Righting A Wrong


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"Oh, so y'all did all this before you laid down?" Russell asked, pointing to the blizzard of flour around the living room.

"Oh, I uh, I..." she stammered.

"Thank you, Mrs. Santiago; I don't think we'll be needing you again," Russell said, ushering the woman to the door.

Poor Cookie, covered from large head to almost to her tail, had to endure a bath. Katy enjoyed giving the dog a bath; Cookie did not.

Russell did not yell at the beast; having a bath was punishment enough. And it was not the animal's fault; Mrs. Santiago should have been doing her job instead of sleeping on the couch.

"Love you, you useless mutt," Russell said as he toweled the unhappy dog.

"Daddy! She not useless!" Katy giggled.

Russell then cleaned his apartment, grateful for the skills the United States Armed Services had taught him. Within an hour, all signs of Cookie's fun were eliminated.


The next morning, Russell looked through his daughter's clothes and decided that he'd have to go down to the Bargain Bin and get her some more clothes. He'd only grabbed a few outfits when he'd taken her out of the house and the fire had burned the rest of her clothing.

He dressed her in some shorts, a Mickey Mouse tee shirt, and her plastic sandals.

Then he drove to Penny Richards' house. Darryl had said they were doing a barbeque; Russell just assumed that it would be at Penny's house.

"Oh, uh, hi!" Penny greeted them.

She gave them directions to Darryl's house.

"You, um, you're not going?" Russell asked, lugging Katy back to his truck.

"Not invited," Penny said.

"He um, he did say I could bring a date," Russell said, blushing hotly as he buckled Katy back in her car seat.

"No; he said bring your girlfriend," Penny corrected, amused at his blush.

"Oh, um," Russell said.

"Give me ten minutes; I'll be ready," Penny decided. "You bring a bathing suit?"

"Be right back; didn't know to bring one," Russell admitted.

"Daddy! You should always bring one," Katy chimed in.

"Yeah Daddy," Penny teased. "You should always bring one!"

"Shut up," Russell smirked at her. "We'll be back in a minute."

Penny was waiting at the curb when they pulled back up.

"I um, I know it's not as nice as your um, your car, but..." Russell apologized as Penny made herself comfortable in the truck's rear jump seat.

"It's fine," Penny assured him.

"Hi!" Ethel squealed as she opened the door. "Hi Katy; remember me?"

"Yeah, we played jacks," Katy agreed.

"That's right! Did you bring them?" Ethel asked.

"Hey, all right, you made...aw, what's SHE doing here," Darryl said, then scowled when he saw Penny.

"Um, you um you said bring my girlfriend," Russell said, blushing hotly again.

Penny smirked at Darryl; she could tell, even though it wasn't even eleven thirty yet, he was already hitting the beer.

Ethel gasped, then squealed.

"Y'all are dating now? Oh that's so cool! I knew she liked you but I didn't know y'all was already..." Ethel bubbled.

Now it was Penny's turn to blush.

"Hey Mom," Lucas said, pulling up his bathing suit as he walked into the living room.

Hi' what you doing?" Penny asked.

"Hey Coach!" Lucas said, ignoring his mother's question.

"Hey, boy; you found a special place put that awesome trophy?" Russell asked.

"Yeah; they're right there, on the bookcase," Darryl said, popping the top on a can of beer. "Get you a brew?"

"No thanks; I'm driving," Russell said, then hoisted Katy up.

"And I got some very special packages to deliver safe and sound," Russell concluded.

Penny smirked at Darryl's discomfort. Darryl did not like to drink alone and he also did not like anyone making him look like a lush.

Katy was learning how to swim; Russell's complex did have a swimming pool. But she was still insecure enough to need her Daddy to be close by.

Russell sighed; the cool water felt good on his bruised ribs.

Then he let out a monstrous belch.

Darryl could not barbeque or grill worth a damn but he resented anyone trying to help him. So, their chicken was dry as the Sahara. Darryl tried to cover up that mistake by slopping on too much barbeque sauce, but it did not help.

Ethel, thankfully, did know how to make barbeque beans and potato salad.

The problem, for Russell, was both the beans and the salad had onions in them. And onions made him belch.

He let out another burp and Lucas giggled.

"Sorry," Russell smiled sheepishly.

He helped Katy as she did a clumsy crawl.

Then Penny stepped outside.

Both she and Ethel were wearing one piece bathing suits, both suits very modest in design.

Ethel, however, could not hide her large breasts. And Penny could not hide her chunky ass.

Nor, in Russell's opinion, should she have to try to hide it. It was a work of art.

His erection was immediate and tented out the front of his trunks. He had to turn around and tried valiantly to will his erection down.

"Okay, you hang on right here. I'm going to be on that side over there; you come swim to me," Russell encouraged Katy.

"Yay!" Penny cheered when Katy did make it to her dad.

Lucas had to show Coach Jones that he could swim the whole length of the pool underwater. Penny smiled gratefully when Russell gave her son the praise and encouragement he craved.

Darryl came out in a too small bathing suit, and made Katy cry when his cannonball dive splashed water into her eyes.

Ethel and Penny both agreed that Darryl had already had too much to drink and both agreed that his bathing suit was better suited for someone twenty years younger and thirty pounds lighter.

"Mom, you swim the whole pool like that?" Lucas Challenged.

"Bet I can," Ethel said and did manage to, although she was gasping heavily when she completed one lap.

"Of course you did it," Darryl smirked. "I mean, look at them lungs you got, huh?"

Russell had finally calmed Katy down and she wanted to know how to swim underwater as well. Russell convinced her to try swimming above water while holding her breath first.

"God, you really are a great teacher," Penny said.

"Of course he is," Ethel said. "I mean, look at what he done with Lucas, huh?"

"Hey, hey, um, some natural talent helped, huh?" Darryl defended.

Ten minutes later, Katy tired of swimming so Russell got out with her.

"Ooh!" Penny gasped, horrified as she saw the remnants of the huge, ugly bruise on Russell's side.

"Oh my God!" she said, getting out of the pool and approaching Russell. "Please tell me I didn't.. Russell! Did I do that?"

"'Fraid so," Russell agreed as he dried a now shivering Katy.

"Oh my God, oh Russell, I am so sorry," Penny said, tears beginning to spill.

"You should kiss it and make it better," Katy declared.

"Honey that only works with boo-boos" Russell laughed. "This isn't a boo-boo; it's a bruise."

"Let's see," Penny said and gave Russell's side a quick little peck. "There! How's that?"

"Um," Russell said, trying with all of his might to not get another erection.

"Or, how about now?" Penny asked, giving him another kiss.

"Better, much much better," Russell said, quickly wrapping the towel around his waist.

"We really do not to get that looked at," Penny said quietly.

"Lady, when have I..." Russell.

"Still?" Penny asked him. "Still? My name is still 'Lady?' After all we been through?"

"Penny, when have I had time?" Russell asked. "Not to mention the money?"

"You don't have insurance?" Ethel asked. "Bad as my job is, I still got insurance."

"Bad as your job is, huh?" Penny smirked at the grinning Ethel.

"Yeah, I got insurance; King's real good about that," Russell agreed. "Flipping deductible's fifty bucks, though."

"If that's not better by Wednesday, we're going to the Trauma Center, you hear?" Penny demanded.

"Oh come on Lady," Russell protested.

A raised eyebrow from Penny made him pause.

"Penny," he corrected. "I'm not going; all they're going to do is say 'well, can't do anything about it;' they don't even tape them up any more."

"Played five games my side all taped up," Darryl said. "Got hit with a bounder; mother fucker that hurt!"

"Hey, hey, watch the mouth, huh? Little ears!" Russell protested.

"Still, Russell; that was two weeks ago," Penny protested, lightly fingering the bruise.

"Time takes time," Russell said pragmatically.

Katy fell asleep the moment Russell put her into her car seat so Russell and Penny talked as he drove her home.

"So you're still on the late night shift?" Penny asked.

"Yeah, Mrs. Santi... Aw, damn it!" Russell said.

"What?" Penny asked.

"Mrs. Santiago was watching Penny when I went to work, but I fired her yesterday," Russell said.

He then told her the story of Cookie's adventure with the flour.

"Come on, Lady, it's not funny!" Russell protested as Penny laughed at the mental image he was painting for her.

"Okay," Penny giggled. "It's not funny."

"It's not!" Russell said, also laughing. "She had it everywhere! I even had to get behind the couch."

"I dropped a bag of flour once," Penny laughed. "It does go everywhere, huh?"

"Yeah, it does," Russell agreed. "And Cookie had to have a bath; boy, she was not a happy puppy."

"So, what are you going to do about Katy? You go in tonight, don't you?" Penny asked as he helped her out of the cramped jump seat.

"Damn it, I guess I'll have to hire Mrs. Santiago back," Russell grimaced.

"Drop her off here; I'll watch her," Penny quickly offered.

"Aw come on Lady, get real, huh?" Russell said, slamming the truck door shut.

"Lady, huh? Well, I guess it's better than what you used to call me," Penny considered.

"Penny, all right? Penny," Russell said. "And I'm sorry about..."

Penny looked at the sleeping girl.

"Drop her off here and I'll have her dressed and ready; we'll even have breakfast by the time you pick her up," Penny begged.

"And what about tomorrow? Or the next night?" Russell asked. "And what about Cookie, huh? I really don't want..."

"Let's just try it for a week," Penny begged. "And Bring Cookie too; she knows me and she knows I'm safe around Katy."

"Lady, Penny I..." Russell said, wavering.

"And Lucas will be here tomorrow night so there will be two of us keeping an eye on Katy," Penny continued.

A week, Lady, Penny," Russell conceded. "We'll try it for one week and see."

"Good; see y'all tonight," Penny said, happy.

"Uh huh, let's see if you're still talking to me at the end of this week," Russell smiled wryly at Penny's enthusiasm.


Both Russell and Penny agreed that Russell would drop Katy and Cookie off after Katy had her dinner. That way, she would be in known surroundings when she went to bed and would be less likely to be frightened if she woke up in the middle of the night.

"And that way, you can get ready for work without having to run around," Penny pointed out.

Katy was excited; she liked Miss Penny. She was a little disappointed that Miss Ethel would not be there.

"She plays jacks," Katy explained to her father.

"Well, I'm pretty sure Miss Penny would too, if you showed her how," Russell said.

Cookie saw Russell pack her large rawhide chew and pillow so she was excited as well.

Russell popped a few more antacid tablets; Darryl's barbeque was killing him, then let out yet another monstrous belch.

"And what do you say, Daddy?" Katy admonished her father.

"Ah!" Russell exclaimed.

"No, Daddy!" Katy giggled. "You say 'excuse me!'"

"Well, eex-cuuuuuse me!" Russell called out.

"You're excused," Katy giggled.

Russell again reminded himself he needed to go to the Bargain Bin and get Katy some more clothes; she had only two pair of panties that were clean and one more outfit. Her Barbie pajamas, thankfully, were clean.

"First thing tomorrow morning," he told himself as he gathered up child, dog, and their possessions.

Penny seemed as excited as Katy to be having Katy at her house. Cookie knew Penny so she gave her attention to the house itself, checking from room to room.

"And the back yard's fenced in," Penny reminded Russell.

"I'm not worried about her running off; she's a good girl, yes you are, yes you are," Russell said, getting a bark from Cookie.

"Now, she is potty trained, but sometimes she needs a little reminder, especially before bed," Russell continued to give Penny instructions.

"Um,, hey, Coach? I have a kid of my own?" Penny reminded him.

"Uh huh, a little BOY," Russell said. "This is a little GIRL; they're different."

"I know; remember? I'm a girl too," Penny laughed.

"Yeah, Daddy; she's a girl too," Katy said.

"You've got my cell," Russell said, edging to the door.

"You know I do," Penny smiled.

The following morning, Russell was still in his uniform when he picked up child and dog.

"Oh, I do love a man in uniform," Penny sighed, smiling.

Russell smirked at her as he gathered all of Katy and Cookie's toys.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Penny asked as she slipped into her pumps.

"Clothes shopping; she needs all kind of clothes," Russell said.

"You? Oh let me!" Penny begged.

"But you got to go to work," Russell protested.

"Hey, Ethel, I'm going to be about an hour late, let Mr. Pellichet know, okay?" Penny said into her cell phone as she grabbed her keys.

"And what about Cookie, huh?" Russell argued.

"She's fine; we just went outside and went potty," Penny said, waiting.

"Oh, okay," Russell said.

"Should we leave a bag of flour out for her?" Russell asked as Penny urged him out the door.

"Maybe next time," Penny smiled as Katy laughed.

Russell had to admit; Penny was much better than he was at picking out clothes and much better at dealing with Katy when she got bored and fussy.

Their only disagreement was when Russell pulled in front of Bargain Bin.

"Here?" Penny curled her lip in disgust.

"Yes. Here. Problem?" Russell asked.

"Yes, problem," Penny snapped. "I wouldn't dress my dog in anything comes from here."

"Good thing you don't have a dog," Russell said, opening the door for her.

"Yes we do, Daddy; we got Cookie," Katy reminded her father.

"WE have Cookie; she's got a pet rock," Russell reminded her.

Russell's wallet was considerably lighter, but now Katy had several outfits.

"And let's leave these," Penny prattled, sorting through the bags. "These can go to my house for when she's staying with me and..."

"You um, you're sure you want..." Russell asked.

"Absolutely," Penny smiled.

Russell was grateful that shopping had worn Katy out; she was ready for a morning nap when the three of them got back to their apartment.

It seemed to Russell that no sooner had he closed his eyes than Cookie was barking to let him know that Katy was up.

"You look tired," Penny commented when Russell dropped Katy and Cookie off that evening.

"Yeah, little bit," Russell agreed.

"Tomorrow, you just go on home; me and Katy will be fine, hear?" Penny ordered.

"Lady, come on," Russell weakly argued.

Lucas had a computer camp that the Kimble Public Library was sponsoring; he would be three from nine until three, then he would be at his cousin Arnie's house until Penny came to get him.

The next morning, Russell fought his natural instinct to go to his daughter and his dog and went home instead. He was sound asleep within minutes.

Ethel looked up and smiled widely as Katy preceded Penny into the waiting room. Both had their long hair done into a single braid. Katy was dressed up in a nice dress and new shoes, both from Babbage's department store.

"We're here to work," Penny announced to Ethel.

""Yeah," Katy concurred.

"Oh, okay; would you both like coffee?" Ethel asked.

Um, coffee for me, Juice for Miss Katy, please," Penny said and unlocked her office door.

Ethel entered Penny's office and smiled again. Katy was sitting at Penny's desk, Penny's chair raised as high as it would go, while Penny sat at the front of the desk, in one of the client's chairs. Katy was scribbling on a sheet of paper while Penny used her laptop.

Um, Mr. Neville is here," she said, putting Katy's mug of apple juice and Penny's cup of coffee on the desk.

"He's twenty minutes early; he can wait," Penny said, glancing at her watch.

By Friday morning Penny was dreading the weekend. She would have Lucas, but he already had plans to be with his cousin Arnie and Jackie, Darryl's sister and Arnie's mom, said Lucas could spend Friday night and Saturday with them. Saturday night, Arnie and Lucas would be going to Skate Town in Bender for a neighboring child's eleventh birthday party and if past history was any indication, he'd want to spend Saturday night with Aunt Jackie and his cousin Arnie as well.

Katy was her 'little buddy' and seemed to enjoy doing girl things with Miss Penny and Miss Ethel. Penny would miss her, and miss the loving and loveable Cookie.

But she put on a brave face when Russell showed up to pick up Katy and Cookie.

"So, um, what's your plans for the weekend?" Penny asked as they gathered up toys and dog toys.

"Nothing really; probably go swimming and hang out; that's about it," Russell shrugged.

"Well I um, you um, you want to..." Penny babbled.

"Got paid today and since they quit garnishing child support and alimony I got a little extra," Russell suddenly said. "So um, we're going to Chucky Cheese tonight; want to go?"

"We're going to Chucky Cheese?" Katy gasped.

"Yeah, why not?" Russell smiled at his daughter, afraid to look at Penny's face.

"I'd love to," Penny said, thrilled.

"Great; we'll pick you up at..." Russell said.

"No sir; I'll pick you up at five thirty; I'm not riding in that itty bitty jump seat," Penny smiled.

"Um, okay; I'll have Katy's car seat out of the truck," Russell smiled.

"What? Why? There's already a car seat in my car," Penny said.

"There is?" Russell asked.

"Well, yeah; how you think we've been getting around?" Penny asked.

Penny happily accepted a goodbye kiss from Katy, but stepped back away from Cookie's goodbye kiss.

At work, Penny kept one eye on the clock and raced out as soon as the clock said it was five o'clock.

Russell noticed that the car seat was a brand new car seat, not the second hand one he'd bought for his truck. He also noticed that Penny was dressed in jeans and a short sleeve shirt. Expensive jeans and short sleeve shirt.

Chucky Cheese was packed with running, laughing, screaming kids. Their pizza came, but Katy took two bites then ran back to play some more.

"I um, I know you know, um, this isn't exactly your cup of tea, but um," Russell stammered as he and Penny sat, watching Katy jump into the pit of balls.

"Shut up; this is precisely my cup of tea," Penny laughed and kissed him squarely on the mouth.

"I um, wow!" Russell said.

"Russell, this is exactly what I want to do," Penny said and kissed him again.

She laced her fingers with his.

"I want to be here, I want to be with Katy; I love her. I want to be here with you," she said.

She leaned against him, not noticing his wince as she pressed against his bruised ribs.

"I'm really not looking forward to going home to an empty house; Lucas isn't there and Katy and Cookie won't be there and it'll just be me all by myself," she admitted.

"So what are you going to do?" Russell asked.

Eat a big old bowl of chocolate ice cream and potato chips," Penny admitted.

"At the same time?" Russell teased.

"Of course," Penny said. "You fix the ice cream, then you sprinkle the potato chips on top. Ever had it?"

"No; I don't have any estrogen," Russell smirked and smiled as Katy ran up, took another bite of her slice of pizza, then ran away again.

"Of course, then it'll all go straight to my big old butt," Penny complained.

"It's a beautiful butt," Russell concurred.
