River City Superheroine Ch. 01

Story Info
Grace has a few run-ins with the Three Kings Gang.
4k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/08/2020
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"Hurry up and plant the drop," the man whispered.

"What, you think the rumor about the super is real? Don't be a fucking pussy," the second man hissed back.

Both men were standing in front of a dumpster down a cramped alley, barely illuminated by a soft orange glow from a nearby streetlamp.

The men looked comical; they were easily each taller than six feet tall with broad builds and the alley was just barely wide enough to accommodate them.

"Whatcha guys doing?" a voice said from the head of the alley.

The two men looked up, startled by the intrusion only to find a young woman staring at them.

She had creamy skin and was wearing a pair of black boots, a pair of black high-waisted denim shorts hugged her hips and showed off her slender legs, dark grey gloves, and a dark blue tight tank top through which a faint outline of her nipples was visible; the top stopped just short enough of her waist to tease a bit of her toned midriff. Her mouth and nose were covered with a dark grey cloth mask above which were her two crystal blue eyes that seemed to glow, and a tousled bun of auburn hair adorned her head.

The second man whistled. "Damn bitch you got some nice tits! We're actually gonna do you how about that?"

She rolled her eyes. "Hmm sounds tempting, but how about you tell me about the drop you're doing for the Three Kings?"

The criminals' eyes widened.

"H-how do you know about this? Are you that f-fucking super?" the first man whimpered.

"Yeah I'm the 'fucking super' so how about you just give up now and you'll go to prison with minimal brain damage."

The second man scoffed; he and his companion could easily overpower her by themselves. "Yeah right. How about you keep quiet and we'll show you a good time?"

He started to walk towards her with his hands outstretched. Suddenly, the super raised her palm and shot a pale blue ethereal beam at him. He hesitated for a moment and when nothing immediately happened, he advanced.

"Haha you fucking bitch, you can't even do anything! You could try to make this fun for me." He tried to swipe at her and without warning, he felt as though his mind and body were moving through molasses. He looked down and saw his body covered in pale blue wisps and the same blue mistiness covered the super's hand while her eyes glowed.

Before he could connect the dots, she made a fist and knocked him out.

His partner started pleading with her. "Please I didn't want no trouble! Just let me go and you'll never see me again!"

She rolled her eyes again and wordlessly knocked him out too.

The super quickly searched the two men and the dumpster, which was thankfully devoid of trash, and found a thick wad of cash and a bag of crystal meth that had a small red crown sticker. She sighed mentally. Another drug drop? This was the third one this week. The Three Kings were starting to decrease their drop sizes to minimize losses, possibly as a response to her. She would need to consult her team.

She took a beacon chip from her pocket, activated it, and put it on the ground for the police to find the alley. These new gadgets are actually kind of useful, she thought begrudgingly. As soon as the beacon was placed, she left.


Grace stood on the roof of a building adjacent to the alley, taking a moment to enjoy her victory. The super took a deep breath to gather her nerves and leapt across the street to the next rooftop. She still was getting used to using her flight, if it could even be called that. It was more like enhanced jumping. As Grace lept from roof to roof towards her base, she reflected on the past several months.

Grace had gained her powers suddenly about eight months ago along with countless others. Most supers initially appeared in the Midwestern United States but more and more were popping up all around the country. Since she already lived in River City, Grace decided to fight crime in her hometown once she got the hang of her powers, for the most part. She had the ability to control psychic energy, which includes construct creation and some telekinesis that can be used to lift objects and mild flight; she knew that her grasp on her powers was still weak but it was enough to beat up thugs.

A short three months after Grace started crime fighting, she was contacted by CAPE. CAPE, or the Coalition for Altruism and Protection of Earth, was a mysterious organization that formed quickly after supers started sprouting. It was a self-professed league of justice with deep pockets that worked closely with local and federal governments to help supers and respond to crises.

CAPE had offered to pay her team a stipend and give her a real high-tech headquarters, which Grace hesitantly accepted. She was increasingly worn down from working to pay bills and fight crime at night. The only catch from CAPE's offer was that a liaison was dispatched to become a permanent member of her team and occasionally give her assignments.

Grace landed on the roof of her high-rise penthouse base and quickly used the eye- and fingerprint-scanner to enter; she was eager to share the news of her latest drug bust with her team.

She walked into the operations room and was greeted by the two other members of her team.

Cassie was Grace's friend from before crime fighting began and has been with Grace throughout her super career, a software-savvy computer geek who also communicated with the police for information on behalf of the team. Her face was framed by shoulder length blonde hair with bangs, and she had light brown eyes. She wore large wire-framed glasses, thigh-high socks, a skirt that highlighted her curvy hips, and a sweater that covered her large bust; she was shorter than Grace and her height only made her chest seem larger. Grace had respectable C cups but had always been a little envious of Cassie's larger boobs, and admittedly found herself admiring Cassie's body frequently.

Anthony was the CAPE liaison. He keeps CAPE updated on Grace's activity and also gets fancy gadgets like the police beacon from CAPE HQ. He was a few years older than Grace and Cassie, and a little over six feet tall; his usual attire was a button down and slacks. Anthony was fit but not bulky with close cut brown hair, deep brown eyes, and a little stubble. Grace thought he was kind of cute in a shy, dorky way but not really her type. That never stopped her from teasing him a little though. Grace enjoyed the thought of him frustratingly jacking off at night because of being around her and Cassie all day.

"Totally busted another drug drop!" Grace whooped excitedly.

When neither person returned her triumphant yell, Grace looked around at their less than enthused faces; Cassie gave her a polite smile.

"Oh no," Grace sighed, "don't tell me it happened again."

"It happened again. This time with the same calling card and M.O.," Anthony replied. "The drugs were left for the cops, only the cash was taken, and a card was left in its place." He pulled up a picture of the card on his computer. It was a business card with only an intricately designed masquerade mask imprinted on the front, with a kiss mark left in the top right corner from orange-red lipstick.

"That's the third time you've stopped a drug drop and the cash has been missing when the police show up. They're calling this person 'Masquerade.'" Anthony continued, "Because both you and Masquerade are hitting their operations, the Three Kings have substantially reduced how much they're shipping in each drop, as I'm sure you've noticed."

"Which means we need to change our approach if we want to take down the Three Kings," Cassie chimed in. "But I have good news! The red sticker you found means the drugs were from the Red King, and one of the criminals revealed the location of one of his hideouts."

"Did the police tell you all of this already?" Grace asked.

Cassie grinned. "No I just hacked into their communications and listened in!"

"Great! I'll infiltrate the hideout tomorrow and find information about their drug network."

Grace turned to head to her bedroom but Anthony coughed nervously to get her attention.

"Um actually, Grace I wanted to talk to you about your super outfit." Anthony mumbled.

Grace pivoted around and smiled. "What, you don't think I look good?" she asked with a wink.

His face became flushed and he hurriedly looked down at his hands.

"Yes it's just, I mean no, well as your CAPE liaison I thought you should know that- "

"Well, as the actual super in the field I'm catching thugs every time. And I can create barriers to protect myself, so it's easier than wearing body armor. Besides, I know I look good and it keeps the bad guys off guard." To make her point, Grace turned her firm butt towards him and gave it a light slap.

Anthony turned an even deeper red and Cassie giggled. With a flourish, Grace turned on her toes and strode to her bedroom.

Grace stripped down to her panties, climbed under her covers, and within minutes was asleep.


Grace moaned loudly. She felt a pair of hands on her hips and a thick cock inside of her. She was bent over and getting fucked hard from behind; her shorts were around her ankles and her tight tank top was pushed up above her breasts. The pace was non-stop and relentless. Her waves of pleasure were increasing as she moaned again.

Grace had to brace herself against the wall as her legs threatened to give out. The pleasure was almost unbearable, but she gathered her will and looked at her surroundings.

Her eyes widened when she realized she was back in that alley, and her surprise grew when she saw that the man fucking her was the first thug from earlier tonight.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the other thug furiously jerking off to the sight of her getting fucked. This only made her wetter, and her burning desire for release grew.

"Please go harder!" Grace was surprised at the sound of her own voice. She her an affirmative grunt behind her as the thug slapped her firm ass and increased his pace.

Grace yelped from the unexpected smack but didn't say anything; she only moaned louder. In the back of her mind, she questioned her own lack of reaction. Normally, she hated being controlled during sex like this but now it was turning her on like nothing else. Grace dropped one of her hands and started groping her chest and squeezing her hardened nipples. She was desperate for release. Each thrust made her closer and closer to orgasm; her breath quickened and she moaned even louder.

Without warning, the thug on the side climaxed and came all across her side and back.

The startling sensation of his hot, gooey load on her skin made Grace jump up in her bed. She looked around and saw that she was in her bedroom. Sighing with surprising disappointment, Grace realized it had just been an incredibly vivid dream.

Even more pressing, however, was the still-present fire in her body begging to be freed. Grace reached a hand between her legs and found her pussy incredibly wet; she was still shocked her dream situation had turned her on so much.

Grace rapidly settled into a rhythm, with one hand making small circles on her clit and the other hand cupping one of her perky tits. She stifled her moans so as not to wake her team, and Grace climaxed after a few short minutes.

Feeling a little unsatisfied, Grace figured that because of fighting crime she had been too busy to have any sex in several months. She yearned for a hard cock to really satiate her need.

With this thought, Grace drifted into dreamless sleep.


The next morning, Grace threw her dirty panties in her hamper immediately. A shower felt necessary; On top of soaking through her underwear, last night's dream had made her feel unclean.

She walked into her bathroom and turned the shower on. As she waited for the water to get up to temperature, she eyed her own naked body in the mirror. Her hands subconsciously moved up her body to her chest and gave her breasts a light squeeze. A soft sigh escaped her lips.

The mirror soon fogged up and snapped Grace out of her reverie. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and stepped into the shower.

Warm water washed over Grace's body; its relaxing effect was instant. Grace took a deep breath as her hands caressed all over her body, focusing on relieving tension. She thought it was nice to have a moment to herself, and she let her mind wander.

Her thoughts returned to her destitute sex life and her yearning pussy. Unbidden, her right hand drifted across her lower lips and the sensation elicited a small gasp. Grace's hand slowly starting tracing her pussy entrance. Her heat was growing, and not just from the water.

Grace figured her arousal wasn't going to go away, and besides, she wouldn't want any distracting thoughts interfering in her mission today. As this consideration passed her mind, she reached two of her fingers inside herself.

She moaned quietly; it was more of an exhale than a sound. The initial jolt of pleasure from her fingers turned into a swelling burn. Grace's fingers continued pulsing in and out on a steady beat.

She started panting as she felt herself get closer. She increased the tempo of her fingers. She was right on the edge.

She kept at her pace and felt the fire spill over as she climaxed. Her pussy throbbed as pleasure bathed her whole body, and she involuntarily cried out before she could cover her mouth.

Once her orgasm finished, she basked in the afterglow and again relaxed in the warm water.

She swiftly washed her body with soap and left the shower, finally feeling a little satisfied.

Grace got dressed and entered the common room.

As soon as Grace made her entrance, Cassie and Anthony looked away from each other. Anthony swiveled in his chair and pretended to work on his computer and Cassie shot a glance at Grace before looking down at her hands.

Were they just talking about her? Could they have heard her? Grace blushed and tried to act casually.

"Sooo, tell me about the hideout. What should I expect to come, I mean, find there?" The super asked while trying to avoid looking at anyone.

Anthony lifted his head, as if surprised to see her. "Oh Grace! We, well, Cassie and me were just discussing the, uh, plan."

Grace scoffed internally. She hated Anthony's nitpicky plans and would've said so if she wasn't so embarrassed. Her plan was always: run in and complete her objective and beat up bad guys if she thought it was necessary. Besides, he was probably trying to cover up his conversation with Cassie.

"RIght, so tell me what the assignment is."

Cassie looked up from her hands. "We pinpointed the location of the hideout using the information from the criminal you helped captured last night: it's a strip club called the Scarlet Lounge in southern River City," she said.

"Great! So I'll sneak in and find the info on the Red King's drug trade in the office probably."

Cassie continued. "We think it's best if you go in undercover during the day since there will be fewer civilians if a fight does break out. But please don't use your powers if you can help it. There will most likely be gang members that will spot you and then the Three Kings will know your identity."

"And don't forget to call for help if you need it," Anthony reminded her.

"Yeah yeah yeah. I got it. Get in, don't use powers, and find the info." Grace had enough of planning. She was itching to go in and be that much closer to nailing the Red King.

Waving to her team, she walked out.


Grace arrived at the Scarlet Lounge wearing wine-red heels, a short black skirt, and a low-cut black-and-white striped shirt showing a generous amount of cleavage. Her auburn hair was down around her shoulders, and her lipstick was the same shade as her shoes.

The heavenly heroine nonchalantly entered the strip club and looked around. It was definitely a good idea to sneak in during the day; there were only two men there watching a show. She scanned the establishment, looking for the office. There it was on the other side of the building.

She started walking towards the office. On her way there she passed a tall, muscular man with a crown tattoo on his neck. He made no attempt to disguise his wandering eyes, looked her up and down, and gave her a hungry smile. Grace shuddered internally and kept walking. Thankfully, he made no attempt to stop her.

Grace reached the office door and looked around to make sure she wasn't being watched. She jiggled the doorknob, and to her surprise it opened. With one last look around, Grace stepped into the office.

The office was quite lavish. There was a soft-looking couch against one wall, an ornate rug on the floor, and a desk against the opposite wall. A painting of a sailboat hung on the wall above the desk.

"Well, what are you doing here?" A voice from behind asked.

Crap. Grace turned around and found herself face to face with the man who passed her in the hallway earlier.

"Trying to steal from work, huh? That's naughty."

Double crap. At least he thought she was a stripper and not the super. If that's somehow a positive.

Grace thought quickly. "You caught me," she bluffed. "Please don't get me fired!"

"I won't tell the bosses. But you have to do something for me. Suck my dick and let me see those tits," he demanded.

Triple crap. Was she trapped? She wouldn't be able to use her powers to knock him out while he was in the doorway and someone could witness it. Maybe she could try to make a move while he's inside the office and distracted.

She was a little disgusted at having to give this thug a blowjob, but she saw no good alternative. She bit her finger seductively. "Oh thank you! Can you get that cock out for me?"

"Not so fast, slut. Let me see those tits first."

Grace's eye twitched when he called her a slut, but she took off her shirt. She unclasped her bra and released her perky boobs.

The man licked his lips and grabbed her left breast. Grace resisted the urge to slap him.

He led her to the couch and started fondling and teasing her chest with one hand while sucking her other nipple. Surprising herself, Grace started moaning softly.

After a few moments, the thug sat up and pulled out his cock.

"Wow," Grace whispered involuntarily.

She knelt in front of him and slowly started stroking his dick and took his tip into her mouth. Between her legs, Grace felt herself get wet and her arousal start to build. She was seriously enjoying sucking his dick. The feel of his cock in her mouth, the aroma, and the taste were all making her more aroused.

"Mmm." She moaned around his shaft. All thoughts of using her powers were gone; she wanted his cock. Grace reached a hand down to her crotch and started rubbing herself. Her head bobbed on his dick with vigor. She stroked his shaft while sucking his tip while saliva dripped from her mouth onto her tits.

"Damn that feels amazing," the man groaned.

She moaned in affirmation. Her finger slipped past her panties and inside her pussy and realized a blowjob wouldn't be enough for her. She wanted more.

Grace took her mouth off of his cock. "Please fuck me." She gasped with saliva leaking out. Her pleading tone was shocking, more so than the vulgarity and desperation in her own voice.

He grinned. "Sit on the couch and wait like a good girl." She nodded eagerly and did what she was told as he got up and got a condom from the desk.

She couldn't help herself. She needed a cock inside of her. While he searched for a condom, she resumed fingering herself, no longer concerned with her own slutty obedience.

He put the condom on and got on top of Grace. He parted her panties, grabbed her thighs, and thrust deep inside her. The sudden intrusion made her yell out. The man didn't stop and kept thrusting at a rapid pace.

Grace moaned loudly. His cock felt so good inside of her.