Return to Sessia Ch. 16

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Diane and Lexi both suffer under cruel mistresses.
13.2k words

Part 16 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/13/2014
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Of course with Lexi wanting to be my submissive, there was no way she could deliver my morning spankings anymore, however, Gretchen refused to allow the tradition of me being spanked in the hotel lobby every morning to end so easily. As a result of all this, Gretchen recruited some other women to take Lexi's place.

My old classmate from high school; Courtney; was at the top of Gretchen's list of women who could spank me every morning. She had an irrational hatred of me dating back to the years we spent in school together. I had never done anything to hurt Courtney, however, she still seemed to think I was a spoiled brat and deserving of cruel punishment. Gretchen (of course) was pleased to give Courtney multiple opportunities to punish me for slights and sins that Courtney felt I had committed against her.

Then there was the Sessian girl named Lynn who we had met at the bus-stop. Lynn seemed to resent me for my boobs and my celebrity status in the European media. I had never actually done anything to hurt Lynn either, however, Gretchen was willing to indulge Lynn in her irrational hatred of me and was willing to let Lynn get her revenge against me and my poor defenseless bottom.

I was guaranteed to have a stinging ass and a face wet with tears every time I went over either of these girl's laps. Apparently this made for good theatre.

The crowds seemed to love it whenever the mean girls got their hands on me.

Anne Marie was the third lady on Gretchen's list. Anne Marie was twelve years older than me and looked (and spoke) like a respectable, proper school teacher, however, her punishments could be just as painful as the spankings the girls my age dished out.

Anne Marie thought that I was "adorable" and a "delightful girl", however, upon her first meeting with Gretchen and I, she insisted that strict discipline and painful punishments were things that I "needed" and that it would be unfair for anyone to deprive me of such necessities.

I never disputed Anne Marie when she talked about me like this. My pussy was shamelessly wet every time she spanked me, so how could I argue against what she said?

"I have a younger sister like Diane," Anne Marie confided to Gretchen. "Until I understood her unusual needs, she created a great deal of misery and frustration in my mother's household. She stayed out late, insulted my mother, broke windows and misbehaved in all sorts of ways, just to provoke my mother into doling out painful punishments to her. Eventually I leaned that my sister wasn't a bad girl. She just craved the punishments and was afraid to ask for them directly."

"Diane was never like that," Gretchen told Anne Marie, "Her mother was a very harsh disciplinarian. Diane's mother was quite strict and spanked both of her daughters at the slightest excuse."

The way my mother disciplined me and my sister was discussed in intimate detail as if I wasn't even in the room. Anne Marie wanted to know every detail of how my mother spanked me. She wanted to know if I was made to strip naked first, she wanted to know if others were allowed to watch when I was punished, she wanted to know if was forced to engage in any humiliating rituals like standing in the corner and she wanted to know if I was sexually aroused by any of it at the time.

Much to my embarrassment, Gretchen knew the answers to all of these questions. I had told Gretchen years ago every humiliating detail about how my mother had used spanking on me as a form of discipline. Now, Gretchen passed down all of that information to Anne Marie.

My mother never viewed spanking as a sexual thing and I didn't either. At least not at first. And shortly after I began to view spanking as something that was erotic, that's when my mother stopped spanking me.

Anne Marie correctly guessed that I had had a lot of wet dreams involving spanking before I'd had my first deliberately erotic spanking. I had never told Gretchen about any of these wet dreams, however, Anne Marie insisted that I tell them both all about them.

In some of these dreams I'm spanked by a strict teacher or a school administrator. In some dreams I'm spanked by a ballet choreographer. In some dreams I'm spanked by a nurse, a gynecologist or some other form of medical professional. In others I'm spanked by a prison warden, a police officer or another member of law enforcement.

Despite the myriad of variations, I'm always naked in these dreams and my punisher is always female and she's always older than I am.

Anne Marie was analyzing my sexual cravings and I was disturbed by the inferences she was coming up with. She made it sound as if my most intense sexual desire was to be spanked and humiliated by my mother again.

"You're over-simplifying it, you delightful little girl," Anne Marie said to me, "It's much more complex than that. And at any rate, when I punish you, you'll forget all about your dear, sweet mother."

* * * * * * * *

Anne Marie was 100% correct about that. When she spanked me, she left my poor innocent bottom a riot of stinging pain so intense I couldn't even remember my own name. She left me a naked, sobbing, quivering mess, my face soaking wet with my own tears and my naked body covered in sweat.

My legs were wobbly and trembling after a spanking like that, however, Ann Marie would always order to me get off of her lap and stand over at the hotel's checkout counter with my ass facing the lobby and my hands behind my back, wrists crossed and held up around waist-high, so that I wouldn't obstruct anyone's view of my freshly-punished bottom.

None of the hotel desk clerks would talk to me when I was standing at the counter like that, although there was one employee named Keira, who would quite often make eye contact and shine me an excited smile, as if she were delighted to see me naked, sobbing and standing so close to her.

* * * * * * * * *

Of course I was taken to Sharp Fitness several times a week, so that Claudia could work my abs, my glutes, my adductors and (of course) work on my flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. Claudia normally carried a riding crop with her during my workouts, as a constant visual reminder that painful consequences would follow if I ever failed to perform up to her demanding expectations.

On one particular day, after an especially grueling workout, Claudia ordered me to come back to her office.

Claudia had never ordered me back to her office before. I assumed that the only reason she would call me back to her office (instead of sending me to the showers, as she normally did) was that I had done something wrong, and she intended to lecture me and discipline me in private.

My heart beat faster as I followed my personal trainer and my mind raced, attempting to deduce how I had managed to offend Claudia or failed to live up to her exacting standards. No matter how I tried, I couldn't think of a single thing that I had done wrong.

Claudia closed and locked her office door once we were both inside and I was left to stand, while she pulled a chair out from behind her desk and sat down. For several seconds she didn't say a word, she just sat silently and stared at my naked, sweaty body and made me feel more exposed and vulnerable than normal.

Claudia and I are about the same height and the same age, however, her dominance over me and her obvious superior status and the way she was fully dressed while I was utterly naked and exposed, gave her an aura of power and authority and made it seem as if she were far taller and much older than me.

Finally I couldn't handle the stress and I just blurted out, "Mistress, have I done something to offend you?"

Claudia chuckled slightly at my question and replied, "Offend me? Never! You're my favorite client of all time. You don't drink, you don't smoke, you never cheat on your diet, you do every exercise exactly the way I tell you to do it, you work up an impressive sweat at every workout and I can examine all of your muscle groups and see how they're developing on account of your nudity. You're perfect! I wish all of my clients could be like you!"

Claudia's answer shocked me, but gave me a degree of relief as well. Obviously she wasn't going to punish me, however, I was still lost as to why she had summoned me into her office.

"Mistress, if I'm not in trouble, why have you brought me into your office with you? You've never brought me in here before."

Claudia's facial expression changed slightly and she got up from her chair and began to pace. "I brought you in here to say goodbye."

I stood there speechless, not knowing how to respond. She had just said that I was her favorite client. Why would our association be ending now, if she liked me so much?

"Look, we never discussed it before, but I know your main purpose here in Sessia wasn't to promote Sharp Fitness. I mean, you've done an excellent job, building interest and bringing in hundreds of new members, and not just horny old men! I was surprised at how many women signed up to come here and see you too!"

She paused and then added, "You and your friend; Gretchen; came here with a political agenda. The two of you came here to shore up political support for the slave laws, and it looks like you've succeeded. Your friends have told me that a vote is coming up in parliament any day now and the bill to close the OSI and end slavery is going to fail."

"Gretchen never told me," I said softly. I had been in Sessia for months and had fully adjusted to living life as a naked slave on the streets of a foreign nation. Returning to America seemed almost inconceivable.

"It's a slave thing," Claudia confided in me, "Masters and mistresses can be very funny when it comes to informing their slaves about what's going on in the outside world. For some weird reason, they like to ration the information their slaves get and keep them ignorant, but I wanted you to know, because I'm going to miss you and if you don't get a proper goodbye, it's going to gnaw at me."

The next thing I knew, Claudia's arms were around me. She was pressing her clothed body passionately against my naked body. I could feel the spandex of her leotard pressing firmly up against my naked breasts and exposed nipples. I could feel her spandex-clad legs pressed against my naked thighs. There was something utterly submissive about being utterly naked, while Claudia was fully clothed, and her pressing her clothed body against my naked one made me vividly aware of the contrast between us.

"This is the part where you hug me back," Claudia said sternly and then I put my arms around her and hugged her just like she was hugging me.

"Slaves aren't allowed to touch free-women without permission," I reminded Claudia.

"We're having a moment here," Claudia said, admonishingly, "Don't ruin it by quoting slavery regulations to me."

So, we hugged. The spandex of Claudia's leotard felt rough against my naked breasts and sensitive nipples and after a few seconds of holding me close, Claudia threatened to whip me if I didn't tell her I'd miss her. My pussy throbbed at the threat of punishment and I thought how ceremonial it would be if I were to be whipped during my last visit to Claudia. It would certainly mark the occasion and make it impossible to forget, however, I could tell that Claudia wanted words of friendship and camaraderie more than she wanted to whip my naked skin, so I made her happy by telling her that I would miss her every day that I was far away from her in America.

She patted me affectionately on the butt and then sent me down to the showers. The look of her face as I left her office was one of sorrow. She really was going to me.

* * * * * * * * * *

Down in the showers, a health-club employee by the name of Chloe was washing me. Chloe seemed to enjoy the task of washing me off. She took a great deal of time doing it, washing me from my neck all the way down to the soles of my feet, and she would wash her favorite parts of my anatomy two or three times (just to be thorough, she would always say).

My thighs and my buttocks were her obvious favorites. Once she had me soaking wet, she would begin soaping up my firm thighs and buttocks, work on another part of my body, but then would come back to washing my thighs and buttocks again and again.

She told me repeatedly that my ass was my best feature, although she also repeatedly told me that I had legs like a dancer. She couldn't seem to get enough of those parts of my anatomy and would put her hands on them again and again, even washing me in the narrow crevice between my butt-cheeks.

And Chloe also liked to chat while she was washing me. I was a captive audience, so she could speak to me on any topic she felt like expounding upon and I had to listen.

Over the past few months, Chloe had explained in great detail, the injustice of one of her favorite co-workers getting fired, the elation of training for a ten kilometer race and improving her time by an impressive thirty-nine seconds, the incompetence of her boyfriend in learning how to perform cunnilingus, the fight she'd had with her brother-in-law and many, many other topics which I had to listen to intently, whether I was interested or not.

If I appeared to be ignoring her, she would cruelly pinch me in a sensitive part of my anatomy and demand that I pay close attention to what she was saying. Sometimes she would ask me questions about what she had told me, just to test me and see if I was listening.

On this particular day, I stood there soaking wet, naked with my hands flat against the shower wall, my arms raised well above my head, leaning against the wall with my legs spread obscenely wide, while I waited for Chloe to soap me up and expound on whatever topic was currently on her mind.

"So, did Claudia tell you that our time is soon coming to an end?"

Chloe and Claudia were co-workers and quite probably friends. It was no surprise that Claudia would have told Chloe that I wouldn't be around much longer.

"She told me," I replied, holding my awkward position while Chloe soaped up my naked body. I couldn't help but notice that she spent far more time soaping my breasts, buttocks, thighs and pubic lips than she did on my arms, armpits, back, neck or the soles of my feet. She quite obviously had biases. Certain parts of my anatomy got much more attention than others.

"I'm going to miss you," Chloe confided in me, "I've enjoyed cleaning you up after your workouts, and you've been great for business. We've signed up an army of new members during the months that you've been working out here. I guess that's why they've already chosen a replacement for you."

"Replacement?" I asked as Chloe lathered up my inner-thighs, dangerously close to my swollen pubic lips.

"Claudia didn't tell you? Management is afraid that we'll lose customers once we no longer have a naked slave working out here, so they've been looking into giving a free membership to somebody else that's just as sexy as you.'

Then she leaned in close, her arms wrapped around my waist and her chin resting on my right shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"They've failed. I've seen photos of the girl they've chosen. She's an Australian girl named Nicole. She's tall, blonde, and thin and she's got a pretty face, but she's just not as sexy as you."

I could feel the hot breath of Chloe's breath as she whispered in my ear and my legs felt weak. Somehow the soft way she held me close and whispered in my ear seemed more intimate than when she was soaping me up between my legs.

"She's also not as brave as you, you wonderful lesbian slave-girl," Chloe confided in me as she insinuated her fingers into the tight furrow in between my buttocks and I squirmed involuntarily as she used soap, a washcloth and the spray of a shower nozzle to thoroughly clean and rinse that very private and intimate part of my anatomy.

"Your slave contract kept you here for months," Chloe reminded me, "This Australian girl will only be here for three weeks. Despite the public humiliation and stinging punishments that come with being a slave, you were willing to sign away your freedom for months. That makes you much braver than this pretty-girl who only signed up for a few weeks."

"Being a slave-girl can be very intimidating," I politely reminded Chloe.

"Yes, but as daunting and intimidating as it is, you signed up almost four months! You're a very brave girl!"

Brave or not, my thighs trembled while Chloe's hands soaped and rinsed my obscenely exposed sex. And even when it was obvious she had done a thorough job cleaning the parted lips of my sex, her fingers continued to trail up and down the length of my defenseless vulva. I moaned and panted and my legs felt all wobbly as Chloe unfairly provoked my libido to feverish levels.

"I wonder if the Australian girl will tremble and pant like you, when I wash her pussy," Chloe said wistfully and I had to admit I had no way of knowing.

"My boss has already assured me, I'll be the one who gets to wash her after her workouts," Chloe said, "I really hope she embarrasses easily. It would be fun to see her blush and tremble with embarrassment and humiliation as my hands manipulate her body, make her nipples erect and make her whimper with shame at how easily I take her right to the edge of orgasm.

When Chloe finally took her hands away from my pussy, my clit was free from its hood and so hard and swollen that it ached.

Chloe pretended not to notice and proceeded to slowly and methodically fondle my inner-thighs while she washed them.

"It's a shame I won't be here to see it," I said, my voice weak, as overpowering, throbbing sexual need made it difficult for me to speak.

"I might be able to videotape it," Chloe said, "If I can, I'll mail a copy to your mistress. She'd probably enjoy watching me work on the new girl."

And as Chloe ran her hands all over my thighs, calves and the soles of my feet, she regaled me with her plans of how she was going to torment this poor girl from Australia.

"Do you think she'll be straight?" Chloe asked. "You have no idea how much fun it would be to play with a straight girl's naked body and make her feverish with lust as my hands travel over every inch of her anatomy, stroking her, rubbing her, probing her, squeezing her and molding my hands across areas of her body that normally only lovers touch. Straight girls can get so ashamed and distressed when they're fondled and forced to the brink of orgasm by another woman."

I honestly didn't think that the Australian slave-girl would be straight. Chloe had already been promised that she would get to wash the new slave-girl, and the way she washed slaves was basically like intense sexual foreplay, and Sessian slave laws protected heterosexual slaves from being forced into having sex with people of the same gender as them.

And although that was the opinion quietly forming in my head, I didn't share that opinion with Chloe. She seemed so keen to torment a straight girl, I really just couldn't say anything that would ruin her good mood and her enthusiasm.

"I really don't know, Mistress," I replied, "Can't you check her file with the O.S.I.?"

"She doesn't have one yet," replied Chloe as she began soaping up my buttocks and thighs again. "She'll have one soon, but this is still in the planning stages just yet."

* * * * * * * * * *

The next time Gretchen took me to see Lady Preston, Lexi came along with us. Gretchen hadn't mentioned anything to me about taking Lexi to meet Lady Preston, so I was understandably surprised.

"It's like this, dear," Gretchen explained, "When you go back to America, Lady Preston won't have a girl anymore to discipline or humiliate. Also, when you go back to America, Lexi won't have anybody to dominate or punish her. Lexi thought we could solve both problems by volunteering to be Lady Preston's new lesbian submissive, and Lady Preston is open to exploring that idea as a possible solution."