Sacrifice Ch. 03


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"Does this money come from the tributes?"

"One way or another."

She frowned as an odd thought occurred to her. "I always thought we were paying to keep him from destroying our towns...but I don't think that would you?"


"Then why did this business start"

"Way I hear it, he did some service to the people in these parts way back when. I suspect it's got something to do with keeping this coast clear of invaders, though I honestly couldn't tell you." He was chewing thoughtfully on a piece of cheese.

"So it's payment then...not blood money?"

"Well, it is now. That's how folks see it, so that's how it is. I don't think he much cares one way or the other. Just wants to be left to his own devices."

"He doesn't even use most of it," she mused, thinking of the room full of forgotten treasures.

"Well that's why he started requesting specific things. Sheep he can use....statues of Apollo however..."

She laughed. "I think it's a delightful statue."

"Clearly. But it does us little good out here, you can't eat it, and it's too pricey to barter easily."

"Has he ever requested...people before?"

"You mean women?" He looked up from his dinner. She shrugged at the sink, missing his grin. "No. This was a first."

"Wasn't he worried it would upset people too much and they'd stop making tributes?"

"You'd have to ask him that."

"Why would he...after all this time?"

"Who can say. Lonely I guess."

"You're here."

"There's more than one kind of lonely girl, and I'm pretty sure you and I ain't providing the same kind of services."She looked over her shoulder at him to see his wry look.

"Why doesn't he just...dally with nymphs. He said his brethren do that."

He shrugged again. "You'd have to ask him that...why you so interested any way. Trying to get yourself off the hook?"

"No, just curious. He told me they were cold."


"The nymphs."

"Well you already have an answer then, why are you pestering me."

"How did you come to be here?"

"Nice subject change."

She rolled her eyes. "No really, you weren't a tribute...and everyone in these parts is terrified of the master. I mean I thought he was a hydra... until I got a little older and decided he must be a flesh eating cyclops. So how did you get past the scary rumors and end up living here.?"

"That's easy. I ain't from around here, and I met him before I heard about him." Her curiosity was peaked and she sat at the table with him, her drying cloth still twisted in her hands.

"How did you meet him?"

"I was a soldier for a long time, and it took me all over the place. Mercenary." He added. "I got a bum leg from an injury that just wouldn't seem to heal properly, and couldn't do that kind of work anymore-- least not so well as I used to--so I started wandering and looking for odd jobs... drifting. Eventually I found myself following the coast here looking for port towns when I climbed a cliff to find a twelve foot demon lookin' right back at me."

"What did you do?" She leaned forward imperceptibly, eager to hear the rest of the tale.

"I said 'pardon sir, but you don't know if there's a town nearby do you?'"

She grinned at him."You lie."

"Swear on my life."

"What did he say?"

"He explained that there was and that it was just a few hours east. Then asked me what I was looking for. I said work and he told me that if I didn't find any in town, he might have something for me. So I went to town, found little or nothing going on and decided to go back. Of course in town I asked about the giant and that's when I heard all the crazy rumors. Course I'd spoken to him already and I've got a knack for sussing people out, so I didn't take much of what was said to heart."

"Did you ever correct them?"

"Why should I? I imagine he prefers it that way."

She harrumphed. "More flies with honey."

"Who wants flies?"

She smirked back at him. "Duly noted."

The next day she dressed herself in the simplest dress she could find. It wasn't seemly for women of standing to enter the market place, but servants were allowed, so she wore the most servant like thing she had. That wasn't saying much since the material was still a little too fine for a servant. It would have to do, she mused as she stepped lightly through the pleasant woods.

How strange the change now. barely a season had passed since she came here and everything that had been foreboding and strange was now familiar, benign. The woods which might have been pretty to her that first day were now delightful. She remembered the fear in the faces of the girls as they were marched through these very woods, and she remembered the same suppressed terror in the soldiers as well. She'd been too scared herself to note it then, but in her memory it was palpable.

The memory gave her a twinge. It was sad that Thelios should be so reviled. It didn't seem fair. Then again, she reminded herself, he did take twenty girls from their families. She sighed and watched the grass turn to tracks and then into a proper road beneath her feet.

The town looked vaguely familiar, though she was entering it from the opposite side this time. She paused in front of a particularly familiar house. It had belonged to the pretty fair haired girl she'd tried to introduce to Thelios. She felt a passing urge to knock...but resisted the urge easily. What would she say to the servant who answered? 'Hello your mistress and I were sacrificed to a giant together...I just wanted to say good morning', not likely. She sighed and kept walking.

The town was relatively small, no doubt because the high cliff leading to the water made for a poor port. She could see a number of fishing boats lashed to the dock below...but the narrow stair way leading down wasn't conducive to trade. The cost of labor and time would seriously cut into the minimal profits of trading this far North when there were so many more natural ports nearby. She smirked at herself. Maybe her father had been right about her being a merchants wife.

The town wasn't very large, and before long she found herself at the entrance of the market. It was much smaller than the one in her own city. But she was delighted to be there walking through it instead of stealing glimpses while being escorted past. It was invigorating the sight of all those people milling around, haggling bumping one another...she remembered herself suddenly and carefully tucked her full little purse under the folds of her dress, recalling stories of thieves and pick pockets. With that thought she collected herself and headed to a merchant who looked like he might carry what she needed. She bought her vine leaves and a few stuffed olives that she couldn't resist and moved to be on her way.

Before she could leave another merchant called to her and held up a beautiful necklace made with what looked like coral and aquamarine. She went over and politely admired it.

"It's lovely sir, but I'm afraid it wouldn't be appropriate for a servant." He eyed her.

"Though I don't recognize you miss, you don't carry yourself like a servant."

"If I wasn't it would be highly irregular for me to be in a market unescorted."He gave her a look that told her he didn't believe her for a second. Perhaps he thought her a lady who was playing at being a servant to be in the market place. It wouldn't be unheard of."I assure you sir, I am what I say I am."

"Whose your master then?" he grinned at her challengingly. She cast her eyes down at his wares, hiding her expression under the guise of examining them a little more carefully.

"The giant, sir." There was a long moment of silence before she looked up. He looked agape and she fought the blush that crept up her throat. His look turned from surprise to wariness.

"I didn't know he kept another servant, just that dark looking fellow."She cleared her throat and fiddled with one of the bracelet's.


"Whats that?"

"His name's Demitri....the servant."

"I see." His expression darkened even more. She let out a little sigh and looked him in the eye squaring herself.

"I was part of the last sacrifice."His expression changed again, and he blinked at her while taking a step back. If it was possible she felt even more uncomfortable under his gaze. She hoped it hadn't gotten out what the sacrifice had been for. "This is very nice." She said holding up the amber bracelet she'd been toying with. "How much is it?" He still looked stunned, but answered quickly, automatically.

"Half silver." He was a professional after all. She nodded and slid the appropriate amount over the counter and tucked the bracelet into her purse, deciding not to bother haggling.

"Thank you," she replied smartly. He nodded back at her and she turned to leave. Her movement must have snapped him out of his shock as he called to her.

"Miss, wait." She paused and looked back."You're the one who stayed for the others?" Well that much had gotten out at least. It made sense, as an explanation was needed when this own towns offering had suddenly come home the very next day.

"Yes." She waited for a response, but received only a nod. She nodded back and adjusted her basket. She kept her head straight and avoided looking back, but she couldn't fail to see the merchant speaking to his neighbor and pointing her out as she turned a corner to leave the market square.

She was careful to keep her eyes to herself and her head pointed forward as she made her way back to the cart road, so it wasn't until she felt a hand on her shoulder that she noticed Alexia approaching her. She turned in surprise toward the hand and recognized the face in front of her with a start.

"It is you!" the pretty girl breathed with wonder. She was clearly one of the very wealthy of the region as she wore a rich red and gold dress with golden stitching. They had all been wearing simple white robes the day of the sacrifice, so it had been difficult to see who was the most affluent.

"Alexia." She replied with a pleasant smile. "I'm glad to see you well."

"Yes. And you." She stopped and frowned. "You are...well?"Calliope smiled softly.

"Yes. I'm fine thank you."

"Are...are you still..." She trailed off unable to will herself to speak of their unusual circumstances.


"I see." She look down at her hands and they both just stood there a while. There were two more women with her, one was older and the other about the same age and clearly a servant. Calliope smiled politely at them. Alexia noticed and introduced the older woman as her mother, and realized she didn't know Calliope's name.

"Calliope" she offered and bowed slightly. The woman wasn't quite elderly, but the years had begun to diminish her so that she stood shoulder height with the two younger woman. She more than made up for her height with her presence however."Alexia tells me you convinced the monster to let the others go. I'm curious as to how this was accomplished. The elders were concerned they would have to send the women back, that there was some sort of trickery." Calliope did not miss the accusation in her voice, but remained placid and bowed again slightly.

"I assure you, there will be no repercussions. He merely agreed that he would not need so many...servants. I convinced him that one might suffice. It was not difficult, considering everyone was quite upset, something he finds somewhat distasteful." She arched her brow at that, but seemed more curious than suspicious.

"And how was it you were chosen?"

"I volunteered."

She nodded. "That is what Alexia and the others said...but it seemed odd that anyone should agree to stay there alone." Calliope had nothing to say to that and merely tipped her head noncommittally."Well, at any rate I'm glad of how it turned out for our sake, and you have our family's gratitude."

She nodded again and returned the warm smile that Alexia gave her after her mother's words. Calliope bowed again. "I should probably be going, I'm expected..."They both bowed and nodded conciliatory.

"Of course...and if you should need anything.." Alexia added with a blush.

"Thank you, you're very kind. Good day to you both."She took her leave and continued back down the path , waiting until they were out of sight before exhaling.

She wondered how her own family had taken the news that the other girls had been returned, but not their daughter. She sighed....probably not well.

She remembered the bracelet her sister had gave her again...which caused her to remember the one she'd just bought. She retrieved it and put it on, lifting her wrist to the sun when she away from the eyes of the towns people. The amber shone a deep golden red. It reminded her of Thelios and those strange gleaming eyes. A shiver ran through her and her mind wandered to what he might be up to...and if there were any nymphs involved. She started to feel irritated and angry, but stopped herself and chided herself for her ridiculousness. What should she care? She was just a slave. She should be happy, no... ecstatic, that things turned out as well as they did. She was treated well, given food and fine clothes, and had pleasant company. That was more than many had.

She entered the caverns again reminding herself that the first time she'd done so she'd been expecting death. This time she was merely looking for lunch. If that wasn't an improvement in circumstances, she couldn't think of anything that was. She tended the sheep for a few hours, collecting them from where ever they'd wandered while she was gone and went inside to clean up.

Demitri came in to find her in the kitchen arranging little green bundles in a pot."So that's what you wanted vine leaves for." He muttered over her shoulder.

"Do you like dolmades?" He shrugged as an answer. "Well good, more for me then. They're my favorite." She smiled and wiggled one in the air. "These were my last meal you know. My mother made them for me my last night at home. Hers are better than mine of course...but beggars can't be choosers." She put the last few in and poured water over top and slid the pot back over the oven. She was wiping her hands on a rag and turned to find Demitri giving her an odd look."Are you alright?" she asked frowning at him.

"Yes. Are you?"

"Yes...why are you looking at me like that?"He shrugged again and turned away, packing up some tools he'd left out on the table. She stood and watched him silently; she worried he might be cross about something."I have the rest of the money...did you want it back?" He shook his head at the tool bag.

"That's yours."

She looked down thoughtfully, and noticed her bracelet. "Are you upset about the bracelet?"

He turned to look at her blinking, "what bracelet?" She held her wrist up. "Why would that bother me?"

"I don't know...if it's the dolmades, you don't have to eat them." She offered hopefully.

He laughed. "I'm not upset."

"Then why do you look like you are?" He sighed and paused, looking at her. "It's just...often I forget your... circumstances. You've taken it all in stride so well, it's easy to do. When you mentioned your last meal..." he shrugged, "I guess I just felt bad is all."

Her heart softened even more towards the gruff man."It's not your fault."

"Well, not technically...but I'm partially to blame."

"How is that?"

"It was my idea." She was more curious then upset and pushed him to continue...which he did, if reluctantly.

"Well it's like this...I can avail myself of professionals when the need strikes me...but Old whats his name can't and went awful long stretches without companionship. Sooo... I told him he ought to do what the others do and get him a few women to have around. He didn't take to the idea at first...but I guess after a time it grew on him and he decided he had plenty of sheep, and more than enough gold to last him a few lifetimes, so he figured he'd ask for women."

"Clearly they misunderstood the request."

"Clearly." He cleared his throat. "So that's probably why I was looking at you funny. Just guilt getting to me is all."

She smiled at him."You know...I thought you were a bit of a prick at first, but your really very sweet." She walked over and gave him a peck on the cheek making him laugh at her again."I'm calling dibs on the tub though" she added with a grin, "I smell like sheep."

"Get used to it" he muttered morosely.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 2 years ago

One of the things I like best about this story is the wit and humorous dialog between the three of them. Most of my questions have been answered, so this was a great chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Still loving

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
👏 👏 👏

You done good!

ausvirgoausvirgoover 8 years ago
Thanks! Love the story.

Love the story!

I'd suggest though that you get a good volunteer editor. Whilst the writing is of a very high standard, there are at least three words you routinely misspell. A word processor wouldn't pick them up because the misspellings are legitimate words.

The most annoying to me is you use "boarder" instead of "border". You also use "quite" instead of "quiet". The third one mustn't be as annoying because I can't recall what it is at the moment - will let you know when I remember.

Once again I love the story and the way it's developing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very good!

Very well written entertaining story. Almost typo free, too :-) thank you very much for placing your story here and for editting it as well. (consider quiet when you think of quite)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

"Shut up and lick me". He-he.

Hope he doesn't turn out to be a little slut like so many others while on holiday by himself. No std is fun, but a giant std...oops.

This story is absolutely prime. You are an entertainer of note. May you not be cursed with many screaming infants.

Thank you so much.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Long time reader

I've followed this story since you wrote the first chapter. And i love it, i love it all. I know you had some personal issues to deal with, but i just want to encourage you and let you know you still have loyal fans waiting for you x

rayearlerayearleabout 9 years ago
Like the Story

First three chapters have me wanting to finish. I notice you haven't added any stories. Would like to encourage you to add to the collection. Good Luck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Excellent read!

I am so enjoying this story, chapter by chapter, one per night. Makes me wish I was Thalios, or, good heavens, even Calliope.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

The emotions when reading this series (past counting the amount on my hands) is intense joy, humour, sexual excitement/pleasure (I want a Thelios of my own) + romantic ache….just to name a few. Frustration is high and I'm on the edge of my bed (this is one of my favourite pieces to read at night). I keep returning back to check if there is any progress in the works, I live in hope. Hope you the writer are well wherever you are :) Thank you for sharing this story.

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