Saga of Littown Ch. 08


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Lilith nodded. "That's true. I am."

"That actually explains kind of a lot," said Emily. "Like the way you feed off our sexual energy when you fuck us. Or that thing where you terrify people just by talking reasonably with them."

"But... but... Ms. January has a pussy in real life," said Jaime. "I've seen it. It's quite lovely, actually. She couldn't have impregnated Mom just by touching their pussies together."

"Shhh, it's ok, Jai," Lilith said soothingly. She stroked her brother's hair, or rather the long, luxurious hair of the wig he was wearing. "Lisa's had different forms. She's not as fixed in her shape or gender as humans are. She was a guy when she seduced Mom."

Jaime was on the verge of tears, despite his sister's consolation. "This is too weird."

"I know, sweetie. I know," said Lilith. "I'm sorry."

Emily was busy doing some tricky math in her head. "Hey, Lil? If you're our half sister... and you're half demon... does that make me and Jai quarter demons?"

Jaime managed a faint chuckle. "That's not how genetics work, Em. At least I don't have to worry about being-"

"Actually, she's right," said Lilith. "It makes no sense at all biologically, but mathematically it's absolutely correct." She shrugged helplessly. "I'm afraid you're both part demon."

Jaime's mind snapped and he went quiet. Emily, on the other hand, was adapting to the news pretty well.

"I always wondered why me and Jai were so stretchy and slutty, and why he came so much, and why we can go for hours getting throat-fucked with no oxygen," Emily mused. "Guess it's the demonic heritage."

"Actually," said Lilith, "mostly all that slutty shit about you two is just because you're massive sluts."

Emily nodded. "Works for me either way."

"No no no no!" Jaime broke free from Lilith's grasp. "This is too fucked."

"Jai, wait!" Emily called after him as he ran out of the room.

Lilith grabbed Emily before she could chase after her brother. "Not right now, Em. He needs some time to process. This is big news."

Emily hated to leave her brother alone when he was in pain, but Lilith knew best about these things.

"You're probably right. But it might help if he knew you were our three-quarter sister, not half sister like he thinks."


"You know, because Mom's our mom, which makes us half sisters, and we're also at least a quarter demon, which brings us up to three quarters related."

"Em, I... you know what, just get back to work."

Lilith pushed Emily's head back to her pussy. Emily shrugged and resumed licking her sister's tasty, wet pussy.


Meanwhile, a disconsolate Jaime wandered the labyrinthine hallways of the house. He stripped off pieces of his outfit as he walked, leaving behind a trail of adorable girly clothing. Even when fully naked, his cock refused to stand at attention like usual. It was just one more worry to throw on the pile.

"I don't want to be a monster-freak," Jaime said to himself. "I just want to be a normal boy who fucks his sister constantly and gets used by female family members whenever they feel like it. Is that so much to ask?"

Jaime knew that Lilith only being his half sister-or three quarter sister if you did Emily math-didn't really change anything. He still loved her, and she still loved him. Her newly revealed demonic heritage was the scary part to him, even if she'd never, ever hurt him. Not in a way that left permanent marks, anyway.

"And who knows if this is even it," Jaime mumbled. "It could turn out that, like, Mom isn't actually our mom or something. Maybe I'm adopted. Maybe we're all adopted."

The idea of not being genetically connected at all to his family was too horrible for Jaime to dwell on. Emily was his one true love, and their romance was based almost entirely on super hot sibling incest action. He didn't know if they could make it through finding out they weren't related after all.

After figurative literal days of meandering and contemplating, Jaime found himself at his parents' bedroom door. He decided to trust his subconscious and go in.

"Mommy? Aunt K? Can I talk to you?"

Christine and Krissy, Jaime's loving mommy and daddy, were naked, sweaty, and in the midst of a hard fuck-session. Krissy was pounding Christine's pussy into a sexual mush, and had her arm up her sister's ass halfway to the elbow.

"Jaime, honey, it's not a good time," said Christine as she slapped Krissy's leg to get her to slow down.

"I'm sorry, Mommy," Jaime said. "I know you and Aunt K were just trying to fuck all day without interruptions, like you've done basically every day since she moved in, but it's important."

"I think it's serious," Krissy said. "Jai's cock isn't even hard. It's always hard. He's staring right at two totally hot, naked, boning milfs, who are also his parents, and not even a twitch from his dick."

Christine's eyes widened. "Oh shit, you're right." She patted the bed next to her. "Come sit down, sweetie. Tell Mommy what's wrong."

Krissy stopped moving inside Christine, though she remained buried balls and wrist deep inside her. Jaime sat down, still seemingly unaffected by their amazing, mature tits or big, soft asses.

"Mom, I found out you fucked a hellspawn a while back," Jaime said. "And now me and Em and Lil all have fucked up blood in us."

Christine hung her head. "I'm sorry, baby. I wanted to tell you. I had to wait until you were eighteen, because you basically didn't exist before then. Then you started pounding your sister all the time, and I started getting pounded by my sister all the time... there just wasn't a good chance to talk about it with you and Emily."

Jaime remained slumped and broken. "I liked it when I thought we were all fucked up incest-babies. That was normal and made sense. Now I just don't know what to think."

"Jai, you're still a fucked up incest baby," said Krissy. "And so is Emily. Lilith's fucked up in her own way, is all. We're all still a family, and it's still incest when any of us fuck each other, ok?"

Jaime shrugged. "I guess."

Krissy leaned down to whisper in Christine's ear. "He needs some major cheering up."

"I know," Christine whispered back. "But what can we do?"

"You're not going to like this, but I think you're going to have to suck Jaime's cock a little."

"Krissy! Jaime's my son! And what's more, I'm his mother! I could never take advantage of one of my children that way. Sibling incest is perfectly normal and I'm sure everybody does it or thinks about it, even though it's super wrong and bad and illegal. But a parent fucking their child..."

"I understand. It has the possibility of being abusive, and the age difference can be weird. But Jaime's eighteen and you're still in your twenties, so you don't have to worry about being too old for him. And I can assure you that you wouldn't be taking advantage or abusing him."


"Just look at him, Chris. He's a bit sad. Sure he'll get over it in an hour or two and get right back to fucking around with his sisters and never think about it again, but do you really want to let him go through all that pain?"

Christine bit her lip. "It kills me to see him hurting," she said.

"So be a good mommy. Do what your kid needs you to do, even if it's a pretty fucked up thing, and will probably lead to more issues than it prevents now."

Christine nodded. "You're right. I have no choice." She raised her voice. "Jaime? Sweetie?"

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Do you think it would help if..."

"If what?"

Christine took a deep breath. "Would you like Mommy to suck on your penis a little?"


"Not for super hot mother son incest action," Christine said quickly. "Just to help you feel better."

Jaime's cock started to harden, which in turn lifted his mood slightly. "You'd do that for me? Even though you're so firm about not sexually engaging with your children?"

"For you, I'd do anything, baby. You know that."

Jaime was overwhelmed by the love his mommy felt for him. That she'd be willing to take his cock in her mouth just to cheer him up made him realize that they were, indeed, still a family. Whatever happened to them, his sisters, and now his mother, would always be there with willing holes for him to violate. Or vice versa, as applicable.

"Go ahead, Jaime," Krissy encouraged. "Use your mommy's mouth to help you feel better."

Jaime grinned. His cock sprang back to its usual, steel-rigid self. He bounced to his knees and shoved his dick down his mother's throat.

"Oh, Mommy. Your mouth is so soft and comforting."

"That's right," said Krissy, who was immensely turned on by the sight. "Fuck her face a little."

Christine moaned a token protest, but in truth she loved the feeling too much to want it to ever stop. Her mouth and pussy were stuffed with loving incest-cock, and her sister's arm filled her bottom up nicely. She was in sexual heaven. This was the sort of thing she's worried might happen if she let her guard drop even the tiniest amount.

Once Jaime had a good rhythm going on Christine's mouth, Krissy resumed thrusting into her tight mommy-cunt. The two of them pounded Christine vigorously until drool ran down her chin, and pussy juice down her thighs. Krissy even managed to shove her arm further into her sister's ass, then proceeded to give it a good fist-fucking.


Unbeknownst to the three, but knownst to us, Emily had padded sneakily through the hall, right up to the wide open doorway. Her eyes widened in delight as she saw Jaime facially violating their mother, not to mention the absolute reaming she was getting from the other end.

It was perfect. If their mother was taking Jaime's cock in her mouth, it was only a matter of time before she'd have to let Emily fuck her daddy. Jaime had done good. Granted, it probably hadn't been any deliberate scheme on his part, what with his confusion and turmoil and all. Still, though. Emily made a mental note to do something extra special for him.

Lilith, being even sneakier than her baby sister, put her hand on Emily's shoulder before the latter even knew she was there.

"Leave them be, Em," Lilith said.

"I am."

"Really? That doesn't sound like you."

"Well, like, if I run in there right now, there's a chance I can get Daddy Krissy to fuck me, right? Especially if Jai keeps Mom's mouth full so she can't argue against it."

"But it might not work."

"Right. Exactly. I only have a chance at an incest, here. Whereas if I wait and carefully invest the opportunity, I can guarantee many incests in the future."

"Holy shit, Em." Lilith appeared genuinely startled. "That's almost, like, actual mature thinking."

"You think so? I wasn't sure. It goes against all my instincts."

Lilith put her arm around Emily's shoulders. "Turns out you're kinda clever. I knew there was more to you than just being really, really, ridiculously good looking."

Emily tilted her head in confusion. "You did?"

"Not really. Sounded good, though, didn't it?"

"Ha. You got me."

Lilith and Emily stood and watched their mother get banged by her son and sister for a while. Her holes were getting deliciously and incestuously wrecked, and it made for quite a good show. The two hot sisters both got incredibly horny just from watching.

"Hey, Em?" Lilith said. "Want to go back to my room and do disturbing and dangerous things to your various orifices?"

Emily beamed. "Ok!" As they walked away, she thought of something else. "Hey, Lil? Ms. January did this thing with her tongue today. And if you're her daughter..."

"You want to know if I have a secret super long and dextrous tongue too?"


"Maybe if you're a good girl you'll find out."

Emily's pussy flooded with excitement. She could be good. She could be sooo good.


Jaime and Krissy pounded Christine until she was a sloppy, horny mess. It only took Jaime a few hours of vigorously throat-fucking his loving mommy to shake his bad mood entirely.

"Mommy? Is it ok if I cum?" Jaime asked. "I'm feeling much better now, and I'd really like to blow a load in your tummy."

Christine's sex-hazed eyes widened. Getting face-fucked by her son was one thing, but actually swallowing his cum was definitely crossing a line. No mother should drink her son's tasty cum, no matter how hot it was to think about, or how horny she was.

"Mmnngghh hhhgggmm!"


"I think she said 'yes, please fill my mommy tummy with yummy cummy,'" Krissy said. She knew better, of course, but she was too filled with lust to pass up the chance. Jaime unloading his balls into his mother's stomach? Fucking hot.

Jaime unleashed a torrent of semen down Christine's throat. She tried not to swallow, but there was too much of it, and it forced its way past tense throat-muscles. She was ashamed of just how good it felt, and even more ashamed when the feel of the thick, creamy cum in her tummy triggered her orgasm.

Krissy came seconds later, completing the chain of orgasming family members. She unloaded her cum into Christine's pussy and uterus, which hastened the inflation of Christine's midsection.

"Oh shit, look how big Mom's getting," Jaime said. "Do you think we should stop?"

"Nah," Krissy said. "Your Mom's a pro. You should have seen some of the stuff I've done to her. This is nothing."

Jaime and Krissy pumped Christine full, then finally pulled out and let her roll onto her back. Christine's breasts and tummy were absolutely huge with stored cum. Sister-cum gushed back out of her pussy once it was unplugged, which slowly let her body shrink back toward normal.

"Aw, shit," said Krissy. "She's soaking the sheets and mattress."

"How did you not know that was going to happen?" Jaime asked. "You must have filled Mom's pussy up like that lots of times."

"Yeah, I have. I just get so sleepy and unfocused when I cum that hard into one of my sister's tight holes."

"Fair enough. Should I grab a new mattress from the linen closet?"

Krissy looked mildly embarrassed. "This was the last one. I'll have to pick up another pack of them tomorrow. I think there was supposed to be a good sale on twelve-packs."

Jaime nodded. "Probably best to get two or three of those, given this family."

While they waited for Christine to drain, Jaime played with his mommy's boobs a little. She was in too much of a sex-coma to chastise him properly. Her breasts were extra soft and bouncy thanks to all the son-cum inside her.

"We can sleep in my bed," Jaime said. "I mean, it's kind of small for three of us, but it's doable. Me and Em and Lil all fit one night. We had to be naked to save room, though."

"Sounds good to me," said Krissy.

In fact, if Jaime hadn't suggested all sleeping together, Krissy was going to. She was looking forward to the opportunity to snuggle with her son's cute little teenage body. He'd grown into such a hottie, and it was easy to see why Emily adored his butt.

Once Christine's pussy outflow had reduced to a trickle, Krissy licked it to clean up any remaining cum. There was probably still some trapped in Christine's womb, but Krissy didn't really feel like climbing up in there and giving it a proper cleaning. That could wait for morning.

Jaime helped Krissy carry his cum-laden mommy to his room. They rolled her onto the far side of his bed to make as much room as possible. Jaime crawled in behind her and spooned up tightly to his naked mother. His hard cock pressed right up into her lovely, soft ass crack.

Next, Krissy spooned up behind Jaime. Her cock, in turn, pressed dangerously against his butthole. There wasn't much room to spare, so she snuggled as close as she possibly could.

Jaime was tetris'd into an amazingly soft and comfy position for the night. The majority of his body was softly embraced by the warm, loving flesh of one of his super hot parents. Aunt Krissy's dick poking his butt was a little weird, but not to the point of bothering him. Soon enough, he was fast asleep.


A while later, Emily crept into Jaime's room. Her body had been thoroughly abused by her big sister, and she was feeling satisfied and sleepy. All she really wanted was to cuddle up naked with her brother and get some rest. She was surprised and delighted to find her mommy and daddy already in bed with him.

Emily, unable to pass up the chance for naked daddy-cuddles, pulled out her butt plug and kissed it good night. She set her plug on Jaime's dresser, then set about sneakily crawling into bed without disturbing anyone. It took all her ninja skill, but she managed to slip in between Jaime and Krissy without waking them.

With some careful manoeuvring, Emily got settled in behind her brother, and in front of her aunt/daddy. Krissy's erection settled just as nicely against Emily's butt as it had against Jaime's. Emily, though, was ecstatic about the feel of it against her, rather than just indifferent.

Emily was squished into place, and couldn't get back out even if she wanted to. That was just where she wanted to be; suffocated by warm family-flesh. She stuck her thumb in her mouth and went firmly to sleep.

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GoldDust0402GoldDust0402about 6 years ago

"Exactly. I only have a chance at an incest, here. Whereas if I wait and carefully invest the opportunity, I can guarantee many incests in the future."

I'm pretty sure that's the single funniest paragraph I've ever read in my life. God, I love this story.

prop69prop69over 6 years ago
AWESOME Love every chapter.

Amanda & Emily are amazing.

Wish I could move to Littown.

Any trailers for rent?

Can't wait for the next chapter.

prop69prop69over 6 years ago
AWESOME Always one of my FAVORITES

I must admit I do get confused how they can walk to school and no one notice.

So many interesting grouping.

The newest twists with the demons.

What happened with the no pregnancy ring? Did he cum in any of the volleyball girls? NO mention of the ring.

Looking forward to another chapter.

TanhorsTanhorsover 6 years ago
Sexual Xanith.

Congratulations on creating a sexual Xanith.

If you ever feel like writing more do so. We absolutely loved it.

Thank you for the great story,

Tanhors and family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Also, this series is the only story on this website with the homing butt plug tag, which I find simply preposterous. Good on you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Probably the funniest thing I've ever read

Honestly, between Forever and Ever and this series, I'm no longer sure which is the best thing you've ever written. Littown is a top contender for Funniest Thing I've Ever Read, and I've never seen any other story that actually described pregnancy. 5 stars for every chapter, say I!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It is difficult to laugh and masturbate at the same time. But that is what you make me do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Thanks for bringing my favourite series back!

I know and fully understand that you lost interest/drive for this series but it remains my all time favourite LE series! It pack everything from real love, real emotions, real drama, to wildly fun encounters, practical thinking and completely "sound" solutions, mind boggling sex of various descriptions, to simply wonky comedy made of pure gold that never fails to deliver. After reading this chapter I now really hope you'll continue this series even if on non-regular basis, it's too good to simply let it waste away. Giving Lilith more flashed-out background and expanding on E&J's fetishes and circle of friends gives you great room for future escapades full of depraved sexual fun and that nasty incest-love that totally never happened.

5* as always and hopefully it'll be less than 9 month for the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for this chapter of the Saga of Littown. I am glad you shed some light on Lilith's backstory. I know you have lost some interest in this series but this is the series that brought you to my attention and I have love it from the start and it started me reading your other stories. I hope you will add a new chapter once I a while just to keep the laughs up.


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