Rose Ch. 11-15


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"Well, just wait until I make the change, I hear that really ramps it up." She rolled her eyes. "I think we need to sit down and have a talk soon."

"God, Mom, I'm the only kid in school who can't have sex because of Alpha command. I have to hide my boyfriend from others at school, and I just found him! Is it wrong that I want him so badly? Is that just the mating pull?"

Craig picked it up. "A lot of it is the mating pull, that is why you feel so uncomfortable apart, and so safe and content together. Love takes more time, though, but it will come. Luna doesn't make mistakes, you are the one made for him and he for you. You are lucky compared to humans." She looked at him quizzically. "You don't have to doubt you are meant to be together, you don't have to worry about him breaking up with you or cheating on you. You have a chance to get to know him, really build that part of the relationship before it gets physical."

I looked at both of them. "Don't look at me, I still don't know Gunny's favorite movie."

"The Godfather." He smiled at me as he squeezed my hand. "Now come on, let's hit the road." I gave Charlotte and Josh hugs, and reminded them we would be spending the night in the Cascade Pack after the press conference.

We walked out to the SUV and Craig took shotgun while Gunny drove, leaving me with Linda to go over the morning press conference. I spent most of the drive going over my parts of the speech. In addition to covering the five incidents that were part of the investigation, I had to make sure to thank a long list of people by name. Alpha Craig was representing the Werewolf Alphas, and the Deputy Director the FBI. In addition, the US Attorney for New Mexico was going to be in attendance, along with our local Sheriff and the New Mexico State Police. She spent some time on protocol, because the people behind the lectern we were using were on camera, and the bosses liked to be there. The less important people had to stand farther out. "Please tell me there are going to be more reporters there than politicians," I begged her.

"I've used my contacts plus those of the FBI. We have all three networks plus the big cable news outlets, and local television in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. You tell them there is a serial killer and they show up," she said. "How are you going to handle the public?"

"Well, I've got two shootings in this state, I'll focus on them for now. I'm going with Gunny's idea, someone might have seen something, either when that vehicle approached the Gila land, or when someone was staking out our land. We also know this person is a skilled shooter with a hatred for werewolves. Then I'll ask them to call the tip line."

"Make sure you mention the tip line number a few times during your talk, it's important we repeat that. You never know, we might get lucky."

We pulled in to the office and had a little time to check things before we started. Another thirty people had been added to our task force when the day started, another thirty or so were coming. Everyone was picking up and moving to the new floor we were going to use after the press conference was over. I had it easy, I hadn't been here long enough to do more than write my name on a Styrofoam coffee cup. Everything I needed was on my phone or laptop.

I had a quick meeting, making sure everyone was up to speed on the schedule for today and the goals. I had good people running the office, so I wasn't worried about that. They said they were setting up the database and would be getting raw data for a day or two before they start actively processing. We had a dozen pairs of investigators ready to start looking into any good leads that we had. I had placed a map on the wall showing the territories of every Pack in the country, along with their leadership and contact information. Push pins showed the locations of known attacks.

We were ready on time, meeting in the SAIC's office for last minute instructions.

Linda had set up the press conference outside, the imposing Federal building serving as a backdrop. The entryway had been cordoned off, and cameras ringed the area along with TV trucks, producers and reporters. I took a deep breath, I hated speaking in public. Gunny squeezed my hand, whispering that everything would be fine, just talk directly to the camera and block everything else out.

Linda went to the podium, kicking off the press conference by introducing each of the people standing behind her. She had an assistant handing out press releases so no one would get missed, or more importantly have their name misspelled. It was a beautiful morning, I thought, the early hour helping to keep the baking heat down. I waited my turn patiently, not really listening as the Deputy Director started to talk. I was too busy running through my part in my head.

When he stepped back and Linda started to introduce me, I walked forward to stand by her. Gunny stayed just a step behind and to my left, he was nervous out in public like this and his eyes were constantly searching the crowd for threats. I had learned to ignore it, it was just how he was, he couldn't help himself.

Linda gave a little of my background, including a quick bio and why I was picked to head this task force along with Beta Rodriguez. I smiled and thanked her, setting my notes on the lecturn as I stepped to the center. I saw a flash in the distance, Gunny yelled "GUN!" and he shoved me out of the way.

I landed heavily on my right side. As I was falling, I heard the loud 'crack' of a rifle bullet followed by the a liquid 'thwak' sound. People started screaming, and someone yelled to take cover. I tried to roll forward to draw my Glock, but my legs were trapped. I reached down to push Gunny off, but he wasn't moving, and when I pulled my hand back my fingers were full of blood.

Ch. 13

"GUNNY!" I scrambled out from underneath his body, everything forgotten but him. I heard clothing rip as Craig, Linda and Nadine all shifted. Nadine moved in front of me, while Craig and Linda let out furious growls as they tore off the stage. I could hear the screams from the press, and we were quickly surrounded by agents with their guns out. "MEDIC," I yelled as my eyes took in the exit wound on his back, up high near his shoulder. I pressed my left hand on it while I rolled him a little, finding the entrance wound just to the right of his sternum and below his collarbone. I stuck my other hand on it and pressed.

Gunny started to move under me, trying to get up. "Stay put, you've been shot," I told him. He calmed down instantly, his hands moving up to cover mine. I sat down, putting his head on my thigh so I could keep his injuries high. I could hear sirens in the distance, and more agents were pouring out of the building.

"We've got to get you inside, sir," the SAIC said to the Deputy Director, who was surrounded by other agents. I glanced at them as they moved back inside. The press had recovered from the initial shock of the shooting and was pressing forward, trying to get as close as they could to us as Gunny was bleeding out.

"Make a hole!" I could hear the Sheriff as he pushed them aside, making room for the paramedics. It had seemed like forever as I watched his blood seeping over my hands. He coughed, struggling for breath, as blood sprayed out his mouth and onto my leg.

Two men knelt by me, a large first aid kit next to them. They pulled out two large bandages pushed me aside, replacing my hands with theirs. More men arrived, and Rob Smith pulled me up and out of the way so they could work. I watched as they rolled him onto a backboard, one man still maintaining pressure on the wounds, and lifted him onto the gurney. "Are you hurt?"

He looked me over, I was still too shocked to move. There was blood on me, and I felt his hands checking my jacket to verify it wasn't mine. "I'm fine," I said, "Just a little bruised."

"Come on," he said, "let's get you in the ambulance. I'll follow you in."

"NO!" I looked around. "You're in charge until I return. Find this guy before anyone on the team comes to the hospital. I'll call you when I can."

"You got it, boss." He turned around and shouted for my team to form up around him.

They were already loading Gunny into the ambulance, I moved my ID to a chain around my neck and jumped in just before the doors closed. I took one last look around, taking in the chaos of the scene before focusing on Gunny again. They had him on oxygen, and were busy putting an IV into his hand as the ambulance took off. I moved to the other side of him, taking his hand. "You better not die on me, Gunny. I love you."

I could see him smile under the mask, and he squeezed my hand back. There wasn't much else I could do or say except try and stay strong for him. I pulled out my phone and called Robert Hastings, he was the closest Pack who had a doctor. He picked up on the first ring. "Rose, how is he?"

"He's still alive," I said. "I need a doctor who knows about Were physiology to meet us at the hospital."

"I've already told Terry and Wendy to go, they should be leaving in a few minutes. What hospital?"

I looked over at the paramedic who was taping down the IV needle. "Where are we going?"

"University of New Mexico Hospital," he said.

"Got it," Robert said, "they will be there in less than an hour."

"Thank you, Alpha."

I put my phone back in my pocket, ignoring the buzzes as it blew up with text messages and phone calls. Right now, nothing mattered except saving my mate's life. I felt the ambulance make some sharp turns then come to a stop. The doors opened, and a team of people was waiting, all dressed out in scrubs and disposable protective gear. Gunny was rolled out and the paramedic followed, already giving his spiel. "Male, 40, gunshot through and through to right chest. Decreased breath sounds, BP 100 over 58, pulse 90, pulsox 92." They pushed through the doors as I watched, frozen. I was scared, scared of losing him, scared of just how much I needed him.

"Ma'am, you can come inside." The driver had moved around and was holding his hand out for me.

"Thank you," I said as I started to function again. He walked me into the emergency room and I looked around. A nurse came out, seeing all the blood she ran over to check on me. "I'm fine, it's not mine," I said.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up then, Agent."

"Rose. Rose Conspiell." I let her lead me around behind the desks to a hallway. She pushed me into an open room, it had a bathroom with a shower.

"Just put your dirty clothes in this," she said as she pulled out a plastic bag from a drawer, "and go clean up. I'll go get you some scrubs. You're with the man they brought in?"

"Yes. He's my mate."

"He's a werewolf?"

"Panther, actually. Here." I used the pen and paper by the television and wrote down a number that Alpha Robert had texted me. "This is the number for the Gila Pack doctor, he's on his way. If there are any questions about treating him, have them give Terry a call."

I took the bag in with me and set my gear on the shelf over the sink, using a wet paper towel to clean the blood from it. I then stripped, dumping my ruined clothes into the bag. I walked into the shower, letting the hot water wash away his blood as I stood there crying.

I couldn't have a pity party, though, there was a lot of work to do. I washed my hair, scrubbed my body clean then stepped out and dried off. The nurse had popped in and set scrubs on the sink, so I pulled my underwear back on then put them on. It looked stupid, but I put my belt on around my waist so I would have my gun with me, and moved the badge back to the belt near it. I put my keys in one pocket, my phone in the other and grabbed the bag. Walking out of the room, I was met by the nurse again. "He's been taken to surgery," she said. "Come on, I'll take you up there." She led me to an elevator, then we exited onto the surgical floor where she led me to a waiting room. She turned me over to the receptionist there.

"Agent Rose Conspiell, FBI," I said as I showed her my badge. I handed her my card. "I need to be notified immediately of any changes in Agent Rodriguez's condition.

"Are you next of kin?"

"I'm his girlfriend, and his mate," I said. She looked up when I said that, she knew what that meant now that werewolves were out in the open. "Do you know his health history? Is he insured?"

My shoulders dropped, I knew so little about him, other than work and screwing like rabbits we really hadn't spent a lot of time learning about each other. "I'll get it for you. Listen, I'm in an active investigation and there are going to be a bunch of phone calls and people coming. Is there somewhere I could use so I don't disturb everyone else?"

She thought about it for a minute, and checked her computer. "There's a conference room back here, looks like it is open."

"That would be great," I said. "You'll be getting a bunch of people up here soon, please direct them to me," I said as I walked back to the room she was pointing at.

"I know the drill, it happens every time a cop or fireman gets hurt," she responded.

I went into the room, dropping into one of the chairs. I pulled my phone out, and texted Agent Smith along with Linda and Nadine, telling them Gunny's status and the room I was in. I told them to call me with an update on the shooter.

My next call was to Alpha Ella. "Rose," she answered, "how is he?"

"In surgery," I said. "Have you heard from Craig?"

"Not yet, he's still looking for the shooter. Nadine called me, he got away."


"Rose, where are you?" I gave her the information. "All right, I'll be there in a few hours. Do you need anything?"

"Clothes, mine were ruined and I'm in scrubs. Have Charlotte pack for both of us for a couple days, I can't leave him, Ella. I just can't."

"I know, Rose. I'll have Josh pull her from school and bring her home. Stay strong, Rose. He's a Marine, he's too damn stubborn to die." I laughed, he was.

I saw another call coming in, it was Linda. "I have to take this, Ella. Tell Charlotte I love her and have her call me when they are on the way." I quickly hung up and answered the next call. "Linda, what's going on?"

"We're back in the office now, at least those of us not involved in the manhunt. She got away, but this time she couldn't cover his tracks as well."

My head jerked up, did I just hear right? "She?"

"Yes. The shooter is a female, we got her scent. Crime scene is processing the area right now."

"Please tell me we have a witness," I begged.

She sighed. "So far no, but we're working it hard. We've already gone down to the press and had another press conference, asking for help. We're hoping someone has a cellphone video or something else that can help. We are also harvesting surveillance video, traffic cameras, anything else to see if we can figure out who it was. By the time they got there, she was gone."

"Do whatever you need to do to find her, Linda."

"We are, Rose. The manhunt is going to be huge, this was a huge FUCK YOU to the whole task force, going after us like this. I don't think I've ever seen people this pissed off. Your Director went off, he wants some butts and he wants them now." She took a breath. "We have this under control, Rose. You stay with him, you may not understand how important you are to him but you are. He will stay calmer, heal faster and wake up quicker with you around. You need to stay as close to him as they will let you, especially skin to skin contact. It will help his panther to have your there."

"I'm not leaving without him," I replied. She was right, I had to be here for him.

Ch. 14

People started showing up as I sat in the room, waiting for an update on my Gunny. Craig was the first to arrive, he had turned over everything at the crime scene to the evidence technicians, but he wasn't hopeful. "While Gunny is out of commission, I'm taking over his spot as your partner," he said. "The other Alphas have agreed, and Justice is on board." I nodded, I knew they would need someone high up in the investigation. "Here's what you missed. She set up between a dumpster and the wall of an office building, in a short alley. The security cameras in that alley and around the building were disabled," he told me. "She must have had a car there and running, we didn't miss her by much. The good news was that she didn't have time to destroy her scent. She threw a bottle of ammonia down, but I shifted quickly and tossed it away."

"But a woman? How...."

"I know, I was shocked too. Female, childbearing age, no perfume. I'm hoping for DNA, maybe a hair fell out or something. We didn't get a look at her or the vehicle."

Something didn't feel right. "How long was the shot?"

"387 yards." OK, not a really long shot, something well within her capabilities, and similar to the shot on our land. "She left a scrabble piece behind, Forensics has it. The letter 'S', one point."

I wrote that down on my notebook: T T T H H R M S. "What the hell is she trying to tell us?"

"I don't know, but we've got a team on it. We have a NSA representative, we're getting them to run possibilities."

SAIC Hernandez, Linda and Nadine walked in; they were carrying a flat of coffees and some food, setting it on the table. I grabbed one of the cups, taking a long pull. "So how does this change the search?"

Nadine hesitated for a moment. "Well, before this we were planning to only screen male shooters. Now we have to look at females as well, and that's a much smaller population. We talked briefly, we're going to include competitive rifle shooters, instructors and Canadians."


"Yes, their military has been integrated longer than ours and has trained female snipers. So have countries in Europe and Israel. The population isn't that large, and most should screen out quickly, so we may as well cast a wide net. We're also looking at known contract killers."

I looked around. "That doesn't make sense, these are random killings, right? Have we found any link between the victims?"

Luis Hernandez spoke instead. "No, so far we haven't identified any common link except being a werewolf. Based on what Gunny gave us on the psychological makeup of the shooter, it's worth looking at those people with the known capacity to kill. There are only a handful of female assassins out there, the CIA and FBI are working on the list. Top of the list is Black Ker."

Craig's eyes got wide. "I know Ker, I know her scent. That wasn't Black Ker." I filed the information away, wondering how the Belden Alpha had been close enough to the wanted international thief and assassin to know her scent.

"So we are focusing just on the women?"

"No, because the getaways are so quick, Gunny suspected it was a team. We only know the female shooter took THIS shot, and it would make more sense if a female was the one who stabbed the victim in the hotel room. This was a long shot, but any decent rifle shooter could make it. The woman may be working with a sniper, she may be trained by him. In any case, we're going to cast a wide net and start working down from there," Nadine said. "When we get the report back from FBI Profiling, we'll adjust again."

The door opened and Charlotte rushed in, running into my arms. She had been crying. "Mom, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, baby. Gunny pushed me out of the way, other than some bruises I'm good."

"And Gunny?" Her eyes were full of tears, I could see she had come to love the big Marine.

"He's too damn stubborn to die," I said. "He's in surgery." I gave her another hug, then opened my arms so Josh could join. After she pulled back, she allowed Josh to move her to an empty chair and pulled her into his lap.

Ella gave me a big hug after she had greeted her mate. I could see the two bags over by the door. "Your stuff," she said. "Charlotte wanted to stay but I told her no, she has school. I'll bring them back tonight."
