Rob and the Kiss of Death


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The next morning I made an appointment to see my attorney, gave him the files and the DVD and pointed out Bently and told my attorney who he was and pointed out that Bently committed sodomy on Mary Ellen. Jay was practically rubbing his hands in glee. I found out later that Bently had stuck it to him in a court case. I can just imagine how he felt at getting a chance for some payback. We set it up to have the papers served at the offices of CBB and T at ten in the morning on Friday. That would give me time to set up a locksmith to be at the house half an hour after Mary Ellen left for work.

On Friday Mary Ellen was served with divorce papers claiming adultery with multiple partners and a restraining order keeping her from coming any closer to me or the house than five hundred feet. Eleven attorneys, including Bently, were served with alienation of affection suits and Bently, as managing partner of CBB and T, was served with paperwork charging failure to enforce the morals clause in the firm's policy and procedures manual. In addition Bently was served with papers charging him with having using his position as managing partner to have sex with an employee. In the envelope with Bently's paperwork was a photo -- a video capture of him buried in Mary Ellen's ass and a note reminding him that sodomy was still a crime in our state and that also said:

"Maybe we should talk before my client exercises what he calls his 'nuclear' option. He told me that he is planning on going for his revenge tomorrow."

I had expected the phone to start ringing minutes after Mary Ellen was served, but she never called. I did get a call from Jay at three that afternoon telling me that Mary Ellen had contacted him about getting into the house to get her things. I told him to set it up, but to make sure that there was someone from the court there as a neutral witness. He also told me the Bently had called him and that they would be meeting at five.

"You still want me to play hardball, right?"

"Absolutely. You have an enforceable agreement before he leaves the meeting or all the wives will receive a package. The bar association will receive a package and I'll leak it to the papers. I already have a web site set up and it will only take a dozen keystrokes to have it up and running. I'm not giving him any time to pull any legal maneuvers. If he gives you any bullshit about not being able to speak for the others tell him he'd better get on the phone and get it done. Full agreement by the end of your meeting or I go nuclear. One more thing. We didn't cover it in our talks, but Bently agrees that Mary Ellen has guaranteed employment. I'm not happy with what she's done, but I owe her a little consideration because she did give me some good years. She shouldn't get all the blame. Every one of those assholes knew she was married and it didn't stop them. I'll be near the home phone so call me when your meeting is over."

Jay called me at eight. Bently had come to the meeting in attack mode threatening legal action and spouting that none of what Jay had would be admissible in court. Jay let him run on until he ran out of rants and then Jay told him that he knew he couldn't use the video of the office gangbang in court, but what I'd shot at the hotel in Chicago was admissible, but that it didn't matter to me. He told Bently that I was hell bent on revenge and then he told Bently just what I planned to do if Bently left the meeting without a legally enforceable agreement in place.

Bently had caved. He had apparently discussed things with the other attorneys named in the suits and they had authorized him to act for them. Even after Jay subtracted his percentage I was a millionaire and all I had to do was agree to destroy all the material I had accumulated against those involved. I had to agree to change my grounds for divorce to irreconcilable differences and Bently's firm would handle Mary Ellen's side of the divorce at no cost to me. They agreed to accept what I had asked for in my original filing which was a 65/35 split of assets in my favor and my settlement with CBB and T would be exempt from the split. It was revenge of a sort, but not the revenge I would have liked. What I would have liked was to take a baseball bat to all of the assholes that Mary Ellen had cheated on me with, but I knew that if I had gone that route I would have ended up spending a considerable amount of time behind some very high walls somewhere.


Saturday at 1:30 pm Mary Ellen came to the house with two of her friends and under the watchful eyes of a woman from the court and a woman from Jay's law firm they packed up all of her clothes and removed them from the house. I sat out on the patio drinking iced tea and working the New York Times crossword puzzle and in general staying out of the way.

Given that a settlement was in place and I would be financially able to buy whatever I wanted I told the two women observers that Mary Ellen could take anything she wanted. The woman from the court said:

"Then why did you need me here?"

"I wanted witnesses so we didn't end up in front of a judge with a he said/she said issue."

After the last box was loaded in Mary Ellen's car Mary Ellen came out on the patio and asked me if we could talk.

"As long as you don't mind Mrs. Abbott and Miss Bechtel listening."

"What I have to say is kind of personal."

"The two ladies are here as witnesses to make sure we don't end up in court with you saying "He said" and me saying "Bull hocky, I said no such thing."

"Do you still have your mini cassette recorder?"


"Then you can record the conversation and give the tape to one of them to hold."

I asked the two women if they would accept the recording if we ended up in front of a judge and they conferred briefly and then said that they would. I went in and got the recorder, made sure that it had a fresh tape and fresh batteries and brought it out to the patio. The two women went inside where they couldn't hear, but could watch through the window. Mary Ellen took the seat opposite me and said:

I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I love you Rob; I really do."

"Then why Mary Ellen? Why did you stab me in the back?"

"It goes back to the rape at the frat house when we were in college. It was a rape Rob, but it woke up something in me. I found that I loved sex with multiple partners."

"When did you start cheating on me?"

"Two weeks after the rape was the first time. I was in the school cafeteria and a guy who was in my Strategic Management class joined me at my table and before lunch was over he hit on me. He said he knew what had happened to me and would I like to do it again without the alcohol and drugs. I said yes and that night I pulled a train. I loved it Rob; I really, really got into it. After that I averaged one a month until I went to work for CBB and T. The brother of one of the guys that worked at the firm was a guy who had been to a couple of my gangbangs. He came by one day to go to lunch with his brother, saw me and told his brother about me. The brother approached me and I started pulling trains on the conference room table. After a half dozen of them I complained that the table was too hard on my back so they went out and got a sofa-bed for the conference room."

"Don't tell me, let me guess. Your trip just before we were supposed to be married was just an excuse to go out of town and fuck your herd of guys."

"No Rob, the trip was legitimate. I did need to be there when we put the new system on line, but yes, I did entertain the boys while we were there."

"It happened on all of your trips?"

"Yes. The trips were all legitimate, but I always took advantage of them to have multiple partner sex."

"And your late nights at work?"

"Maybe two thirds were legit."

"I can't believe that I never tumbled to it."

"I tried very hard to hide it from you. How did you find out?"

I told her how I had discovered her and what I had done."

"I really am sorry Rob. I love you and I love being married to you and even though I've been doing my thing all these years we have still had a great marriage. Is there any way we can work things out so we can stay together?"

"Sorry Mary Ellen, but I'm not built that way. I'm wired from the factory to be a one woman man and that one woman needs to be a one man woman and that is not you."

"I'll stop Rob. I promise I'll stop."

Too late for that Mary Ellen; way too late for that."


It was my own fault. Even after knowing from my trip to Chicago that Mary Ellen was doing gangbangs I still had unprotected sex with her. A week after I served the papers on Mary Ellen I felt a stinging sensation when I got up and took my morning piss. A trip to the doctor told me that Mary Ellen had given me a case of gonorrhea. I called her and thanked her for the gift. She was crying when I hung up.


Helen reached me, all of her clothes gone except for thigh highs and 'come and fuck me' heels. I marveled at the magnificence of her body and wondered how long I would be allowed to enjoy it before I was taken from her or she was taken from me. That thought was still strong as she reached for my zipper, pulled it down and reached inside my pants for what she knew was there. Reached for what I had and that only I could give her.

All thoughts disappeared from my mind except those of pleasure as her hot mouth captured my cock. When she had me as hard as she wanted she pulled her mouth off of me and said:

"Bedroom lover; now!"

As I followed her perfect ass to the bedroom I thought again of the bizarre circumstances that had put this gorgeous woman in my life. I was sitting in a Denny's having pie and coffee and reading a paper that I had picked up at the adult book store I frequented. The viewing booths in the arcade were my sex life. A steady stream of quarters kept the flickering images on the screen and they helped me maintain the erection that I took care of by hand.

I guess you would call the paper a 'sex rag' or a paper for those who lived alternate lifestyles. Whatever it was called it was free so I'd taken a copy when I left the store. There were articles on strip bars and interviews with 'featured performers' at the clubs and the paper was loaded with ads for outcall services, 900 phone numbers and tons and tons of personal ads. I wondered about the 900 numbers and I wondered if calling one of them would do for me what the arcade booths did. Maybe try one for a change of pace?

Then I saw it. It was a two column wide black-bordered ad in the personals. It said:

"Fuck me and die."

And underneath those bold black letters it said:

"HIV positive female looking for a man with a death wish to satisfy her sexual urges. Call 555-1863."

I stared at the ad for several minutes and then I got up and used the pay phone to call the number.

"Yes?" said the voice that answered the call.

"I just read your ad and if I am right in what I think it is saying I could very well be what you are looking for."

We had arranged a meeting and after talking for a while it turned out that I was just what she was looking for. The sad fact was that Mary Ellen had gifted me with the diseases that she had picked up and I was now also HIV positive. Helen and I could enjoy each other without spreading the affliction to others.

As I watched the glorious ass sway as she walked toward the bedroom I wondered how long we might have before one of us went into full blown Aids. It could be years, days or it might never happen. All I could do was grab onto the good and pray that the bad would stay away.

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ibuguseribuguser11 months ago

Hehe, the MC didn't write the story @anonymous. JPB did.

Good story. A nice twist at the end.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

First.y the MC shows such a fucked up attitide that I felt zero sympathy for the character. And he deserved all he got! Good riddance to bad rubbish

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

Some suspension of disbelief is necessary in most LW stories. A lot more necessary I'm this story than is easy to handle.

After losing her virginity to being gang raped while drugged she accepts a date to be gang banged completely sober and gets hooked on it?

Years worth of being gang banged multiple times per month by 5-10 guys at a time and he never felt that she was loose? Never any missing bra and panties when she came home. Never any cum stains on her clothes or in her panties? No one hides that level of activity for years that perfectly.

After years of getting her sloppy seconds without an STD all of the sudden she gives him multiple STDs, including HIV after her last couple of gang bangs???

RazorFishRazorFishalmost 2 years ago

Very good start, but not the best ending.

TheRealMadtexTheRealMadtexalmost 2 years ago

What a bunch of dribble! You're better than this, JPB.

Only thing I can give this one is, at least this one has a decent ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Quite a tale. I liked the story One of the best I've read of JPB. D2D2 must remember that these are simply stories.

There is nothing real life to them,not even in the authors mind. Simply read, enjoy, move on to the next. LP

Frank66Frank66about 2 years ago

Sorry, but NO woman who's been raped thinks it's a good thing and wants more of it. They're not built that way, and that's common knowledge in the real world. Apparently not here on LW.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why keep reading?!

Hate these idiotic stories!

Every once in a while I get a wild hair up my ass and read trying to be objective and see IF story is well written.

Yours typical of the main characters who let little head rule big head.

He keeps going one step forward and two steps back. Never once tries to get total closure. Being an accountant and serving in Nam I want closure. Details check and cross check!!

With all her multiple partners etc no way he could not discern things. Realize not reality But!

Characters thrown in at beginning and thrown out.

Money over conscience!

Take them all down. Wives and girlfriends have a right to know!

You brought in HIV. How many of those also infected you possibly could have stopped.

Other details

Not at least finding closure from tapes,letters,and check with friends etc.


JonDoe315JonDoe315over 2 years ago

Sorry but he should've balanced the scales for getting HIV

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I swear d2d2 HAS to be one of Bob's exes. Now she is out to make all men suffer. Sorry Bob

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This dark donut sure does take JPB seriously. Much moreso than JPB himself does.

Lighten up Francis, it's empty calorie fluff.

Thanks Bob

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

Holly or Helen, or maybe Mary Ellen?

This story is one utter absurdity. The whole law firm is gangbanging one female employee. For all the years nobody talks about that, some disgruntled employee or another female employee?

No disease in family members, divorcees? No notification of health department from doctors? No CDC tracking disease? No legal action against source of disease?

You think the partners would risk their profession and income to gangbang employee in the firm premises when they can easily enroll in some swinger clubs without risking their jobs and their health.

This sort of Slut Gangbang Disneyland is possible only in Twilight Zone of JustPlainBob absurdities where traumatic rape can turn into slut discovery, and females are only bitches and whores but always in eternal love with "Rob".

By the way, even though HIV (virus) cannot be eradicated from the body, it can be controlled to the point that AIDS (full blown disease) does not happen. And the person that has a regimen of antiviral drugs is generally not going to transmit the virus although of course one can never be sure.

There are many other STDs you can get like Herpes, HPV, Hepatitis ... I seriously doubt that any educated person (lawyer?) would engage in gangbang anal sex without protection of either condom or blood test for STDs, or both.

Wolf_Man_1962Wolf_Man_1962about 3 years ago
If She Was Getting Gangbangs Since College

she could have easily contracted HIV and given it to him long before he found out about the Chicago gangbang. Yes, I know he suggested it but it takes months for HIV to show up, sometimes years, and he didn't have a reason to get checked until after he found out she was such a slut. The only consolation would be all those lawyers also got exposed to HIV. Life, as they say, is a bitch and her stripper name is karma. Glad all this is make believe an no one really got hurt😜

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Why would any idiot screw someone that just did a train and had been doing them for years / why did she marry him ? out of hate and contempt , stupid wimp / she was a pig from the start/ the gift of no children and her giving him a death sentience is justice well served (cockold supreme ) .

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

This one nose-dived on final approach. No survivors.

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