Revolution Rubber Match

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Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa look to settle the score.
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"Basura Baker! ¿Dónde estás, perra? Where..." Thunder Rosa barked, intense and intimidating as ever as she barged into All-Elite Wrestling's budding women's locker room, in search of her greatest rival. And, luckily for La Mera Mera, Dr. Britt Baker was never hard to find on a Wednesday or Friday night. Usually, if she wasn't in the ring, cutting a scathing promo or defending her reputation as Women's World Champion, she was right here, pounding some bitch ass with her massive strap-on cock. Though usually, the "bitch ass" in question was one of two, or both, specific pieces of bitch ass. And tonight, like most nights, it was Britt's favorite piece of ass.

"¡Ahí estás, Basura Baker! There you are! I've heard you've been looking for me again...though you already look pretty busy!"

Britt smiled as she reached down, latching a mitt on one of Jamie Hayter's fat, British cheeks, playfully jiggling it as she pumped her hips to prove that she was, in fact, very busy with her pale, PAWG partner. Though, with plenty of business to attend to, Baker wasn't averse to multi-tasking.

"Happy Revolution Day, Rosa! I know you've been waiting for this grand loss of yours for some time now!"

"Perra estúpida! You still think you'll win tonight, Basura? Who won last time?" Rosa argued.

"Technically me, since our last match that YOU won was unsanctioned!" Britt reminded, and Thunder groaned.

"Pinche idiota! ¿A quién le importa técnicamente cuando te follé el culo y te hice correrte como una puta? Yeah! Who cares about what technically happened when I fucked your ass and made you cum like a whore, huh?"

Britt, despite loving Hayter's fat cheeks, couldn't help but let Rosa's words get to her. "Oh yeah? Well didn't I fuck you when I won our first match? Yeaaaaah, I remember that!"

"You're stupid, Basura! It means nothing!" Rosa dismissed. "You loved it more than me! And besides, tonight is about the world title, with no asses on the line! Si, no hay culos en la línea!"

"Yeah, about that..."

"No, don't even ask again! I told you for one million times, Baker! No asses! I want a serious match!"

"I know, I know," Britt assured. "But, I've been missing your fat, Mexican cheeks, Thunder! One more time? C'mon, I need another shot!"

"Wait...Britt..." Jamie whimpered, putting an egregious amount of effort into spreading her cake for The Docta. "Ya...ya not tired of my arse...are ya?"

Despite how often Britt found herself inside of her much larger and muscular friend's booty, Jamie wasn't inclined to call DMD her "Mistress", mostly because in public, she wasn't required to. In reality, Hayter's humps belonged to Britt. In reality, Jamie was Baker's bitch. But, Britt liked to keep her bitch, her big, strong badass bitch looking as big, strong, and badass as possible. After all, Hayter was her heater, someone that most of the locker room wasn't keen on fucking with. So anything, even something as simple as the privilege of calling Britt by her given name was enough to create the illusion that their relationship was more symbiotic than it actually was.

"Oh no, of course not, Jamie!" Britt said, slapping that big, British pound cake as confirmation, leaving a noticeable red mark and making the imposing yet pathetic PAWG squeal. "I love your booty and I always will! But Rosa? Mmmm...fuck, someone's gotta be in that ass! Otherwise, she's doing this locker room a huge disservice. Hell, that's probably why everyone here hates you, Rosa! You're depriving so many of us! We need those Thunder Cheeks consistently!"

"Idiota...they get plenty with your slutty culo!" Rosa growled back, and Britt blushed. Jamie's gorgeous bum wasn't enough to quell Baker's insecurities.

"Hey, I don't bottom...anymore."

She did, for quite some time. But that was then, before she realized her destiny of becoming both the Women's World Champion and the face of the division. Sure, it's taken some time to rebuild her credibility, but now, Britt was the baddest bitch on the block, even without Jamie and Reba by her side, helping her win. Ever since she won the title from Shida, and fucked that tight, Japanese booty too, Britt's been completely abstinent...except for that one night with Rosa. But that didn't matter now! Not tonight, on the night of her grand revenge.

"No? Amabas mi gran polla, Baker...I saw it! Your ass loved my cock after I kicked it in Lights Out!"

"Prove it, then! Rubber match: Dr. Britt Baker, DMD vs Thunder Rosa 3, ass for ass! Win, and you get to show all of these conspirators that you are as great as you say that you are. But lose, and I prove once and for all that you're not," Britt barked out, then slapped Jamie's fat cakes again as she ordered, "Help me, Jamie!"

"O-Okay..." Jamie whimpered, the intensity of the massive strap-on defiling her bowels nearly too much for the hard-hitter. "R-Rosa...put ya arse on the line! C'mon, one more go!"

"No," Thunder groaned again, not budging. "No asses! I just want to get ready so I can beat you again and win that title. That's what matters."

"You say that, but I know you want my ass as much as I want yours...hell, probably more! You love girl butts, Rosa, I know you do!"

"You know nothing, Basura!"

"Oh, I have a doctorate, me, I know everything. You know this feud can't end until somebody breaks! That's the nature of the game. So let's stop beating around the bush and agree to finish this little thing between us the only way it was meant to, huh?"

Rosa got real silent, telling Britt everything she needed to know. So, while her greatest rival contemplated her decision, DMD refocused her attention, at least momentarily, on that gorgeous pair of ass cheeks currently clapping below her. Which was easy, considering just how pretty Jamie's ass was. Always so jiggly for a muscle booty too, which was especially surprising. Though, even with Hayter moaning as her thighs collided into those cheeks over and over with every brutal thrust, Britt couldn't help but picture Rosa's arguably fatter, jigglier booty quaking in front of her, instead. A sight that she saw once before and God, was it glorious! She just had to have it again. And luckily for The Dentist, it looked as though she was about to get the chance.

"Fine! Puta tonta...okay, you win! I didn't want to make my moment all about your ass, Basura, but you push too many buttons! So now, you'll lose your title and your mind when you become my bitch inside the ring and out! I promise, I'll make you regret ever being a champion!"

Strong words from a strong-willed woman, filled with the fire and the desire of her people. As Thunder stormed off to prepare for the biggest match of her career, Britt smiled and clapped giddily, happy to have gotten her way. After all, Rosa has never beaten her one-on-one technically, with that only actual loss coming in an unsanctioned, no rules match where anything goes. And while Britt did consider herself a "hardcore specialist", she felt she was truly at her best when she could outsmart her opponents. And tonight, she planned on doing just that, as she finished up with Jamie, still a fair few hours before Revolution goes live.


"1! 2! 3!" The packed Orlando crowd chanted along with the refs count as Britt Baker pinned her rival, with a little help from friends. Rebel (not Reba, same diff) who'd arrived shortly after the bet was made and, of course, Jamie Hayter and her fat, now plugged ass. The trap had been laid by The Docta and, like a little, fired-up, intense mouse, Rosa fell for it. Small distraction, curb stomp and, boom! Britt was leaving the crowd and all of her internet haters ready to see her finally lose the title in a state of shock and dismay. Though, nobody was more dismayed than Thunder Rosa herself, who sulked all the way back to the locker room as she prepared to bend over and spread her cheeks for her most-hated rival once again.

Which, of course, didn't leave Thunder entirely distraught. Why would it? Britt could never break her! Never had and never will! That was the mindset La Mera Mera carried with her at all times but especially now, having lost the biggest match of her entire career to her greatest rival, no less. And while, yes, she still would be the #1 contender, as nobody else's record could touch her's, and Basura Baker didn't stand a snowball's chance in Hell at breaking her, the act of actually getting fucked by AEW's resident dentist wasn't exactly setting her excitement receptors on fire. Nevertheless, Rosa couldn't stand outside of the locker room door forever. So, holding her neck with one arm, she used the other to open the door angrily.

Immediately, Thunder was greeted to a surprising, unwelcome sight. The entire locker room's eyes were locked onto her, not a single top or bottom commiting the acts that they're so used to. Nope, all eyes were on Rosa. "Where is she, huh? Basura, that cheating puta?"

"Oh, don't worry, I'm right over here, Thunder!" Britt called out from the crowd; she was merely stepping out of her wrestling gear. She approached her rival-turned-prey in the center of the room, the rest of the roster surrounding them.

"What was that out there? Sabía que no podías vencerme sin hacer trampa! You had to cheat to beat me!" Rosa's intensity was hard to match and naturally, it made most of the roster uncomfortable. Getting yelled at in Spanish by a fierce Mexican Mamacita? Yeah, not exactly enjoyable for those not looking to get absolutely dominated. Luckily for Britt though, the only one who'd be doing any actual dominating tonight was her.

"So?" Britt asked with a giggle, removing her top, allowing her natural breasts to breathe and, in turn, removing the final aspect of her wrestling gear.

"So, you expect me to honor our bet when you fight with no honor?" Rosa asked, still clutching her head, feeling the effects of Britt's devastating curb stomp.

"Well...I don't expect you to like it...but we made a bet. We didn't agree that we'd play fair," Britt explained.

Jamie added, coming to Britt's side, "Yeah, Rosa. If ya wanted Britt to play fair, ya shoulda made it part of the agreement."

"Oh shut up, puta! You don't speak to real women! Callarse la boca!" Rosa snapped before replying to Britt, "The deal is off! Maybe next time, when you beat me yourself. But, we both know that will never happen, don't we, Basura?"

"Oh, Thunder, what we ACTUALLY both know is that a bet can't just be called off. We made an agreement, and when we put asses on the line, that's ironclad! Right, ladies?" Britt asked openly, receiving a raucous "Yes!" from the roster of onlookers. Naturally, they were interested in seeing the brash, smug Thunder Rosa put in her place too, even if they didn't care much for Britt either. "Face it, Rosa...this is happening! You're gonna bend over for me, just like after the first time we wrestled, and just like I bent over for you after you beat me in a match that didn't count towards my record. Remember that?"

Rosa groaned but, ultimately, nodded. "But you still complained."

"I did it regardless! It's only fair, right? Maybe I didn't beat you on my own, but I still beat you! Pinned, 1,2,3! And now, you're gonna bend over and present that fat, Mexican ass to me because I earned it!"

Rosa lowered her head in shame. "I'll make you pay for this, Basura!" Nevertheless, she dropped to her knees, beginning the first step towards pressing her face to the floor and presenting DMD, her temporary top with that gorgeous booty she's so fond of shaking and twerking for social media.

"What does that even mean, anyway?" Jamie asked, struggling to hold an amused cackle as Rosa's humiliation began.

"Basura? It means she is trash! And you're right along with her, puta! You take her cock every day! You've got no right to laugh at a real woman like me!"

Regardless, Jamie did exactly that, and laughed at Thunder's expense, no longer able to hold it in. And unsurprisingly, Britt was quick to join in, though once her bestie carried the laughing load, Jamie calmed briefly to explain, "Oh yeah, such a big girl talkin' from ya high horse, huh, Rosa? Because ya so tough, right? I only get fucked by one person, and I'm not ashamed to admit it! But you? How many different girls have fucked your arse?"

Rosa snapped, "The better question would be how many have fucked your partner's ass?" Admittedly, a great comeback, one that did it's job by firing up DMD in an instant.

"Hey, we're not talking about me, here!" Britt snapped.

"Blame your partner, Basura! Butt bitches shouldn't run their mouths!"

Jamie was quick to return fire, shouting, "When Britt's done with ya, I'll show ya how much of a butt bitch I am! I can beat anyone here! And I'll-"

Britt interrupted, "Jamie, shut up! There's no need to play her little childish games...she wants us to get worked up, specifically me so I'll be off my game. I got this, alright? and get me a strap-on, okay? My biggest one, too!"

Hayter wasn't exactly enthused about being put in place by Britt. After all, their partnership was supposed to be semi-equal, as equal as a dom/sub relationship can be, at least. Britt agreed to, and admittedly has, always treated Jamie as her underboss, an entirely protected entity except from Baker, herself. Which was why nobody besides Britt has touched her ass. In rare losses, it was always Rebel's (not Reba's) ass handed over. Jamie was kept sacred, only enjoyed by the Women's World Champion.

Not exactly a shameless honor, but there were worse realities for most girls as pretty and double-cheeked up as Jamie Hayter, regardless of how strong and muscular she is. Those muscles still helped keep her imposing enough to be feared by most of the roster. Maybe not Rosa, or Britt, Jade or Statlander, but the rest of the smaller, weaker, fat-assed bitches on AEW's payroll found more than enough respect for Jamie with presence alone, no matter how many times she's embarrassed herself bending over for The Docta.

In any case, all eyes were on La Mera Mera at the moment, officially bent over, that famously thick Latin booty still covered by her neon blue and white/black checkered-accented tights. Jamie whisked away, in search of Britt's biggest toy; orders are orders, after all. Meanwhile, Baker stalked her prey, her eyes locked on the prize for the entirety of her short journey. And really...could you blame her?

For someone always so intense, always yapping about her pride and heritage, and how much that meant and why she could never truly be a bottom...Rosa sure was dragging a big, fat fucking wagon behind her. God, her ass was huge! Just the shape and sheer amount of booty meat visible from behind her tights was enough to get The "Roll" Model's mouth-watering, let alone when her hands drifted over to both sides of Rosa's gear and yanked down. Yank and yank she did, Britt struggling to contain both her lust and laughter as the skin-tight material clung to Thunder's dumper, making the removal quite the challenge.

Eventually she succeeded though, ripping those tights down and revealing those bare cheeks in all of their glory, as well as what lied between them. Britt spread those tanned, meaty cheeks apart, her eyes immediately darting to, quite possibly, her favorite thing on this Earth save for her career in medicine and the AEW Women's World Championship. The winking, enticing, empty butthole of her greatest rival. Empty for now, at least; it'd be full with over a dozen inches of rubber cock soon enough. In the meantime, Britt found it fitting to fill it with something else instead.

After playfully shaking those gelatinous cheeks around, as well as noting Thunder Rosa's groan of disapproval, Britt announced, "I'm gonna rim you now, Rosa. Get your butt nice and ready to get fucking does that sound?"

" NOT talk to me like I enjoy this!!!" Rosa whined. "Acaba con esto de una vez! Do whatever you're going to do and get it over with! I don't need commentary, okay, Basura? I don't need to hear your stupid voice-AYY!" Thunder, mid-promo, squealed out in response to the unexpected smack to her large rump, which left a noticeably red mark across her tan flesh.

"Zip it, loser! When it comes to you, I'll say and do whatever the fuck I want, got it?" Britt announced, emphasizing her stance with another, even more vicious smack to Thunder's booty, which got an equally unfavorable response. Rosa muttered what surely had to be obscenities in Spanish, all of which were underneath her breath meaning that Britt didn't catch them, and wouldn't understand them anyway. So, she ignored, instead refocusing her eyes on the prize. Her prize. In her opinion, the only aspect of value Thunder Rosa brought to the table.

Normally, Britt wouldn't waste time when the goal was: rim asshole. Personally, Baker always felt like rimming was a more submissive act, probably because at her very worst, she rimming several people per day for tops in between ass fuckings. But with Thunder, someone she hates more than she loves hearing the crowd chant "DMD", dragging this out was too irresistible. Britt couldn't just simply start eating Rosa's ass. Noooo...she needed to make sure this whole situation was as humiliating and humbling as possible.

Instead of diving right in, tongue first, Baker simply shoved her face between those cheeks, properly smothering her face in prime, grade-A Mexican booty meat. Britt held that position for quite some time, that pretty face of hers just devoured by ass, moaning so everybody, especially Rosa, could know just how much fun that butt was. And when simply keeping her head stationary started to lose its luster, Britt returned her hands to those cheeks and squished them together, forming a sandwich with her face as the meat and covered by two huge, tasty, and hefty buns. Anything to play with that ass and really hammer home that this, Rosa's current state, was a massive fall from grace.

Though luckily for her (and unfortunately for Britt), the fun was interrupted prematurely by Jamie returning to the area of action bearing a strap-on harness and massive, 12 inch attachable dildo. "Ready, Britt?" She asked.

Pulling her face from the canyon known as La Mera Mera's ass crack, Britt assured, "Hold your horses, Jamie...I haven't even started eating her ass yet! We've got nothing but time, so why don't you suck on that dildo and get it nice and WET while I give this cute little butthole the attention it deserves?"

Jamie nodded, dropped to her knees, and brought the tip of the dildo up to her warm, welcoming mouth as Thunder groaned again. Hearing Britt speak about her this way wasn't fun, far from it. But at the very least, Rosa could take solace in the fact that the time for talking was over. Britt spread those cheeks again, spat down a thick loogie straight onto that puckered butthole, and proceeded to go to town.

The second Britt's tongue washed over that wrinkly sphincter, memories of their first time together came rushing back in. Vivid memories, moments that she'd never forget. Circling her tongue around the rim made picturing that time, before Rosa ever had a chance to return the favor, even easier.

While Britt lathered that ass in her saliva, Jamie pushed more and more of the dildo that very soon would be protruding from the Women's World Champion's crotch down her throat. No easy task, but the master of the Hayterade was more than equipped for the job. Down and down her gullet that rubber schlong went, coating it in her spit. The first attempt to fully-deepthroat that cock was a failure, unfortunately, Jamie struggling with 9 inches and ultimately tapping out at 10, spitting out the shaft in a coughing and hacking fit. It wasn't entirely in vain though, as the extra theatrics lead to an even thicker coating of spit on that shaft, but with another attempt all but assured.