Same Old Song and Dance Ch. 02


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The gangs also didn't rob anyone; they were more interested in things like Canadian cigarettes. If you remember, back then everyone smoked. We all knew that it was a bad thing, but nearly everyone did it. You didn't because you were a runner even then. But when they started raising the price on cigarettes, everyone took notice of it. A pack of smokes went from seventy-five cents to two dollars, seemingly overnight.

What the gangs did was buy the same brands of cigarettes in bulk, in Canada and then sell them here. And the average Joe, who needed his smokes, was definitely willing to buy the same cigarettes from the gangs at a much lesser cost than he was paying in the stores.

For the gangs, bootleg cigarettes were a huge money maker. They fought over territory and businesses all the time. It was becoming unsafe for the average Joe, because he could step out to go to the store and get caught in the crossfire between the members of one gang and another.

My uncle worked in a grocery store that Ed Norton, frequently visited. My dad knew Ralph Kramden very well. In a strange turn of events, I solved the problem the fall that I was twenty years old, and you left me at home to go to college.

As I'd said, you awakened something in me when we started having sex. I love what we did, but I had begun to realize that I needed everything you could give me ... And more. During the week, I was constantly horny. I screwed your brains out every weekend and sent you back to school all fucked out.

But one Monday morning, bright and early, I went to my uncle's grocery store. I was looking at the pork chops in the meat display, because that was what my mom had sent me to the grocery store to get.

I noticed that my uncle had come into the area, and his eyes were huge. He looked right past me, and I heard him ask, 'What can I get you, Mr. Norton?'

"Pork Chops," I said. I had only heard him ask what he could get for me. So I'd missed out on the Mr. Norton part.

"Hell yeah," snapped a deep voice from behind me. Without straightening up, I turned my head to see who had spoken. There was a large, older man standing behind me, staring at my ass.

I quickly straightened up and wished that I had chosen to wear something other than the tight and tiny shorts that I had worn that day.

My face turned a bright shade of red as I looked at him. But he was very nice to me. He even put my pork chops on his tab. He offered me a ride home, and I accepted because I wanted to talk to him about how the gang situation was tearing up our town.

Maybe it was that low growling voice. Maybe it was just some sort of animal magnetism, but he got me into bed in a nearby motel room. It was the strangest thing that had ever happened to me. Like I told you I was always horny, but sex was something that only you and I did.

I had to think about it. In fact, I thought about it while he fucked me. Somehow, I recognized that what I had done with Norton was just different from what you and I did. In the first place, I had worn him out, yet he had never gotten me to cum. I ended up faking it just to get him to stop.

And after we were done, he had the weirdest look on his face. He listened to everything I had to say, and in principle, he agreed with me on the gang thing. The problem was that he couldn't afford to look weak. But he told me he would put out some feelers to Kramden to see if they could work something out.

So there I was a twenty-year-old girl, who had until recently been a virgin, who'd just talked one of the biggest gangsters in our town into trying to reduce the violence on the street. This guy had guys and girls all over town working for him, but I had convinced him. I also had his phone number, and I was pretty sure that he wanted more of what he'd gotten.

I was torn up in knots. On one hand, I felt guilty about having sex with someone other than you, yet on the other; it hadn't really felt like sex. Sex was me cumming over and over again with you kissing me and giving me the warm feeling in my pussy and my guts. Sex was me losing control and thrusting my pelvis against yours until we both exploded, and you filled me up with hot, sticky sperm. Sex made me dizzy and made my heart almost burst with love for you, Greg.

I felt none of that with him. All I felt was some old man humping me while trying to avoid hyperventilating. It was almost embarrassing for him, because I was usually bored when he was giving me all he had. And on top of that, there was all of the good I could do for our town.

When you got home that weekend, you didn't notice any difference, but I did. Being with Norton had made me realize exactly how much I loved you. If anything, we had even more sex then. But I had been thinking, and I had a plan. Before you and I got together on Sunday, while I was in church, and you were out running as usual, I stood with my father as he shook hands with his entire congregation after the services were over. That was when I first met Ralph Kramden.

My meetings with Ralph went in a different direction. He saw me as a sweet and unassuming young girl. That was probably because I had no tits and not much ass either. It took me a couple of weeks to get into bed with him, and it was about like I expected. He was a married man who considered himself blessed to get some young almost untouched pussy.

Both he and Norton had been married for many years and had kids. You could call their wives a lot of things. They were both very beautiful. They both had very good taste in clothes. They were both very classy women. But neither of them could be called fresh, and neither of them was anywhere near tight.

So both men saw me as a breath of fresh air. It was pure serendipity, and something that couldn't last for very long. I was like a rare, yet inexpensive sexual treat.

I was also in my tri-sexual phase too. That means I would try anything sexual. So when I started whispering to both men about a three way, they were both interested. Of course, it had to be done on the down low, and both men insisted that the third party not be anyone in their circles. It's kind of hard to maintain discipline among your troops when you've both been inside of the same woman at the same time.

So on the day that it went down, we all met up in the spare apartment in the back of my dad's church. It was the same room where we sometimes housed visiting ministers or displaced families.

We got together in the dark. Both of them either trusted me or saw no reason for me to try to hurt them, so they went along with it. It was exciting being fucked by two guys at the same time. We started out with me sucking Mr. Kramden while Norton ate my pussy. Then Ralph fucked me while I sucked Norton's dick. We switched several times until they were both spent, but that was only the warm up. Neither one of the got to fuck my ass. That was because you hadn't done that yet, Honey. Over the course of my entire life, I have never allowed any man to do anything to me that you haven't done first.

So if a guy wanted to try something, like cumming in my face, I had to let you do it to me first. But while we lay there spent, we were just getting started. While they were wheezing and trying to catch their breath, I brought up the problem of regular people getting caught in the crossfire between the gangs.

"I already told you I'd put out feelers to Kramden," said Norton. "I like living here. I don't want to see the town get torn up either, but at the same time, I'm not gonna send my guys out there to be cut up like hamburger, if Kramden's guys are out for blood."

"I have the same problem," said Kramden. "Besides, we ain't never met. How was I supposed to know it was really you?" They suddenly realized who each other was and the talks started in earnest. Over the next few days, they worked out a pretty good agreement and a truce. After that whenever something happened, or they needed to work something out, we always had piece talks. Nope, I didn't mean "peace talks." Basically, I gave them a piece, and they talked.

Honey, it went on for a couple of years before there was a problem. The problem was Joe Frances. Joe knew what was going on. And even though, he was an old classmate of mine, and I thought, a friend. Joe wanted in, he was married, and the bloom was off of the rose. He wasn't getting what he needed at home and wanted to branch out. I was going to be his branch.

He convinced me that if I didn't give him, what Kramden and Norton were getting, he would tell you. I reminded him that if I told either one of them, he would disappear, never to be heard from again. He told me that if anything happened to him, a friend of his had an envelope that would let everything out in the open. Not only would everyone in town know, but Kramden and Norton would end up divorced, and implicated in his disappearance. And as icing on the cake, I would still lose you. I had no choice. I didn't mix Joe in with Kramden and Norton because he was afraid of them. But I did start giving Joe a piece, once or twice a month.

It was about that time or a little bit later, you and I had been married for about a year, that I discovered that I was pregnant. I had no doubt that you were the father. You were the only one who got to fuck me without a condom, and I was on the pill at the same time. There was no way that anyone else could have been the father.

I was just as sure a couple of years later, when Terry came along. By then there were several more possible fathers but once again, there was no way he could have been anyone's but yours; it made no sense.

Over the past few years, I've begun to slow down and to be honest with the exception of you, Ralph, Ed, and Joe who'd married again to his third wife and still wants me on the side; no one really even looks at me. I'm not exactly a hot chick anymore. I've turned into more of a comfortable fuck than a hot, tight, fresh young girl. But through all of this, Greg, I have never loved anyone except you. No man that I have ever met or had sex with, has ever been a threat to what we have.

I swear to you on my mother and father's graves that I had no idea that Terry and Sherry weren't yours. As bad as it seems, I'd have aborted them if I'd known. I have no interest in having anyone's children except yours."

I looked him in the eye, and his expression was hard to read. But it gave me an idea.

"Greg, I know that the kids are a big part of your anger," I said. "And I know what I said earlier about us living for ourselves and us traveling, but if the kids are the problem, I owe you two more children. I'm sure you've seen the story in the news about the sixty five-year-old woman having quadruplets. I'll have my tubes untied, and you can knock me up two more times."

He just shook his head. I smiled at him. I had noticed that he couldn't take his eyes off of me. I flipped my hair out of my eyes, and it settled back in place. I was sure that things were going well.

"God, it felt good to get that off my chest," I said. "I feel as if the weight of the world was off of my shoulders."

My lawyer beside me was just staring at me. Greg's lawyer was too. Greg, on the other hand, couldn't meet my gaze.

"I think that if we just talk, like we just did, we can probably do without the counseling," I said. "I've heard that sessions with a shrink are expensive." It was then that I noticed the tears running down Greg's cheeks. He wiped his face with his sleeve and then stood up.

He whispered something just out of range of my hearing and nodded at his lawyer.

"We'll be in touch," said Greg's attorney. Then they both turned and walked out of the office.

"I think that went well," I said to my attorney. For a long time neither of us said anything. It was so quiet in his office that you could hear a cricket from outside chirping.

"Over the years, I've done hundreds of divorces," he said. "Divorce cases are never pleasant. Maybe that's why they're so God Damned expensive. However, in all of that time, I have never met a psychopath, like you. You seem just to spin the rules as you go along. You seem to have a reason for everything. The only reason I'm not quitting right now, is because it would be unethical for me to abandon the case when it is so close to ending. Doing so would only prolong that poor man's pain and ..."

"What the hell do you mean his pain?" I screeched. "He wanted to know what happened. I told him. I told him that I loved him and only him. I told him that when we got together, he got me started with sex. I needed more than he could give me, so I used my needs to help the town that both of us love. It's over now. I'm quitting. We can cancel the divorce and move on."

"But ..." he said raising a finger.

"But my ass," I snapped. "Did you not hear me explain to him that I had no idea the kids weren't his?"

"But ..." He began again.

"Did you not fucking hear me offer to get my tubes untied and have two more babies at my age?" I said. "I know the man. I've been in love with him for twenty-plus years. I know him better than anyone on the planet."

"Did you not hear what he said to his lawyer, just before he left," asked my attorney.

"I couldn't make it out," I said. "He probably told his lawyer that he needed some time to think about things. He'll think about it for a couple of days, and then he'll call me; you watch."

"That wasn't what he said," said my lawyer.

"Alright smart ass. What did he say?" I asked.

"He said he'd been married to you and loved you for all of these years, but he never really knew you at all," said my lawyer.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Donna is delusional, Greg was gullible. It was Greg's worst nightmare, like pounding a wooden stake into his heart. (Lucky the kids weren't there?)

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This is borderline imbecilic.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

to me, this is a well written and crafted story, im so stunned and enthralled [ like looking at a snake catching and eating prey, disgusted but cant look away, despairing for the prey but not interfering] , i keep reading totally unable to see where it's going(except for divorce certain) or what s coming next. great job. rk

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Agree with prior commenter. This was surreal and crazy on steroids. The wife is a true psychopath. Wtf? This author has wi es cheat for the most insane reasons... also laughable that she can't get the crime bosses to scare the crap of out of the guy blackmailing her and by extension them. You don't blackmail crime bosses. Stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

This was just nuts. Not even sure how to classify which psychosis his wife of 20 years has. It is surreal. This author has the craziest reasons for his loving wives characters to cheat. Here ahe is a nympho who craves sex with other and though she doesn't derive much in the way of orgasms from her extramarital activities (supposedly), despite doing group sex and other kinks, no what gets her motor running is that she is selflessly (lol right) acting a peacemaker between two rival gangs and screwing blackmailers to boot. Just crazy. And the last chapter is a totally different story. The wife is obsessed with her husband to thr detriment of her kids and literally acts as if she is missing a part of her soul post divorce but she has cheated on her husband for 22 years or so. Weird.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Uggh. This story is spiraling out of control...

NitpicNitpicalmost 2 years ago

Again far too long for what it is.Why would his PI think to do a DNA test,and more importantly,how did she get five samples.Like wise there is no way his PI could find out Donna had been with nineteen men.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

4 Stars as Donna is BSC for sure . Marry Tara and start over again . The kids already like Tara better then the whore called Donna . I feel sorry for the kids especially Debbie.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

3 stars - this chapter is a few bricks short of a full load, or one wheel dragging in the sand.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

"Greg, that would destroy a lot of families," she said. "It would tear the town apart."

The truth is all that matters. All those other people should continue to be victimized?!?


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

If you want a good story skip the epilog in the next part. I'm convinced SS06 got stuck in his garage with his mustang running when he wrote it

MarkT63MarkT63almost 4 years ago

Idiot psychopath wife!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I Think My Name Must Have Been

Greg or Terry and it wasn't even in another life.

"My plan was that I was going to trap Terry into marrying me. And like I said, it is a terrible thing to do." Anyone who didn't see this one coming hasn't read many of SS's stories.

"Of course, they cheered the loudest when Terry's dad went up on stage to get his award for his car as the best stock vehicle in the show, and again for the best modern muscle car." Stock?

"Why the fuck are you asking me?" I screamed. "I think you should ask her God damned FATHER! If you even know who he is!" Again, anyone who didn't see this one coming hasn't read many of SS's stories.

"I'd estimate that YOU do it every time McDonald's sells a hamburger," I spat." I loved this line, but at least none of mine were named Donna.

"A husband who worshiped the ground you slimed over and three great kids." Fuck a duck, I almost missed this one.

However, in all of that time, I have never met a psychopath, like you. You seem just to spin the rules as you go along. You seem to have a reason for everything. The only reason I'm not quitting right now, is because it would be unethical for me to abandon the case when it is so close to ending. Wow, be still my beating heart, an honest lawyer. Also, in Michigan at least, the judge has to approve an attorney withdrawing from the case.

So far Greg and Terry are taking my often plagerized advice of "Run, Forrest, Run." Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Blah, blah, blah! This is one of the wordiest "going nowhere" stories I've read here in a long while. I mean, 15 pages to find out the wife and the girlfriend are both cheating sluts. It seems like too much muck to wade through for way too little reward at the end. And still a whole other chapter yet to go. I hope there's a hell of a payoff for all the work and the wait. 2*.

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 8 years ago

I actually feel sorry for Donna now. She isn't a healthy person in mind or heart.

I truly believe she loves Greg desperately but needs professional help.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 9 years ago

This cheating whore Donna may just be the most insane woman I've ever read about, heard of on the news or met in person. She at the very least belongs in a sanitarium in the rubber room in a strait jacket. Fucking incredible. One more chapter...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Another dumber than dumb. Wife story. From this writer

You rarely ever change your stripes . Always the dumbest wife ever.

mcbsmcbsabout 9 years ago
No sex until after Med School?

" Lana intended on going to the alter as a virgin. She also intended to wait until she graduated and went to med school to marry" She's going to wait until she's 26? Bullshit!

I'm assuming the story about Donna saving the town from the imported cigaret desperados is meant as satire? Drive by shootings over Canadian cigarets, eh?

A word to Anonymous with comment titled "Not Bad". Do you not know the difference between a comment and a complete story? Don't get me wrong. It's an interesting story. Just too long for a comment.

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 9 years ago
Read the Title

No point in complaining. The title tells us all we need to know.

By the way, you use the word "purposefully" a couple of times. This means he acted with purpose or in a determined fashion. I think you mean "purposely". This means he acted on purpose or intentionally.

LaneBagginsLaneBagginsabout 9 years ago
I Cheated

Went over to SOL yesterday and read the entire story. Story is typical SS06 stuff and goes well until that ---- epilog which destroys the story. Will give this one ***** but if that epilog stays in the last chapter will be a *.

bruce22bruce22about 9 years ago
My Lord

This is just a more extreme example of the SS stories.This wife is out left field looking for pretty pebbles.

senorlongosenorlongoabout 9 years ago
Why is it that when caught

cheaters always think it's a justification to say it was just sex? Isn't that what makes it cheating in the first place? I agree with the lawyer's assessment--she is a psychopath...a nut-job of the first order.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I can see some women thinking like Her. Have even known one. Look forward to your stories, keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

OK Stang, time to step it up. We know you've got it in you, and no, I didn't cheat and read the SOL version yet.

Thanks for all your hard work. I'll vote after i have read the full story,

Doc in OK

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I like your stories but this one is nuts. But then I remembered, engineers design equipment and not working systems. Any one who has every worked on a car knows this.

sinothetimessinothetimesabout 9 years ago
An honest title

It baffles me why someone would go to so much trouble to write essentially the same story over and over again. But then lots of things baffle me.

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