Room for Mickie Ch. 02


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"So what did you think of the girls, baby?" She asked from under my arm.

"I have to admit, I had been a little apprehensive about going. But I actually had fun... although I suppose some of the ladies are a little over the top, don't you think?"

"Speaking of top, did you get what Trina was talking about?" Mickie giggled.

"I guess not, but then the party was a little loud at times," I said, then Mickie leaned in close.

"She asked if I'd topped your cute ass yet," she laughed, "She volunteered to break you in."

The realization suddenly hit me and I shivered, but it wasn't because I was cold.

"Well... I think I'd rather pass on that, if you don't mind,"

"Don't worry honey, I like things the way they are," Mickie said, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight, as she leaned in to whisper, "The only ass around here that's getting fucked... is mine."

"You okay Lana? You haven't said much?" Mickie asked.

"Sorry Mickie, I guess I'm just... well, a little down... I guess," She said and started to tear up, then finally as Mickie put an arm around, she began to really cry hard on her shoulder, "What's wrong sweetie? It's your birthday... you should be happy."

Lana wasn't a beauty queen, but she wasn't ugly by far. The problem, at least from what I could see... she was... well... mousy. She had mousy brown hair, with mousy glasses and mousy clothing. She just didn't stand out at all. Mickie has been threatening to give her a makeover for as long as she had known her, and she really needed it, while it also didn't help that she hardly ever said two words. She still lived with her father, as her mom had passed away from cancer several years ago.

"Dad's has been yelling again. He always yells but it has been worse lately." she sniffed, "Sometimes he acts like he wants to hit me and... well, he's started to drink again."

I felt for her, Mickie had told me he was abusive. I guess his manhood took some kind of hit when his only son decided he wanted to be a girl. The two of us had discussed Lana's problem, and while Mickie had a solution, I'm afraid I wasn't crazy about it, so I had hesitated. But hearing this latest news, I knew my Mickie was right, if nothing else it would at least give Lana a breather.

"Lana?" I started by getting her attention, "Mickie and I wondered if you felt comfortable enough to come live with us for awhile... you know... move into our spare room maybe?"

"Really, for real you guys? I... I don't want to be a bother?" She fought through her tears.

I know I blew Mickie out of the water, because I hadn't been wild about the idea. The look in her eyes was pure wonder. Mickie cuddled up to me and softly squeezed my hand.

"Yes, please say you'll consider it, Lana. Rick and I want you to be safe."

"I know... if you're really sure. He... he really does scare me something awful at times," She said, as I could almost watch the weight come off her shoulders. I knew we were doing the right thing, but I had apparently been taking too much time, as I now felt my Mickie's elbow in my ribcage.

"Uh... t-then it's settled. Let's move you in this weekend, it's just two days away." I said, as Lana hugged Mickie, tears streaming down her face, she turned and hugged me as well. My arms around both girls, within ten minutes we were home. After asking if she needed any help, Lana indicated she would be alright until the weekend. She got her car started and headed back to her Dads place.

"Lana doesn't trust many people baby. Besides her Dad, she's had some difficult experiences with her transition. I think you just became her hero... what made you change your mind?"

"I don't like bullies Mickie," My eyes narrowed at the thought of such a defenseless young girl being harangued by a larger man, "Not even if its family. I couldn't stand the thought of her being hurt."

"You're my hero too, baby." She kissed me, as a single tear made its way down her cheek.

"Hey honey? You said she gets lonely. Well... why doesn't she cast out her net, ya know? I bet she'd be damned cute if she came out of her shell a little," I immediately regretted ever saying anything.

"Oh... cute, huh? No... DAMNED cute... was that it?" She twined her arms around my neck.

"But not near as cute as you, my love." I piped up, as Mickie giggled, seeing her opening.

"Nice save fella." Then she shifted gears, "How would you feel it I tried playing matchmaker for Lana?"

"Sure," I said, shrugging my shoulders, "I guess so. Lana has a right to be happy like anybody else. Got anybody in mind?"

"Maybe... maybe Rick," She said as she averted her eyes.

I blew out a breath... oh boy, I knew that coy look all too well. I gently took her hands, pulled them from my neck and stepped back so I could see her better.

"I know I'm going to regret this, but who Baby?"

Mickie looked up at me with that familiar conspiratorial twinkle in her eyes.

"I was thinking Henry. I mean... he is very cool with me being trans, right? He's definitely good looking and cleans up pretty well."

Henry Jones, better known as Hank to his close friends, was a good choice. He and I had been the best of friends from High School, but we had gone our separate ways for the last 4 years. Recently I found out he had moved back to Lansing and I contacted him a few weeks ago so we could get back together again. I was impressed with Mickie's choice. Of the male friends Mickie and I had, he was the most logical and he had said that he thought I was a very lucky guy to have someone as beautiful and sweet as Mickie.

"I don't know Mickie... I'm really not sure about this,"

Actually I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but like most any typical guy, I was wondering what was in it for me.

"It could take an awful lot of convincing for me to talk him into it." She knew I was teasing.

She slipped her arms back around my neck and smiled, saucily.

"Well then, we'd better go inside so I can start convincing you." She said, before leaning in to kiss me.

Mickie had just hung up her sweater as I came up behind her. Slipping my arm around her waist, I nuzzled her neck and was pleased with her sighs. She took my hands, guiding them up her torso to cup her breasts. she now groaned softly as I tweaked her nipples through her clothing. Taking my hand, the two of us found ourselves in the bedroom.

Mickie stopped us in front of the old cheval mirror we bought at an estate sale last week.

I stood behind Mickie, her body pressed up against me and continued nibbling on her neck. She watched our reflection intently, grinding her sweet ass against my hardening dick. Slowly Mickie unbuttoned her shirt, and as each button revealed its secret vision, our eyes drank in each other's reflection. With her shirt undone, the button fly of her Levis were next. I continued soft kisses as she wiggled her bottom till her jeans hit the floor. Quickly my hands were once again sliding back up her beautiful chest, as I slowly pulled her shirt from her shoulders. Mickie sighed loudly now, as I nibbled on her shoulder blades. I unhooked her bra and it joined the rest of her clothing on the floor.

Her eyes remained affixed on my reflection in the mirror standing behind her. Watching me get turned on by the sight of her sexy bod, only aroused her more. Pulling her panties down, she was now fully naked before me. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I studied her, taking in everything in the mirror.

I don't know if I ever gave a good description of my Mickie. Good genes and hormones collided to create the most beautiful woman I know. Highlighted ash blonde hair, beautiful facial features with a cute button nose and bow lips, made up a vision that was lovely, whether she wore make up or not. Thanks to her mother she had full natural breasts with silver dollar sized areolas. Thanks to a local tanning salon, along with a healthy glow, groups of freckles dotted her body, some in very strategic areas. She didn't like the freckles, but I loved them, and have kissed and or licked all of them several times over. Mickie has a beautiful figure, that isn't anorexic. In fact... I thought her body was similar to that of Marilyn Monroe, and I sometimes tease her... because having a name like Michelle McAlister, well... I tell her it was another way she had seduced me into loving her. Then below her waist, the very last remnants of anything male, was her penis. It wasn't until recently that she even quit covering up that part of herself to me. Due to her 'mones' as she called them, she never had an erection anymore, but if a penis could even be called feminine, that would describe hers. She has told me many times that she wants to get the SRS. And I have told her many times that I will support whatever decision she wants to make, but that I also accept her as is. I am so happy the fates threw us together into this mixed up thing we call life. If I could find that Frisbee that brought us together, I would have it bronzed.

Mickie turned around in my arms, with a puzzled expression. I must have waited too long in my reminiscing, as I looked into those gorgeous blue eyes.

"What baby... are you alright?" She said, slipping her arms around my neck.

I mentally counted the freckles on the bridge of her nose.

"I'm fine Mickie... better than fine... I'm with you."

I reached up and took her hands from my neck and kissed them both.

"I have two questions, baby. What wonderful thing did I do to deserve you and how long have you had me wrapped around your finger?"

"Before you even realized, honey. I've had you in me clutches for a very long time," She kissed me, and gave me the most delightful giggle, "I gotcha just where I want ya... now I'm gonna eat ya."

"Promises, promises," I chuckled.

Mickie hauled my flannel shirt and undershirt off and over my head.

"One of us seems to be overdressed," My jeans and briefs hit the floor next as Mickie slid into my outstretched arms. We fit together like a two piece puzzle, never whole unless together.

"Tell me you love me," She whispered in my ear.

"I love you, Mickie,"

"Now tell me that you need me," Her eyes twinkled.

"I need you, Mickie,"

"Now tell me that you want me, lover."

"I tell you this every day, baby. Don't you believe me?"

"Of course I believe you," She replied sheepishly, "I just like to hear it."

I placed the soft palm of her open hand onto my chest, and held it there with mine.

"Can you feel that Mickie? That's my heart beating," I looked into her beautiful blue eyes, "It beats for you, baby... no one else."

"Aww," We kissed, "Oooh. I think I can feel something else too."

Her hand now encircled that which had been poking her belly.

"Feels meaty. Maybe I had better give it a taste."

Mickie licked her way down my chest and stomach. She peered up at me when her knees touched the carpet. She licked her lips as my erection grazed them. At first her expression was of wide eye innocence, then a sexy smile crept across her face. Mickie opened her mouth waiting and put her hands behind her back. I knew what she wanted me to do.

My hand slipped behind her head as I weaved my fingers through her golden blonde hair. I leaned forward and held my cock out in front of her, just out of her reach. When she tried to take me into her mouth, I held her back. Her eyes were pleading, as I let go of her hair. She smiled and kissed the tip of my cock. The next kiss she planted, parted her lips a bit. The next, even more. Slowly, millimeter by millimeter, her mouth took more of me into her mouth. Mickie's eyes danced with mischief as her slow torture of me continued. I could feel her tongue lapping at me as her lips passed the head and moved even farther up my shaft. Excruciatingly slow and deliberate. She had barely started and I was so close. I had to physically stop her before I blew.

"What's wrong, Baby? You were so close. I could feel you throbbing in my mouth."

I raised her to her feet and looked into her eyes. I couldn't imagine loving anyone more than the beautiful woman I held in my arms at this moment.

"You know what's wrong, you little Minx."

"Aww. Was my little Ricky going to explode?" I scooped her up and threw her on the bed. She squealed with delight and crooked her finger at me.

"Come and get it while it's hot!" She parted her legs, reached up and pulled me to her, her eyes widened as my cock speared her sweet ass, then Mickie wrapped her legs around me so we were face to face, "That's where you belong, Baby."

"So... am I still little Ricky, my Sweet?"

"I s-s-swear you've s-s-stuffed a two by four in me." She gasped.

I pulled her legs up, over my shoulders and buried myself even deeper. 'Unh' she groaned as I started pushing and pulling. I sped up till I was pummeling her ass.

"What would your Mother say if she saw you now, Hun?"

"S-S-She'd s-s-say that I was acting like a s-s-slut. And s-s-she'd be right. I am your s-s-slut Baby. Ohhhhhhhh. God you are s-s-so deep it feels like you're in my throat. B-B-Baby you're gonna... your... gonna make cu... uhhhhhhhh..."

I felt the wetness hit my chest and the spasm of her climax. I slipped over the edge and thrust into her. Over and over I spurted as my sweet Mickie held me, coming down from her own euphoria. I pulled out and slipped beside her. We entwined like the vines of two different plants, both needing each other to survive. Our pounding hearts beat in tune with each other, only slowing down when our breathing returned to normal. It was so wonderful to be here, this close and this content. We cuddled together, holding on as if would never end.

"So," Mickie finally purred. "You gonna see if Henry wants to be set up with Lana, or am I going to have to coax you some more?"

Her hand slipped down to my cock again as she giggled.

"Coax away, my Dear. Coax away."


Henry finally finished sweating the last copper joint on the water line. In a moment he would turn on the water and fill up the hot water tank he and I just installed in the basement of his house. The task took up most of the afternoon and we had just started cleaning up our mess.

Henry, or Hank as he liked to be called, was born in Costa Rica and when his father joined the Air force, he was stationed up at Kincheloe Air base in the upper peninsula of Michigan. His junior and senior Year of high school was spent with me at Dow HS in Midland. Henry had a combination of Hispanic and Yooper accent to his voice, but seeing as he resembled Antonio Banderas, almost nobody minded, especially those of the fairer sex. As a result, he married young, but she was high maintenance and a serious bitch. When Hank couldn't keep her in the high life, she dumped him. He took it hard and joined the Air force to forget her. Hank was out of touch for a few years and just recently got back in contact with me. He was one of the few people I knew could be trusted with Mickie's secret. I heard the noise of someone moving up stairs.

"Hey you guys, time for dinner!" Mickie's voice rang down from the kitchen.

Mickie and her friend Lana were swinging by after shopping and getting us take out from a local eatery that specialized in Mediterranean food. I told Hank about Lana moving in with us a few weeks back and that we were trying to get her on her feet. I also explained that she was trans and that she was kind of mousy. I was hoping he would boost her confidence a bit.

As we climbed the stairs I was telling Hank an off color joke and he was laughing as usual. I turned into the Bathroom as we both cackled away. I was washing my hands for dinner when Mickie slid in beside me and kissed my cheek, but then she leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

"You are going to have to see this to believe it, Baby."

Hank suddenly clamed up in mid laugh. When I peeked out of the bathroom, to see the reason, there was a woman with her back to me. I heard my buddy Hank stutter as he shook hands with her. Whoever it was, was packed into skin tight jeans, a belly shirt and some high heel boots.

"Pleased to meet you Henry,"

No, that couldn't be Lana's voice, I thought. Then the woman turned toward me.

"Hi, Rick. Ready for dinner?" Holy shit! It WAS Lana!

And she looked... I mean... wow... she was just drop dead gorgeous! Her glasses were gone, her hair was a beautifully styled auburn shade and the cleavage she had showing could have raised the dead. I felt Mickie at my side.

"We stopped and gave Lana a makeover. What do you think, Baby?"

Over Lana's shoulder, I could see Hank's ear to ear smile. This was going to be an interesting night.

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SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawa6 months ago

@griffin57 you write very well and you have a great sense of humor and you create a great atmosphere in your story. I really like the elements you intertwine in the stories of Micki and Rick, both those of everyday life, e.g. the visit of Micki's mother, and the erotic and quite funny ones, such as dressing up as a cat and Batman, which lead to great sex. Or the case of Lena and her Dad who did not accept her transformation, Micki's spontaneous decision to help Lena and take her to Rick and Micki's house. Throughout the story you show human feelings expressing love and friendship and, unfortunately, you show people who are closed in themselves and cannot accept others, e.g. trans people or sissies, and it does not matter whether they are men or women. I am delighted with your story and I will watch the further fate of Micki and Rick with great interest.

ps. Sorry for any mistakes and linguistic inaccuracies, but I don't speak English.

SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland. 📖👩🏻‍🦳♀️❤️🧒🏻⚧️👧🏻.


@griffin57 bardzo fajnie piszesz i masz wyczucie oraz świetnie nadajesz atmosferę swojemu opowiadaniu. Bardzo podobają Mi się elementy jakie przeplatasz historii Mickiego i Ricka, zarówno te codziennego życia np. wizyta mamy Mickiego, jak i erotyczne oraz całkiem śmieszne jak z przebraniem się za kota i Batmana które prowadzą do wspaniałego seksu. Czy sprawa Leny i jej Taty który nie akceptował jej przemiany, spontaniczna decyzja Mickiego aby pomóc Lenie i zabrać ją do domu Ricka i Mickiego. Ukazujesz w całej historii uczucia człowieka wyrażające miłość, przyjaźń oraz niestety ukazujesz ludzi którzy są zamknięci w sobie i nie umieją przyjąć innych np. osób trans czy maminsynków i nie jest ważne czy to mężczyzna czy kobieta. Jestem zachwycony Twoją historią i z wielkim zainteresowaniem będę obserwował dalsze losy Mickiego i Ricka.

ps. Przepraszam za błędy i niedokładności językowe ale nie znam języka angielskiego.

SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska. 📖👩🏻‍🦳♀️❤️🧒🏻⚧️👧🏻.

ColonelinguistColonelinguistabout 1 year ago

I read a whole lot of erotica on this site and a few others as well, but the majority their authors don’t seem to have any sense of humor at all - and if they did, they don’t include it in any of their writing - like you have here in ‘Room For Mickie.’ I found myself trying to do a somewhat less than perfect imitation of Adam West’s Batman, just as Rick was, but I couldn’t seem to stop laughing! It deserved five stars for that exchange alone. Thank you. It feels really good to laugh!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Love all around. So sweet. The joy of people who meet and find love. What's not to like? *****

MikeOR54MikeOR54over 8 years ago
Love to be lost in your stories

Your writing talents are only out done by you amazing surrealist imagination. I have to wonder if you are trans yourself or do you have a close friend. The way you wrap romance, love and sex into a very easy to believe story is incredible.

Please don't stop this story at this point, let us know how Lana's and Hank's relationship evolves as he learn to accept the wonders of at truly feminine angel.

Thanks for sharing.

A Fan and Admirer,

Micheal/Michelle Jo

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 8 years ago
Well worth continuing!

The cosplay sex scene alone would get this chapter 5 stars from me ... hilarious and dead on in the campy '60s dialogue, and then mega hot on top of that.

I hope you've just had a very happily busy year and will soon write more. Nice job!

cliptoecliptoealmost 10 years ago
A Great Set Up for Much, Much More!

Yes, more please, your stories are so warm and loving. I too enjoyed Rick's first encounter with Grace, very well done, cause for a couple chuckles there too!

I enjoy your character work very much and how you have let Mickie and Rick's relationship grow in such a way they have become a part of me as I read. So please dont make us wait long, I want to see how the made over Lana does too! So much fun ahead.

Thanks for giving us another great story, and keep up the wonderful work!

Dreamweaver594Dreamweaver594almost 10 years ago
Mickie, Mickie, You're so fine...

Fun story! Loved Grace, a force to be reckoned with but Rick handled her very nicely. Looking forward to more...

Joscelyn2tgJoscelyn2tgalmost 10 years ago
You Write Most Fun TG Romance Stories...

...You really do, and I just love Mickie and her Cosplay adventures. Nothing pushes my erotic romance buttons like your stories do. And Mickie just builds so much fun into it, I can't wait for the next chapter! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful character and storyline with us. Cheers! --- Josie <3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

more chapters because i do love this story take place not to far from where i live

LindseyTSLindseyTSalmost 10 years ago

I truly love your chapters! Love is what glue is made of! Sexy and great!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

More please and very very soon

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