Roderick and Gorlana Pt. 06


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"Rrrh! Roderick!" she moaned in a growing frenzy as she tore the mattress with her teeth and arched her back to take his onslaught and beg for more.

"Gorlana! AH!" He trembled as forces beyond anything he'd dreamed of jolted through his body and their knees bounced above the mattress.

Suddenly their knees bounced too far backwards and slipped over the edge of the bed. He flexed his arms tightly around her hips to keep himself inside her and hold himself up from the floor at the same time, while her belly hit the mattress and she scrambled with her claws to grasp the opposite side of the bed. An exhausted laugh was followed by a quick resuming of their determined mating rhythm. He slammed her thighs into the side of the frame while she moaned in encouragement. He reached above his head to grasp her shoulders and pounded himself into her while she reached above herself to pull at the opposite side of the frame, and together they made the straining bed creak under the pressure. With each relentless thrust he pushed and she pulled and their extended bodies sought to crush the bed inward on itself from either side.

The bed which had already suffered relentless pounding for hours that day finally began to fail when tested from the side. The board began to crack and they felt it start to bend and give way but they did not cease their persistent fucking rhythm. Finally it gave way and splintered, snapping in two on one side and buckling down into the floor in the center. The two wild lovers ignored it and simply held the mattress underneath them as he continued to heave into her. Their reckless force made them fall backwards away from the failed structure of the bed and take the mattress with them. She fell back on to him, groaning as her pussy ground itself on to his hot raging spire. Then he shoved them on to their side and then forward towards the wall.

They wailed in effort and excitement as the mattress cushioned her against the wall, its crumpled form within her arms pressed hard against the stones as he fucked her against it. Faster and harder, the useless bed frame done away with, they tested the strength of the thick stone wall instead as her strong arms braced against it and he barraged her enduring pussy, that trembled and clenched in desire for more. More and more, he fucked her from behind hard enough he thought he must somehow be making the castle wall shake, their hoarse voices and thrashing bodies seemed at the brink when he finally started to scream out with her and his climax roared forth into another eruption.



His body doubled over hers and he squeezed himself around her precious invulnerable hips, holding himself inside her in an impossibly tight possession of each with the other and they came as one. Her body reacting instantly to the orgasm she had felt oncoming as acutely as he had. White hot intense ecstasy took them out of the real world as they become one pulsing combined flesh and one mind.

He roared as his swollen endlessly filling balls released themselves to her again. The pulsing instinct of their roiling flesh reached their highest heights of purpose as their minds were pulled helpless through their storm of pleasure. Her pussy and her womb flexed and suckled on his divine nectar, soaked and overfilled but clamouring for more. The feeling of each deluging rush sending her into new thrilling waves of orgasmic relief. Despite the volume they had shared, every release was like a new triumph. Their bodies rolled in tight clinging waves of unthinking desire as they shared their pleasure, shared their essence and shared their destiny. Their mating rhythm slowed gradually into a comfortable savouring feeling as he continued to fill her, knowing there would be more soon enough, knowing their potency, knowing the inevitability of their fertile bodies' efforts, without a doubt.

He sunk into bliss as his head nestled into her moist smooth back and the pride at the thought of being the father of her children kept him from paying heed to the ache of his bones. Despite his Rutt-strengthened flesh, he inevitably came down to earth, however. As they sunk to the floor, he lay onto his back with still seething breaths, and his arms and legs fell limp to either side, twitching with overuse. Gorlana groaned in a brief lament as his half-softened cock fell out of her, but twisted and crawled up his body with affectionate worshipping kisses of her human lover.

"I only need a minute," he assured her. "I can't imagine trying to stop," he said, with no doubt in his mind despite his body's throbbing.

She giggled endearingly and gnawed and kissed at his bulging veined muscles and pecked kisses along his neck to hold his face in her hands "I don't doubt you, my love," she kissed him wetly and her eyes rolled back as their hips rolled into each other again, and his cock twitched against her, "Oh, my brave, reckless soldier... My dauntless, dedicated general." She rubbed her nose on his. "I don't doubt for a moment that you will give everything you have. Spend every ounce of your strength. I can feel it, smell it, see it in your beautiful eyes, and I love you so much for it."

"Oh Gorlana," he kissed her in agreement.

"Mmmm, but that is why I want you to pace yourself. Because I want it all. As much as you can possibly give," she rasped intensely through her teeth into his ear as her claws tangled in his hair. "Because Rutting or no, we are made of only flesh. I don't want to gallop only a few miles and be done. I want to ride my stallion across the entire fucking realm."

He groaned and dug his fingers into the smooth muscles of her back as her pussy gently slid along the length of his aching but newly hardening cock.

"We have days, my love. Not hours. Days. And I will have as much of your seed as I can. I can already feel it, mixing within me. Preparing for the heat of life..."

Roderick hummed a low groan and pressed himself into her with even more intense desire at her words, and the thought of impregnating her, "Us two, creating one."

"No," she squeezed her thighs on him, and stared closely and intensely at him with a sharp smile, "More than one I hope. Strong. Healthy. Our best that we can create."

Roderick hummed in satisfaction with her and smiled back, "How many do you think?"

She softened her smile, and pulled aside a hair from his forehead with her claw, admiring him, "Only the Gods know....but even if it is an only-child as I was, I will feel no shame, knowing my child is yours." She kissed him softly, but then flashed a mischievous smile, "But I will do all I can to make it more... The more we share, the more you give me, the longer we Rutt, they say, the better you will breed me. A larger, stronger litter."

He growled into her neck, her words driving him wild, and his cock hardening as her dripping pussy engulfed it again and they groaned in relief. "Ohhh Gods, Gorlana. I will. I will give you everything my beautiful love."

She smiled and rolled her hips on him but took his grasping hands off her hips and pinned them down to the rug. "Then let me make love to you gently for a while my headstrong warrior, and we will gallop again soon enough."

He nodded in agreement, but asked, "It's not too hard for you, to hold back?" thinking back to another orc woman from what seemed like another life.

She shook her head, "It can be hard, but it makes it all the more thrilling, in a way," she whispered as she held his eyes intently with a smile.

He smiled back at her and let his arms relax on to the floor under her gentle control. She massaged up his forearms and biceps, and he groaned at the strong and gentle pleasure of her hands, treating his pecks and abs and then his legs to a relaxing, rejuvenating massage as her loving hips adored his hard spire, the only part of him that stood firm now as she coaxed him to breath out and loosen his body further.

"Rest for now my love, let me take the reins. We will take turns and keep our love flowing."

She kissed him tenderly as her soft chest pressed him down, and he swelled hard within her. He closed his eyes, trapped under her warm weight, and smiled.


Valessa stared blankly ahead at the leaves and flowers of her gardens. She had barely changed the numb expression on her face since the incident in the hall. Her only movement was the slow petting of her bear next to her ornate wicker chair. The only sound besides the light rustling wind, and occasional chirping birds, was an occasional low rumble of contentment from the bear enjoying her endless scratching attention.

She let out a gasp and a jolt at the click of the door latch but quickly settled back into her half-rigid poise, only tightening her mouth slightly in discomfort at the notion of company.

"Your highness?" a nobleman's voice called cautiously, then gave a forced smile as he stuck his head around the door, "May we indeed come in? Navarin said you might finally be ready to talk."

Valessa barely twitched her head in a nod, and three men and two women of the noble council filed in. After a short awkward silence where it became clear Valessa had no intention of speaking or meeting their eyes, one of them cleared their throats.

"We just found out that Chasdon was found dead in his cell this morning, your highness."

Valessa blinked slowly, and muttered, "I know."

"I, um, suppose that's good you already know, er, of course you would. Do you... think the orcs had anything to do with it?"

Valessa's mouth twitched up on one side in the hint of a bitter smile, then it disappeared as she closed her eyes and shook her head, "There is no evidence to suggest it."

"Yes... of course, they would not have had the finesse and cunning to slip past any of your guards, and they say it was one of his own blades that was found in the cell with him."

One of the women added, "It might have been a suicide for that matter. Given the shame of his fall from grace."

Valessa sighed, "Yes, you might be right."

"Well I'm glad you're still calm despite- I just... we worried about you receiving that news in addition to everything else that's happened..."

"Do you doubt the reliability of my composure?" she asked, raising an eyebrow but still not meeting their eyes.

"N- No, of course not, your highness. Simply, we would understand if you were having... difficulties, after what happened. It's why we've given you time, but... the day is near to an end and we just... were hoping we could give our colleagues some idea as to um..."

As the man faltered, one of the women spoke up, "What do you intend to do, your highness?"

Valessa continued to stare at the flower-bed beyond them and prodded her tongue into her cheek, then finally replied, "What... would you expect me to do?"

The nobles exchanged uncomfortable glances until one replied, "Well, many of us were surprised, er, relieved that you showed the restraint not to order the guards to attack and imprison the orcs and your- um... the Duke. Though many of us certainly would understand such anger, given the embarrassment of what happened."

"Embarrassment?" Valessa retorted sharply, "Have I done anything that I should personally feel embarrassed about?"

"No! No, of course not your highness. We simply understand what you must be feeling."

"You do not."

The nobleman cleared his throat again, "That is... fair. What I'm trying to ask, princess, is, do you plan to enact any type of revenge, or start any violence against these orcs after what happened? We simply wish to know if it is safe to remain in the palace, if so, or should we call our own guards or perhaps spend the night back in our personal properties out in the city?"

"Are you suggesting I do? Attack them in retribution, call in the army regiment to assist the guards and attempt to imprison them, and when they inevitably refuse to be taken alive, make the halls run red with blood?" she said, clenching her jaw and suddenly stopping her hand from pulling tightly on her bear's fur when it groaned and jolted it's head back.

"We... do not suggest it per se, your highness, though we are aware that wars have been started over less than... this. We would not wish to plunge the realm back into the turmoil of war again if it can be helped, yet, we would understand, if your... honour demands it."

"Honour," Valessa let out a quiet scoff and pressed her lips together tightly, then sighed and looked away, "Am I that vain? To sacrifice so much for a personal qualm... Perhaps," she said, as if to herself. "Though I suppose it's not exactly my style. And, I suppose I already decided that I would not fight a war for him."

"Not for him, your highness surely. For your-... for Andralia's pride. Though we are aware of how difficult that financial situation would be. I'm sure something could be figured out. Yet, even if not, how can we continue to treat honourably with their queen after... what she has done?"

Valessa gave a slow subtle nod, "Indeed." then finally sighed and said, "Perhaps we should sleep on it. We will maintain the peace... for now. Maintain a curfew in the palace. Keep them confined here, if not imprisoned. Then tomorrow, I will see what explanations can be made... and what decisions."

The nobles gave glances of only half-relief and spoke scattered words of approval, then they bid her farewell.

Shortly after they left, Navarin stepped through the door.

"Your highness, as I said before, there have been others hoping to meet with you, if you are still willing to talk," he said gently. "The Sage Beleros and the Lieutenant Yendell, as well as the Orcish chief Darganya, who has been most persistent." He stood patiently, his face growing ever so slightly into a frown as he watched her motionless silence, "Your highn-"

"No," she finally interrupted curtly. "I will see no other visitors tonight."

He nodded obediently but added, "May I trust to your maintaining the peace for tonight at least?"

She tightened her lips but nodded, "Yes. For now," she replied with an ominous uncertainty. "But ensure that they remain in the palace, and are not spirited away in secret. Not until I decide what will be done."

He agreed and left quickly.

Valessa continued to stare distantly and pet her bear as the shadows grew longer.


The black of the deep night seemed to seep in through the window and fill their room with a delicate stillness. Only their quiet breathing broke the silence as they lay in their broken sleep. Their naked bodies still clung together, her legs wrapped gently around his ass to keep him within her. They lay nestled on the floor surrounded by a naturally formed nest of fabric and remnants of their bed. Gorlana's dreamy eyes opened to the darkness, and though she knew she was in a strange room, in a rival's castle, surrounded by leagues of foreign lands, she was in the arms of the love of her life, and therefore, she was home.

She instinctively pulled her legs and arms around him and moaned as she realized why she woke. Roderick's only ever half-softened cock had fully hardened within her again. She looked down at his sleeping face, his eyes still closed but stirring slightly and groaning, she kissed his scalp lovingly and sighed as she closed her eyes again at the pleasure and the anticipation.

She could sense it, feel it, taste it on his body. His wondrous manhood, tirelessly producing more and more of his seed, for her alone. Even as his mind slept, his body was ready to give her more. Overfilled and ready to burst, his balls pulsed in preparation. His freshly rigid spire, possessed within her where it belonged, twitched in warning, and her pussy lapped its folds along it impatiently.

She did not move other than to quicken her breathing, and slowly tighten her legs and arms around him. She stopped herself from squeezing too tightly though. She would fight off any army to ensure his seed spilled within her, but she told her mind that she knew she could trust him not to slip away. Not now. Not anymore. Their yearning and missed opportunities were all in the past. He was hers. She could hold him gently and tenderly, and let him, and herself, stay relaxed and not rouse too much, to rest and prepare for another day of passion.

Yet she trembled, and her claws dug into the muscles of his back of their own volition, as she felt their bodies' mating reflexes take hold. She did not know if this was what made his sleeping groans turn to grunts and to open his tired eyes, but suddenly his breathing quickened with hers, he grasped her ass as if suddenly bracing for control and squeezed as she flexed around him."

"Gorlana!" he blurted out and gasped, craning his neck to look up at her while she kissed his forehead and met his face with hers.

"Roderick," she rasped, and held him firm, as her pussy convulsed at the taste of his precum spilling into her.

Suddenly, an eruption of his hot virile seed, fresh and new, flowed into her. An eruption of pleasure, washing into her flesh and spreading from her deepest insides to the tips of her fingers, toes and ears, took her into heights of purpose and pride. She rolled her torso in a blissful satisfaction, their clinging bodies contorting in waves together as one. They panted and shared their breaths and their adoring feelings with faces pressed close, and noses nuzzling. Their soaking throbbing loins shared their fluids, waves of his cum roiling the shared sea within her.

They moaned and basked in the gratification of their sudden orgasms, their bodies barely moving from their sleeping position but clinging and protecting the Rutting storm within their tightly locked hips. Eventually his balls had emptied their stores and Gorlana sighed as the beautiful agony of his endless gifts of seed settled again.

One long heavy kiss and their bodies relaxed with a slow grateful exhalation but did not move from their embrace. They closed their eyes and began to drift to sleep again, letting their pleasure wane, knowing it would not be too long before their Rutt waxed again. Their more gentle, savouring, cherishing, deliberately drawn-out love-making, had eventually settled into sleep as the night wore on, but this had been the third time that his instinctive unstoppable orgasm had woken them since then. Gorlana let herself relax into a satisfaction and peace like she had never known. She would rest, and wait for more. It would never seem like enough, yet this was more, he was more, than she'd ever dared to dream.

She kissed his hair again and felt another shiver wash over her skin as his heavy sleeping breath blew across her chest. Then she too closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.


Navarin let out a silent sigh through his nose that he skilfully did not let show on his face then stepped forward into the Princess' gardens. It was as if she had never left from the evening before, except that her dress was different. Sitting on the plush cushion on her ornate wicker chair, petting her well groomed bear next to her, she sat now with a poise that admittedly seemed less disturbed and more determined. Even so, he stopped somewhat further away from her than he usually would, and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Your highness," he began.

"Navarin, do you finally have Roderick with you?"

He hesitated and it was enough to make her realize the answer, as her face fell in a look mixed with both indignation and pain.

"Will he not even stand and face me? I have given him until late in the morning, if they needed more time... Did you tell him I would see him and Gorlana together if not each alone? That I will not be calling for their execution?... necessarily."

"No, your highness, I... was unable to speak with him directly, but there are some who have offered to come and speak with you in their stead. I think it would be better if the professor explained."
