Samantha's Master Ch. 02


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The fat guy feasting between her legs was a real artist, because he'd been at it for less than five minutes when Sam arched her back and moaned around Kenny's cock, clutching his ass cheeks, pulling him deeper down her throat.

"Fuck the bitch, Stubs!" Kenny cried, as he grasped her hair and pulled her greedy mouth off his cock. He watched her working mouth trying to envelope his cock again, holding her away. "Jeeze," he muttered. "Got to slow this bitch down some. 'Bout blew my first load already. That's the best blow job I ever had."

"Stubs" slithered his chubby body upward between her legs and positioned his stubby cock at her pussy's wet opening. He lunged forward! Sam whined loudly around Kenny's cock, but she didn't pull away. The frustration she'd been building up, showing though. There was no warm-up. Stubs began instantly fucking her like a mongrel dog as soon as he was inside. If Sam felt any pain from his brutal assault, her apparent pleasure was clearly overriding it.

Kenny pulled her greedily sucking mouth away from his twitching cock, breathing heavily, and then simply said, "Aw. Fuck it," and buried it down her throat to his balls. He came almost at once. Through the speakers I heard Sam nearly strangling on the amount of semen he extracted. But she didn't pull back, sucking, gagging, slobbering, and finally, at the last, licking up his overflow. Even then, she tried getting his tender cock back inside her mouth, but Kenny had had enough for the moment.

Nearly as thick as Maze's dick, Stub's was doing a job on Sam's tender cunt walls, pulling the lining out as he withdrew, and then slamming the pussy lining back in with each violent thrust. Sam was making the sounds she always made when she was close to cumming, starting low in her throat, and increasing in volume until she'd be screaming right at the end. Stubs didn't let her get that far before he withdrew, to her muffled complaints. He backed away, looking at the patient man.

"You want a shot of this, James, before I mess it up?"

The quiet, patient man flipped her over doggy style, and entered her from behind, much slower than Stubs had done. If she appreciated it, you couldn't tell, for she instantly began slamming her ass back against him in an attempt to speed his entry. Finally, he grabbed her hips and matched her frantic movements. After days of nearly non-stop fucking by Maze, and then being completely cut off, she was clearly in a frenzy of desire. Except for an occasional grunt form one of the men or a small moan or whimper from Sam, the slapping of James pounding against her ass cheeks, were the only sounds breaking the silence in the room. My own cock was so still it ached, but I was resigned not to be part of Sam's final degradation by touching it.

Stubs was now letting her lick his stubby cock, as she attempted to get it inside her mouth, as James continued hammering into her for about twenty more minutes.

"Cum in her mouth, Stubs. I'm ready to shoot," James muttered.

"Nah. I'm waiting for her ass hole. That's where I'm gonna deposit a load I've been saving up all week for her. Ha, ha."

"Oh shit!" James bellowed as he stiffened, his fingers digging into the flesh on her sides as he unloaded deep inside her clasping pussy. Sam screamed as she also came, a white river shot from the seal around James substantial cock, running down her thighs. I wondered how many more times she'd climax before either the night was through, or she simply passed out. Was this the final step to Maze's promise to "break" her? Possibly. I supposed it could be done.

James fell away to rest a bit, and Stubs took his place behind her. Sam, eyes closed, dragging in deep breaths through an open cum-stained mouth, her face lying to the side on the pillow, didn't even seem aware of him. The camera angle was just right to catch his cock as it pressed against her small puckered anus. Sam tried to move away, but Stubs held firm, his chubby hips lurching forward.

"No... please... no..." Sam was muttering, to no avail.

When I realized the sadistic bastard was going to dry-fuck her, I wanted to scream at him to use some jelly, but I knew he couldn't hear. I watched in horror for the next ten minutes as he alternated between her wet snatch and her ass hole, until he finally got inside. By then, Sam was sobbing. Once the crown made it, the end was inevitable. Soon, he was fucking her with intense purpose. Her sobs didn't let up for a long time as I watched him pull her anus-lining out and then slam it back inside with each brutal lunge. Kenny, now recovered, slid under her and somehow got his monster cock inside her stretched pussy. After that, it was a game changer.

Soon, Samantha was not the victim any longer, but a willing participant to her own brutal debauchery. She started cumming loudly right away, after that, and didn't seem to stop until they both shot their loads inside her. Stubs went first, emptying his balls deep inside her bowels, and before he'd completed, Kenny was also painting her vagina with his river of white cum. Sam kept screaming until they'd pulled out of her, then she collapsed. As they moved aside, James got on top of her, and slid inside her again, as she groaned in protest, but he ignored her. After a while, her legs came up to encircle him, and her arms slid around his neck. He rode her hard and she matched him lunge for lunge, swallowing his tongue when he lowered his face to hers. My cock lurched inside my pants, and spewed as I made one hell of a mess. I staggered out the door and went downstairs to get a drink, maybe sleep. I was finished. Poor Sam.

I returned every few hours for most of the night to find the men were either pulling twos and threes, or singles on her all night. Finally around three o'clock I passed out across my bed and awoke at eight. I rushed upstairs and saw the "quiet guy" roll off her, his cock wet and spent. Samantha looked comatose, lying silent, barely breathing, her eyes closed. Catching his breath, the guy gazed at the other two men for a moment, then staring directly at Stubs, said, "Your turn. We don't want Maze to come in and find us sitting on our asses. I want that bonus money." He grinned. "My dick is so sore I couldn't go another round if my life depended on it."

Stubs groaned and moved over to the bed. "I got to do something to get my dick hard," he said. He lifted Sam's head by her matted hair, and shook it roughly. "Wake up!"

Sam never opened her eyes. He slapped her. Nothing, so he did it again, harder. She groaned. "Come on bitch. Wake up." He growled.

"Tired... so... t..." She muttered.

"I don't give a big rat's ass. If you don't fuck, we don't get paid. So open your eyes and get my dick hard."

She opened her mouth and he inserted his limp cock. After a few minutes it still wasn't working, so he turned his chubby ass around, sticking it up close to her face. "Lick my asshole," he commanded.

I didn't think she would comply, but they must have put her through hell, because she simply spread his fat ass cheeks, exposing his hairy ass hole, and began licking it.

"Come on baby, put some effort into it. Suck on it, stick your tongue inside. Don't make me have to hurt you again like last night."

I wondered what had happened after I went to sleep. How had he hurt her? It must have been pretty bad, because I knew she'd have never licked his ass like this if it weren't.

Loud smacking noises were coming through the speakers as she doubled her approach and I knew she was making the effort he'd wanted. Stubs lay his head on the bed and closed his eyes, enjoying it. "The balls, too, honey. Don't forget the balls," he muttered.

Sam sucked each of his hairy balls inside her mouth and sucked them tenderly, and then went back to sucking and licking his hairy ass hole. It seemed to be working because Stub's cock was slowly inflating. Sam reached between his legs and grasped it, stroking it as she administered to his butt. After about ten minutes Stubs grunted loudly, pulled away, turned quickly around and tried putting his fat cock into her mouth. He wasn't fast enough because he began spewing his spunk all over her face, losing about half of it before he got inside her mouth. The rest went down her throat. Stubs immediately fell forward onto the bed, rasping and gasping for breath.

"Die you motherfucker," I said to the screen. Sam's face was a mess with sticky semen. She didn't even seem to notice.

Stubs slowly got his breathing under control and the coal black guy said, "Shit. That was something! I gotta try that!" He was scurrying over to do that when Maze sauntered in wearing his robe.

"Okay, guys. Time's up and you were great. I saw some of it. Look at her. She's a fucking basket case. Ha ha ha. Take quick shower and get dressed. Come down to the living room after you do." He looked towards the door and I saw the maid had come with him. "Get her cleaned up and dressed. The black dress and matching heels. Make her look nice. This is her debut." He walked out and the maid started trying to get Sam on her feet.

I went down and grabbed a cup of coffee and some toast. I felt nauseous. I saw Gwyn coming out of the garden shed straightening her clothing. A few minutes later she was followed by the two Mexican gardeners. Poor girl. Just another one of Maze's wrecks. I felt completely helpless.

I went back upstairs and found all of them seated in the large living room, Maze handing out stuffed envelopes to the three men. Sam sat alone, her head down, unmoving, except to flinch when Stubs started talking. "Anytime you need help with another one, call. What is this? Three? Four? This one was the best one yet."

They left, leaving Maze and Sam alone. As they left Sam looked up and I could see her eyes. They had a vacant, almost glazed look. Like there was nobody home.


Sam looked up. She looked like Gwyn. Her eyes now expectant and eager, like a puppy who wanted to please its master.

Maze pulled his considerable cock out and let it dangle between his legs. Sam's eyes followed like it was candy and she was a child. "I want you to think about this. Do you ever want to see this cock again?"

Sam eagerly nodded her head, her eyes never leaving it. "I'm gonna take you someplace today. The corner of 62nd Avenue and MLK Way. That's your new home. You're going to fuck for money. When you've accumulated a thousand bucks, come back and I'll let you spend the night. You start wanting some of this cock, make a thousand and knock on the door. Make two thousand, stay two nights. Got it?"

She nodded as realization sunk in.

"I don't give a fig if you fuck one guy for the dough, or a hundred guys, at fifty bucks a throw. Make your thousand and come back. The black street gangs own that area and sometimes rape and rob the hookers, so don't keep the money on your person. If they rape you, go to the bus station or somewhere, clean up, and get back to work. By the way, you look like a million dollars in that dress, so price it accordingly. Go get in the car and Kenny will drive you to the flea bag hotel where you'll have a mattress. Pay your rent or give the grease ball who runs it some pussy, or you'll be sleeping on the streets. Git now!"

Looking dazed but strictly obedient, Sam left without a word. She didn't even look up at the camera. Maze was grinning at the monitor.

"That's how a slave acts, Faker Master. She didn't even argue about it. MLK Way is the Ghetto, Gang bang City, Nigger Town, bubba. Ha ha ha. Give her a couple months and you can go watch her giving blowjobs in alleyways for five bucks a crack. Maybe even pulling the train for one of the black gangs down there. She was easy. More oversexed than Gwyn, I guess. She loves me now, forgotten you even existed. So long, white bread."

The monitor went dead.

I sat there for hours, re-evaluating my life, plotting a course. I relived every minute with Samantha, my role in all this, how I could have prevented it from happening. What a fool. I went down stairs and found Gwyn in the living room. She looked at me expectantly, but I wasn't in that kind of mood.

"What will you do now?"

She shrugged, "Go back to him, I guess. I don't know anything else now." After a moment, she went on. "She won't come back, you know."

"I know."

Gwyn had tears in her eyes, and I wondered if they were for me, or for herself.

I cleared my throat and said, "You can stay here, if you want."

"I can't pay. I can fuck you if you want, but I can't pay."

"No. No fucking required," I smiled at her. "I know a nice lady. Her name is Cleo, and she helps people. All you'll have to do is meet with her for an hour, twice a week and talk. That's it. Will you do that?"

She smiled brightly. "Sure."

After she left, I sat and thought about where I was, and what I should do. Sam had given me access to all her accounts, so I had all the money I needed. I had an unlimited Power of Attorney, so I could live there indefinitely, had a car... yeah, and it'd be an isolated Hell without Samantha with me.

I went to my computer, and ran a name. There'd been a story about a top Private Eye who had ran afoul of the law, and killed some guy. He got Manslaughter Two, and went away for a few years. I recalled reading something in the paper a month previously that he got out. I found him in less than ten minutes. I dialed a number.

"Talk." The voice was raspy, like cigarettes and booze makes a voice raspy.


"Yeah. It's my number, who the fuck you think would answer?"

A tough guy. "You working?"

He laughed. "Yeah. Mall Security. It's a fucking riot."

"You want to do some real work?"

"Talk to me."

"Answer a few questions first. You killed a guy, right? Why?"

"He was a creep. He beat up his wife, then her aging mother, molested his own daughter. That's not why I shot the motherfucker though. He cheated me."

"Okay. Good enough. This won't be an easy task. I want you to find someone, a creep like the one you shot. I don't have much to go on. A street name and number, a license plate. One name that might not be his, and the belief it's a warm state. I have a video of the man."

"That's what I do."

"All expenses and a bonus at the end."

"Sounds good. Where can we meet?"

"I'll call you back with the info."

"You gonna whack him?"

I didn't want to go there at the moment. "Maybe."

"What'd he do to you?"

"Cheated me."

"Then the fucker deserves it."


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Sir GalahadSir Galahadover 4 years ago
One more chapter should finish this ...

Maze is simply too evil to be allowed to live. I would suggest a concluding chapter on the order of this:

Master Jack's private eye tracks down Maze. The shamus recruits a team for Jack, and they penetrate the house, does the staff with rohypnol, and capture the sick sonofabitch. They tie Maze down so he can't move an inch, and then leave. Jack talks to him and explains how evil he is. The special operators downstairs hear a scream.

Cut to a news report. "John Smith, reclusive local millionaire, was found dead in his home this morning. He was tied to his bed with his testicles stuffed into his eye sockets and his penis sewn into his mouth. The police are treating the case as a drug-related murder ..."

Cut to the squad room of the Homicide Squad. Two detectives are discussing the Maze case. "That drug-dealing bastard got what he deserved. Even if it does punt two years of investigation, we know who his deputies are and we can pick them up the first time they make a move."

"I haven't seen anything like that since I was working with the Feds on a joint task force against the Colombian cartels. The Colombians did that to punish guys who messed around with someone else's wife and got caught, to make the point that's a no-no. He must have been one sick bastard. Let's not waste time on this; better we should concentrate on getting his lieutenants and the rest of his organization."

Then Master Jack works with Samantha, Gwyn, and the two other subs Maze broke and turned out, to rebuild their self-images to what they were before he broke them. The therapist eventually accepts that they are born subs, not sexually perverted, and discharges them as "cured." They of their own free will become Master Jack's willing subs. He marries Samantha officially, and privately they marry the other three, and live happy lives in their expanded Dominant/submissive relationship in Sam's house.

MaZeWMaZeWabout 6 years ago

Must admit, this is quite a bit too dark for my personal taste. I feel sick. I really hope my namesake gets what he deserves. And it is nothing good.

Also I hope Sam gets better.

Please don't let this be the terrible end.

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