Respect Ch. 02


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"Mr. Spencer," the President continued, "the Order of the Aztec Eagle is the highest award Mexico gives to a non-citizen. You are a brave man Mr. Spencer, and I have enormous respect for you."

"I'm truly honored," I said, fumbling for words. "I'm not only honored but terribly humbled. I just did what I thought anyone would do. I really don't feel like I earned this."

"No, you most definitely did," the President insisted. "It is the very least we can do. You deserve much, much more. Perhaps when the drug war is won, we will have a true celebration for the heroes in this struggle. But, sadly, now I must be on my way. As you can imagine, I have many responsibilities and very limited time."

As quickly as the President had arrived, he was gone. Cassie and the kids were very impressed when I showed them the medal and explained that the President had personally presented it to me.

One of the first things that happened at Cassie's old firm was that Ted was fired. Well, fired isn't exactly the right word. Using a provision in the Partnership agreement, he was bought out for much less than his share of the Partnership was worth. Ted threatened to fight the dismissal, but once his disgraceful behavior became public knowledge, he decided to leave quietly. Somehow, a video of him cowering in the helicopter surfaced on the internet. There was also a clip of him hiding behind the pool chairs.

I suspect that either Peter or Billy were the ones who posted the videos, but I haven't had a chance to talk to them since then.

One other thing I learned about Ted Walker concerned his wife. Her arrival hadn't been delayed. Ted had simply told her that he had to work that first day. Yeah, he was working to get into my wife's pants. However, when everything came out, Ted's wife filed for divorce. Apparently, she had hired a private investigator who uncovered several of his affairs. Add that to his disgraceful behavior, and she wanted no part of him. Last I heard, Ted had moved to California. That's a perfect place for him; it's a state filled with liars, cheats, and losers. Ted fits in all three categories.

Maria's three-part documentary was broadcast to rave reviews and a huge audience. The publicity from the attack on the Fantasia Hotel certainly didn't hurt. Maria won an Emmy for the series, and Peter won a Pulitzer Prize for his film work of the cartel attack.

In case you're wondering, yes, Maria does call me from time to time. Most of the time, she just wants to talk. Occasionally, Maria has a writing assignment for me. She also has a new boyfriend who owns a string of tuxedo stores and is big into charity. She met him at one of his charity events. I saw a picture of him, and he is a decent looking guy, nothing special though. But from the way Maria talks, I can tell she's totally in love with him. I hope it works out for both of them.

The good news that I hadn't told Cassie when she was contemplating dumping me was that I had found a literary agent. He liked all three of my books. Yes, I've written a third, and it's that one he was especially taken with. This is a book that continues Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. It's entitled A Christmas Tale Completed -- The Redemption of Jacob Marley.(1) My agent thinks it is the best Christmas story in a hundred years. Who am I to disagree with him? I just hope he can convince a publisher of that.

After the soccer game, Cassie started pulling away from her old firm and began building a practice out of our new home. Even when her firm offered her a Junior Partnership, Cassie turned them down.

Our new home was an old farmhouse that had a den and a sitting room on the first floor. It also had a large living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, and bathroom. There were four bedrooms and two bathrooms on the second floor. We converted the den and sitting room into offices. Cassie took the sitting room because it was close to the front door, and there was enough space in the hallway outside it to accommodate a desk and several chairs. I took the den in the back of the house, where it was quiet.

I continue to take assignments whenever they're offered. I made a considerable amount of money writing articles about the attack. I have also agreed to write a book about my experience and have already received a significant advance.

A funny thing about Cassie's accounting practice is that when she's swamped, I pitch in and help. I always liked working with numbers; I just hated the office politics. With Cassie's private practice, there are no politics. And my compensation for helping is paid to me in the bedroom. It doesn't get any better than that.

We still have our minor ups and downs. We had a scare with Cassie when they found a lump on one of her breasts. Fortunately, it turned out to be benign. Kevin had a serious car accident shortly after getting his license. Again, fortunately, he only suffered a broken wrist and cuts on his face and neck. He recovered fully and is now an extremely cautious driver. Sally is in college now, and not surprisingly, she is an accounting major. She also has a serious boyfriend. He seems really nice and fits into our family great. But it's too early to tell if he's the one.

It's going to sound really crazy, but when I look back on that day in Mexico City, I am somewhat thankful for what the cartels tried to do. Obviously, not the part where they killed all those people, but I do have two reasons for feeling this way. My first reason has to do with the consequences after the attack on President Sanchez. The Mexican and the American government have been working together and mounting a ferocious attack on the drug cartels. They have put a real dent in the cartels' ability to move drugs and hide their money. But the second reason, and to me, the most important, is that it saved my marriage. I was able to get back the love and respect of my wife.

  1. "A Christmas Tale Completed -- The Redemption of Jacob Marley" is a real book by Tom Boyhan. It is a marvelous continuation of the story told in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens.

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OOAAOOAA9 days ago

FANTASTIC STORY!!!! Congratulations!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

His wife was still a liar by saying nothing happened, when a lot happend in that hotel room. I think much more controversy between the snobbish bitch and her children, and recovering husband would of been in order during his recovery

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Some rather strange ideas have shown up in the comment section this time.

_ there is NO such thing as 'forced RAAC' I've read many of Stoney's tales, your imagination has run wild.

_ not everyone wants to live in California; actually, it would be my last choice (BTW I was born there).

_ the homelessness is largely do to high-cost-of-living. The ELECTED officials are exactly that. Use your vote.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

annie from 19 days ago: what story were you reading, it obviously wasn't this one. There was nothing forced about this tale.

ttjbjr54ttjbjr54about 1 month ago

Good story. Well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good, exciting tale. Well told. Five stars.


One aside. The captain said and the president agreed, that televising the medal award would make the MC and his family targets. But what does he do? He publicizes the action.



StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 2 months ago

LOL she respected Ted and had contempt for her husband for a very long time. At Teds behest she gave him divorce papers never thinking Ted shouldn't be that close and personal to have a say like that.

she was also already considering a future with Ted and didn't reject the notion.

She was also old enough to know a seduction happening to her.

Her instant 180 turnabout respect for her husband suddenly when all that had changed was him talking to someone famous and Ted making a pass she invited with petting and heavy kissing.

Not quite crossing the final line of intercourse.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos2 months ago

I lived in California for a long time - I will concur with the author's voice in story, it's garbage, or at least has been for the last decade or so. You couldn't pay me to move back there. Hell, you couldn't pay a lot of people to live there - it's been losing population due to emigration every year since Gavin Newsome became governor and frankly, I can't think of a more appropriate "face" for the state than that sad sack adulterous piece of shit. He's practically Ted from this story - fucked his own campaign managers wife and broke up their marriage. And people elected this scumbag because he has a (D) next to his name.


As for the story - it was amazingly amazing in both chapters. I'm being redundant here, but it's a great story. One of the things that really stuck out for me on this story is that even though Andy does some frankly really incredible things in this story, he still comes across as a pretty normal guy with normal wants, desires and insecurities.


I also enjoyed the fact that Cassie, while thinking Ted was hot, really was just only interested in that partnership and when he made his move on her, she instantly smartened up about it. It was nice to see a "loving wife" in this section of the site actually subvert the trope at the last minute.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Hahaha! Gavin Newsom now pays trolls to prop up his failing state's reputation on Literotica! If everyone is moving TO Calipr0nia, why do rental trucks and U-Haul trailers, cost 3x-4x as much FROM that place? In what other city on this planet or other planets, besides San Fran, do you need a phone app to tell you how to avoid the human feces dropped by the homeless? Where else do people leave their cars unlocked/lift gates raised so car thieves will do less damage committing daytime B&I they won't be arrested for?

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

"And you, my wonderful husband, when not writing best-selling books and award-winning articles, you can write stories on Literotica whose plotlines will torture the sad-sacks who haunt the Loving Wives category like rats on a trash heap."

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

@anon from 1 month ago.

You can't have it both ways. The reason housing is so expensive in Cali is because everyone wants to live there and the place is so successful and wealthy. The reason there are so many homeless is because places like Texas make being homeless inhospitable and the poor tend to migrate where they will be better treated and where there are more opportunities.

If Cali was as bad as you'd like to believe people would be moving away not to it. Jealousy is a bad look and you are greener than the jolly green giant, without the jolly.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So funny. So Ted was the epitome of the Trumpian pussy grabbing bone spur coward while Andy was the typical democrat. I kind of feel that the author might have thought otherwise, but you know people by their actions and not by their words. Republicans are blow hard cowards that would storm the capital then cowardly try to weasel their way out of the consequences. Typical cheater mentality.


So funny that Americans often lack the objectivity to see themselves for what they truly are.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wow she really glossed over what happened in Ted’s room. She did come to her senses, but she cheated, plain and simple. Would have liked to hear more about what happened to Maria.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Maybe it’s time for California to just secede already. From the comments by Californians, it’s obvious that their shit doesn’t stink — there’s no limit to the amount on the sidewalks in Los Angeles and in San Francisco, by the way, and the poop maps are designed to help people avoid those nasty areas. But Californians know best. After all, they must be always right with one party rule (the definition of a dictatorship). California has a $68 billion deficit this year and they are adding another $4 billion or more by providing free healthcare to undocumented individuals. Their taxes are among the highest state taxes in the United States, yet their residents get the poorest services, except when the leader of China visits. Then suddenly the tax dollars are adequate to clean up San Francisco. But just for two weeks or so. The cost of housing is so high, the 50% of the homeless population with jobs cannot afford housing and end up homeless. Oh, wait, there’s more. Californians love their state and their leaders so much that record numbers are fleeing California and heading to “Texas,” where supposedly everybody is a liar and a cheat. Or maybe they are going to Florida, if they want more humidity (I’m excluding Houston). I lived in California for four years, and I liked California at the time, but the California of old is no longer the California of the present. I visit California frequently to see my grandchildren, and I’ve observed that the California drivers, who used to be the most polite and skillful in the country, are now among the least polite and most openly aggressive. If you stop for someone entering a crosswalk, which is the law, they honk at you or cut around you. The district attorneys in the major cities don’t believe in bail for violent criminals because their idea of equity is to make everyone equal regardless of how people behave or what their skills might be. So violent criminals go on to commit additional violent crimes. And if you should happen to try to defend yourself, you end up going to jail. I live in Ohio, which is a purple state, and I believe Ohioans see multiple points of view much better than do Californians, who are mostly very left – leaning. They won’t even allow honest discussions of alternative points of view in their colleges. Any conservative who tries to give a speech is shouted down and heckled and threatened and driven away. That shows how much Californians respect diversity. The idea of diversity is when people agree with their left – leaning point of view. If one is at all centrist or conservative, then one must be a right wing, radical Nazi, or something. They say that the best nuts come from California, and I must agree.

Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright6 months ago

Well if that's what you gotta do to get the love and respect back from ur wife then your sitting in shit.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Overall a good story. Rated it a “4”. My only questions are, how could the husband just pretend nothing happened with his wife, and Ted? Considering she let Ted give her an orgasm with his fingers, she didn’t exactly stop his actions as soon as he came on to her. And all the level of disrespect she had showed him over the last few years, would have made a reconciliation very difficult. And because Ted was a coward, all of a sudden she changes her outlook, 180 degrees?

Here is another valid point. Every man who has ever dated a woman, wonders when he will get laid. But the woman has already made that decision, he just does not know it yet. There is no way Cassie didn’t realize Ted wanted to fuck her. And her continued dinners, etc with him meant that she was willing to whore herself out for the JR partner role. And all the demeaning of her husband, was just designed so she could soothe her conscience. I once had a conversation with a co-worker of mine, who was a Vietnam name combat vet. I asked his opinion of the movie “ platoon”. He answered that he had an issue how the two sergeants were portrayed. “ Nobody was that bad, or that good” And there you have it. Wifey would not have went from her total disrespect, to total admiration. Her motivation would not have been Ted, he was simply a means to an end. I do not see the two of them, getting back to what they had before.....

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

She's still a cheat!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Cassie was an über bitch. Kissing and getting fingered IS cheating.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

First part was full of promise and got a 4* unfortunately the second part was a complete flop, so a 1*

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Unfortunately the second part got bogged down in pointless action more suited to a guillable teen audience.

Don't know why it hates on California, America would be bankrupt without it, and Florida and New York are more full of liars and cheats, well especially when Trump is around.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

She cheated and he knows it. There is no way she can prove what did or did not happen in that room and it also would make me think what else happened at other times. The kids already know she was disrespectful so a divorce would not shock them.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy6010 months ago

If you had not taken that cheap shot at California, you could have gotten 4- Stars, but alas everyone hates on California. We know the saying "Everything bigger in Texas." That includes egos also. But, Texas has enough liars, cheats, blow hards, bigots, weasels, and spineless cowards (Cancun Cruz) to supply the rest of the country for some time. As, a native born Californian, I can say "Go fuck yourself" , and don't track any cow shit on your way out. 😂

AllNigherAllNigher11 months ago

aFd45 ... Not sure about from you personally but I see another comments all the time from people here even when there isn't a ton of political crap in a story. And if caution talking about the entire left being intolerant when the platform of the right today is intolerance and censorship. I'm a middle of the road guy myself but that leaves me being called far left today.

As for the story... Good but I do agree the politics could have been left out. It didn't add to the story in any way to me, just detracted from an otherwise fun story. Believable? Not really but no less than die hard or a million other movies and books. Still lots of fun to read.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I've enjoyed this author's work but this one has me mystified. As someone not from the US I look on with shock and amusement at the delusional way some of you act. The califonia comment seems part of this. It's not healthy. It was good to see Ted grab Cassie by the pussy. I wonder where he got that idea from.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The cheating whore got finger fucked to an orgasm but conveniently forgot to mention that fact!! But, nothing happened right?

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