Sadie Sink - The Break Up

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Sadie has a wild night after getting rough news.
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This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

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Sadie Sink took a sip of her wine as she nodded along with the music that pumped throughout the bowling alley, where she was with a collection of her friends and colleagues. It was an event organised by the studio, a simple night out at a disco held at the bowling place near where they were filming and it had been booked out for the entire crew to enjoy. People brought their other halves and friends so there was a real energy to everything.

It was a great chance to blow off some steam and have fun, with food provided and people had their choice of drinks. She was enjoying red wine but not intending to overdo it, which of course is what everyone said before they inevitably did. But she was just looking to have a good time and enjoy hanging out with her working friends outside the pressures of set, with strict timings, costumes, make-up and fussy producers.

She was at a table with some of her co-stars and production team, including an older guy she got on particularly well with. He was called Max, ironically enough, and was about 30, so the best part of a decade older than her, but they just clicked so well. Their chemistry was fantastic and she wasn't blind to the fact he had a thing for her, stealing glances at her when he thought she wasn't looking and always making time for her. Despite not being single she found herself attracted to him, loving his cool demeanor and looking forward to seeing him everyday. He was handsome in a rugged sort of way, quite well built and just seemed fun.

She had no idea how he was single, though he just shrugged it off and said it wasn't easy with the life of constant change, moving around to pursue new projects. It was understandable but she was surprised a girl hadn't changed his mind on that...though she was secretly kind of happy they hadn't, his eyes for her on set every day. Not that she should think that way, she had a boyfriend of over a year and he was meant to join her for the party, though he was running late and hadn't shown.

It mattered not and she partied it up with her friends, talking louder as they all had a couple of drinks and the music threatened to overwhelm their conversation. People dipped in and out of the gathering, choosing to play some retro arcade machines or shoot a few hoops on the basketball until someone suggested they actually go and do some bowling, since they were at a bowling alley after all. They headed onto the lanes and split across two of them side-by-side, with Sadie on the same lane as Max which didn't displease her.

She knew it gave him a good look at her slender legs as she swooped down to bowl, bending over in front of him in her dress. It wasn't scandalously short by any means but it still gave a great show of her pale pins as she bowled, not that she was particularly good at it despite making an effort. Her long red hair was loose in soft curls that whirled around as she moved, spilling down her back over the silky black satin fabric of the dress that wrapped close at her hips before flicking out into a more forgiving skirt.

She had some simple Converse on with it and bare legs since it was spring, the weather picking up and finally getting warmer, threatening to break into summer when she'd have to cover her alabaster skin. She bowled a few reasonable shots, and a few complete failures but it didn't matter as they were having fun and nobody else was doing anything spectacular. People got some strikes which drew playful applause and equally dire shots were met with howls of teasing derision from them all.

Sadie had just managed a nice eight pins which she was pleased with when her boyfriend finally showed up, seeing her bowling and heading across to meet her. She waved to him then quickly threw her second shot, hoping to grab the spare but the ball trailed near then dipped into the gutter, a bit too close to the edge with her throw which left her on eight. Everyone gave a groan and she shrugged, hands up as she stepped through everyone to meet her boyfriend as he got to their lane.

"Hey," she said as she greeted him, moving in for a kiss but he just pulled her into a hug. Other people gave him a brief wave as they knew him already, if not closely.

"Hey," he replied, and she could tell there was something off.

"You alright?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm...can we talk?" he said.

"Sure..." she said cautiously, concerned something was up.

"Guys, take my shots for me, don't wait," she said to her group.

"Sure. Maybe we'll get some better scores while we're at it," Max quipped, inciting a laugh from her friends.

"Yeah yeah, we'll see," she replied, turning and walking away with her boyfriend. They headed back towards the foyer area, away from the crowds of the party to get a little seclusion.

"What's up? Is everything ok?" she asked earnestly, concerned something serious had happened.

"Everyone's fine, don't worry."

"Then what? And why are you here so late?" she said, checking the clock and seeing it was going on nine already when things had started a couple of hours prior.

"I've been thinking," he replied, shifting on his feet.

"Uh oh, that doesn't sound good," she said with a playful tone to her voice, "you gonna break up with me or something?"

His silence said it all, his hesitation before he looked into her eyes. A cold stare.

"You fucking serious? You're breaking up with me?" she asked pointedly, mind suddenly focused as she felt a wave of horror sweep through her, like the rug was pulled from under her feet.

"Yeah," he replied quietly.

"Seriously? Right now?"

"Yeah, we're done," he said. She stared at him, shock turning to fuming anger as she clenched her fists; she was fucking pissed as she hadn't been expecting it at all. Sure they'd had their problems, every couple did, but she wasn't at all ready to get dumped, especially not by him and in public at that. He'd always been a bit of a pushover with her during their relationship and she'd been the one in charge so for him to suddenly find a backbone and break up with her at this night out was something else.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Out of the blue like this?"

"It's not out of the blue and you know it," he said, clearly seeing things differently to her.

"We've been together more than a year and you're just chucking this away?"

"I just think we want different things," he said, keeping calm as she heated up. He knew her temper.

"Different things, since when?" she snapped.

"Your career is flying, which is great for you but I don't see how I fit into that," he said.

"Oh so it's my job again," she replied, a point he'd made before, "are you jealous or what? You told me you weren't!"

"I'm not taking it away from you, but there's no time for me and if I want to be with you I just have to go wherever that is, it's difficult," he said sternly, trying to get his point across as she attempted to shout him down. Neither of them realised they were getting louder in their attempts to overrule one another and as a result people from the party were looking over at them arguing near the doors.

"I thought you were happy to do that, we talked about this!"

"We did, but now I'm not," he snapped back.

"Wind just change your mind or something? This is such bullshit!"

"I'm just being honest with you, I thought that's what you wanted!" he shouted in response.

"You didn't even talk to me about this!"

"What would be the point? Are you giving up acting for us, or going to stay in one place to make it work? There's no talking about this," he yelled firmly, definitively. Sadie was silent, staring at him with tears welling up in her pretty blue eyes.

"Who is she?" she blurted out sharply, immediately jumping to her next conclusion. He gave a roll of his eyes however.


"Cut the shit, no way you just came to this decision to give up on us!" she screamed.

"Look even if there was it doesn't matter, we're done," he said, trying to punctuate it and end the increasingly escalating scene.

"It matters to me! You just want to walk out of my life!"

"It's over, Sadie," he said, steeling himself and not rising to her. She just stopped, staring at him with tears running down her cheeks, furious and upset in equal measure.

"So what, you just came to do this right here? You wanted to humiliate me in public?" she said accusingly, voice cracking as she tried to hold it all back.

"No, I didn't want this at all," he sighed, looking at the floor, realising how much he'd fucked things up. He really hadn't intended to upset her so much, or make any kind of scene with her. It was hardly to either of their advantage and he really wasn't seeking to one-up her or something.

"I just had to be honest with you. I didn't want to string you along," he said, looking into her eyes defeated.

"Well congratulations. Mission accomplished," she whispered, struggling to speak through her tears, her throat tight as she threatened to sob.

"Get the fuck outta here," she mumbled, turning away as her body jolted, some of her friends already approaching from the bowling lanes to intercept her. Her now ex-boyfriend hesitated, seemingly like he wanted to say something else though all it would be doing was rubbing salt in the wounds and Max, seeing the clear upset, had already stepped up to keep an eye on proceedings. With Sadie in pieces, he locked eyes with her ex and pointed to the door, making it as clear as could be that there was nothing left to do but leave.

He took a final look after the redhead then turned and quickly exited, ruing the encounter and how things had turned out. He'd wanted to break up with her but not like that and he knew she'd never forgive him for it, though she'd likely never speak to him again anyway. Max watched Sadie as her friends quickly hid her from view in the bathroom, privacy after a very public spectacle which nobody would envy. He looked back to other people still watching on, wondering what had happened.

"Come on, let's bowl," he said, waving people back to the lanes, trying to resume their night. Everyone gradually got back to it and they carried on playing, finishing off the game and starting another before Sadie emerged from the bathroom. She'd got herself together and touched up her make-up, looking far more controlled than perhaps anyone expected her to be. She rejoined the group looking pissed, which was understandable. She was more humiliated than anything else and so angry that he somehow seemed to get the upper hand on her.

"You alright?" someone asked her tentatively.

"No," she said bluntly.

"Got it," they mumbled, backing off and not asking anything else. Nobody else attempted to raise conversation, just waiting for her and not wanting to catch her temper. She had no intention however as she just felt raw and embarrassed by it, her evening ruined but she didn't want it to suck the life out of everything. And she figured that if she left she'd just be going home to mope by herself and cry alone which was hardly appealing and besides there would be plenty of time for that.

"I'm gonna get a drink," she stated, turning on her heel and heading back to the bar. The bowling was finished and people dispersed, figuring maybe they'd grab another game later on but for now it was time for a change. Max walked casually back towards the arcade machines and figured he'd get some goes in on the classics that always seemed to pervade bowling alleys. The night was wearing on some and the disco had got more into things, people loosening up and dancing, getting into the spirit of it all.

Sadie got herself a double and took a hearty drink of it, wincing a little at the alcohol. She certainly hadn't been intending to get drunk but she was now, not wanting to keep thinking it over, set on just having a mad night of it all. She looked around at everyone enjoying themselves including her friends from set coming to join her. They knew she didn't want to talk but were rallying around her which was great and before she realised she'd finished the glass and was being dragged onto the dance floor.

It was the perfect tonic, much like the one she'd just enjoyed in her drink and she was swept up in the beat of the music and just threw herself into dancing with her friends. Her boyfriend didn't matter, she could just enjoy the night as best as possible like she'd intended to. More drinks found their way into her hand as her friends gave her what she needed, not attempting any more talk about what had happened and focusing on drinking the night away as they danced.

Sadie just refused to acknowledge it, even though deep down she felt broken and thrown away. She knew there was no point in feeling sad despite being so and tried to just focus on the positives, which included having a good party with the people she worked with day after day. With each drink she cared less, dancing hard, her skirt flicking up and showing off her slender legs and pale skin, her red hair flicking all over with her energy.

Max joined later on for a dance, letting her blow off steam first before mingling into the crowd. He wasn't much for dancing but figured it was fun and what the hell, he might as well. Besides, Sadie was single now and he wasn't about to pretend that didn't interest him. He joined in with everyone else initially but when a deeper, more soulful song came on the chemistry just seemed to be there and all he had to do was take the chance.

He didn't hesitate and slid in closer to her, making it about them; her girlfriends sensed it and melted away into the group, knowing they both liked one another and wanting to give Sadie some fun to cheer up her night. Sadie didn't seem to hesitate either as she slipped into his presence and just went with it, the beat still pumping, making her shake her hips into him as she turned around, pressing back enticingly.

It was certainly a position he'd thought about getting her in previously, towering over her as she turned round to grind into him. Her inhibitions were certainly lowered and they just melted into the mood, the moment overtaking them as they danced, Sadie rocking her body into him as his hands slid down her sides, maybe cheekily a little close to the sides of her perky chest but she didn't even attempt to stop him. She welcomed it, wanting to feel sexy and desired, to just go for it and act out a little.

Doesn't someone want to be wanted? She didn't want to feel thrown aside and discarded so threw herself into the dance with him, finally letting him get his hands on her. She knew he liked her and she couldn't deny she'd thought about it; being a few years older than her and clearly more experienced she wondered what it would be like to fuck him, to let him show her what he could do, knowing she'd probably love it. It had just been a fantasy though and she'd never expected to act on it. She wasn't now either, they were just having some sexy fun on the dance floor and she just pushed it aside and liked his hands roaming testingly over her.

She pushed and writhed against him, not attempting to stop his touch as they ground together in their own little world. Their dance lasted more than one song and they just enjoyed each other for a while, their passions unleashed somewhat and bubbling away...threatening to boil over. Sadie spun in his arms and pulled them around his neck, her flat Converse not helping the petite actress reach him as he fairly towered over her, so much bigger and stronger than her. They looked into each others eyes as they danced, the spark alive, dancing like they were as they moved.

His hands pulled round the small of her back, pulling her up slowly, his strength evident and she knew he could pick her up easily if he wanted to. He seemed like he might pull her up into a kiss but he didn't, their chemistry just bubbling intently, Max not making the move that would release the pressure and potentially start a tougher conversation. His hands did slide down to her ass though, not missing the chance to give her tight booty a firm squeeze and she didn't mind, murmuring at the grope and letting it go.

Their dance faded with the music and he left her to her friends as he went to grab a drink, keeping it light with a Coke as Sadie continued to rip up the dance floor with the other women she was hanging with. He glanced back to her as he waited for his drink, his cock still semi-hard from where her tight ass had been shoved into him, her grinding against him quite the treat and something he'd wanted for a while. He got his drink and walked away to sit down, finding some other guys from the production crew to catch up with.

The night wore on as Sadie enjoyed herself, her dance with him and the electricity she'd felt on her mind, helping push away the negative thoughts of the night. She toyed with the idea and thought it'd be a great fuck you to her ex, really show him what he was missing even though he'd never know about it...unless she told him of course. The alcohol helped and as the evening got late she got pretty drunk, the quantity of drinks taking their toll on her petite frame.

Her legs were tired from dancing and she'd retreated from the dance floor to sit with the others. They were at a big table, a collection of all sorts from the studio including Max. They were thinning out as the night got late, heading home to their beds, some with their partners that Sadie eyed jealously. The negativity hit her again, the alcohol turning on her leaving her morose and feeling it all once more. She found herself talking with Max, next to him at the table which wasn't an accident, as she babbled and complained about it, letting it out again.

"I can't believe he did that," she spat, anger rising in her once more. Max stayed silent, letting her go off.

" fucking do that, come here and just ditch me, who does that?"

"Someone wanting to make a scene, I guess," he offered.

"Obviously but why do I deserve that? What did I do to be dumped and in front of everyone!" she snapped.

"I can't possibly comment, Sadie," he replied. He didn't know the intimate details of their relationship.

"Just pisses me off so much," she mumbled angrily, waving her glass around and almost slopping her drink, "we've been together a while and then he just comes in and does that, like outta nowhere."

"It's his loss," he commented, glancing down her slender body.

"It's just so unfair," she grumbled, missing his comment completely.

"Yeah, it sucks," he agreed as she took a drink, sulkily staring towards the windows.

"But I know exactly what'll cheer you up," he added.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I've got just what you need tonight," he said, looking into her eyes with a stare that told her everything.

"What's that?" she slurred, feigning ignorance.

"Cut the shit Sadie, you know exactly what it is," he replied, suddenly straightforward. It was true, she knew exactly what he was suggesting.

"I guarantee it'll make you feel better," he said with a smile. The proposition was direct and as obvious as it got; she'd been intending to have sex with her boyfriend after the party, but that was gone, lost to the mess of everything that'd happened, so she was certainly ready to go and honestly would love to get fucked. Sleeping with somebody else wasn't entirely in her plan however and she contemplated it for a moment.