Saint Ives Whelan Chronicles Ch. 15


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"Well good riddance, I'm sure she would love the look on mine if I ever catch her near you again. You're mine," and with that she lunged for his lips that caught Chris off guard and had them both stumbling backwards, falling on the couch again.

Trapping her in his arms he returned the smothering kiss. His hand buried in her hair, turned her head just that little bit to grant him more access to her warm mouth.

As fast as she had "attacked" him, she pushed herself into a sitting position. Breathing heavily, her eyes traveled over his flushed face and his heaving chest. His muscles clearly visible under the tight T-shirt he was wearing. Surprised by her own possessiveness, she snuggled up.

"Just you remember who you belong to now. I don't share," she whispered softly.

Stroking her hear slowly, he just felt content that their bond had gotten so strong over such a short period of time.

"The same goes for you, sweetie. You're mine as I'm yours, always," he returned in a hushed voice.

Staying like this for a few minutes was what both needed to get their feelings in check and their wolves sated.

"Come one, Mia, I want this over with so I can take you back home and hide for a week," he said with a glint of amusement in his voice.

Disentangling themselves, Mia then straightened her clothes and turned towards Chris, waiting for him to go first.

Grasping her hand, he led her to the workshop. As if their arrival was accompanied by bells and whistles, all the workers turned their head towards their boss.

Real name or Barlow for now? he quickly asked her.

Barlow. Never can be sure enough. That's easier cleared up then saying too much now and getting unwanted attention, she replied.

"Well, there isn't that much to tell, but I'd like to introduce Mia Barlow to you all. My mate," he said before the entire group.

One tall man came closer extended his hand towards Mia. Swiftly shaking hers, he quickly composed himself and said : "Welcome to the family. I really hope you can get some sense into him."

Mia had to smile at the bravado this man was displaying.

"I'm sure I can keep him in check, no worries," she replied reassuringly.

A few more pleasantries were exchanged and not before long they all gathered up close. Yet they stayed cautious, trying not to pry too much. The earlier warning to keep this mating low profile was enough of a heads up so they knew not to ask for details, they would get told in due time.

Mia got caught up in several conversations, most were all just teasing her about being the one to tame their boss.

Looking on from the side was Chris, a content smile plastered on his face. He noticed Thomas standing next to him. It was clear he wanted to ask something but wasn't sure how his question would be received.

"Get out with it already, before you choke yourself," Chris said amused, giving the broad man a nudge against the shoulder.

"Hmm, I don't know how to ask. I know you said she's special and you would explain later. But... thing is... we didn't see her entering the garage, boss. How did she arrive?" Thomas finally blurted out the question.

"I'd love to tell, Thomas, but I can't, not just yet. She's more than she appears to be, but that doesn't bother me. She's mine, that is what matters. We do need a bit of time to smooth some things out and once that is done all will be explained to the pack. So please have some patience with me, I've never let the pack down before and I'm not going to now either," Chris concluded.

"Ok, boss, I trust you. Seems the gossip bitches in the shop will have to wait a bit longer then."

"That makes you head bitch then?" Chris joked.

Thomas turned red, turned and walked away.

Chris still smiled. He knew Thomas was concerned and he couldn't blame him. He hated with holding important information, but a promise was a promise. He was surprised Thomas had waited this long to try and ease his curiosity.

If there was somebody who loved a good gossip, Thomas was the man to turn to. Luckily he did know when he could gossip and when to keep his big mouth shut. If it wasn't for that treat he'd never have made it to his current position in the garage.

Chris made his way over to Mia and circled her waist, standing close behind her.

What do you say about going home? Everything here is sorted and their curiosity has been fed. I want you all to myself now, Chris shared with Mia.

That sounds like heaven. Let's say our goodbye's and be on our way, she replied.

In a matter of minutes they managed to part ways with everyone and make their way over to Chris' car. Not much later they arrived in his underground parking lot.

Taking the elevator or the do we use the fast way? Mia asked.

Chris looked over at her. Stretching out his hand, he cupped the back of her head and pulled her in for a hot, wet kiss.

Does that answer it? was his heated reply.

Grinning against his demanding lips she ported them upstairs with barely registering a sound. Mia chose to let them land on his huge bed.

Turning to each other, the kiss took on another disguise. Before it had showed the passion Chris had bottled up inside of him, now it changed to a hungering, all devouring kiss.

Mia wouldn't have complained if it lasted a bit longer and she didn't hide her displeasure when Chris moved back a bit.

"I'd love to continue as well, love, but there are a few things we really should talk about. The faster the better," Chris explained his actions.

Mia literally pouted, but in the back of her mind she knew this moment was coming, she just didn't feel like it, but it was becoming clear Chris was going to be adamant they'd sort a few things first.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she cuddled up.

"I know, I know, I just don't want our perfect little happy bubble to burst just yet, not now we just found each other."

"I'd be happy to oblige, but you know as well as I do , that your parents, Merlin and me have been talking in more details about things?" he asked.

A confirmative "hmm" was the single reply he got.

"Come, I'll get us something to drink and we can talk on the patio," he calmly said as he nudged her slightly towards the edge of the bed.

Mumbling to herself, she got up and walked out of the room, closely followed by Chris.

"Hey, sweetie, I know it's never an ideal moment to talk about all of this, but it's better to get it over with. Nothing good comes out of stalling," he said while he stopped her and embraced her from behind.

"I just want us to have a good start, all three of us," he added lowering his hands to her tummy.

Leaning into his embrace she again had to agree with him. For so long she'd had to take care of herself and somehow she found it hard to grasp it wasn't just her anymore. It was Chris and their unborn pup now. If they could settle this issue with her father's pack things would be a lot easier. It would actually be a relief not having to hide her heritage anymore.

"You're right, Chris. Let's get out on the patio?" she relented.

"You go ahead, I'll grab us some drinks. What do you want to have?" he asked.

"I'd love a white wine..."

Chris turned her around in his embrace and simply raised an eyebrow at her as he looked down at her tummy.

"Ok, ok, I'll have an OJ. But in nine months' time you better have the best white wine ready you can find out there!" she said with a huff. Of course Chris was right again, but damn giving up her "whity", as she lovingly called her white wine, was going to be hard these first few weeks. She'd always been accustomed to sipping of a single glass each evening, just to unwind and relax after a day's work. At least she was giving that up for the best reason there could be, as her little pout disappeared from her lips as her eyes traveled down.

He brushed his lips against her temple before dipping lower and planting a more firm kiss on her lips.

"Now go and get settled outside," he said as softly slapped her behind, "I'll be right there with some drinks."

She smiled, her little drill sergeant was liking it way too much, all this bossing around, but she liked it, so she allowed it without protesting. If it was somebody else they would already have gotten an earful for trying to let her do things.

Making her way over to the outside sitting area, she pulled two seats together and fluffed up a few pillows before sitting down and making herself comfortable. The talk they were going to have wasn't going to go smooth and she was sure there would be some battering to do to satisfy them both on this topic.

Chris joined her, carrying a tray with some glasses, a jug of what seemed freshly made OJ and small plate filled with crackers. Putting the tray on the small table in front of the seats, he poured them both a glass and handed one to Mia.

"Thank you," she said before taking a sip. Yes, it was indeed freshly made OJ she thought as she licked the sweet flavor of her lips.

"Mia..." came a soft rumbling from next to her. She tried to hide her contentment that a simple innocent move could turn him on so fast. "Don't mock me, woman," he tried sounding stern, but that really made her laugh out loud now.

"Oh sweetie, you're so typically male. One move and all the blood rushes downwards, it's amusing to see really," she teased him.

With a huff that would have suited a grand dame of the beau monde, he sat back in his seat, crossed his legs and sipped of his own drink. For a minute he considered pay back, but contemplating the topic at hand he decided he would get her back for this later. They had stalled enough.

"Mia, how desperate are you about keeping this mating a low profile?" he started, cutting straight to the main issue.

"You promised, Chris," she warned.

"I know, and I'll never break one either. But depending on who knows, we can't know how many we'll get with us when Richard will go and confront his father. If we have the numbers, he'll think twice about doing something rash."

"I'm sorry, Chris, but I'm not budging on this one. The less people know, the better. The faster we get this settled, even better. But I won't let you drag in the pack," she shot back, slightly angry now.

Sighing he replied, "I wouldn't be dragging in the pack, as you call it. I would take our best fighters and would hope that the size of our group and knowledge of which pack we are from will prevent Richard's father acting in a crazy matter. The Whelan pack is known for having excellent fighters, but we only use it as a last resort. We don't attack and ask questions later. We're known for sorting issues in a calm way-"

"I know all that, Chris," she said, interrupting him, "But again I won't have it. If my father has to deal with this I will be right by his side. I'm also quite confident that Merlin will join us too. Knowing what I can already do and knowing my mom is easily a hundred times stronger than me, I can only imagine what Merlin can do. There shouldn't be too many troubles we can't handle."

"No, Mia, you are not coming with us, I won't have it," he countered her. "Your mom and Merlin, fine, but not you."

"Chris, I have to be there, I have to stand by my parents and help them in every way I can."

Chris stood up and started pacing in front of her, his brows set low over his eyes. He stood still in front of her after a few minutes.

"And what about me? Don't I matter at all then? Or the little pup growing inside of you? You want to jeopardize all that?" he ranted. He was getting furious at her stubbornness. Can't she understand I only want to keep her safe?

Mia must have picked up his thoughts.

"How much value to those chairs have, over there?" she asked him.

He followed the direction she was pointing at. It was a new set of teak outdoor furniture. To him it was just furniture, it could be replaced.

"They're not the cheapest, but replaceable if need be," he replied. Now he got curious as to why she wanted to know.

"Look," was all she said as she tipped her head in the direction her finger had pointed in only mere seconds before.

Chris turned and observed.

The chairs started floating in the air, not just one, but all eight of them, joined by the huge table that had stood in the middle of them. She let them flow in different directions, making it obvious she was controlling every single piece separately. As long as they were whirling around you could pick up a slight sway, making it clear they were being controlled in some way.

Mia placed herself in front of Chris facing him. She mumbled a few words in a foreign language and suddenly that sway stopped, and so did all the furniture. Somehow that looked odd, as if they were frozen midair now.

"Yes, Chris, you're seeing it right, I froze them up. I can do that with anything or anyone," she clarified, stressing the last word. "And the group size doesn't matter either, if it's a single one, or ten or a thousand. The freezing is area bound, only now I altered the spell and just made the furniture immobile," she explained. "Now keep watching."

She kept looking at him as he kept his eyes on the furniture as per her request. A breaking sound could be heard and then he noticed that one of the chairs got broken into a million wood splinters that now covered the patio. Wearily he looked at Mia for a second, she was still turned his was, which meant all the things she was doing would surely have to be difficult, she couldn't see what was happening behind her.

One corner of her mouth perked a little, seeing the surprise on his face. She wasn't done yet. With a loud crunching sound, she broke the table in half, separated them and then let the two broken pieces crash into each other. The broken pieces joined the tiny splinters on the deck already.

Her final act contained her splintering the remaining of the frozen chairs all at ones, leaving a huge pile of woodchips. Chris blinked then looked down. A big smile on her face and a look that told him she wouldn't let anyone mess with her. The urge to return her smile bubbled up inside of him, she sure was something.

He looked back at the pile of woodchips, only to notice it was gone.

"Where did it go?"

Mia grinned, "I know of a wood mill not far out of town, they have a huge pile of of the same, only now their pile grew a little bit."

Chris chuckled at her explanation, of course she would come up with something like that.

"Thank you, I guess, for not leaving a mess behind," he gestured at the clean spot where once stood that table and chairs.

He graced her temple with a light brush of his lips before he turned and sat back down. He contemplated what she had shown and told. He couldn't deny she was a force to be reckoned with. He could only imagine how great the power would be of all three of them combined. Four, he correct himself, there was her father too who got a few skills after his mating.

"Actually five, my sweet, you forget yourself," she picked in on his thoughts. "You only found out you can teleport as well, but you will probably get a few more over time. It was like that with my father too."

"I won't make such big of a difference in that regard," he replied.

"You'd be surprised how handy it can be during a fight."

"Have you been in many then?" he countered her.

"The odd one," she admitted, "But that was long ago and was my own fault. Puberty and being a little rebel and not agreeing with the way my mom wanted things, I'll leave it at that."

Chris sighed, it was clear she was able to handle herself, but the knot he had in his stomach wouldn't go away. He couldn't risk losing her, but he was smart enough to realize that she would be joining them one way or the other.

"Still I don't like the idea of going with so few people," he said with a small hint of defeat in his voice, followed by a more firm, "But we'll be out numbered!"

"True, but with Merlin with us, we won't have to hide our heritage and also don't have to hide what we're capable of," she shot back. "There is so much we can do, levitating and teleporting is child's play compared to our full powers. I can do almost anything my mom can, only my range is a bit smaller. I guess that's because I'm only part Ancient, but still."

"I don't know, Mia, I really don't know. My wolf gets too restless knowing you could be in any kind of danger. If not me, then at least consider the new life you're carrying. It would tear me apart if anything happened to either of you," he pleaded.

Mia felt guilt washing over her. His word hit her straight in the heart. For a brief moment she considered giving in, but then she thought about all the other lives that could be at stake. Irrational as her mind was working, the more determent she was to handle this her way.

She walked over to his seat and planted herself on his lap, snaking her arm around his head, pulling him in for a tight hug.

"Do not think for one second I do not cherish the life we've created. As much as I would like to please you, I am not budging on this. We'll handle it ourselves. I'm sure there are some ways my mom and Merlin will make this work. Trust me on this one, that's all I ask, just this once," she said in a firm, yet pleading voice.

His wolf wanted to howl his displeasure at his mate, how could she act so careless with her, no, their lives? Then her tone got to him as well, could she feel like having to prove herself to him? That she was a worthy mate for him? Didn't she know she already was the center of his very being. His wolf whined inside of him, why couldn't she trust us?

Then her last word hit home, she had asked him to trust her. This wasn't about her not trusting him, she did, else she wouldn't have revealed herself in the first place, he gathered. Could she want this to show him she really is a strong contender when it mattered?

During his inner battle his arms had found their way around her and he tightened his grip.

"Ok, on one condition," he gave in.

"And that is?"

"We'll keep our numbers as low as you want IF you let me bring one person. He isn't pack, but he's as close to a brother as anyone can be. If I would have to trust someone blindly to act in our best interest it would be him," he answered.

Mia gave this some thought, if this was all she had to do with to handle this her way then she would agree.

"It's a deal then," she replied agreeably.

The tension in both their bodies left instantly and both snuggled closer into their embrace getting lost into their own little world once again.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
MizTMizTabout 12 years ago

It just keeps getting better. I like that this next step is about trust. For Chris and his wolf I think this is going to be harder than he thinks, maybe. As for Mia she is confident and very very stubborn. I'm hoping her mom has seen the future and can reassure Chris that both Mia and the pup(s) will be just fine. But it's your story so lets see how you wrote it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Full out belly laugh at 1:50 am...

"With a huff that would have suited a grand dame of the beau monde, he sat back in his seat, crossed his legs and sipped of his own drink."


sirreadsalot10sirreadsalot10about 13 years ago

I liked the part at the end where he realizes that it is more about him trusting her than the other way around. Great Job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Not sure what it is but it just doesn't flow right for me, possibly the dialogue, but other than that like the characters and what you've done with the story. :)

(Please don't be put off by that, I mean it to be constructive criticism.)

Cedar_NeedleCedar_Needleabout 13 years ago

I am so attached to this couple! They have so much passion and are so naughty! I am a sucker for romantic men who just love their women, and you’ve written that here perfectly.

You did a great job building towards the confrontation, so write it soon!! I eagerly await what you do next LOL!!

mikothebabymikothebabyabout 13 years ago
thanks for the new chapter

awesome story but please post more often or at least longer chapters - thanks for sharing with us.

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 13 years ago
I really love it!

But it seems to be moving a little slow.

justme713justme713about 13 years ago

I am loving your story, but so short. ;)

Thanks for sharing!!!!

JazCullenJazCullenabout 13 years ago
Love it!

I love the depth of feeling between these two. It's obvious how much they love each other. They can't keep their hands off each other LOL

I also love the fact that Mia is such a strong, powerful woman with her own tricks. She's a perfect match for a man like Chris.

bulltlrbulltlrabout 13 years ago
I just cant get enough....

of these two. She is quite the powerful creature....was wondering what else she is capable of.... Can't wait to see what happens when their mating becomes public.

lucianloverlucianloverabout 13 years ago

Nice one!!!C ant wait to see what happens next.With you I am guaranteed a nice tale!

lostchickenlostchickenabout 13 years ago

I love this chapter - it is as beautifully composed as the previous one ended. Thank you so much for sharing - the sweetness mingled with sexiness is so INCREDIBLY DONE - yes, I shouted that, sorry but it is true! You have such a way with setting tones, giving us a real love affair and I am terribly jealous!

donaldedonaldeabout 13 years ago
excellent chapter

was another great chapter i loved it and can not wait for the next

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