Rita Remembers Ch. 04


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George left them to unpack and went off to his own meetings. He would check in with them in the early afternoon, and if they wanted to meet for dinner, they would tell him. Otherwise, he would give them the time they needed together. He could see the changes in Rita as did Frank and they knew that time was a very precious and very limited quantity. Rita was dying.

As Rita and Frank unpacked, they took time for glasses of the fine Italian wine they both loved. After they unpacked, they walked hand in hand thru the living room, into the bedroom. Frank stopped along side the chair and unbuttoned his shirt, next he unbuttoned her silk blouse and slipped it off of Rita's shoulders.

He sat down and pulled her gently across his lap.

Rita giggled as she willingly slipped across his thighs. "You have the best hands of anyone I've ever met. It's not just that they are strong, it's that your fingers make me feel such wonderful things, you make me feel sensations that drive me wild, your fingers reach so deep into me that I think I am going to explode."

She quivered with excitement as she felt his fingers stroking her ass and tickling the tops of her thighs. His fingers found her wet and willing. "Oh God, Frank, that feels so good," she moaned as his fingers drove slowly in and out of her pussy. She could feel his cock harden beneath her belly and squirmed slightly against it. She felt it contract against her and giggled. "Little Frank's awake too, I think."

Frank growled low in his throat as he felt her first slight orgasm. "You, my love, would wake up a dead man's cock."

Rita laughed as she stood up, taking him by the hand. "Enough. Take me to bed."

During this trip to Rome, Frank noticed Rita tiring easily and needing more rest. She never complained with pain, yet he knew by her facial expression, it was there. He told George that he had decided to cut the trip short and take her back to New York to see her doctors. George agreed, and called his wife to pack the children up and meet him in New York. She hurriedly got a flight out and met them at the airport in New York with the children.

As Rita, Frank and George got off the plane, Marie realized just how close Frank and Rita were. He held her close as they walked slowly across the tarmac and to the gate. At that moment he could have cared less who saw them, or what they thought. His only concern was Rita, the love of his life.

Against her protests, she was taken to St. Francis Hospital and Dr. Winters met them there. Friends of Rita's came and got the children. After running some tests, Dr. Winters gave them the news that there was nothing that could be done for Rita. It was just a matter of time. Her parents stayed with her and Frank went to the Chapel to pray.

Rita was allowed to go home, and as the weeks passed she grew weaker. Frank came to visit as often as his duties allowed, and although they couldn't have a sexual relationship, she was happy to just be held in his arms and sleep by his side.

He was in his office at the Cathedral in Stamford when the dreaded call came. "Frankie Thompson is on the line," his secretary informed him. "Put it through," he said, picking up the phone.

"Yes, Frankie." He said brusquely. "Is it about Rita?"

"Yes," she replied. "Mom wants to see you as soon as you can make it. Please hurry!"

"I'll be there this afternoon," he said.

He told his secretary he was going to New York and would be gone for a while. He wasn't sure when he would be back, and to clear all appointments until he called. He rushed to the Chancery and packed a few things and headed to Rita's home on Long Island.

At the age of seventeen, Frankie was tall and beautiful. She had her father's mannerisms, and her mother's quiet beauty. She was on the porch when Frank arrived and hurried up the steps. "How is she?" he asked.

"Not good," Frankie replied, "But she is still aware. You are the only one she wants to see. She closes her eyes and shoo's the rest of us out. Mamie can't get her to eat anything now."

Frank put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her. "Well," he said quietly, "Let's go see what a grumpy old Priest can do. She may throw me out too."

He stopped in the kitchen and got a bowl of soup from Mamie. As she placed it on a tray, she looked up at Frank, tears shining. "I hope you can get something down her, Fr. Frank. She's just wastin' away to nothing."

"I'll try, Mamie," he promised. "I'll do my best."

Rita's eyes were shut when Frank entered her bedroom. The curtains were drawn and it looked like a tomb. He set the tray on the vanity and opened the drapes. Rita covered her eyes with one hand and said curtly, "Close the drapes, Mamie. I want the darkness."

Frank walked over and sat down on the bed. "I'm not Mamie, and the drapes stay open. If you want 'em closed, get your sorry butt up and do it. I'm not going to let you lay here and starve yourself to death."

"Frank, you did come," she said softly, smiling.

"Of course I came," he said, trying to sound irritated. "Did you think they wouldn't call me with you trying your best to get out of this world?"

"I'm tired, Frank," she whispered. "I don't want to live like this."

"I understand," he said, helping her to sit up in the bed some. "But you're going to eat this Mamie soup or she's going to make me eat it. Now, you know how I feel about soup, so that isn't going to happen. Open up sweetheart. That's my girl, one spoonful at a time."

Rita laughed softly and ate almost the whole bowl. It was really very good and she was hungry. Eating takes a lot of energy and she had to stop and rest a few times. Even then, when she was through, she was exhausted. She lay with her eyes closed, holding onto his hand. Frank slipped his fingers from hers and leaned to kiss her gently. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"No," she whispered, as she opened her eyes and reached up to take his collar off. She grinned as she held it in her fingers. "I've always liked you better without this."

He chuckled. "You're still a vixen."

"Take your shirt off, Frank,... please. Wrap me in it and hold me. I want your arms around me."

He stood, taking his shirt off and wrapped it around her, then scooted her over in the bed, shocked at how light she was. He laid down with her and held her as she drifted off to sleep. She would waken every few minutes and whisper, "Frank?"

"I'm here, my love." He would tell her, and she would sleep again.

Frank spent those final days with Rita and her family. He realized that she was dying. She would go in and out of coma, but she wanted him there when she woke. Toward the end, they talked of their love, their child, and what Rita wanted for Frankie. Her parents came, and after seeing Rita's condition and knowing that the end was imminent, they made arrangements to stay. Dr Winters visited several times a day and he had even offered private duty nurses but Rita resisted and between Frank and Marie they kept her comfortable and free of almost all the pain.

Her father was with her when he felt her death was near and he sent for Frank. He gave her Last Rites and as her children and her parents left the room, he held her in his arms as she took a deep breath, whispered "I love you", and breathed her last.

Frank kissed her still warm lips and told her that he loved her and that he would love no one else for the rest of his life. He sat by her side, holding her hand and cried. In time, he went into her bathroom and washed his face. Then he laid her body down, straightened out the sheet, fluffed her pillow but left her head uncovered. Frank then called Dr. Winters before he went out to tell Rita's family of her death.

"Marie, George, Frankie and Mike, and Mamie – Rita is gone. She just passed with a sigh and an 'I love you' for all of us." Frankie burst into tears as did Rita's mother who turned into George's arms. Frankie's knees buckled and Frank caught her and held her tightly as she cried. Finally when sobs had turned to gentle tears, they all sat down and George and Frank talked of Rita's wishes about her funeral arrangements. She had had time to plan and all of them knew that she wanted simple rather than elaborate and that she must be buried next to Mike in the same cemetery as her grandparents.

The next few days were difficult but Frank, the children, Marie and George stayed together. Frankie was going through her mother's desk and scrapbooks looking for a special photo for the visitation and the prayer card. What she found rocked her to the depths of her being.

Rita had kept letters that she had written but never mailed to Frank. There were also clippings from several newspapers about Frank's elevation and appointment to be the Bishop of the Stamford, Conn. Diocese. She read the letter from Rita to Fr. Frank telling him that he was going to be a father. This letter was written right before her birth and told of everything that Rita had gone through...that she was pregnant and going to live in St. Louis with her aunt.

Frankie was overcome with a combination of feelings. Deeply religious, she was astonished that a Jesuit priest and a Bishop at that – would have a sexual relationship –let alone father a child. And Frankie knew that Fr. Frank and her Mother had continued that relationship right to the end.

She also knew with a very feminine insight that Rita had deeply loved Frank and that she had been faithful to him even within her marriage to Mike. Frankie had called Mike "Daddy" but she had known that he was not her real father. Mike had even talked with her about it before he had left for Korea. They had talked about how proud Mike was of her, her success at school and how she was growing up to be a wonderful and talented young lady. He was proud to be her Dad!

She wondered what the real truth was. Other letters told Frank of her birth and even included a small photo of her a few days old; another told of her mother's meeting and falling in love with Mike and then their small chapel wedding. A note that was almost the newest told Frank of the birth of Michael Jr.; and there was a half written letter – begun but not completed -- that told of Mike's death in the wartime crash in Korea, asking Frank to pray for Mike's soul. All the letters were tied with a dark blue ribbon – letters never mailed but kept -- shrouded in secrecy.

When Frankie went downstairs, it was as if she was a different person. She was withdrawn and cold, not only to Fr Frank, but also to her grandparents. They tried to get her to talk, "Frankie tell us what's wrong and we can try to help?"

"No! Nobody can do anything to help –it's years too late!" Frankie wheeled around and ran upstairs to her room. She closed the door and flung herself on the bed, crying. Finally exhaustion overcame her and she slept. When she got up the next morning she knew she wanted to talk with Fr. Frank about this. She was sure that he would lie to her, but she wanted to see the look on his face when she confronted him.

Early the next morning, the family gathered in the kitchen and the breakfast room, Fr Frank came in from the Study where he had been saying Divine Office. They all prayed together for Rita and for strength to get through the next few hours. The Funeral Mass was scheduled for 10:00 AM with the burial afterwards, and then a small reception for their close family and friends.

With great emotional difficulty, Frank said the Funeral Mass and gave a very moving tribute to Rita as a fine woman, a loving mother, and a pillar of their community. Finally it was all over and everyone gathered at the cemetery. The masses of flowers that covered the sides of the deep black headstone were able to disguise that Mike's grave was but one of three place and Rita's was in the middle spot. Fr. Frank knew that it would be against deep traditions, even breaking the "rules"; but that he wanted to join Rita when his time came. Rituals finished, they gathered at Rita's beautiful home. It was filled with the smell of flowers and somber people. People grieved and talked and remembered Rita as they celebrated her life.

Finally the friends left and the family was alone. Marie and George went upstairs to pack...they would be leaving for Washington and then Brussels as soon as the family met with the lawyers in the morning. Mamie would stay with the children but Marie would return as soon as her duties in Brussels permitted. Fr. Frank went to the Study to read. He had found the letters in the desk by accident, and seeing his name on them, wanted to have time to read them in leisure. He was also delaying his return to Stamford until after Rita's will was read and the children's future plans settled. He dreaded the next day as he read, knowing that both Frankie and Mike would be told the truth. Just then there was a soft knock on the door and before he could say a word, Frankie opened it, walked in and locked it behind her.

"Hello Father, or should I say Dad? I think we need to talk and I'm old enough to know the truth. I've read the letters mom wrote to you. I left them out for you."

Frank sat stunned. He had thought about this moment over the past two and a half years since he learned of Rita whereabouts and Frankie's birth. Confronting him now was an angry young woman that had his eyes and her mother's temper. She was demanding answers. He was in big trouble.

End of ch. 4...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Beautiful and honest

This chapter is not a final ending...now we must hear about what Fr. Frank tells his daughter and what happens as she grows up..college and career?? What does happen to Frank too? Beautifully written with warmhoney's honesty and depth of feelings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
It is a sad story to tell


In the fact that Rita must die, and yet the full story is not yet told: to make the story complete, much else must be said. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
why kill rita of ?

Why did you have to kill Rita of all the good stories i read they kill the women of that starts me crying and it reminds me of my dads death i loved your story and i hope you continue with the story i want to hear the explanation that the Fr.gives to his daughter frankie and the rest of the children .

Pat Murray


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