Review Surprise Pt. 02

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Holly finds out her boss is serious.
8.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/22/2015
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Holly got home and immediately got out of her clothes and showered. Reflecting back on what Mike did, she was still in disbelief. Disbelief at what he had the unmitigated gall to do and disbelief at what her career had boiled down to.

"Twenty years at Colten Best and this is what it comes to," she thought. "Geezuz H..."

After supper and making sure the kids were set with their homework, Holly sat down to watch "Survivor" and get caught up on work email. At about 8:00pm, an email from Mike came through. The blood ran from Holly's face and her heart sank.

"Tomorrow, pack something s*xy to wear. Don't ask questions. Just do it. I'm going to let you know I'm serious. We are going to the warehouse in Iowa tomorrow. Do not disappoint with the s*xy clothes you bring or the fun we have is going to be exponentially harder on you than what I have in mind. Skirt (shorter the better) instead of pants. High heels would be nice. Show off that rack. And shave up that p*ssy. Do a real thin stripe."

She briefly thought of using that email against him but thought better of it. Yeah, he'd have some tough questions to answer but so would she. Holly did not want anyone to know what had just happened. She knew that Mike had powerful friends at Colten and if it got out that she caused problems for him... Eesh.

Holly also thought of just ignoring Mike's demand. But the answer to, "What could he do?" was - "A lot." He pretty much had her career in his slimy hands.

"I hate that fuckin bastard," she whispered.

"Did you say something?" her husband asked, looking away from "Survivor."

"Oh, no. Just reading a work email. Love my job!" she said sarcastically and forced a laugh.

She stayed up late, waiting until she knew her husband would be asleep. Sex was the last thing on her mind and she didn't want to risk him wanting to get frisky. Holly was tempted to have a few drinks to get her mind off of it but she was afraid she'd be hung over. Dealing with what she was afraid was coming tomorrow on a hangover would have made it ten times worse.

6:00AM came real early. Her husband was gone by 6:30 and Holly was on her second snooze by the time she heard the SUV leave the garage. She struggled out of bed, dreading what was coming. She showered and spent an extra 10 minutes shaving up as she was directed to do. The kids were ready late as usual and she dropped them off at school just time... as usual.

At 8:15 an email from Mike arrived to her inbox.

"Check this out. They say the camera adds 10 pounds but I don't see it..." read the email. "It's small enough that no one else will see it from more than 5 feet away." The attachment was IMG_042038.mp4.

Holly glanced around and everybody around her was heads-down busy in their cubes. She opened the file and Windows Media Player came to life and then her heart sank and her cheeks went flush. The screen was small - only about 4" x 2" - but there she was, on her knees in front of Mike. The video lasted three seconds. It was shot from the other end of the room. The camera - probably from his phone - was set at table height. She figured he hid it behind the conference room phone and whatever else was on the table.

"Oh my fucking god," was all she could whisper.

She ran it again to see if she was clearly identifiable. She was kind of leaning back, her head tilted back as he fucked her tits, her hands pushing them together. Yep, it was clearly her; even in the low resolution video.

She typed out, "What are you thinking???" and sent it. Then she quickly deleted it from her Inbox, her Sent Items, and her Deleted Items. Then, after thinking for a moment also went to her Recovered Deleted Items and killed it from there.

"That will cover everything..." she thought to herself.

Her heart was racing with panic. He did to her - and her career - what he did and - AND - took video.

Almost right away another email from Mike arrived. Holly almost shift-deleted it but thought she better open it to see what he had to say.

"You are awesome at this," it read. "Maybe a side career? You look natural, s*xy."

It had another mp4 attachment which she reluctantly - dreadfully - opened.

This was about 3 seconds of her licking Mike's cum off of her tits as he had directed her to do. She closed it immediately, looking around to make sure no one was looking her way.

Angry, she typed out a reply to him. "What's the point of this? I was there, I don't need to see this. STOP."

She sent it and then completely deleted it from her email profile as she did his first email.

The next couple of hours were routine work. At 11:00 another email from Mike arrived.

"At 1:30 we're taking a road trip. If you didn't bring the clothes I told you to bring, get them. You best think I'm serious. No arguing. No whining or I'll make this way harder for you." No attachment in this one. A relief for Holly.

Right away, Holly went into defensive mode. "How can I get out of this?" she thought to herself.

"I have meetings this afternoon," was her reply.

Mike's reply came quick. "Is that really how you want to reply? You're a manager. Show me how you can manage. Move the meetings. It's a Friday, people will appreciate it. I'll meet you in the parking lot on the west side of ShopKo. No need to respond to this. Just be there. 1:30. Don't be late. Don't disappoint."

She clicked Reply and sent a quick, "Can you tell me where we are going? What are we doing??"

His reply: "I'll let it be a surprise. Use your imagination..."

Holly deleted it and then did a quick check of her email to make sure all of the emails were gone from everywhere. Then she went about dreading the rest of the day.

She had a light lunch in the cafeteria with a couple of co-workers and then headed out for ShopKo across the street from the Colten Best office building at 1:15. Fearing the reaction she might get for being late, she wanted to be there plenty early.

Mike was early also, standing outside of his SUV with his hands in his pockets. She parked a few stalls down from him, collected her purse and her bag of clothes and walked over to where he was. Without acknowledging him, she got in the rear passenger door and sat down in back.

"Well then," Mike said getting in and shutting the door, "we are on our way."

Holly said nothing; she only stared out the side window. She would not give him the satisfaction of being polite.

Miked looked into the rearview as he backed out of his parking stall. "Didja bring some sexy stuff to change into?"

"I have some clothes to change into. I don't know that I have anything sexy. I've got a skirt, a tank top, heels and another bra. If you don't like it, too bad."

"Well... get into it," he said as he pulled out onto the highway heading out of town.

"Right now... you want me to change right now. Where are we heading anyway?"

"Shullsburg," he replied. "It's a rip roarin' town this time of year. And yes, I want you to change now."

Mike adjusted the rear view mirror so he'd have a better look at the back seat. Holly could see his stupid grin as he looked at her.

"Keep your eyes on the road, huh?"

Mike laughed. "We'll be there in 40 minutes."

"Yea," Holly said. "Can't wait."

She pulled her clothes out of the bag and set them next to her. She felt cheap having to change essentially right in front of him but she had no choice. She hated that feeling.

The button-down shirt came off first and Mike didn't miss a single button being undone. "How come you wear such a fuddy-duddy bra?" You've got an awesome rack. They deserve a sexier bra than that."

"What's the difference? I wear a shirt, don't I?"

She undid her bra, hating that he was watching, and let it slip off of her. "He's gonna say something..." she thought. Mike didn't disappoint.

"Jesus H Christ, Holly," he said turning his head to look at her. "Incredible rack. Wow."

"Eyes on the road!"

"Play with those things for me for a few minutes. Maul those tits..."

She took a deep breath and brought her hands up to cup her tits. "Christ..." She squeezed them and moved them around in circles. Nothing real glamorous; she couldn't see what he liked about it.

"Yeahhhhhhhh, that's right," he said. "Awesome tits."

Holly was unimpressed with his compliments. She continued groping her tits for him.

"Lick those nipples for me..."

She looked up at him. "What?"

"Lick them," Mike repeated. "Stick that tongue out and lick your nipples. You can do it."

"I can't lick them."

"Yes... you can," he said. "Just do it."

She shook her head slightly, clearly pissed off. She lowered her head as she squeezed her tits together and pulled them up as much as she could. The tip of her outstretched tongue was just able to reach her nipples. She flicked one nipple then the other.

He turned his head again to look back at her. "There you go... Very nice."

"Can you not turn around? I'd rather not die topless out on this road... if you don't mind."

"I can't wait to fuck that snotty mouth of yours." He checked out the traffic briefly and then looked at her in the mirror. "Tongue those tits some more. C'mon..."

Holly moved her mouth back and forth, tongue extended, flicking her nipples. She looked sexy as hell and Mike was sporting a serious hard-on.

She gave it a good minute and then had enough. "I'm going to finish getting dressed. Watch if you want but I'm done with that."

Mike let it go. "Not a hill worth dying on," he thought. "Bigger and better things to come..." He smiled.

Holly got into her other bra, a purple-ish, floral-ish thing is how Mike described it, with a tiny little bow where it clasped in the front. A great looking push-up bra for Holly's great rack. A great touch.

Next, she shimmied out of her work pants and her old grandma undies. She slipped on a slinky black lacy thong and a dark grey skirt that was cut about mid-thigh. She topped it off with a black tank top, cut very low and showed off the awesome cleavage her push-up bra was making.

Mike took a glance in the mirror and was very happy with what he saw. Holly saw that he was looking and purposely avoided his eyes.

"Very nice," he said. "Wow. I should pull this thing over, get in back and fuck your brains out right now."

She looked away. "Yeah, you do that. Isn't that pretty much what this is going to end with anyway?"

"You'll see when we get there," was all he said.

He drove on in silence for a few minutes. Holly sat in back looking out the window, trying to keep her mind off what she knew was coming.

"Oh! I almost forgot," Mike blurted out. "Did you shave up nice and sexy?"

"I shaved up, yes."

"I see. How'd you do it? What's it look like?"

"I said it's shaved. You'll see eventually, right?"

He looked again in the rearview mirror, knowing she hated that. "You know, that mouth of yours can get you into a worse spot than you're already in. Is that what you want? I can make it rougher if you want. Believe me. I can. And will." He glared at her in the mirror making sure she got his sincerity.

Holly sat in stone faced silence looking out the back passenger window.

"I said, is that what you want?!"

She looked back at him. "What do you want from me?! No! I don't want any of this!"

"I asked you what your shave job looks like!" He was still looking at her in the mirror.

"I don't know! It's a strip. Best I could do."

"Nice. Let's see it. Lift that skirt up and yank those panties down. Give me a peek."

Reluctantly, she did as he told her. The skirt wasn't skin tight but tight enough to make pulling it up while sitting down difficult. Holly pulled the front of her thong down and exposed her pubes.

"Damn!" he said, looking at the pencil-thin strip she shaved. "Is that easy to do? Do you always shave up?"

"I hadn't shaved down there in months. It took about 15 minutes. Not easy at all."

Mike shook his head. "Wow, that's something. You know that pussy's getting fucked today, right?"

"Yeah, I gathered that." She went back to looking out the window.

They pulled into Shullsburg, a small town of about 1000 people. A few blocks in Mike turned the SUV left and started to slow down.

"Here it is - the Night Owl Saloon. Ever been here?"

She peered out the window at the sign out front. "I don't believe so."

"Well, I thought we'd come here to get warmed up and then see where the fun takes us. You can leave your purse in here unless you think you'll get carded. Drinks are on me today."

The bar was on a corner and Mike turned right and parked at the side of the bar. They got out and walked in the glass front door into a vestibule with another wooden door that went into the bar. Mike gently shoved Holly up against the door and stood close to her. Surprised, Holly put her arms up in front of her, looking at him, not knowing what to expect.

Mike used his left hand to clear her arms and grabbed her hair with his right. He jerked her head and kissed her. She refused at first, but his tongue brute forced its way into her mouth, finding her tongue. Holly went stiff, refusing his advance.

He pulled back and jerked her head by her hair and looked into her face. "Loosen up. Do not make this harder on yourself."

Then he kissed her again. She still felt a little stiff but she forced herself to relax a bit. At least she knew what to expect the second time. His tongue circled, enjoying the warmth of her mouth. He grabbed her right hand and guided it to his crotch. He was sporting a decent hard-on and wanted her to know it.

"That's all you, baby," he said. "What do you think?"

"It's getting there..." she said, not looking him in the eye.

"I even shaved up my balls for you. How's that?"

"Love it," she replied with as much disinterest as possible.

Mike tugged her hair back again. "Look, you can make this real, real hard on yourself or you can play along a little bit and make it a lot easier for yourself. You pick - right now."

He looked her directly in the eyes while talking to her, hoping to get his point across.

"What's it going to be?" he asked still holding her head back by her hair.

She paused a few more seconds and then took his left hand to her chest, pressing it to her tits. Then she reached for his crotch again, rubbing it. She softened the look on her face and mustered a smile.

"Shall we go in and get something to drink?" she asked with a coy look on her face.

Mike smiled. "That's the spirit."

And with that they headed into the bar.

The Night Owl Saloon was a typical small-town tavern. The lighting was dim, the atmosphere slightly dingy. They entered at the left end of a long bar that trailed off to a back room with a pool table. A pinball machine and a couple of gambling machines were in the corner at the end of the bar by the entrance. More tables lined the wall opposite the bar. The sounds of two guys shooting pool in the back were the only sounds aside from ESPN coming from the two televisions.

"Let's go back here," Mike said and headed to the back.

As they approached the back, Mike exchanged greetings with the guys in the back. Within a few seconds, she could see familiar faces. The two guys shooting pool were fellow employees at one of Colten Best's satellite offices that she knew and worked with periodically. Holly froze. These were guys she knew from work! It took Holly about two seconds to piece it all together.

Mike swapped handshakes and hellos with them as Holly stood there watching.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," she thought. "All three of them? No fucking way."

Martin and Kody both worked at one of Colten Best's offices in Iowa, not too far from Shullsburg and Holly dealt with them on a regular basis. She couldn't believe what it looked like was coming her way.

Martin walked toward her. "Holly! Welcome to the Night Owl! Here, have a shot."

Holly took the shot glass from him and said hello, still in shock. She sniffed the shot glass. "Tequila... Not exactly my favorite."

"Oh c'mon," Martin said. "Something to kind of hit the ground running with."

"Uhhh, OK." She drank the shot. The hardness of it made her close her eyes and lower head. Holly was never a shot drinker.

He put his arm around his shoulder and pulled her to him, chuckling. "Atta girl. Let's have some fun today, huh?"

They walked back to where Kody and Mike were talking.

"Well look who joined us!" Kody said and gave her a hug. She hugged him back politely.

Kody and Martin were managers in the receiving warehouse. Holly communicated with them frequently by phone and email, dealing with issues about product coming in, QA inspections, damaged goods, etc. Lots of boring work stuff. Part of her job.

She got to know them personally as well. They were all roughly the same age. Holly liked them. She hated Mike - even before yesterday - and was disappointed to see Kody and Martin were pals with him. Through the course of emailing, at times there was some light flirting. Martin and Kody attended a party in Mt. Rowton for a co-worker a few months ago. Martin drank quite a bit and started hitting on Holly. It was nothing major but his intentions were clear. She wormed her way out of it and didn't let anything happen. That just wasn't her style. The flirting - with both Kody and Martin - was cut off. Apparently, they - well, at least Martin - had gotten the wrong idea and she couldn't do it anymore.

And so now... here they were. She was fucked.

"Did you have a drink?" Kody asked. "You shoot pool? We've got the run of the place."

She'd overheard Kody telling Mike that the bar manager, shortly after Kody and Martin arrived, had intended to close up for a few hours in order to tend to some odd jobs at his feed mill business right next door. They talked him into letting them stay to shoot pool and drink beer for a few hours. In return, they'd give him $100. The bar manager was a bit skeptical but heck, $100 for doing no work was foolish to turn down. So they had the run of the place. It made Holly wonder exactly what the plan was, besides the dreaded obvious.

"Yeah," she said. "Martin gave me a shot of tequila. Which I'm kinda feeling already. I don't think you'll want me as a pool partner, not even sober."

Mike walked past them towards the bar. "Hey, Holly, rack 'em up. You're my partner. I'm going to refill the pitcher. MGD good enough for everyone? A good Wisconsin beer OK for you Iowa boys? I hear Aaron Rodgers drinks it."

"Ohhhhhhhhh! No way!" said Kody laughing. Kody was a big Iowa Hawkeye and Dallas Cowboys fan.

"Hey, you beat us in pool and you can pick the next pitcher," said Mike.

"Alright, c'mon, Holly," Martin said. "You know how to rack 'em? Kody's breaking."

She walked over to the end of the pool table where he was standing. "I'll give it a shot."

Martin described how to do it and then walked around to the side of the table to watch. She was bent over slightly, rearranging the balls. Her low-cut top displayed her cleavage very nicely; precisely what Martin wanted to see by having her rack.

He smiled. "Damn, that's a nice rack, Holly."

Holly looked up with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, that's funny."

She got the balls racked and then put the rack on a table opposite of where Martin was standing.

"Don't you agree though, Kody?" Martin said as he walked over to stand next to Holly. He put his arm around her shoulders and moved up close.