Rileigh Unchained Ch. 01

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A woman with an obsessive sexual apetite finds a balance.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/27/2013
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It had been four years since Grayson died. I wished the pain would have stopped by now. Although, I guess somewhere deep in the back of my mind I'm glad it didn't, it was a reminder. Of what, I'm not really sure yet. I didn't want to forget him completely. I'm just not sure if all the hurt is worth remembering him. I once dreaded the thought of having a child after all I had gone through in my life.

I joined the army when I was 18, just out of high school, because I felt that I had something to offer... plus, I wanted to take advantage of the $10,000 sign on bonus. I finished Basic Training with a promise that I would never have to go to war. Three months later I was activated to Afghanistan for Operation Enduring Freedom. I spent eight months investigating weapons of mass destruction. I found so many faults with the information that lead us to investigate certain sites and locations that all lead to nothing. It wasn't until I questioned my superiors and nearly got thrown into the stocks when a man from the CIA asked me to help him with something. I agreed and when the job was done he offered me an official position as a field agent.

I killed men before as a soldier but never anything like this. After three years of this I found myself numb to pretty much anything. To take a human life was the same as buying a rocket pop at the local gas station. It was at this point in my life that I thought I would be doing this forever. That was until one fateful night that a one night stand ended with two blue lines on a pregnancy test. I don't know how it happened but my heart changed and my desire to kill people left and the only life I cared about was his. His birth changed me and I left the agency to be with my son.

He was blonde with the most beautiful blues eyes I had ever seen. He was only three when the truck smashed into and my jeep and pushed us off the bridge. The love of my life, my son, was ripped away from me as though God was doing it on purpose.

I spent months trying to deal with the pain I felt. I found a job to help get my mind off things but it didn't help. The crying fits were a little too distracting for the other employees, and I eventually had to quit. I tried sports as well as several other activities but nothing helped. I learned that I was not the only one going through something like this, and joined a website and chat room for mothers who found themselves in my position and needed help. It's like AA, but you don't have to leave the comfort of your home.

They all discussed different ways they tried to deal with the pain, but the one commonality among them were heroin and other drugs. Looking back on it now I realize it wasn't the smartest thing to do but I have to admit, they were right.

Through a friend of a friend of a friend, I found the answer to all my problems, or so I thought. My family freaked out and, not knowing how to help me, took me to a local rehab clinic. It helped for the times I was in there but went right back to drugs once I was got out. This cycle continued for several months, until I couldn't take it anymore.

I dealt with family and friends butting into my business and they were eventually stopping my supply of drugs. But I found a way out, a way out of everything. It was the foulest thing I have ever tasted but I was eventually able to drink the entire half gallon of drain cleaner. Sadly for me, I didn't count on my sister bringing over groceries, and before it could complete its intended task I was taken to the hospital and the doctors were able to pump my stomach and transfuse a couple liters blood before I kicked the bucket.

I spent the next year and a half in a Neuropsychiatric Facility. It wouldn't have been so long, but I guess that's what happens when you try to off yourself seven times in a row. But to be fair to me... okay, I got nothing, I just wanted to die. Even now, after having been released as "rehabilitated" the pain really isn't gone; I'm just able to cope.

Of all the things I tried, I did find a few things that helped, nicotine and liquor... oh, and a lot of cock. Those are really the only things that I have found that help. That is, if I want to stay clean.

I began trolling the bars at closing time, fucking my way through the pain. Don't worry, I'm still tight down below. Most of the assholes I went home with were too small to tell if they were even inside me anyway.

I liked hitting the bars up at closing. I may have been 27, but I was still tight enough to walk right in, no questions asked. Plus my natural large breasts always made me a shoe in. It's kind of sad that you can dupe an entire gender by two big 'ol sacks of fat. No offence, fella's. I love your dicks.

It was early on this particular night but I didn't have anything going on, so I made my way my way down to "Cully's". A bar on Fourth Street that was frequented by college kids.

I wasn't in college and I was always the oldest girl in there, but no one could ever tell. I just dropped a few subtle hints like, "Oh I had a 7:30 class," or "That test was rough." They're either too drunk or too stupid to know I'm lying.

I walked to the bar, because I didn't want to be going home. I pre-gamed a little with a half bottle of 99 Bananas before I left with a plan to finish myself off at the bar. It was "call your shot" for two dollars, anything on the shelf for the last two hours they were open. I was buzzed when I entered. The mood was addictive and the energy was electric.

Guys and girls on the dance floor jumping to the music. If you call that dancing. But there was no rhythm to it, no elegance, no grace. All I saw was a bunch of horny little fuckers, so hormonal wanting nothing more than to be rid of their parents yoke and be on their own. They were grinding and macking on each other like animals. As if getting drunk, becoming a slave to the alcohol, wasting money, time, ruining relationships and lives is better than dealing with their parents, who love them. God, I have a lot to learn.

I took a seat at the bar in between two guys, both wearing baseball caps, jeans, polo shirts with the colors flipped up and too tight for them to be wearing, but it showcased their arms, so I was okay with it.

"Grey Goose for me and two more for my fella's!" I yelled to the bar tender. I wrapped my arms around both of the guys on either side of me, pulling them in close.

They both smiled, and raised their glasses yelling in unison "YEAH." And just like that, I was in.

I leaned in to each of them so they could hear me, "I'm Rileigh."

The guy on the right spoke for both of them. "I'm Mike and this is Derik," he said pointing to his friend on my left.

Those were the last three shots I bought the entire night. The two boys I picked out were on me like white on rice from then on. I pulled them away from the group they came with, made up of both guys and girls. But I knew how to flaunt what I had and made the choice of who they would hang out with a pretty easy one. They kept the drinks coming and I made sure they were keeping up with me.

All in all it was a good time, but I wasn't over yet. The cute Jell-O shot girl with a tight little body came by every few minutes. God, I hated her. If it wasn't for her I'd be the hottest one in here. Dam, she's hot.

"I need three of those" I yelled at the top of my lungs, grinding my hips on one of the boys with the other grinding his cock on my ass. I yelled again "You'd better make that six."

The one behind me reached into his pocket and slid out a twenty placing it on the tray "Keep it."

The girl stuck around long enough for each of us to take the two shots without having to stop "dancing". Reaching my limit, I pulled the one in front of me close. I slid my tongue into his mouth and he was kind enough to reciprocate. A few of the people around us, sober enough to care, looked at us in disdain. The rest, however were just as gone as we were and they didn't seem to give a shit, themselves grinding with each other. It seemed like hours, but the time still passed quickly. All I needed was one more guy, grinding elsewhere on my body and then I would be satisfied.

The girls that my boys had come in with all walked passed us as they left the building, making it a point to stop by our threesome. They yelled something along the lines of them being pissed and they would never talk to them again. No doubt they were acting just like any other chick. It was probably their first year in college, and they would let any man into their pants. Especially one who treated them like shit. These boys would be just fine, though I was curious how things would play out for me. Then the one grinding on my ass left to piss. With just minutes before closing time, the other one made his move.

"You wanna get outta here?" he yelled, pulling me in close.

"Won't your friend be pissed?"

"Who fucking gives a shit?"

And just like that, my eyes were opened and my mind was clear. That was the best argument I've heard. I made it a point to grind a little harder on his member, "you have a place we can go?"

Without saying a word, he grabbed my hand and led me to the exit. We then grabbed our jackets and made our way to across campus to his dorm.

I was used to this much alcohol but my compatriot was not. Barely on his feet, the boy stumbled down the sidewalk, his body to far forward for his feet, and his feet moving fast to catch up but to no avail. We were two blocks from his dorm when his legs fell too far behind. Head over heels, his body tumbled; face planting on the concrete. He grunted as he hit and I laughed my ass off.

Almost pissing myself, I dropped to my knees and crawled over to him, laughing as I went. "Oh God, come here."

I sat him up on the sidewalk, and leaned him against the brick wall of the building beside us. It may have been my drunken stupor but I figured, 'No better time than now.' I straddled his legs, pressing my lips to his. "Oh God," I moaned in his mouth. Getting no response, I pulled away making sure he was still alive. I'd hate to be fucking a dead guy. Or worse, a man who was brain dead. I think there are laws against that. But to my relief his eyes opened and he gave me his best smile. That was good enough for me. I finished sliding his pants down far enough so that I could work on his cock.

"Oh..." I sighed "little guy huh?" I grabbed his cock and did everything I could did get it up. It took a few minutes but the blood finally started to flow. It wasn't as hard as I was hoping for, but I figured this was my only chance. The boy was so far gone but was just aware enough that he knew what I was doing and smiled in approval. I scooted up placing my thighs on his hips, I lined up the best I could and sat down just enough. I tried riding him the best I could but soon the blood in his member just dissipated and I realized I was sitting on the lap of a half-naked man in the middle of the street with a soft cock part way inside me.

"Oh my God," I shouted as I laughed. My ass cheeks were turning red from the cold air passing across my skin. I stood up and took a moment to think of a way I could still have sex tonight. I twisted my panties back into place and straightened my skirt before helping the boy with his pants. "Come on ya whiskey dick son of a bitch." I said out loud wanting him to hear.

'Holy shit,' I thought to myself, knowing there was another horny guy out in the world wanting a warm moist place to rest his cock. "Where's the other guy?" I said out loud "your friend? Where is he?"

It was mostly indiscernible, and all I could make out was "Roommate."

That's all I needed. "Come on ya silly shit," I said, pulling him up from the ground throwing his arm over my neck to help support him as he walked. "Let's get you home..." Then I whispered, "So I can fuck your roommate."

The walk would have been short if I didn't have a drunken douche on my back. We made it to the front door of the building and I asked "What room are you in?"

He mumbled again but I made out one thing, "313."

Using that as my cue, I dropped him on the concrete. He flopped to the ground and rolled into the nearby bushes, face planting once again in the dirt and mud. I leaned over his body to make sure he was going to live. He was still breathing, making the mud bubble at his lips. I then patted him on the back, "You'll be good there. Thanks for the fun buddy."

I opened the large glass door to his building and found my way to 313.

--knock, knock, knock.

The door swung open and I laid my eyes upon the man of my dreams. "Hey big boy, sorry I left you all alone at the club," I said, barely holding myself up on my own two legs.

"Uh, yeah. Don't sweat it." He replied trying to play it cool.

I made a plan in my mind to gracefully step into him for a kiss but instead it turned into a stumble, and I crashed into him. I tried to cover the incident up with a kiss but I knew he wasn't fooled.

Not realizing he wasn't drunk, I pulled away. But just long enough to say "why don't we take this to the bedroom?" I didn't hear any complaints and he seemed to be into it. He took me by the hand and led me to his room, there I saw two beds. Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out he was leading me to the empty bed.

"Oh my God," I yelled, not caring about waking his roommates. "Come on baby, fuck the shit out of me."

He threw me on the bed, and apparently he was on board with the idea. Most of it was a blur that I can barely remember.

He ripped off his clothes and started to tear mine off my body, exposing my bare tits to the cold air held within the wall of his "home". My nipples became erect, perfect for him to take hold of with his teeth, which he did so perfectly. I held his head upon my chest and before I knew it that was the last thing I remember.

'Holy shit, I have to piss like a racehorse,' I thought to myself as I noticed the sun peeking through the blinds. I rolled over in the twin bed, and the man I apparently fucked was lying next to me. I've told myself, that I was going to stop drinking hundreds of times. It was only a few weeks ago that reality hit me and like so many others, I gave up that dream.

I ran my fingers through his dark black hair, thinking how he's actually not bad looking. I leaned in and whispered, "Under different circumstances I guess".

I turned back around to find his roommate staring at my chest, grinning from ear to ear. I had been through enough shit to realize that being a prude in a situation like this was not the best way to handle things. I moved slowly, sitting up in bed rubbing my eye's trying to take care of this headache. I was hunched over, my legs were spread and my breast hung in midair. I didn't care though. I was sobering up, and part of me wanted to fuck him right then and there.

Holy shit, why not? I stepped over to his bed making sure to lean over, exposing as much of my breasts as I could, "where can I take a piss?"

Without taking his eyes off my chest he pointed to the door, "Left down the hall then left again."

I walked out confident that he was staring at me the entire time. There was a bottle of rum barely broken into on the floor that I picked up as I walked to the bathroom, drinking as I went.

I returned with a surprise waiting for me. Both guys were awake sitting up in their respective beds with a blanket over their members, as they both slept naked. I stood in the doorway contemplating the choice that lay before me, still taking tug after tug from the bottle that was now nearing empty. I stared at the guy on the right, with long blonde hair when it dawned on me. I didn't really want to know their names so I decided to call them Blondie and... Dark, because of their hair. That made me giggle. I looked Blondie up and down, and then glanced over to Dark, sitting on the bed across from us.

Teasing the man I was with the night before, I stared at him as I sat down by his roommate, snuggling up to him. I slid my hand under Blondie's blanket, stroking his cock; never taking my off Dark. I lifted the bottle to his lips, giving him a shot. Still stroking his length with my other hand.

I took last two gulps the bottle had to offer then lifted my chin till my lips caressed his. I tossed the bottle onto the floor, hitting with a ting as it bounced off the metal bed frame.

Blondie looked over to his roommate in the other bed, pleading for approval. Dark just smiled, sliding his own hand under his blanket, taking notice of my breast jiggling as I stroked his roommates cock. I read the atmosphere in the room and feeling comfortable, so I decided to move things forward. I lifted myself up and straddled him, my knees at his hips. Using the same hand I used to jerk him off, I grabbed his unit and lined it up for entry. The alcohol was in full effect, I slowly slid down his length as I glanced over my shoulder making sure the other man was watching me take his roommate deep inside me.

"Oh fuck," I moaned out loud, knowing the door was wide open. "God, your hard."

Both men, the one stroking his cock, and the other completely enamored as I rode his length, remained quiet. I wasn't as drunk as I was before, but I was getting there, and I was glad. From the cheesy grin plastered on his face and his arms doing nothing but resting on the bed, he didn't know what he was doing. He was clearly naïve and it was my responsibility to educate him.

Using my hands, I lifted both of his up to my tits. The cheesy grin receded, being replaced by a quivering jaw as his mouth opened wide from the pleasure. He may have been new to this but I have to hand it to him, he learns fast. Slowly, he built into a rhythm of massaging my tits. I began to move faster, sliding up and down his length.

Just as I thought he was going to keep doing the same thing till we were done, he surprised me. Moving his hands and just using his thumb and forefingers, he roughly pinched my nipples taking one in each hand as he tossed his head back and moaned. I followed soon after with a moan of my own. His hands left my nipples and trailed down my body landing on my hips as he thrust harder, I could feel everything. I arched my back, and brought my chest closer to his mouth. I wrapped my hands around his head and pulled him closer. He kissed down my neck making his way to my tits taking one of my nipples in his mouth. I was almost in heaven. He didn't fill me up as well as I would like, but I had plan.

I turned around staring the other guy in the eyes and whispered, "Well?" I let out a small moan, "You going to join the party or what?"

He smiled and ripped his blanket off revealing his rock hard member. Without saying a word, he stood up and walked across the room. Clearly more experienced than his Blondie, he reached his hands around my body, under my arms and massaged my breasts. With my head still turned toward him, he kissed me vigorously. I entered his mouth with my tongue and he reciprocated in kind

With an attack of stimulation on all sides, all I could do was moan, "Oh fuck, you going to get up in me bad boy?" I asked still pumping his roommate inside me. "I have one hole still not being used."

I've had anal before, but never like this. Never at the same time another guy was in my pussy. Alright, that's a lie but I don't like it when I'm sober. The bad thing is, is that I like it a little too much when I'm drunk.

He pulled a condom from the drawer, threw it on his tool and stooped down aiming himself for entry. I slowed down riding his roommates cock, allowing him a chance to enter me. He rested his head on my rosebud, just waiting. I'm typically not the one to suggest anal. But there were two guys ready to go, and well... what are you going to do?

"What are you waiting for?" I asked slightly turning to the side. "Put that big 'ol thing inside me." It actually wasn't that big, I just didn't want to hurt his feelings. Or ruin the mood of the morning for that matter. I felt him push forward a little, so I wrapped my arms around Blondie and braced for impact. I pulled my head back just enough to kiss him. We played our own little game of "who's tongue is it anyway" as his roommate began to push his rock hard cock inside of me.