Ryder Fox, Silver Dollar


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"Yes, yes," I murmured.

I tried to regiment my breathing and kept my face averted from Amy. Facing the glass outer shell of the elevator, I hoped our sexual activities were hidden from the crowd behind us.

The hand behind me splayed the slit in my dress wider to gain more access. I heard the elevator chime as it stopped. I glanced over my shoulder at the display and saw we were on the 52nd floor. The elevator doors opened to admit more people and we were pushed even closer together.

As the elevator doors began to close, I felt the swollen cockhead at my pussy lips.

"No," I whispered anxiously. "Not here. Let's wait till we get home."

But the response negated my plea. With my hands tied behind me, there was nothing I could do. I felt the thumb grind the serrations of my pussy ring onto my clit causing me to pant. A moment later, the cockhead pressed forward with renewed vigor. It split my pussy lips and entered me. It was not as big as Jack's but felt larger than my husband's. He's bigger, he must be really excited, I thought.

I felt lips on my ear, teeth tugging at my lobe and helix rings. I leaned slightly forward to give him better access and he pushed his length into me. I heard a small groan from his lips in my ear. It sounded deeper and more gravelly than normal. One of his hands stayed down, rousing my clit, and the other began kneading my breasts through my dress and thin silk bra, twisting the metal nipple bars.

I heard another elevator chime -- we were on the 44th floor.

He began to fuck me. He got up a harsh tempo very quickly, pounding me against the glass harder than he ever had before. The combined stimulus of his manipulating my nipple bars and my pussy ring on my clit, with his pounding member in my pussy drove me toward the edge.

The elevator chimed as it jerked to a stop again. The jerk forced him back into me, smacking his mount on my rump in mid-thrust. I couldn't control the mew that escaped me. The unexpected skewering on his cock surprised me and I began to cum. I could not put my hands on my mouth and tried franticly to suppress venting out my climax. I opened my mouth and put my lips against the cold glass as hard as I could. Puffing and blowing, I created a circle of vapor and saliva on the glass. I saw the reflection of the elevator panel in the frosted circle I made -- we were on the 35th floor.

My contractions were hard, and he groaned again as he came. For the second time that night, I felt the warmth of treacly semen forced into me. I felt his weight on me, his body weak with lassitude after his ejaculation. We were pushed even closer together by the increasing crush in the elevator. I managed to glance over my shoulder -- we were on the 25th floor.

He was still surprisingly hard as he pulled out of me. There was nothing I could do to prevent his viscous, gooey semen slowly coursing down my upper thighs.

We stopped again on the 15th floor and by now, the elevator must have exceeded its capacity. His body was melded into mine, and he seemed bigger, heavier, somehow. Must be the crush of the crowd, I thought. He continued to knead my breasts and manipulate my nipple bars, keeping my nubs hard and poking out through the thin fabric of my bra and dress.

The elevator finally glided to a halt on the ground floor and the crowds streamed out, relieving the crush. I turned around with a smile to get a kiss from my husband -- and froze. Craig Weatherhead stood between me and Trevor, grinning (see my story, Ryder Fox Rocks).

"Oh!" I said, feverishly trying to think of something to say to the man who had just fucked me and made me cum.

He leaned forward and whispered sotto voce in my ear, so low that even Amy couldn't hear, though she was a foot away.

"I wanted Amy, but you're just as hot. And younger."

"I didn't expect to see you here, Craig," said Amy as we began walking out of the elevator.

"My wife and I spotted you in the lobby coming in and decided to join you in the Silver Dollar," he said easily. "But I saw you were very busy there, so I thought I'd wait."

"Where's your wife?"

"She got on the elevator later, she was closer to the doors. She must be waiting for me at the valet desk." He turned to Trevor. "I don't think I've had the pleasure."

"My husband, Trevor," I said, faintly, wishing my hands were untied.

"Pleased to meet you," said Craig, shaking my husband's hand. "I just worked your wife."

Trevor's Manhattans had sunk in, he was dazed, and he missed Craig's meaning.

"I hope you worked her hard," he said.

"Yes, I worked her hard, all right. She's so tight, she squeezed me like a clamp, especially when she came."

"Her background is in client management," said my husband with a bit of a slur. "She knows how to get tight with customers and squeeze them. They're always happy when she comes."

We were all walking across the lobby, and I walked with my hands behind me to hide my bondage.

"I'm glad you're okay with what your wife does, Trevor," said Craig. He turned to me. "I'd like to work you some more, Ryder. A business dinner midweek?"

I looked at Amy.

"It's up to you, Ryder," she said. "If you think Craig can keep it up for you, make you cum again, then go for it."

"What brings you all to the Silver Dollar?" Craig asked my husband.

"We're celebrating," Trevor replied. "Ryder's pregnant, we're going to have a baby."

"You're already pregnant?" Craig asked me, his face a picture of disappointment. "I was hoping I impreg ... well, congratulations."

"Thank you," I said. "I'm very happy to be carrying this child."

"Our child," said my husband.

"I can keep it up for you, too, Amy," said Craig, turning to her. "I can work you hard, make you cum."

"How hard is Craig's package, Ryder?" Amy asked, laughing. "How big? Do you think he can make me cum?"

I colored deeply red and said, "His package --"

"Yes, Ryder," said my husband, helpfully. "Mr. Weatherhead must have shown you his professional package when he was working you."

"I showed it to Ryder at Amy's beach house yesterday," said Craig. "She was impressed."

"He may have a big package, Amy," said Trevor. "But he's just a client. This is the 21st century. He can't make you come."

"I'd like a chance, Amy," said Craig. "A chance to get into you, give you something to incubate."

"Sounds like a great offer, Amy," said my husband.

We met Craig's wife Mimi by the valet desk. She was a petite woman with gray and white ringlets that must have been blonde when she was younger. Amy and Craig handed over their tickets and the three of them settled to wait for their cars. I called us a rideshare and it came before their cars. We wished them goodnight and left.

* * *

I sat sideways in the rideshare to conceal my bound hands. We got into our house and my husband finally noticed my wrists.

"Ryder!" he exclaimed. "Your wrists are tied! Who did this?"

"It was a game Amy and I were playing," I said lamely. "She forgot to untie me. Can you cut me loose?"

"Of course," he said, getting a knife from the kitchen.

However, he was swaying now, and I was afraid he would cut me. I took the knife from him and cut myself loose.

"I liked Mr. Weatherhead," my husband said of the man who had just fucked me to orgasm in the elevator right under his nose. "He said he worked you hard -- but that's what men like him are like, work hard, play hard."

"He plays hard," I agreed.

"He was really pressed against you in the elevator, between us. I tried to get your attention, but you were panting and breathing so hard, you didn't hear me. I guess you were panicking in the crush. You must learn to calm down."

"I'll try."

"Are you going to work with Mr. Weatherhead again?"

"What do you advise?"

"I think you should. Especially since you were impressed with his package."

"I'll do it if you think I should."

"I thought Amy was a bit too forward tonight. She was kissing you a bit too intimately."

"Were you jealous?"

"No, she's a woman, a beautiful woman. Not a man." He laughed with a hint of lewdness. "I'd like a threesome with her and you! Though her husband would never let that happen."

"You should ask him," I said with a grin. "Did you like the Silver Dollar?"

"It was a great location, with superb views. But it was hard to see anything through the fog inside. I thought I saw a man behind you, but I couldn't be sure. The vapor clouds made everything so hazy. It almost looked like he was having sex with you, doggy-style. I even thought I heard the smack of flesh on flesh like he was fucking you hard. And I thought I heard you wheezing. I must have imagined it."

"How did it make you feel?"

"Even though it was probably my imagination, I got a hardon. I can't explain it."

"You got hard imagining another man fucking me?"

"Crazy, huh?" said my husband.

"The thought of you watching while another man fucks me makes me excited."

"You're making me horny, Ryder."

Craig's semen had dried on my inner thighs, and my stocking tops and garters were crusty with dried sexual secretions.

"I'm going to take a long bath in the jacuzzi," I said. "Then straight to bed. No sex tonight."

* * *

My phone rang while I was in the jacuzzi. It was Amy.

"A wild night, Ryder!" she said. "Sex with Jack and me in the bar, then Craig fucks you in the elevator!"

"I have a serious question to ask you, Amy. You said your husband Kenny is in denial about your cheating on him." (See my story, Amy in the Pool)


"But does he try to watch you having sex? Or does he avoid situations where he might see you being fucked by another man?"

"Watching me having sex is like porn for him. He likes to watch, but he doesn't want me to know he does it. I've seen him conceal himself in a closet or be by a window when he thinks I may be having sex. I've found videos of other men fucking me on his phone."

"Have you confronted him?"

"No, that would just be awkward and messy."

"Wouldn't you like him to watch in comfort?"

"It would be less of a rush for me. And probably for him as well. Why do you ask?"

"I'm sure Trevor saw Jack fucking me, yesterday at your beach house and tonight at the Silver Dollar. He was right there when Craig was giving it to me in the elevator. He even admitted he got hard thinking of another man fucking me. But he maintains that he's not sure of what he saw."

"Let him have plausible deniability, Ryder. He knows he's a cuckold and you know he knows. But pretending is so much more of a thrill, for both of you."

"I suppose you're right."

There was a pause before Amy went on.

"I'm assigning you to work with Jenny Jurgens from tomorrow. And you'll handle the Aegis Insurance account for Craig Weatherhead. He liked the work you did for him on Saturday at my beach house." (See my story, Ryder Fox Rocks)

"Are you setting me up?"

"I admit the thought of this threesome turns me on. Jenny is quite skilled."

"You talk like you've had sex with her. You said you're not a lesbian."

"Jenny is relentless, she never gives up. Now that she's got the hots for you, she's going to pursue you anyway. You might as well work it out right away. And you've already had Craig, you seemed to like what he gave you."

"He wanted to breed me, Amy. He was very disappointed when he learned I was already pregnant. Now he wants to impregnate you."

"I've been hoping Jack would give me another baby after Mackenzie -- but it's been eighteen years, and I don't think that's going to happen."

"Jack fucked both of us Saturday night," I said. "Maybe he's already impregnated you. He's obviously incredibly potent." (See my story, Ryder Fox Rocks)

"I not as fertile as you, Ryder, I'm not twenty-three. I'm running out of time, so I suppose I should let Craig try as well, increase my chances."

"Craig mentioned a business dinner midweek," I said. "You can take my place."

"That's a good idea. I'll invite him to our beach house. Kenny would like to watch."

* * *

Clean and fresh, I climbed into bed. My husband cuddled me and kissed me, his lips progressively moving downward under the sheets. His tongue gently, ever so gently, worshipped my vulva, speared my clit, entered my pussy, and drew forth my sexual juices once again. He didn't make me cum, but he filled me with torpor, and I fell asleep serenely.

In the morning, he told me how happy he was with our sex, how much he appreciated my being a faithful wife, and how proud he was of becoming a father. I wondered whether I should plan a sexual tryst for him to watch me cumming again, or just let it happen naturally.

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dsc123456dsc1234563 months ago

I hope theres more to this...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I like the creativity of this premise, and you did a good job fleshing it out in a way that kept the narrative fun and erotic.

Delacour77Delacour775 months ago

This is one of the best "Guy being transitioned to cuckold" stories. Well written, a slow sexual buildup to the grand finale

JBEdwardsJBEdwards5 months ago

I've enjoyed your Ryder Fox series of three stories, at least so far. I hope there's more to come. Or as your character Amy might say, more to cum. I think Trevor is a bit underdeveloped as a character. You have him insecure and hence nasty and then suddenly resigned to the situation, becoming gracious and nice. Maybe something about his background would help flesh out his character? Give him a brief affair with Amy or someone else and then follow your instincts as to how Ryder and Trevor himself will change. Just a suggestion -- you're doing just fine without my help! I'm looking forward to Ryder doing an impromptu pole dance, or some such thing. You've got a lot going on in these stories. 5*, obviously. ~~JB Edwards

deuquaugruvagedeuquaugruvage5 months ago

I hope you do another Ryder story would be great for Trevor to finally to have to fully acknowledge the reality of his situation.

Maybe having Amy walk Trevor down to somewhere Ryder & Jack were starting to make love slowing building up the insinuations about what he is going to see until the final reveal, then firmly but gently making him watch while taunting him about his cuckold status and inability to make women cum, then challenging to take her and make her cum telling him he will have to accept what's happening if he can't and that she will put a stop to it if he somehow can.

Can't wait to see what you cum up with next.

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