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"'Abigail is delightful, is she not?' Elizabeth asked me.

"'She is,' I replied, 'Where did you find her?'

"'She was working in the household of Lord Portishead in Bristol. He is old and partly-blind and she was just a chamber-maid. He was completely wasting her ability.' She told me, 'I was staying there one time and Abigail was assigned to me.'

"'Then Abigail is not a slave?' I asked, looking at the lovely girl, who shook her head.

"'Good heavens, no!' Elizabeth exclaimed. 'She was born in Bristol of a free sailor and his woman, weren't you, my dear.'

"'That I was, ma'am!' Abigail's confirmed, appearing not to be concerned in anyway about my comment.

"'After a few days I discovered how talented she actually is and induced her to come and work for me.'

"'You discovered ...?' I asked her.

"'I seduced her.' She said with a triumphant grin, 'After all, is my beloved Abigail not the most beautiful of creatures? It would have been a crime not to...' Elizabeth stroked the girl's shoulders and neck as she said this.

"'I believe that you are as incorrigible as any man,' I observed to Elizabeth.

"She laughed and thanked me. 'Why should men be the only ones allowed to have pleasure?'

"'But seriously, Helena,' Elizabeth then laid her hand on mine, and I shall not lie, relaxed as I was, and the air in the steam-room was so charged with sensuality, a thrill ran through me when she did.

"'You are so very fortunate,' she went on, 'William is an experienced and considerate lover, and to be treasured for that, and he loves you very much. For the rest of us, we have to take our chances when we can.'

"Elizabeth's hand on my wrist was cool, and she caressed the skin ever so slightly. 'Women have always sought out other women for comfort and relief when they are neglected, so I do not consider my choices to be anything other than natural. And does it matter if it is my lovely Abigail or someone as elegant and as sensual as yourself, Helena? Pleasure is pleasure, wherever you find it. Thank you, Abigail.'

"The maid had presented us with the hot chocolate, which I discovered she had infused with both the merest hint of ginger and a drop of oil of peppermint to make a most delicious drink, which we continued to enjoy in quiet contemplation.

"I still felt as if I had just woken from a deep, deep sleep, but I was also quite alert, not drowsy. Because of this I was quite aware that this was all part of Elizabeth's seduction. Unlike yourself, she does not stride up and declare 'we will be lovers!'" She pronounced that last in a gruff, deep voice, which I assumed was supposed to be me.

"Elizabeth creates an air of ease and sensuality, which envelopes one, so when finally, she does make her attempt, it almost seems like a logical conclusion."

"So did you sleep with her?" I asked.

"After a morning of languorous ease and grace, we took a carriage ride around Henley," Helena deftly deflected my question; she had a story and was going to tell the tale of it in her own way.

"We talked of many things, as we drove around the town, which is most charming and Elizabeth told me about how she had met you in Portugal. She was quite complimentary - she said that you were considered very honourable, and were well-liked as an officer, even though some felt you were unnecessarily reckless at times." Helena looked at me as she spoke, that look that a mother gives a naughty but well-loved child. "And that was the deciding factor in her asking you to deflower Arabella. Any man could have done it, but Elizabeth felt that your manly qualities of strength and bravery, combined with more gentlemanly aspects of your nature - your discretion in particular - made you the ideal person to do that particular deed, that and your obvious skill in bed. She knew - and she did not expound on how she knew - but Elizabeth says that she knew that you would not require commitment from Arabella, because you were obviously devoted to someone else, and she complimented me once again for being the object of that devotion."

"After a simple supper, with the girls singing around the piano afterwards again, we left them to their own devices and retired. Elizabeth suggested that we change into our robes de chambre and retire to her rooms."

73. That evening

"Once there, Abigail again brought the equipment for making chocolate, though this time she added drops of an orange liqueur to her brew. Then with the chocolate done, and the service tidied away, the maid attended her mistress, brushing her hair and performing a massage upon her shoulders. I observed that it looked most relaxing, so when she finished with Elizabeth, Abigail came to work upon me.

"First, she brushed out my hair, and she complimented me on the fine quality and the natural colour of my hair. Then, as we had changed on retiring and sat in our chemises again, she lowered the neck of my chemise and began to stroke my shoulders with her long, strong fingers. She kneaded the flesh and worked upon it, and while there was some light discomfort, I have to say that, like the massage in the morning it was the most pleasant and marvellous feeling.

"And then at a sign from her mistress, Abigail lowered the neck of my chemise even further so that my breasts were exposed and she began to stroke and massage them as well. I had been half-expecting this, so did not react with any surprise. I allowed her to perform her magic, and as I have learnt to, relaxed and enjoyed the girl's ministrations.

"I found myself reclining back against Abigail, who had also lowered the neck of her dress, so that I rested upon her bare chest with those perfectly shaped breasts, with her nipples pressing against my back. It was most exciting to be in such a position. This time though, Abigail's touch was less about a simple massage, and more about stimulation and pleasure.

"She cupped, and weighed my breasts, warming them in her graceful hands. She kneaded them, causing a great warmth in me, making me want her to touch my nipples and tease them. I needed her to do this, as I felt that the merest touch of her fingers on my nubs would make me spend, I was that close.

"I was beginning to understand Elizabeth's fascination with Sappho," she told me, "The touch of a woman is so very different from that of a man, however skilled he is. Women know which touches excite."

"So, is this where I get angry because you are discarding me for a woman?" I asked.

"No! No! No!" Helena threw herself on top of me, kissing me frantically. Her hand snaked down to my groin, and her fingers stroked my hardness. "I will always need this. Women are good, they are soft and sensual and they understand the art of touching."

My mother rubbed her mound against my bulging prick through her gown. "But it will never replace your warm, hard cock, not for me, anyway."

We broke then to undress and get back onto the bed naked, so we could enjoy each other's touch - skin upon skin. Helena folded herself against me, her leg draped over mine and her hand wrapped around my cock.

"So did this girl, Abigail, bring you to climax?"

Helena smiled, "No, the minx! She maintained her touches, her hands holding my breasts, as I lay back against hers. I could feel her long nipples touching my back, gently moving as her arms supported me and the tiny movements of her hands kept my excitement from dissipating, but she was subtle enough to stop my climax from taking me.

"It was at this point that Elizabeth leaned in closely, so close that her own bared breasts were a fraction of an inch from mine. I was breathing as hard as if I had run a foot race at this point, and she looked at me and asked if she could kiss me."

Helena looked at me, her face impishly gleeful as she said, "I am afraid I was in no state to refuse, William, so I reached up and drew her face to mine.

"We kissed passionately, I could taste the chocolate and the lingering taste of the orange on her lips, as our tongues duelled. Her hands replaced those of the maid upon my breasts, while Abigail reached over to caress the skin of her mistress's back.

"We were quite a tangle of flesh," Helena laughed gently, "My hands joined with Abigail's darker ones, as we wrapped around Elizabeth, trapping her against me. She pressed herself upwards, leaning past me to kiss her maid, and then returning to gently press her mouth once more to mine. Then she lowered her head to suckle my nipples, while I turned my face and kissed Abigail. At some point Elizabeth's tongue upon my breast caused the fire that had been building in me to burst into a flame and I spent most vigorously. Trapped between two women, as I was, it seemed that it was that much more intense, to be confined thus."

Helena was almost quivering as she remembered that evening with those two women, "I never knew that I could do something like that. I was engaged with both Elizabeth and her servant, and it mattered not at all," she told me. "We were simply three women finding pleasure in each other.

"Elizabeth was the first to break free. She rose up and slipped out of her chemise, standing naked before us in the dimly lit room, encouraging us to do the same. I noted again, as I had when we were in the steaming room, that she had shaved her mons, so that it was devoid of any hair.

"When I asked why she did this, she told me that it felt much better when being carnal and anyway, she said, laughing, nobody likes hair in their mouths. 'You must try it', she told me, 'William will appreciate it."

I reached down and found Helena's skin bare and smooth to my touch, it felt strange for my mother to be bare there but it was a strangeness that I thought I would enjoy, later.

"Abigail and I rose from the couch and undressed, to join Elizabeth. I believe I gasped when I saw Abigail step out of her chemise, she was exquisite. She was slim in her upper body and legs, yet her hips swelled as if she had borne children. On seeing me regarding her maid, Elizabeth advised that it was common in some black women, that they had such wide hips, but, said, it only makes their bottoms so much more delicious. At which point Abigail pirouetted and showed off her pert, rounded bum cheeks.

"It was readily apparent that those two are familiar bed-mates, and any reservations I had had about joining in their sport were waved away by Elizabeth. 'You have come so far, Helena, this is but a step to be taken ...' and she extended a hand to me and we joined Abigail upon Elizabeth's large bed."

"You have come a long way, my love," I said.

"As I have said, Elizabeth Dorrington does that," Helena laughed. "You're drawn into her web of sensuality and pleasure; she makes it very easy. Was it that way for you?"

"Exactly so," I admitted. "The level of debauchery that was normal in the night-time society of Lisbon, created such an atmosphere so that when she propositioned me, it seemed almost natural to agree. But tell me more my love, your story is most engrossing and you tell it so well."

"I can tell," my mother laughed, stroking my hard cock.

"At first, we all lay on the bed, simply exploring each other, Elizabeth assisted me in exploring Abigail, from her perfectly shaped bubbies, to her shaven mons - apparently Abigail shaves Elizabeth, and having done so, she then shaves herself. As I have said the girl's nipples are extraordinarily long, like studs, when she is excited, I also found that she had dabbed some of the orange liqueur upon them making them taste delightful as well."

"You tasted them?" I asked, mused at how quickly my mother had embraced Sappho and her acolytes.

"I did more than that!" Helena said proudly, "I suckled them, and at her request bit gently upon them. In fact, Elizabeth and I assaulted them together, she suckled on the left nipple and I, the right.

"I slid my hand down Abigail's smooth dark skin, across her mons to her cunny, only to find that Elizabeth had a hand there already. We looked at each and grinned and then she took her fingers from Abigail's quim and offered them to me to suck on.

"I was so deeply involved in this lewdness that it seemed a natural thing to do," my mother admitted, "and Abigail's cunny tasted divine."

I shook my head, smiling. I had hoped that such a sensuous creature dwelt within my mother. In many of my fantasies I dreamt that finally achieving my mother's love would unlock some wild, sensual, lascivious woman who would match my own desires. It would not have mattered if she had not been that way - my love for Helena was such that I simply wanted her for herself, but to find that there was indeed that side to her nature was a wonder indeed. I was glad that she seemed to have progressed that much further.

Helena seemed to sense my thoughts, "I recall," she said, "When you told me that there was so much more to be enjoyed in love than I was used to, I admit that I did feel sceptical. I thought that I was too old; too confirmed in my ways to indulge, but there in that room, with Abigail lewdly open on the bed before me and Elizabeth feeding me the girl's cunny juices on her fingers, I realised that I wasn't, that it was exactly as you had said and here it was provided for me. I almost regretted not having had this pleasure sooner in my life."

"But?" I asked her.

"It would not have happened, not as I was before you returned home. But now it has happened, as part of our journey together, my love, and that I would not have missed for all of the gold in all of the world." Helena leaned towards me and we kissed passionately, both of us showing our love for each other.

After some minutes of this enthusiastic kissing, we broke and I rose and poured us some wine. Helena resumed the story of her tribadic progress.

"Tasting Abigail unlocked a frenzy," she said, "Of a sudden we were unleashed like ravenous beasts. We kissed, we touched each other, I tasted Elizabeth, then she and Abigail bent their heads and licked at my cunny - and you know how much I love that. After I recovered from that, I licked Abigail, while she licked her mistress and Elizabeth licked me, like a chain of daisies, intertwined and inter-linked.

"Sweet Lord!" Helena fanned her face with her hand, "Just thinking about it, brings my juices down.

"But there was more," she told me, "Elizabeth reached into a drawer and took out a device of straps, and having put it on, it appeared that she had just grown a fine, outstanding prick!"

I nodded, "I have seen such devices, they're called a godemiche." I did not remind her that Charlotte owns one.

"This one was on a harness round her hips," she said, I nodded again.

"I was fascinated to see what Elizabeth did with it. She mounted the bed and presented it to Abigail, who treated it just like a real prick and started to fondle it and lick it. She sucked it into her mouth pressing it so far in that her nose was touching her mistress's belly. Once she had it thoroughly wetted, she turned around and presented her cunny to her mistress, who wasted no time in mounting her and fucking her.

"I lay beside Abigail, with my head beside her hips, watching as the black toy slid in and out. She draped herself over my hips and bent down and started to lick my cunny again. I had Elizabeth fucking Abigail with her fake cock, beside my head, and Abigail licking my pussy. It was so erotic, so involving, that I moved under Abigail and in between hers and Elizabeth's thighs, so that I could take licks at their cunnies as they moved back and to above me."

Helena moved herself so that she was impaled on my cock, resting there, not moving, just letting me fill her, her cunny hot on my prick, her bare breasts resting on my chest. She continued on with her story.

"And so, it went long into the evening until Elizabeth finished by allowing me to fuck her with the godemiche, while she and Abigail kissed in front of me. When she finally spent, and collapsed on top of the black girl, we were all exhausted.

"Abigail left us and we arranged ourselves for sleep. Truly, I never thought such a thing was possible, William, not only was I indulging in love-making with another woman, but that there would be three of us."

"But did you enjoy yourself?" I asked her as she lay upon my chest looking up at me. Helena wriggled, causing a thrill to run through my cock.

My mother nodded, a wide smile on her face. But there was something else there, an echo of the discomfort I had observed earlier.

"So," I asked her "Why do you feel that you need to apologise?"

I felt Helena's body move as she gathered her courage, she looked at me, "As much as I enjoyed my experiences, I fear I cannot be a sensualist like Elizabeth Dorrington. I do not think I have it in me.

"I love you," she said, "I revel in your love and your attention, William. When someone says your name and I hear it, I swell with pride. When you enter a room that I am in, I feel a delicious thrill course through me, and when you look at me, I feel my passion start inside me. Your scent, your touch, even just your attention excites me as if I were a blushing bride. All day I look forwards to the moment when we will lie together, to when you will perpetrate your acts of lust upon my willing flesh, and I will endeavour to match each and every one of them. But I am sorry, I shall never be an Elizabeth Dorrington for you. She is unbridled sensuality set free upon the world. I am not sure I have that in me.

"I see now why you esteem her so much, but I can never be that openly wanton, brazenly seductive, or simply devoted to sexual pleasure. It is not the person that I am."

"God forbid!" I laughed, "One Elizabeth is enough."

"But I thought you admired her?" Helena asked, puzzled.

"I do!" I told her, "Greatly. She has many excellent qualities - her sensual nature notwithstanding, she is an intelligent, articulate and independent person. She has an abundance of energy, so much in fact, she is almost a storm of passion walking among us."

"So why would you not want more of her?"

"Because she is Elizabeth, unique and beautiful as she is. And you are Helena, also unique and so very much more beautiful. Arabella, and Charlotte, and Hermione, Caroline, they are all individuals and all beautiful in their own way. All of you are persons with your own thoughts and fears and desires and needs, to be treasured and loved for who you are, and not because of people that you resemble."

"So, you are saying that you do not want me to be a copy of Elizabeth, you want me just to be who I am?" Helena said thoughtfully, she did not sound entirely convinced.

"Exactly, my love." I kissed her again.

She looked down, still pressed against my body, but I could feel her uncertainty. I kissed the top of her head. "You do not need to be Elizabeth; you simply need to be Helena. What you said just then about starting out journey together?" She nodded; her hair soft against my skin as her head moved.

"Slowly and surely, you have come to know how much pleasure a man and woman can enjoy, more than most people ever find, more than some people can even imagine." Helena and I kissed, tenderly.

"What you experienced with Elizabeth, was just another step on that journey. She has opened your eyes to pleasures I cannot show you. Take from that experience what you will, discard what you do not need. Nobody, least of all me, wants you to be another Elizabeth."

"Truly?" My mother asked, looking up at me.

"Truly." I told her, and for the first time the doubt and uncertainty left her eyes. My mother relaxed against my chest.

"Wait! What about the twins?" Helena asked after a few moments. "Are they not the same as your other sisters - individuals?"

"To be honest, mother, I am still not sure exactly what the twins are." I laughed. "They baffle me."
