Rosie's DUI - The Punishment


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She laid the cane gently across the woman's navel to line up the next stroke, lifted her arm and brought it crashing down again. If this were played back on slow motion camera, the viewer would be able to see the cane land and then depress the soft flesh creating an indent before springing back away from the skin to be replaced by a white line that turned red over the next twenty to thirty seconds and then deepened in colour. Rosie's belly was soft and so the impact of each of the cane strokes was causing the flesh to ripple away from the site of the impact of each stroke too.

Rachel assessed the woman again. Her face was contorted with pain as she breathed through the pain of the stroke. The colour of her breasts had got a little deeper, but was probably as dark as it would go. The cinches used by the Centre were actually calculated to restrict but not prevent circulation. A sheen of sweat had formed over the woman's skin, mostly on her chest above and between her breasts, but following down towards the stomach cinch too. Her whole abdomen was red now with a few of the classic 'tram line' stripes showing a deeper colour than the background.


Stacey was sitting up in her seat, watching Rosie's punishment avidly. She had taken the strokes so bravely and she wasn't making a fuss. Stacey was so proud of her and was pretty sure that she couldn't have taken what Rosie had anywhere near as stoically as her friend.

She had watched as the uniformed woman had stood near to Rosie, tied up naked on the frame and she was fairly sure they had spoken in low hushed voices. For a crazy second, Stacey felt a pang of jealousy that the other women was in such close proximity to Rosie as she was tied there naked. She knew she was being ridiculous but then began to wonder if she was actually jealous of the circumstances that the two women were in.

The way in which Rosie's body was displayed was unbelievably hot. That was pretty much the point of it, Stacey figured. The hotter the position the more humiliating for the victim would be the logic, Stacey figured. The only problem was, she knew, some people got off on that. Perhaps not as brutal as the position that Rosie found herself in, but Stacey had always found a bit of flashing sexy. Other people getting pleasure from her body was decidedly hot, for her.

Rosie was doing well to hold herself together, but Stacey was getting more and more horny despite her disgust at herself for doing so.

The blonde woman with the muscular body was still up on the frame in a standing 'spread eagled' position. The pale skin on her back crossed with angry red welts. Her head was hanging down and her weight was predominantly being held by her wrists. Her shoulder muscles were standing out on her back because of the position of her arms.

The Asian woman was still unmarked on her frame, her hands in the same position as Rosie's. She was quietly crying to herself. She had a large tattoo of a Celtic design across her stomach and another of a dragon on her left thigh.

Stacey turned her attention back to Rosie who had been left alone now, the uniformed woman having moved away from her, back towards the equipment bench, dropping the cane into a box.

Stacey looked over Rosie whose stomach was a criss cross of red lines and a deep red colour of its own right. Her breasts were a dark colour too and she was quietly crying. Her face was still, just the tears slowly running down her cheek and dropping into her naked chest.

The clock had one minute and twenty eight seconds remaining on it and as Stacey watched, the original guard who fastened Rosie onto the frame, came along standing ready to take her down.

When the clock reached zero, the technician began at the feet, working upwards undoing the leather straps that held Rosie against the frame.

She gave Rosie instructions and had her step forward from the frame as the technician played out the metal wire holding her hands up. Once she had stepped away from the frame far enough, the technician unclipped the cuffs from the wire, replacing them with standard handcuffs locking Rosie's hands behind her back.

She was led away, back towards the door with her hands cuffed behind her so she couldn't touch her wounds, her breasts still tied and the strap still around her belly.

Her and the technician went through the door and out of sight.

Stacey got up and almost ran for the door, heading to go and find Rosie the second she was released.

**The End**

NOTE: Do you want to find out what happens next? If so, let me know and I will write it - I have some ideas, but it would be a move away from my usual subject matter. I am willing to give it a go if there is interest.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

you write so well, would love to know what happens next. thanks

redrum10redrum108 months ago

excellent, the tension & pacing is fantastic.....brilliant characters really hope you write more stories in this world

GaryhamishGaryhamishabout 1 year ago

Excellent story, please continue from this point with what happens to these very interesting characters and

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Next part, please continue love the series!!

WoodnponyridrWoodnponyridrabout 1 year ago

Beautiful and well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please continue the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

JDB when is the next part coming out? Can't wait to hear what happens with the girls next

MbgdallasMbgdallasover 1 year ago

Great story. Please continue. We need to hear about the breast whipping.

I love your pacing. It creates a great sense of anxiousness. The description of the breast cinching, the strap around stomach to cinch the abdomen, the description of the blows from the navel to her pubic hair were all well done. Your mention of her having to wait and letting the pain percolate until she could get her hands on her breasts and abdomen was a great detail.

As one of your other readers stated I too would like to see higher and more severe punishments. Pussy caning, extreme pussy dilation. Asshole dilation. Labia stretching and enlargement. Cervix hitting and prolapsing. Clitoris punishment.

Let’s not forget about the guys either. Ball crushing.Ball caning. Ball stretching. Urethral dilation.

Looking forward to the use of the caustic chemicals as well.

Please please please give us more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is great. if you continue it you will no doubt describe how Stacey comforts Rosie after her punishment but there is still a prisoner on stage about to receive her punishment. Hopefully, this will be where your next episode will start.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yessss please, what's next?

jdb12399jdb12399over 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you for your comments everyone.

It's always appreciated. I'm always relieved when people tell me they like the detail. As I am writing, I always end up thinking that people will be getting bored of each stroke laid individually.

Thanks @lecture - I deliberately didn't include the arrival and preparation that much this time to see what would happens. The fact you missed it enough to comment is persuasive :)

The story I am currently working on is a little different - don't worry though - it will still hurt. I will come back to Rosie and Stacey.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please continue the story. Thank you for writing it.

reddbunnzreddbunnzover 1 year ago

I love your series. Please continue this story.

enslaver0644enslaver0644over 1 year ago

Yes write the next one and I like the short stay prison theme stories too.

lecturelectureover 1 year ago

As always, great storytelling. Once again your correctional staff were professional and humane. I tend to enjoy slightly harsher punishments,; but here we are dealing with a body part that has many vital organs underneath, unlike the breasts or bottom with my preference for punishment over sex, I'd not ordinarily desire a next chapter. However, in this case, it might be interesting - if it did not take time from your future judicial stories

One teeny tiny quibble- the story seemed a bit rushed this time, and missing some of the details you are so expert in providing re arrival and preparation.

My sadistic mind would savour some punishments higher up the scale in future, too.

Wil be checking your name every time I log in to Literotica, each time hoping for a new story or series

punishment_centerpunishment_centerover 1 year ago

Another very good story about judicial punishment from you. This is my favorite theme. Thank you. I really like your attention to detail, such as the proper placement of the strokes of the cane on the abdomen or the wedge in the crotch. I would love to read much more of this in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Gosh yes I so want to know what happens. So powerful.

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