All Comments on 'Sabine'

by KatieAnnBB

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  • 126 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I beautiful lovely story. I liked how you described Kate's internal battle. Also, just want to give a shout out to google translator. In the past two days I've had to use it for Italian, Spanish, and now German.



LicentiousGhoulLicentiousGhoulalmost 4 years ago

Oh how I adore a kind and patient lover who both understands and respects boundaries that are both vocalized and not, making sure that their partner feels safe and secure. Sure. Every now and then it's fun to read a story with aggressive and persuasive/intrusive sex but nothing fills my heart quite like reading stories containing a lover such as Sabine.

6niner6ninerover 3 years ago

this is the BEST story i have read on this site, bar none.

the pace is just right, the characters clearly delineated and appealing, the mis en scene evocative, the literary references clever, and the romance between the two women heart-warming.

thank you for this piece of beauty.

willendorferwillendorferover 3 years ago

Absolute perfection in a story. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Excellently written, teasing, teasing, and then .... ah yes ... and then

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is a masterpiece.

ShampoofetShampoofetalmost 3 years ago

What a beautiful story!! The way you describe Kates inner turmoil as she struggles between religion and faith is very well written. As is the depth of love they find in each other.

fallwatcherfallwatcheralmost 3 years ago

Beautiful. Perfect. Thank you for sharing.

Jimbo3948Jimbo3948almost 3 years ago

Lovely story - but bittersweet ending...

SexecclecticSexecclecticalmost 3 years ago

Truly one of the best pieces of writing to be found on Literotica. Sweet, lyrical, honest and touching. For anyone who’s fallen in love, KateAnBB’s words, actions and emotions ring true. Very realistic and genuine. So hard to find on Literotica. I could go on and on. Just such fine writing

XactoXactoover 2 years ago

I just read this again, and loved it even more this time. Beautiful story. Thank you!

okami1061okami1061over 2 years ago

The good, the bad and the ugly.

The ugly: without a doubt, western religion, man's epic battle to subdue women.

The bad: The loss of a soul-mate ... and the acquiescence with that loss.

The good: Her self-discovery.

The feel: authentically continental.

Question: how do you decide to "let go" of someone you know is your soulmate? What could possibly tear you from her short of death?

FandeborisFandeborisabout 2 years ago

A beautiful love story of a young lady finding herself, even if she didn't know she was lost. A love filled tale of two women initially miles apart brought together by happen stance. One has to work very hard to top this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Rediscovered this after a long time. A beautiful piece of writing.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 1 year ago

Hot Chocolate - it started with a kiss - After reading tour story, or while reading, this song popped in mind fitting perfectly ..... Church christianity prayers believers and turning innocent kids into puppets ..... If an adult decide to open hos heart to god and feel sqve in his embrace, perfect, but pleease let kids decide then they adults, out of a free will ...... And now the big question, why leaving a soulmate? The most extraordinary unique love we will ever find in a lifetime? And if ever found, you know it deep down inside you ..... Is this our human nature, After some years of pure happiness, jumping into a new whatever, job country partnership just name it and so we break our hearts??? Speechless

Yeah a beautiful tale 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝🍀🌟 hope it was not related to your lifetime

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To below at this point you are beating a dead horse. Unless you are living a country where a certain prophet can't be drawn then Christianity is the least of your problems. Give it a rest.

UncertainTUncertainTover 1 year ago

Wonderful storytelling! Back to read it again and it is still as magical.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just found you, what a treat and all the rest of your work to read. Thanks for a wonderful story just so good. 5* needless to say.

UncertainTUncertainTover 1 year ago

I think this is one of the Greats.

Storm1752Storm1752over 1 year ago

I'm so disappointed. And I feel...betrayed. How could have separated?!? That seems impossible. Well I'm assuming it was a true story, so what happened, happened That's all I can say. Obviously, I loved the story, just not the ending.--salut

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderabout 1 year ago

What a wonderful story! Thank you so much for sharing! All along the way I feel the truth of what you wrote at the beginning "my fingers tore this story out of my heart." This is so real and you possess the gift of writing it down in a way that preserves and radiates the realness, the passion, the confusion, all of it. Thank you.

And I also feel you speak for a bigger truth: loss is a part of life. It is awful that you and Sabine didn't manage to stay together, but that is the way things sometimes go. It sounds as though you have found the most wonderful lasting love in your life now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

They parted. No no no no no

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This is a beautiful story. It breaks my heart that K & S couldn’t find a way to stay together after realizing they were each other’s true soulmates, and so I thank you for your reassurance that you are married to someone wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I am sad to see that you haven’t posted any new stories in seven years. I hope you are well, and that you are publishing fiction elsewhere!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I keep adding comments when I realize there was more I wanted to say. This story was special to me because I too had an extended European experience at 23, just before law school, though it was seven years before yours and involved no romance. My German is terrible (and my Latin essentially nonexistent). Oddly, the year after I graduated law school, a mutual friend put me in touch with a young German lawyer in the hopes that we could educate each other. We didn’t, but I still have her letter and the statute book(!) she sent me.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Deliciously well done. You portrayed religious Kate exquisitely and allowed her to flow into her new, real self. The scene on p. 3 was sublime where she was first kissed lovely Sabine and she was plaintively saying and repeating "no, no, no," yet her kissing with Kate continued "allowing her to see into me" and soon the glow "loosening and peeling away layers of self-deception and doubt" from her upbringing. Sabine knew this was a delicate change that needed time to fully unfold. It wasn't until weeks later on p. 5 that the healing energies of Eros "sunk in," so to speak such that Kate could actually touch herself and unleash the pent-up passion she had been harbouring all her life. This all burst forth on p. 6 when they were re-united, and your descriptions were sensitive to the purity of the moment. So sweet, so lovely. The ending was sad to be sure, but also true of many relationships, even with soul mates, when "life" intervenes and paths diverge. I will always fondly remember my first real love who taught me that if you truly love someone, you would want the best for them, even if you are no longer a part of her life. Tears of joy, tears of sadness, and sweet sweet memories. Thank you. Thank you.

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I'd like to sincerely thank everyone for reading and for your encouragement. Massage Mat was my first attempt at writing a story of any kind, and things have gone from there. Thank you again for reading...I had no idea that writing could be so fulfilling. PS The avatar is ...