging by your clothes, you didn't get much sleep. I really appreciate the effort. But I have a favor to ask. I know it's outside the scope of your agreement with Fox, and I can't promise any additional money, but I'd like you to prepare the questions."

I was surprised and flattered but also confused. "I thought you'd have your staff back in New York prepare that for you?"

Maria snorted. "By the time they'd get around to it, the meeting with the President would be over. Besides, I like how you think. You drill down to what is most important and then explain it so anyone can understand it. I need at least thirty questions, and I'd like them in order of importance. I also need them super quick because the interview is at nine."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "sure."

Fifty minutes later, I printed out forty-two questions. Maria motioned for me to sit down next to her while she reviewed my work. It was a little surreal sitting next to someone as famous and as beautiful as Maria. I would never admit it, but I was a bit intimidated. So, to ease my tension, I watched the rest of the crew. They were like a finely tuned engine as they began turning the sitting room into a mini-studio. Pete and Billy were in the process of finishing setting up the camera and sound equipment. The makeup people were standing reading. Sandra was on her cellphone, talking excitedly to someone. I assumed it was her bosses in New York.

"This is fabulous, Andy," Maria said enthusiastically. "I just need some clarification on a few of the questions. Do you mind?"

"No, not at all," I said, and we began going through the questions needing a little more explanation.

Twenty-five minutes later, we finished, and Maria beamed. "I knew you were the right person for this job." With that, Maria reached over and gave me a hug.

"Well, I'll get out of here and let you do your show," I said as I rose.

Maria grabbed my hand. "Don't you want to stay and meet the President of Mexico?"

"I would, but I have some family business I have to attend to," I said as I checked my phone to confirm the time of my flight. "And I have a flight at ten forty-something."

"Just push your flight back to a later time. And I'm sorry, how dumb of me," Maria said as she smacked her forehead. "Please, ask your family to come on up here also. This would be a great opportunity for your kids and your wife to meet the President."

I thought about it for a few seconds. If it was just Cassie and me, I'd decline. But Maria was right; this was an unbelievable opportunity for my kids. It isn't every day that you get to meet the leader of a foreign country. I couldn't short-change Sally and Kevin just because their mother and I were splitting up. I'd hold it together until after the meeting.

Slipping out of Maria's room, which was in semi-chaos due to the upcoming interview, I found the hallway pleasantly quiet. I called the front desk first and told them to rebook my ticket. Thank God Fox was paying for it. Then I took a deep breath and called Callie's cell.

"Andy," she answered on the first ring. "Thank God you called. Please, we need to sit down and talk?"

"Later," I said quickly. "Something has come up that I think the kids will enjoy. Maria has been granted an interview with the President of Mexico. They're going to do the interview in her suite, and she's invited us to meet the President. I thought it would be an especially great opportunity for the kids. You're also invited."

"Can we please sit down and talk afterward?" Cassie pleaded.

"Of course," I answered, but I knew there wasn't anything really to discuss.

"Thank you. I'll get the kids ready and be right up," Cassie sounded so relieved. "What's her room number."

"forty-nine fifteen," I answered and hung up.


My heart leaped into my throat when I saw that it was Andy calling. I whispered a silent prayer of thanksgiving. I had been in a panic since I found the confirmation of his flight back to Austin that morning. The shock of Andy seeing me coming out of Ted's room looking like I did, shook me to my core. It was like I could see my whole life flash before me, then crash and burn. For the first time, I finally saw things through Andy's eyes. I had been an out-and-out bitch. I had all but abandoned my kids for my career, and I had totally disrespected my husband. And I did that for what? A slim chance that one day I might become a Partner. I was now terrified that I had destroyed my marriage and my family.

All night long, I would wake up and call Andy's cell phone. Either he wasn't answering, or it was turned off. And when I got up in the morning and saw the confirmation of Andy's flight, I started to shake. I desperately wanted to talk to my husband. I wanted to explain that I had been a total fool but that nothing had happened. I wanted to tell him that I loved him and would do anything to make it up to him. I wanted him to take me in his arms and tell me that everything was going to be alright.

After Andy's call, I hurried over to the kid's room and got them out of bed. As soon as I explained that they would be meeting the President of Mexico, both of them began to scramble. And I made sure to tell them that their father had set it up through Maria Shivers. Sally was a giddy as could be, and Kevin was grinning from ear to ear.

As we headed up to Maria Shivers' suite, I was so nervous that my stomach had turned sour. At this point, I knew that if the invitation from Ms. Shivers hadn't included the kids, Andy would have declined. In fact, I was pretty sure that Andy wouldn't even have contacted me. The look of hurt and betrayal on his face was seared into my brain.

Andy was standing in the hall when we got off the elevator, and he looked as though he had hardly slept. I figured this was because of what he had seen. I wanted so much to melt into his arms and have him forgive me. But I knew I had screwed things up so badly, and it was very likely that I wouldn't be able to fix this. But I had to try.

Andy nodded to me and hugged the kids. "Come on in. The President hasn't arrived yet, and they're still setting up for the interview."

The suite was still organized chaos. The Fox technicians were making their final adjustments, and Maria's makeup artist was doing the final touches on her face. Suddenly, two Mexican Security guards came in and took up positions around the door. Andy guided us off to a corner out of the way.

After her makeup was completed, Maria made her way over to us. She seemed genuinely pleased to see the kids and me.

"I'm so pleased that you could make it," she said, giving each of us a small hug. I thought maybe she hugged Andy a little longer than the rest of us, but I let that thought go. I wouldn't let any of my jealous feelings spoil what little chance I had to make things right with my husband. How could I have been such a selfish fool?

As I watched the broadcast professionals in the room doing their jobs, I realized that Andy had been a big part of this production. Suddenly, it struck me how wrong I had been about Andy's career. I was deeply ashamed that I had demeaned his work. My father would have been ashamed of me. He felt anyone who worked hard at their job deserved respect. His brother was a garbageman, but my dad treated him like he was a CEO.

I watched Andy's face as he took in all the activity. He was truly enjoying it all. Kevin was thrilled to talk to Pete and Billy, and Sally beamed like a kid in a candy store. Maria popped over twice. Once to ask about something in the script he had prepared. Then Maria returned moments later to inquire about a spreadsheet that the network had provided. Andy's answers were short, but whatever he said seemed to please Maria.

Then the door opened, and a tall Hispanic man entered the room. He wore a business suit, but I could see the bulge where a gun was concealed. The man had dark hair and dark eyes. There was a hard look about him that told me he was probably the head of the President's security.

"My name is Captain Lopez," he said as the room got quiet. "The President will be along in a few minutes. He has a very busy schedule, so please do not delay him. Once he arrives, he has twenty minutes to do an interview, and then we must be going."

About a minute later, the door opened again, and another Hispanic man entered with more guards. This one was not as tall, and while he had dark hair, his eyes were a soft blue. The man had a magnetic smile that he shared with everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Captain Lopez said formally, "it is my honor to present the President of Mexico, Carlos Miguel Sanchez."

Everyone in the room began to clap. It seemed the right thing to do. But the President seemed genuinely embarrassed.

"Please, please," he said as he raised his hands, "no ceremony, no formalities. I feel honored to be here and privileged to have the opportunity to tell millions of people about our struggle to destroy the drug cartels."

Maria was at the President's side before he finished speaking.

"Mr. President, thank you for agreeing to do this interview," Maria said with a dazzling smile.

The President returned her smile with one of his own and kissed her hand. "Ms. Shivers, it is I who owe you thanks. I am very hopeful that this interview will stir up interest in your Congress to help us with our fight."

"Mr. President, if I could ask your indulgence for just a minute, I'd like to introduce you to the people who did all the work leading to this point."

"It would be my pleasure, Ms. Shivers."

Maria then went about introducing her staff. The President made each person he was introduced to feel special with a few words or a gesture. I watched as the President was introduced to Sally and Kevin. It was clear, they were thrilled with the opportunity their father had made for them.

After a moment with my children, President Sanchez turned to me and smiled warmly. "Ah, Mrs. Spencer, your husband is a lucky man. You are a beautiful woman, and you have beautiful children."

Even though I knew this was a very polished politician, I blushed nonetheless.

When he turned to Andy, I was truly surprised because the President's eyes lit up. "Mr. Spencer, I am most impressed with the work you have done for this show. Ms. Shivers sent many of the details to my office. You surprised some of my closest advisors with how simply you laid out our problems. Your work will be of great help to us."

I was surprised when I saw Andy blush as his skin color is such that it rarely displays any redness. Andy was modest in his response.

"Most of the work was done by Ms. Shivers people. I just did a little rearranging of the information."

"No, you did much more than that, Mr. Spencer, and I thank you."

With the introductions completed, Andy began to gently usher us out of the suite. However, I heard Maria ask him to stay a moment.


When the President took his seat to begin the interview, I knew it was time for my family and me to leave. I started to usher Cassie and the kids toward the door. When we were about to step out, Maria called me over. "Andy, could you stay behind for a minute?"

I nodded and opened the door for my family. Or at least my family for the present. After the door closed, I turned toward Maria.

"Andy, I need another favor," she said with a smile. "I know you've fulfilled your contract, but would you mind waiting in the hall until the interview is over? Just in case there are any questions that you might be able to answer. I'd like you close at hand."

"Of course," I answered and stepped into the hall. Most of the people had already dispersed. Only my family, Maria's makeup girl, Captain Lopez, and seven additional security guards remained. All of them were heavily armed, with two carrying long black bags on their shoulders.

When I went to Cassie and the kids, my wife had a look of determination, and surprisingly, fear. I knew she wanted to talk about last night and also about my career. I wanted to get it over, but I wanted to make sure that our "talk" wouldn't be interrupted.

"Can we go somewhere and talk as a family," Cassie asked.

That Cassie wanted to talk was a given, but wanting to have this discussion with the kids there was surprising. As I thought about it, I wondered if she would try to use the kids to force me to accept what she was planning to do with Ted. The more I thought about it, the more it angered me. But I wasn't going to cause a scene, especially with the kids there.

"I can't go right away," I countered. "Maria asked me to hang around until the interview was over, in case they had any questions. That should only take about twenty minutes or so. Why don't you and the kids head back to the room, and I'll call when it's over?"

Cassie shook her head. "We'll wait for you."

"That will be boring for the kids," I said calmly. "Why don't you, at least, let the kids go do something else?"

"If it's all right with you, dad," Kevin piped up immediately, "I'd like to stay. Maybe I can help Pete and Billy break down their equipment?"

"I want to stay also," Sally voiced immediately after her brother. "Maybe I'll get a chance to talk to Ms. Shivers or the President."

"We're all staying," Cassie said with finality.

I didn't like it one bit. I wouldn't be maneuvered by my kids or anyone into accepting Cassie's growing closeness with Ted. I hadn't known whether she was sleeping with him or not, but last night led me to only one conclusion; she had. It was the last straw.

I moved away from them and leaned against the wall close to the door. I was stewing in my own anger when I heard the radio Captain Lopez carried bark to life. Whatever was said, the Captain's whole demeanor changed, and he began barking rapid-fire order back into his radio.

"Mierda!" The Captain snapped and headed immediately into Maria's suite. Even though I don't speak Spanish, I knew that meant "shit." Something bad was happening. I followed the Captain back in.

"Mr. President, we have to go," he said in English as he grabbed the President's arm. "There are cartel gunmen in the hotel."             

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Good story, although I'm not crazy about Cassie's disrespect and her mild cheating. That includes her thoughts about significant cheating too!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Hmmm, I’m lost. The family is in Mexico for the kids’ 2 week vacation. Andy is temporarily working with Shiver. I see no mention of a conference or other company function for Cassie to attend, yet Ted shows up to hold team meetings. Why? When and why did Ted suddenly show up in Mexico? Obviously it’s to finally fuck Cassie and utterly humiliate Andy. But what pretext did he use to go to Mexico to begin with? Did I miss something?

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The answer is very simple. Ted is an arrogant prick. He’s a cockroach. And what do we do to cockroaches? We kill them! “Accidents” happen every day. Andy’s a smart man. He can figure out how to dispose of Ted and not get caught. Ted MUST die!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The wife was a demeaning self absorbed bitch. The only thing that had changed was her husband was right about her crush being a louse. Not even sure why him getting his fingers in her panties during the make out session was a problem for her, she was considering him for more than that.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

"Nothing happened" = "no penetration occurred with a penis into a vagina or ass; anything else, however, counts as 'nothing' in the cheater's eyes", according to The Cheaters' Handbook. But I assure you, it was not nothing. Sure she was a little tipsy and Ted caught her off-guard, but you certainly put up a bit more resistance if some guy starts groping you and trying to finger you, unless you're into it at least a little. I mean it's forgivable, given the circumstances, but it certainly damages the trust. Hard to believe she let herself get so blindsided by this asshole to the point she's about to ruin her life (except her career) simply because she wanted to advance her career. So sad. And she's supposed to be intelligent, hah.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Intriguing. Four solid stars for part one.



StruckwrongStruckwrong5 months ago

Making out and heavy petting is not "nothing" with someone not your spouse , It's cheating.

consulting91consulting915 months ago

This is a great start. I don’t care what she says, she’s been having an emotional affair for a while and last night even though she stopped it, it was too late and the physical one happened as well.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

How could someone be so blind to what's really going on, just for the sake of a little career advancement? And this is a lawyer, a supposedly intelligent person? Yikes! I wouldn't trust someone this foolish with any cases. Someone that can be so blind to obvious happenings around her, especially in her own damn life. Not a chance!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Good start, interesting set up with the not quite cheating wife and the career choices and subsequent conflicts. Not sure that the wife would be earning that much without being a junior partner. The road to a full partnership would be primarily based upon billable hours and the amount of clients she brings to table, it's very much a sales and customer care part that defines success. So not really sure why she'd think that Ted could ever help her if she wasn't killing it in those two areas. You never get partnership just because someone likes you, at least not in a successful firm. And you have to buy in, so she'd need quite a bit of ready cash at hand, so perhaps not the best time to be impoverished by a needless divorce.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story.

Please consider writing a book !

Xzy89c1Xzy89c112 months ago

I don't understand how her job and his assignment brought them to same hotel in Mexico city? Decent story but that is headscratcher.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Cassie cheated. There's no doubt about that. Making out with another man, and getting fingered by another man is cheating. She did our boy Andy dirty.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Lol all the commenters getting their knickers in a twist over a load of rightwing slop. He's writing for a fox news presenter, so he's a comic book propagandist, not an intelligent, insightful analyst.

Personably I've ignored who he's writing for as it diminishes the actual story, which isn't too bad in terms of comedy of errors and fragile male egoist.

AllNigherAllNigherabout 1 year ago

To anonymous 2mo ago. Sorry, but anyone should realize the sure is NOT taking about this guy writing the federal papers in r1700s given this is a modern story. The author was talking about him writing for the federalist society or the federalist website, both ultra right. Agree or disagree with the author or the person posting but be realistic and honest. Other than being named after the papers, the group and site are not the same as the papers if great import to passing the constitution, and they are by no means middle of the road politically.

On the story... Agree with those disturbed that returning a kiss, allowing him to finger her without resisting was not considered cheating. Odd. Maybe forgiveable with time but certainly not innocent.... She may have come around but she sure let it go to fast, and admitted she considered cheating as well.... With a married man no less.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well written, tight plot with relatable characters. His poor wife, pathetic person that she is in for even worse shocks to come I suspect.

To anonymous 2 months ago.

"The Federalist" I'll stop reading right here."

Really? You must be extraordinarily ignorant, simply hate the USA.

This paper was instrumental in the construction of the Constitution upon which this Republic was based. I wonder, would you be happier if it were Karl Marx Chairman Maos little RED Book?

This below for your edification:

The Federalist Papers was a collection of essays written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton in 1788. The essays urged the ratification of the United States Constitution, which had been debated and drafted at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
"The Federalist"

yea I'm gonna stop here...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He should divorce the disrespectful bitch Cassie

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


"What a stupid fool I had been. I suddenly saw that everything Andy had told me was true. Thank God I had stopped in time."

===> well except for the problem of being in the Ted's hotel room while intoxicated, kissing him back, letting him fondle your tits as he laid her back on his bed, then slipped his finger in her vagina and then gave her a small orgasm; otherwise yeah Cassie totally stopped on time. To be fair, the physical act is the least of the issues in their marriage, merely a symptom, not the cause. Her blatant disrespect and her emotional.affair with Ted with the promise of making Partner are the bigger, more salient issues. Ultimately forgivable? Perhaps. Reconcilable? Damn hard, especially with the emotional affair. Not impossible depending on circumstances, counseling, and owning up to her problems, but even then most times would lead to a divorce or at least a separation. Of course Chapter 2 has so many extreme adventure elements that all of those problems get papered over. Still an enjoyable read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nothing happened, just some tongue deep depth kissing and his fingers in her pussy…….and OH!…….it only gave her a single orgasm…..its not like she came three times, just the once…..NO NOTHING HAPPENED. R. H.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I've read this one before, it's a good adventure romp!

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

In situations like this the cheating is inconsequential the fact his wife treated him like shit and was already out the door emotionally as well as physically just begs the question why would you take the cunt back are you really that fucking pathetic😂😂😂

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Riviting story!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nothing happened I just let him feel me up and finger f**ck me. Then I left. So see .nothing happened.

TheGreyWolf81TheGreyWolf81almost 2 years ago

Any place or context where Maria Shivers pops up, things end in chaos... This is apparently no different!

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