Rider Ch. 14-17


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Then I realised that was being purely selfish, perhaps she would expect me to be the one to change, to join her in the country. Could I do that? What sort of work could I do?

I put those difficult thoughts to one side for a while and concentrated on things at a purely personal level. Was what I was feeling love, or merely a complex form of lust?

Certainly I lusted after her, constantly. In fact the thought became the deed and almost before the vision of her naked body had finished taking shape inside my head I felt my cock twitching in anticipation. But doing my best to push those images and reactions to one side I tried to separate the other feelings I had for her, and felt sure that in spite of the ridiculously brief time we'd known each other, they were very deep and could well turn out to be long-lasting.

Suddenly the thought struck me that again all I was doing was seeing things from my own point of view. How did Ros really feel, about me?

I was sure she was equally attracted to me physically, there was no doubt about that. But were her other feelings as deep as I thought mine were for her? Was I reading too much into a few affectionate smiles and the occasional brief comment?

I struggled with each of those ideas during the rest of the trip and hadn't really resolved any of them by the time I drove through the outskirts of the town. Other than looking for somewhere to buy the wine I hadn't really considered what else I'd do while I was there but, as I followed the same route Ros had directed me to take, I thought of the shop and Moira.

Moira, would a talk to her help me arrive at some answers? As I had absolutely nothing to lose I headed for the area where I had parked the previous time, then made for the shop.

As I entered I saw that Moira was serving another customer and was about to turn and try again later when she looked up, recognised me and called out that I should take a seat for a few minutes. Being in a shop like that on my own actually made me feel a bit of a fool, especially as I was only there for advice. But that gave me another thought and when a little later the other woman left and Moira came to greet me I knew how I was going to go about things.

'How nice to see you again so soon.' she said. 'How's Ros?'

'She's fine, we're having dinner together tonight. And I wanted to buy her a present, something rather special.' I added.

'That's very sweet of you. At first I thought you'd returned because there was something wrong with the undies you bought her the other day.'

'Oh no, they're beautiful.' Then, feeling colour rising to my face for some stupid reason added. 'Not that I've seen them properly of course.'

'She's probably keeping them for a special date then - maybe tonight.'

'Yes, perhaps. But about the present.'

'Of course, did you have something particular in mind?'

'As I said, I'd like it to be something special, something she'd love to wear but which she wouldn't buy for herself.'

'She's bought many things from me in the time I've known her. What you're talking about means it would have to be rather expensive, something she just couldn't afford.'

'I understand that. I just want it to be very, very special. Do you have anything like that?'

She thought for a moment and then her face lit up. 'Of course, how silly, I should have remembered straight away. She was looking at it when you were here with her, she actually said how much she loved it, was considering buying it instead of all the other things. But it was just beyond her means. It is expensive, but it's also absolutely gorgeous, she'll look positively beautiful in it, and she'll love you for getting it for her. Just wait a moment and I'll get it for you to have a look at.'

She returned with something inside a long zip-up cover and having hung it on a hook beside the counter and removed the bag I immediately understood why Ros had fallen for it.

It was a full length night-dress and matching negligee, made from very fine silk of a dark, almost bottle-green colour, shot with highlights in a lighter shade. As Moira pulled the negligee to one side so I could see the night-dress properly I saw that the bodice was made from very delicate lace that continued, in a narrowing panel down to a point below where her navel would be. I tried to imagine Ros inside it, her pale skin contrasting with the dark silk, her magnificent breasts filling the lace bodice.

'Oh yes, I'll take that, it's beautiful. It is her size isn't it?'

'Yes, it'll fit her perfectly. In actual fact I got it in specifically for her to look at. We're very good friends you know.'

I could hear the question behind the words and put her mind at ease by answering. 'Yes, I understand Moira. Ros told me.'

'I suppose I was thinking of something special for her birthday, or Christmas. Then of course she spotted it when you were in here the other day. It'll be much more appropriate coming from you.'

'Do you think so?' I asked, spotting the chance to ask what I'd originally come for.

'Oh yes, as I tried to tell you last time, when I said that she's very vulnerable and that if you care for her at all, you should be careful not to hurt her.'

'I know it must seem silly, after all we've only known each other for a few days, but - well, I wondered how much you think she cares for me?'

Her expression became much more serious and her eyes probed deep into mine. 'You're serious aren't you?'

'I think so. Yes I am.'

She paused for a moment before answering, then smiled and said. 'I think she'll be delighted Rob.' Then added. 'Let me give you a tip, as a woman. If you decide to tell her how you feel about her, do it before you give her this present.

I understood exactly what she meant, that way round the present would have a stronger emotional link, giving it to her without having said anything about my feelings would imbue it with merely the physical aspects of our relationship.

She spent some time gift-wrapping it for me and having paid and sincerely thanked her for her honest opinion I took the box back to the car, then went in search of some wine.


Chapter 17


It was a beautiful evening, warm and very still, and when I got out of the car outside Ros's house I found the air heavy with the scent of the flowers in her garden. Not wanting her to see the parcel immediately I left it on the seat, taking just the bottle of wine with me, and when I reached the front door I paused for a moment, trying to bring the two, apparently separate parts of my brain together. One half couldn't wait to see her, tell her how I was feeling about her and find out her reactions. The other half, to see what she was wearing, then remove it and fuck her. And as I stood there I realised that, as usual, my cock was already responding to the baser of the two feelings.

Doing my best to push those thoughts away, I rang the bell.

The smile she gave me as she opened the door made my heart flip right over. 'I brought the wine.' I mumbled, suddenly finding I was almost completely tongue-tied.

'I bought some too, in case you forgot.' she said with a chuckle. 'So we'll be able to get sozzled if we feel like it.'

'I don't think we'll need to do that, let's keep yours for another time.'

'I'd like that too.' she said in a softer tone as she closed the door behind me. 'I'll take the bottle into the kitchen, you go and sit down, I won't be a minute, we've plenty of time for a drink before we eat.' she said, indicating a door to what was obviously her lounge-room.

I paused for a moment, watching her swaying hips as she walked away from me. And although she was dressed quite simply and unprovocatively, in a front-buttoning summer dress, I couldn't stop my imagination from trying to picture her without it, imagine her sensually voluptuous body already naked.

But, as though she was able to read what was going on in my mind, she suddenly looked back over her shoulder and saw me staring at her. She gave me a smile and said. 'Go on, go and sit down Rob.'

She came back with two glasses and having handed me one, sat beside me on the settee. 'Cheers! Now, tell me how things went after I left. Did she stay the night?' she asked as we clinked glasses and I took my first sip.

'Yes, I drove her back around dawn.'

'She said that's what she wanted to do, that's the main reason I left when I did. I didn't want you to disappoint her.'

'I don't think she was disappointed Ros.'

'I'm sure she wasn't!' she answered with a deep-throated laugh. 'I wasn't complaining either. She took to it like a duck to water.'

'So I saw, when I got back from my walk.'

'That was a master-stroke Rob, I'm sure it made all the difference being just the two of us initially, it made her so much more relaxed than she might otherwise have been.'

'I wasn't the only one with good ideas, the position you dreamed up was simply fantastic!'

'I thought you'd like that. But then so did I, and of course in addition to everything else, I got more of my favourite beauty treatment.

But I'm glad that later on you were still able to manage to find more for her, that we didn't completely exhaust you.'

'Since I've met you I seem to be almost inexhaustible.' I said quietly, then after a brief pause, and without really meaning to, added. 'But not only that, when you're not there I miss you, and I don't just mean the sex. That's what I was trying to say, in the car. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy having Mandy there, that would be stupid of me, but I wish it had been the other way around, that she'd had to go and that you'd stayed the night.'

It had all come out in much more of a rush than I had planned, as though the words had a life of their own. As I heard them coming out I watched her face for signs of a negative reaction and, half expecting to see one, at the same time trying to think of a way of watering down their meaning.

But other than the soft smile she gave me as she took my hand in hers I couldn't tell what was going on in her mind.

'But you've only known me for a few days Rob, and let's be honest, other than the physical things, we hardly know anything at all about each other.'

'I'm sure that sometimes it's not necessary to know a lot of detail about someone else before knowing they are in some way important to you. Don't you get intuitive feelings about people?'

'Yes, of course I do. And I've been proved very wrong, many times.' she added.

'But not always, sometimes those feelings prove to be correct?'

'Well, yes, sometimes.'

'That's what I mean. I don't need to know a lot of stuff about where you've come from, who you've slept with. I just have the feeling that you are important to me, could be very, very important.'

'That's lovely to hear Rob, of course it is. But how can you be sure that what you think you're feeling is more than just a reaction to the physical thing?'

'I just know it Ros. I've spent a lot of time thinking about it all, and I'm as sure as I can be about anything. But to be honest I've also been worried about how you feel, how you might react to finding out that I'm feeling this way about you.'

'You mean about you thinking you are getting serious about me?'

My face must have been reflecting my increasingly worried concern and as I nodded glumly she squeezed my hand. Then her eyes sparkled and she gave me the most wonderful smile. 'You silly man! Don't you know that I've been falling in love with you since that very first day?'

'You mean that?' I gasped in complete surprise.

She gave her answer in little more than a whisper, but the look on her face in fact said it all, making her whispered - 'Yes' - sound loud enough to me to be heard all the way up and down the street.

I pulled her towards me and kissed her. Her lips were unbelievably soft and at first we kissed as though each was afraid of bruising the other, but as the kiss lengthened and I pulled her tighter she responded more strongly and within a few seconds our tongues were probing deep inside each other's mouth as our bodies crushed together.

When we finally came up for air I suddenly remembered the parcel and as I broke from her arms I said. 'I've got something for you, it's in the car, I'll just go and get it.' Snatching another quick kiss and adding. 'Don't change your mind, or run out on me.'

It took less than a minute to retrieve the parcel and she hadn't moved, but her expression had changed, I could see that something was worrying her. 'I didn't misunderstand you did I Rob? You did mean you were falling, at least a little bit in love with me?'

'No, not a little, a lot Ros. And I'm not falling, I've already fallen.' I answered, seeing the worried look vanish and her face begin to literally glow with happiness.

'I wanted to get you something special, I don't really know why I didn't bring it in with me, but I suppose I was worried you might take it the wrong way, I mean, if you didn't feel the same way about me as I do about you.' Realising that what I'd said made very little sense, I added. 'That doesn't really explain what I mean.'

'I think I understand, but you didn't need to buy me anything, knowing how you feel is the best present you could possibly give me.'

'Anyway, I hope you like it.' I said as I handed it to her. 'Moira said it was your size.'

'Ah that's where you've been shopping, in that case I know it'll be lovely, and now I think I really understand what you were trying to say.'

She undid the parcel slowly and carefully, as though prolonging the suspense, but when she had taken off the outer wrapping, turned back the inner layer of tissue paper and saw the colour of what was inside she looked up, her face glowing with happiness. 'Oh, I know what it is!' she said excitedly as she finished unwrapping the negligee, her fingers handling it carefully, lovingly and when she looked up again I saw her eyes were actually moist with tears of happiness. 'It's beautiful. But I know how expensive it was and you shouldn't have spent so much money on me!'

'I wanted to - and it'll be even more beautiful with you wearing it.'

'I want to be beautiful for you. But will you be very upset if I don't put it on tonight? I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but I'd like to keep it for another time.' she said uncertainly, then her expression changed as she reached up and took my hand, her eyes glinted mischievously and her smile turned into a wicked grin. 'Anyway, if you're feeling anything like the way I am right now, I think there's a very good chance it would end up getting ripped.'

Taking that as my cue I pulled her up to her feet. 'So you fancy an aperitif too.' I said as I kneeled and began to undo the buttons up the front of her dress.

'It's not what I'd planned, but then I hadn't anticipated the evening starting the way it has. And I think we should celebrate knowing the way we feel about each other in the way we both like best.'

Having got the first few buttons undone I pushed the edges of the dress apart, leaned forward and felt a faint tremor run through her as I let my tongue run up the silky skin on the inside of her leg. While I was doing that Ros was undoing the higher buttons and as the dress opened and I realised what she had on underneath it I felt my excitement quickly escalating.

She looked breath-taking! The teddy fitted her like a second skin, the shiny black material making her own appear even whiter, and her hour-glass figure even more desirable. The angle I was looking up from accentuated the prominent bulge made by her magnificent breasts, but right then it was the even more tantalising mound between her legs that I was staring at.

I knew that the material covering it was held in place by just a couple of press-studs and that it would only take a gentle tug to expose the delights beneath it. But I was in no rush and instead of immediately doing that I leaned forward and as I pressed my face against the soft curve of her stomach used one hand to cup her bottom and slid the other slowly up the inside of her leg.

Her body tensed as my fingers crept higher, and then she shivered a little when I reached the silky material. Sensing her increasing inner tension I pulled the nearby coffee-table closer and lifted one foot up on to it, then continued caressing her bottom with one hand and began moving the other slowly up over the curve of her inner thighs.

She gasped when I finally reached the tempting bulge, but for some time I did no more than tease her, using just my finger-tips to stroke it, lightly brushing the silky material.

But much more quickly than I had anticipated I detected signs of her strengthening arousal, felt the silk getting damp, smelt the musky aroma of her sex. And so in response to those cues I finally undid the press-studs, hearing her give a deep sigh of pleasure as my fingers brushed against the soft folds of her naked pussy.

It was already quite wet, its outer lips already swollen, and I felt her tense, then moan softly as I gently eased them apart and slid one finger up and down the cleft between them. 'Oh that's lovely! Your hands are so soft, and your touch so gentle.' she whispered as her body squirmed with delight.

As she was apparently getting so much pleasure from it I continued doing no more than that for some time, but when I felt her reactions strengthening I decided it was time to move on to the next stage. I slid myself forward between her legs until my head was directly beneath her and paused for a moment to look up.

The whiteness of her inner thighs contrasted strongly with her dark pubic hair, and the combination of each of those highlighted the moistly pink colouring of the delicate pussy-lips. In other circumstances I would have been happy to just lie there enjoying the beauty of that sight, but I knew how Ros must be starting to feel so lifted myself, then slipped the tip of my tongue along the moist furrow.

That first, very light touch made the pouting lips open invitingly and she gave a much deeper sigh when I slid my tongue up between their clinging folds, a sigh that turned to a low moan of pleasure as she felt my tongue stiffen and start to slide in and out of her.

It wasn't long before I saw the swollen ridge of her clitoris poking out from between the mat of hair, but, determined to build her pleasure slowly, I avoided stimulating it directly, instead of that, gradually increasing the speed of my probing tongue. But as she reacted to the sensations rippling through her body and I felt her trying to push herself down on to my mouth I relented and began to lightly lick the tender ridge, triggering even sharper responses when I intermittently nibbled and sucked it.

The strength of her reaction indicated how close she was to coming so I pressed my open mouth hard up against her, poked my darting tongue up between her pussy-lips and sucked hard. She screamed with delight. Her hands reached down to grab my head, pulling it hard up against herself as a seemingly never ending series of waves of pleasure rolled through her, and I found my mouth suddenly filled with her pussy juices.

Once her climax had begun to taper off I pulled her down beside me, clamping my lips to hers, my tongue probing her mouth the way it had her pussy. Of course feeling her orgasm so strongly had sent my own arousal sky-rocketing and the feel of her hot, semi naked body moulding itself to mine only increased the pressure inside me even more. But even so it was only when she broke from my arms and got up on her knees and began frantically fumbling with my belt and zip that I realised just how much I needed her.

'Turn around.' I said gruffly as I pushed my trousers and pants down, and having taken a quick look at the state of my cock and somehow understanding my intention, she lay forward across the coffee-table.