All Comments on 'Salacious Tales Pt. 01'

by JimBob44

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Rainyday493Rainyday4935 months ago

Another smooth tale from your fertile imagination, always worth reading. Entertainment, yes, stimulating, certainly, twisted, sometimes. Keep writing.

amadthonamadthon5 months ago
Great story!

Another cast of interesting characters in an engaging story. I'm happy to see that this is only part one, definitely looking forward to reading more!

sennacherib45sennacherib455 months ago

Another great "historical" story. Thanks JimbobI really enjoyed it..

ZoomdoggieZoomdoggie5 months ago

You left me hanging on the outcome of his sore tooth! Work on it, OK?

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy5 months ago

Looks like JB44 been up to his usual tricks!


HaydenDLinderHaydenDLinder5 months ago

{"You, you are simply wonderful," Eleanor beamed up at her husband.}

Yeah he's a regular Andy Griffith that guy. Always one to help a friend. :)

Loved this one, JB. Def 5 stars.

Just a hell of a lot of fun.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good story, good characters, and great sex! What more could you ask for besides the next chapter! Five stars. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah5 months ago

An engaging story. I’m mainly a fan of LW so I’m used to a bit more conflict, but that’s on me. I love your coon-ass settings. The archaic prose was a nice touch and gave it an old timey tone and flavor. Description of the wedding feast made my stomach growl. The consummation scene was top shelf erotic. A new definition for lard butt.

corrytonmancorrytonman5 months ago
Looking forward to the next chapter

As always, you provide a thoroughly enjoyable story. Thanks!

Ironman52Ironman525 months ago

Very nice change of genre and style. Well done and 5*

rnebularrnebular4 months ago

I love when JimBob does these period peices, very fun to read. Thanks for sharing

elewis00elewis004 months ago

Loved it was a great read.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Another good one. Very good. Keep writing these wonderful stories. Thanks.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill694 months ago

Looking forward to more ! 5 *****

Chimo1961Chimo19614 months ago

Still giggling

ATXmanhereATXmanhereabout 1 month ago

I have read many of your stories - this is the best. Erotic as it is required to be, it also funny and warm with believable characters. Who among us hasn’t seen ourselves living in the Wild Wild West? Free to share pleasure with saloon girls and others ladies of such repute. In our wildest dreams finding a woman as accommodating as Eleanor! Thank you for the creative effort you apply to these stories and for sharing them with us.

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